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Resident Evil 7 - New Gameplay Videos & Articles


Personally, I'm very happy they've done away with the super hero anime soap opera. It's esoteric and cringe.
There is some sprinting in the videos. It's important to note that this is B-roll footage, meaning that it's likely dramatized gameplay and not indicative of how a player will actually play.

Everyone needs to remember Doom 2016 pre-release and the reason not to trust B-roll footage


Watched only that GamesRadar video since I assume all them go over pretty much the same stuff and I have one thing specific for them. Fuck off with the "the damage RE5 and RE6 did to the brand". If those games damaged the brand then so did RE4, Revelations 1 and Revelations 2.

Game is looking good but that combat doesn't look too hot. Hoping it is more fun when playing than when watching it.

Completely agree. I said the same thing, or at least tried to. We're not calling RE4 a bad game. But it was where the action shift started. So it's still in the category of "blame" for RE going down that route.

There's always a lot of "I hate action RE", but 4 is convenitely left out despite being just that .
Well yeah 6 might have damaged the brand. I am way more upset about people constantly shitting up on 5 when it is just RE4 but better in everyway. And even then both of those are best selling Capcom games so 5 definitely didn't damage the brand.

Very few people hold this opinion.


100% agree----The sad thing is that the revelations games usually have a cheese sandwich budget :(
you know the ones that they give you when you forget your lunch-card at school?

You know, I've heard a few people say this, but outside of some assets recycled from RE6 in RER2's arcade-y Raid Mode, the game's overall budget felt fine, with similar scope and variety to any of the old-school titles. And RER1 felt especially premium with the decadent setting and operatic soundtrack they gave it. Neither game feels cheap to me, and I'd gladly take an RER3 at similar budget or higher.
Just put Zombies in it, you're so close capcom.

I think that we could see zombies, but they'll be a special kind of zombie instead of just the standard enemy type that's easy to kill. They've said that there will be fewer enemies in this game, but they want those few enemies to be memorable. Aoife in the Eurogamer preview mentions an enemy type she ran across called the "Molded People". She said they reminded of her of the Regenerators from RE4. So, if zombies do appear i'd expect to see something more along the lines of a Crimson Head.


RE6 absolutely damaged the brand. There's a reason Capcom completely changed course for this game. It's great if you love that game, but it doesn't change reality.

I'd say this is debatable. It's technically one of their largest commercial successes. The critical reception wasn't that great, but I think the sales say that general fan reception was likely higher than the critics.

However there wasn't anywhere else to go with that formula. They would've had to go to Call of Duty levels of ridiculous and start fighting monsters in space to exceed the scale and spectacle of 6.

But I don't know, I still mourn the loss of the gameplay style of 4-6. I can't imagine them being able to go back to it after 7, no matter how it performs commercially. It would be an awkward shift back, and would even further split the fanbase. Maybe an offshoot series called STARS or something :\ I just want to shoot zombies in the shin and do cool moves and rack up massive Mercenaries combos with a friend. I also love the old cast.


Neo Member
The hype is so real for me with RE7. I've been open minded about it since they revealed it, but catching the 20th Anniversary Tour and playing the lantern demo sold me. It was actually my first VR experience and I didn't really get uncomfortable. The only thing that made it felt weird was the trailer bouncing around from people walking on it which made me feel unstable. These molder creatures look so neat, too. Glad to see theres more than just the Bakers.


Personally, I'm very happy they've done away with the super hero anime soap opera. It's esoteric and cringe.

If we are getting other action games, I don't think that will be going anywhere. Hell I expect to see it in RE2make. You could argue even some of that is in RE1-3.

Very few people hold this opinion.
Yeah, I'd say it's obviously worse in every way other than graphics, unless you value co-op over all kinds of other qualities.

Still, there are things it did better. Only someone absolutely blinded would say otherwise. Mainly in the combat gameplay department. More contextual Melee was a huge benefit to the formula.
I'd say this is debatable. It's technically one of their largest commercial successes. The critical reception wasn't that great, but I think the sales say that general fan reception was likely higher than the critics.

However there wasn't anywhere else to go with that formula. They would've had to go to Call of Duty levels of ridiculous and start fighting monsters in space to increase the scale and spectacle of 6.

But I don't know, I still mourn the loss of the gameplay style of 4-6. I can't imagine them being able to go back to it after 7, no matter how it performs commercially. It would be an awkward shift back, and would even further split the fanbase. Maybe an offshoot series called STARS or something :\ I just want to shoot zombies in the shin and do cool moves and rack up massive Mercenaries combos with a friend.

I don't think it's debatable at all. A commercial success can still damage a brand. No Man's Sky and Hello Games are damaged goods and that game sold quite well.

If RE7 had continued down the road of RE6, very few people would be interested in it, outside of core RE diehards. There's a reason Capcom changed direction for the series after RE0 and there's a reason they did so again with RE7.

Still, there are things it did better. Only someone absolutely blinded would say otherwise. Mainly in the combat gameplay department. More contextual Melee was a huge benefit to the formula.

Sure, it did some things better. I'm not knocking the game. I like it a lot.


Loves Robotech S1
Tbf, what RE stood for before RE4 was really stale at the time.

Remember RE0 came out before it, the weakest old school RE game.

It was a good change for the time, it got worse later on though.

the problem wasn't that the series was stale, it was the 0 was a stale game. they didn't need to completely change the formula, they just needed to make something better. :p

not that i'm one of those people who was ever bitter about getting one of the best action games of all time out of the change though, i'm just saying 0 was more like the cause of fatigue than a symptom.

Well yeah 6 might have damaged the brand. I am way more upset about people constantly shitting up on 5 when it is just RE4 but better in everyway. And even then both of those are best selling Capcom games so 5 definitely didn't damage the brand.
only if you value minor mechanical refinements and ignore the huge sacrifices in level design, encounter design, pacing and creativity in favor of co-op.
My wife has been playing resident evil 4 and loving it. She's ready to try her next TPS. The Last of Us is queued up, I hope this game is good too because she wants to try more resident evil. I told her that the others don't have as much to offer.


Footage looked great. Loved the atmosphere and the lack of any prompts.

One side question though: does anyone know who the actors are portraying the Baker family? Been doing a bit of research myself and really haven't found any details.
Tbf, what RE stood for before RE4 was really stale at the time.

Remember RE0 came out before it, the weakest old school RE game.

It was a good change for the time, it got worse later on though.

And REmake just before that was the best in the series. The gameplay needed change, but not the genre. I.e. the RE3.5 that came out before the final RE4 looked like a much better evolution/modernization of the series, which now finally got back on track starting with Revelations 2.
Agreed with that. I know there are people who like the characters and story of RE... but man, it was just over the top bad.

I liked the campiness, but it was definitely time to try something new. In 2016 / 2017, you're limiting your audience big time with that style of presentation. Imagine if Batman in television and film had never evolved beyond the 60's TV series.


I don't think it's debatable at all. A commercial success can still damage a brand. No Man's Sky and Hello Games are damaged goods and that game sold quite well.

If RE7 had continued down the road of RE6, very few people would be interested in it, outside of core RE diehards. There's a reason Capcom changed direction for the series after RE0 and there's a reason they did so again with RE7.

You say that like RE6.5, would have repeated the mistakes of the past and not listened to any feedback. Since we're never getting the Third Person RE7 it doesn't matter much. But I doubt they would have ignored feedback. They listened to feedback and fixed what they could in patches after launch, such as FoV and QTR turn off for insta death.

I still imagine a Third Person RE7 would have tried to take the series back to being more like RE4. It would've dropped the coop (save it for mercs), and got back for a more focused adventure rather than episodes. You could realistically have RE6 style gameplay in a more tense environment like RE4 showed with its gameplay back in the day.

Plus so long as capcom knew what they had on their hands was good, they could have allowed early reviews and previews like we are getting with RE7 to tell people "this fixes what you didn't like on 6".

This is all just assumptions though. Maybe they would have made RE7 after 6 and listened to no feedback. We'll never know.



Out of curiosity, what difference does this make?

Some people like their games to be the same thing each time.

Unless they actually are the same thing each time, in which case they don't like it either.

You say that like RE6.5, would have repeated the mistakes of the past and not listened to any feedback. Since we're never getting the Third Person RE7 it doesn't matter much. But I doubt they would have ignored feedback. They listened to feedback and fixed what they could in patches after launch, such as FoV and QTR turn off for insta death.

I still imagine a Third Person RE7 would have tried to take the series back to being more like RE4. It would've dropped the coop (save it for mercs), and got back for a more focused adventure rather than episodes. You could realistically have RE6 style gameplay in a more tense environment like RE4 showed with its gameplay back in the day.

Plus so long as capcom knew what they had on their hands was good, they could have allowed early reviews and previews like we are getting with RE7 to tell people "this fixes what you didn't like on 6".

This is all just assumptions though. Maybe they would have made RE7 after 6 and listened to no feedback. We'll never know.

Well, a lot of this sounds like Revelations 2, and a lot of people didn't like that one because it wasn't good enough at either action or horror. Yourself included, iirc.
I'd say this is debatable. It's technically one of their largest commercial successes. The critical reception wasn't that great, but I think the sales say that general fan reception was likely higher than the critics.

However there wasn't anywhere else to go with that formula. They would've had to go to Call of Duty levels of ridiculous and start fighting monsters in space to exceed the scale and spectacle of 6.

But I don't know, I still mourn the loss of the gameplay style of 4-6. I can't imagine them being able to go back to it after 7, no matter how it performs commercially. It would be an awkward shift back, and would even further split the fanbase. Maybe an offshoot series called STARS or something : I just want to shoot zombies in the shin and do cool moves and rack up massive Mercenaries combos with a friend. I also love the old cast.

No Man's Sky, Destiny (Vanilla), and The Division have shown that commercial success doesn't equate to quality or positive user reception. It just means a lot of people bought the game before playing it. I'm not saying most didn't or did enjoy the game, just not to trap yourself into a bubble to confirm opinions.

That stuff is bound to return in some form though. It still amazes me that a Mercs standalone hadn't been announced given its popularity (and was probably what carried RE6 outside of the co-OP mechanics).


Some people like their games to be the same thing each time.

Unless they actually are the same thing each time, in which case they don't like it either.

Well, a lot of this sounds like Revelations 2, and a lot of people didn't like that one because it wasn't good enough at either action or horror. Yourself included, iirc.

Yeah I didn't like Revelations 2. I still feel personally it's a far cry from RE4. Since in Revelations 2 action isn't treated in the same way. I've said before that you can't really do a horror and action game. You can have a horror game with some action (Rev 2) or you can have a action game with horror themes (RE4-6).

RE4 just had a much better presentation in that regard than RE5&6. I feel like had they either given Revelations 2 a budget on par with mainline or ramped up the action mechanics. It would have been more pleasing to those wanting action style.

But that would go against what Rev series started as. Which was trying to go back to more horror.


All I need to know about RE7:

When I play this game in VR, is it going to make me pee, poop or puke?

Last Saturday was the first time I ever tried VR. My friend gave me a vaporiser. Also a first.

Needless to say it was quite an experience. He then said I was going to play RIGs, RE7 (which I didn't realise was technically Kitchen), and Arkham VR. Despite being able to handle pretty much anything sober with a song in my heart, my immediately new state of mind made me a little apprehensive about RE7 in VR. After 2 minutes on RIGs, I said 'Screw it, BRING IT ON'. My friend started Kitchen up for me - which, horror wise, is a lot more intense than the RE7 demo's ambience.

It ended up being my friend that was freaking out about how I was managing to not only handle it like it was nothing, but have a massive happy grin on my face.

You'll be fine. I just wish I'd had PT.


RE5 or 6 fans saying RE4 is worse than either is like DMC fans saying DmC is worse than DMC2. What a bunch of nonsense.

There're five things RE5 does better than RE4: graphics/model detail, Mercenaries, on-the-fly gun-switching, post-launch content and Jill's ass.


RE5 or 6 fans saying RE4 is worse than either is like DMC fans saying DmC is worse than DMC2. What a bunch of nonsense.

There're five things RE5 does better than RE4: graphics/model detail, Mercenaries, on-the-fly gun-switching, post-launch content and Jill's ass.

People are free to enjoy RE5 or even 6 more than 4.

They are not free to act shocked that most others don't share that view.


Yeah, I'm kind of in the same boat. Looks like a very minimalist Resident Evil, which honestly, I'm OK with, but the first person perspective is really turning me off. Has that feel of lack of control over your character (like Amnesia, et. al.). Also, I get motion sick easy and first person horror games tend to get me pretty good. The Evil Within I felt had a good compromise. It was really zoomed in, you could barely see around you, but you still had the third person character agency that you loose in a disembodied first person perspective.
Minimalist? How?


I know I'm being misconstrued. While I do prefer 5 over 4&6. I never said it does everything better. 4 easily has the better campaign, but 5 easily aces it in the gameplay department for me. It's a case where I know 4 is better, but I have more fun with 5 so it wins.

My whole argument is that saying 5&6 ruined the series when 4 brought action to the table Is what bothers me. All 3 games are in the same camp, they're all action games. Yes you can dislike 5&6, but I don't think it's fair to say they ruined the series when 4 was the game that introuduced the change and led to those games themselves.
anyone else worried about a possible delay of RE7? it seems too close to delay it at this point but you never know. and the guys at Kinda Funny are so sure this will be delayed it has me scared. i don't mind a delay to make the game better, but its soooo close to release.

I don;'t think they are really following the game closely enough to really have any proper opinion on it.



On mobile now so cant watch the videos, did they show combat gameplay?

That's all there is


RE7 won't be delayed. There's like at best a 5% chance. The game is done. All they're doing now is polishing and doing DLC. They're banking on the last week of January as a RE celebration. With both the game and movie out the same week. The movie has been done for awhile and could have been out months ago, but they both wanted to use each other for marketing purposes.

Don't be surprised to see a flyer for the movie in your game box, and a RE7 trailer in front of the movie.


No Man's Sky, Destiny (Vanilla), and The Division have shown that commercial success doesn't equate to quality or positive user reception. It just means a lot of people bought the game before playing it. I'm not saying most didn't or did enjoy the game, just not to trap yourself into a bubble to confirm opinions.

That stuff is bound to return in some form though. It still amazes me that a Mercs standalone hadn't been announced given its popularity (and was probably what carried RE6 outside of the co-OP mechanics).

I try not to but I don't really remember a massive backlash of negative opinion (from gamers) when RE6 came out, at least not on the level of something like No Man's Sky and Destiny. I remember a very large thread of people enjoying it on here, and a lot of people shitting on it who never seemed excited for the game (could be wrong, I was one of the ones that was positive about the title for the most part).

Unlike your aforementioned titles I think everyone knew what they were getting themselves into with RE6. I personally knew what I wanted out of it, heard all the criticism, bought it, and got what I wanted/expected from it. I'm not sure why most fans of 4 and 5 would see 6 as some kind of damaging failure to the brand. It was the same old shit.

At this point though I think I'd actually prefer RE7 stay as it is, and have them make an offshoot series (that they actually put effort into and don't pass off to shitty development teams) with the old action-focus and controls.


I spent pretty much half of the year addicted to RE6 The Mercenaries. Some of the most satisfying combat and traversal mechanics ever created, with an astounding variety of enemies that push you to use all of your skills, on maps that allow for virtually infinite strategies. So good.

The campaigns are nothing special (great character moments and atmosphere aside), but boy oh boy is Mercenaries a treat in RE6. Especially the No Mercy variant.
I still think the story will have its moments. They mention at one point Ethan goes "who makes these fucking puzzles?".

But it's definitely looking like he'll be the weakest main hero we have had in a long time. Since he's supposed to represent the player

Hopefully he doesn't have the Jason Brody syndrome.


I don't know why people are talking about sales when Capcom themselves said that RE6 sold less than they expected.

They didn't deny that the title was popular with over 5 million units sold at the end but it underperformed commercially being far way from the goal of 4.8m for the first quarter (when're the full price sales happens).

Because that they chose to back to roots and made a proper RE again.

They used even the word failure: http://www.vg247.com/2013/02/04/capcom-q3-financials-profits-up-despite-resident-evil-6-failure/
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