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RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard | OT | BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil


Dude, what's up with the user score on metacritic?


This is really sad. Lots of old fan who simply hate it for being FPS and might not even play the game just spread their hate everywhere. Metacritic, FB comment, etc. You can tell by Outlast comparison in their comment.

We finally have horror RE for once but some people are just too close mind to accept any change. It will be tragedy if good game like this fail. We might not ever get anything close to survival horror again.


Junior Member
This is really sad. Lots of old fan who simply hate it for being FPS and might not even play the game just spread their hate everywhere. Metacritic, FB comment, etc. You can tell by Outlast comparison in their comment.

We finally have horror RE for once but some people are just too close mind to accept any change. It will be tragedy if good game like this fail. We might not ever get anything close to survival horror again.
Man I hope a lot of people buy this. Send the message that we want horror games back becuase gaming is where you really feel horror.


This is so very false from what I've played.

No puzzles at all so far, deceptively linear, chase and hide and seek gameplay and RE1 let you clear areas of enemies while in RE7 he just keeps coming back to life making using ammo on him a waste of time.

Dont need to jump to conclusion so quick. Maybe finish the game first? When people say it is RE1 it doesnt mean the game has to be exact carbon copy of that damn game, you know?


I had to stop myself from playing the very first minutes of the game to note that the playable VHS cassette flashback levels are a fantastic idea. Super cool with the distorted graphics and the positive surprise of getting this instead of CGI trash.
This is really sad. Lots of old fan who simply hate it for being FPS and might not even play the game just spread their hate everywhere. Metacritic, FB comment, etc. You can tell by Outlast comparison in their comment.

We finally have horror RE for once but some people are just too close mind to accept any change. It will be tragedy if good game like this fail. We might not ever get anything close to survival horror again.

It's not going to fail due to user reviews. Developers/Publishers aren't stupid enough to just look at Metacritic user reviews. The critical reception for this is stellar, and the majority of impressions I've read on GAF, Gfaqs, and Reddit have been mostly positive. Some people are even shocked/surprised it's so good. Let's just hope people are putting their money where their mouths are.
This is so very false from what I've played.

No puzzles at all so far, deceptively linear, chase and hide and seek gameplay and RE1 let you clear areas of enemies while in RE7 he just keeps coming back to life making using ammo on him a waste of time.

The maps have fewer rooms, but the exploration is very mch akin to the old games after the demo area. Hide and seek all in all should be 10 minutes during the beginning (before you get a gun) and then in optional sections.

You're probably confusing puzzles with fetch quests.

Zombies didn't respawn over time in RE1, just when certain progress milestones were hit.

Jack is obviously more like RE2(Mr.X), REmake (Lisa) and Nemesis. Though his death/spawn mechanics certainly aren't a carbon copy of prior titles.... because RE7 is a game from 2017.


is someone here on Xbox and redeemed the preorder dlc? for me it is the burner and shotgun set but under ready to install is nothing


People playing in VR...are you using a digital turning feature like the default in the demo or are you on analog?

Is the analog making you queasy?

Shit there's actually other settings?! We didn't know because the game throws you into the tutorial and then right into the game with no menu or options.

What's the difference then? Is one preferred over the other because the default was making us queasy and if there's an option to fix the camera and controls then it could be something big. Lol


So I'm playing in VR, with all the settings as normal and fast as possible and have zero motion sickness. I'm at the second save. Holy moly this is the scariest game I've ever played! It's absolutely terrifying and I love it.

When you watch a horror movie you can cover your eyes with your hands and peak through your fingers. In VR you can't do that....but I've learned how to squint my eyes closed as I go through a dark doorway, afraid of the possibility of a jumpscare.

I feel like I'm in a good horror movie. Some of the actors are better than others, but the director seems to be a master of the genre.


thats good to hear then. im over an hour, but i am going super slow. I just
grabbed the statuette thing from a tub and jack came back again

That's where I am too and up to that point i have been running away from everything too, took me 98 minutes to get there.

I don't mind that much I adore this game so far but it is nice to hear more choices open up in how you play.


Junior Member
So I'm playing in VR, with all the settings as normal and fast as possible and have zero motion sickness. I'm at the second save. Holy moly this is the scariest game I've ever played! It's absolutely terrifying and I love it.

When you watch a horror movie you can cover your eyes with your hands and peak through your fingers. In VR you can't do that....but I've learned how to squint my eyes closed as I go through a dark doorway, afraid of the possibility of a jumpscare.

I feel like I'm in a good horror movie. Some of the actors are better than others, but the director seems to be a master of the genre.
Right it's honesly the scariest game ever in VR no doubt. I have been playing for 2 hours but only the game for like 45 minutes. It's to immersive and the sounds with head phones on.


This is really sad. Lots of old fan who simply hate it for being FPS and might not even play the game just spread their hate everywhere. Metacritic, FB comment, etc. You can tell by Outlast comparison in their comment.

We finally have horror RE for once but some people are just too close mind to accept any change. It will be tragedy if good game like this fail. We might not ever get anything close to survival horror again.

It seems lots of newer fans really like the empowering action hero me vs. BOW gameplay that the past few numbered installments have pushed. I don't think they ever really liked the horror elements to begin with.


Okay thanks.

Also regarding the molded, is
there body part specific damage like it RE4 or dismemberment? I saw a hint saying that you can tear them apart so I'm just wondering. I just wasted a lot of ammo on the incinerator molded and wondered if I could klll by targeting it's big arm as a weak point or something. Or is it all headshots?

Best way to go with
Molded in my experience is headshots
. Haven't had much luck with any other strategy, although some may know different.


Oh I just wanted to say as a RE fan since 1996 and was pretty much done with the franchise since RE5...RE7 is fucking awesome. Granted I'm still early in but the mystery of the mansion, surrounding area as well as the details and notes you find just harken back to '96 and freaking the fuck out.

It's funny because back then playing RE for the first time it was myself and a friend playing where we would take turns when one died or got too freaked out. 21 years later and I'm doing the same thing, playing the new RE with friends and in VR freaking the fuck out...lol


thats good to hear then. im over an hour, but i am going super slow. I just
grabbed the statuette thing from a tub and jack came back again

That's where I am too and up to that point i have been running away from everything too, took me 98 minutes to get there.

I don't mind that much I adore this game so far but it is nice to hear more choices open up in how you play.

You'll be killing shit very soon.
It's funny because back then playing RE for the first time it was myself and a friend playing where we would take turns when one died or got too freaked out. 21 years later and I'm doing the same thing, playing the new RE with friends and in VR freaking the fuck out...lol

Aww man, Residrink Evil 7 would be a fucking fun party game. Might have to do that instead of Drunk Souls next time my friends and I get together.


It's not a "run and hide" game. You don't hide in closets or under beds. There are enemies you can't permanently kill so it's best to avoid them. Just like tyrant and nemesis in the old games. They are there to keep you on your toes.
Regular enemies can be avoided to save ammo.
It's exactly like the old RE games,


Demo for me was a disappointment, game is good.
But the encounter design Vs.

...Jack Baker is getting boring after two times

It makes me want to reinstall Alien: Isolation.
It's not a "run and hide" game. You don't hide in closets or under beds. There are enemies you can't permanently kill so it's best to avoid them. Just like tyrant and nemesis in the old games. They are there to keep you on your toes.
Regular enemies can be avoided to save ammo.
It's exactly like the old RE games,

couldnt you fight nemesis every time and temporarily "kill" him? I think he even dropped good items iirc


People are complaining about being able to run? Ammo conservation is like RE 101. If something let's me run, I'm running.
couldnt you fight nemesis every time and temporarily "kill" him? I think he even dropped good items iirc

And then he stood up again in a mini-cutscene after leaving the room, because a title from like 2000 couldn't do it any better (i.e. like Jack Baker nowadays, who can also be "killed"/stunned).
Sorry if it's posted somewhere but I've been trying to maintain blackout and will be buying the game soon. Does it already have a Pro update that benefits the VR mode?
Only 2 hours in and I don't know... RE4 is scarier so far. Not feeling the atmosphere.

I have the exact same feeling. Maybe I should have started madhouse... but then again going down in a few hits doesn't seem tempting.

Gonna play tonight but I basically finished
garage sequence
last night. So hoping it gets better
And then he stood up again in a mini-cutscene after leaving the room, because a title from like 2000 couldn't do it any better (i.e. like Jack Baker nowadays, who can also be "killed" - stunned).

Oh, I unloaded all the ammo I had into jack and all he did was kneel down then get right back up


The puzzles are really easy with way too many hints. I shouldn't have started on normal difficulty. 4 hours in so far. Looking for a lamp.
I never experienced nausea in VR until playing this last night. It is immersive and looks great with VR and the Pro but the way the camera behaves when looking around and how jerky it is because it tries snapping to look at a direction, it really disorientates you and isn't smooth at all which led to myself and friends getting sick and quitting from the game last night.

So as a result I'll be pressing on without VR.

It's not terrible. Just leave it on the degree turning and you should do fine. I really don't have the biggest VR legs and getting sick with Robinson but I have been playing for a hour and feel fine. You will be taking a lot of breaks tho becuase it's absolutely fucking terrifying :O

Thanks a lot! From what I have read here and on the web, it seems that the game is perfect for VR. I've tried previously a lot PS VR games as a friend of mine managed to snatch a unit and only experienced a bad gut feeling during the Croft Manor in ROTR.


Man I am loving this game so far. Only got to play a couple of hours but I am looking forward to getting home from work and playing it in a dark room again.
This is so very false from what I've played.

No puzzles at all so far, deceptively linear, chase and hide and seek gameplay and RE1 let you clear areas of enemies while in RE7 he just keeps coming back to life making using ammo on him a waste of time.

So he's like Nemesis.

How far is so far?
I've run into two puzzles so far. I'm backtracking and exploring a lot throughout the house. I got to the basement and the Dulvey house so far feels so much like the Spencer Mansion. Weird contraptions. Needing to collect emblems of mythical animals to unlock doors. You can definitely clear the basement of enemies from what I've seen.
It's RE1 with RE3's nemesis. So far I haven't noticed anything lacking that wasn't in RE1. In fact, it's adding on more. I'm even having to run back to the item box all the time to store my stuff so I can keep exploring like in RE1. The Safe Rooms feel like actual safe havens.


Junior Member
Sorry if it's posted somewhere but I've been trying to maintain blackout and will be buying the game soon. Does it already have a Pro update that benefits the VR mode?
It looks fantastic on the pro you really feel there. The outside is bad so be prepared for that at the beggingin, but once you get inside it's really good looking. Well good looking isn't a good descriptive becuase it's a hideous game world with mold everywhere.
Best way to go with
Molded in my experience is headshots
. Haven't had much luck with any other strategy, although some may know different.

I've been trying to tediously kill every molded with my pocket knife. Multiple headslashes seems faster than a charge stab. I had to use enhanced handgun ammo on the big arm Travis molded though. Only took 3 enhanced bullet headshots.


The enemies are not messing around in this game, I like how they leap at you if you just shoot their legs off and shield their head if you go for headshots
Hey guys, no spoilers what seems to be the consensus around PSVR in this game? Is it a really good experience? How is it on a motion sickness scale? Thanks


Wait am I supposed to have the shotgun before going into the basement?

I didn't.

I keep seeing people mention the
broken shotgun
, where is it?

Not the first time you go down.
You need to go down there without it, grab the scorpion key, then go to grandma's room and use the key to get the broken shotgun, then get the actual shotgun, and then you can actually fight off the 6 moldmen and get to the dissection room. Probably possible without it, but those moldmen are not easy to get down, especially when 4 of them surround you.
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