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Resident Evil 7 - New Gameplay Videos & Articles

Surely I'm not the only one that thinks the graphics are pretty slick? Also it looks like there's a ton of physics in place which is always welcome.

The game looks great and it's running at 60fps on consoles. There's honestly nothing to complain about here. I agree with you.


Well good to hear Resident Evil is getting back on track. The first person is still off-putting but looks pretty f**ked up in the footage with a definite Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibe so that's good.
Well good to hear Resident Evil is getting back on track. The first person is still off-putting but looks pretty f**ked up in the footage with a definite Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibe so that's good.

Having inspiration is good. The original was heavily inspired by Romero stuff, and as you said this has some Texas Chainsaw, but also some Blair Witch in there too. I am OK with this.


I'd possibly like 5 more than 4 if it wasn't for the terrible co-op AI. Although I do feel 4 was more focused.

Also, Leon > Chris. Especially RE4 Leon.
I also think 6 is fun as fuck, but I don't ever want another RE like it.
These are basically my thoughts on the game.


I no longer trust journalists to impart what an authentic Resident Evil experience feels like.

But I hope this game has one.
These are basically my thoughts on the game.

Right? It sounds so hypocritical, but despite having fun with it, it's not what I want from the series specifically. It's like, okay, I had fun, cool, but let's get back to atmosphere and horror, something more simple.

And to be honest, so far I think I'll have similar feelings with Final Fantasy XV.
I don't know why people are talking about sales when Capcom themselves said that RE6 sold less than they expected.

They didn't deny that the title was popular with over 5 million units sold at the end but it underperformed commercially being far way from the goal of 4.8m for the first quarter (when're the full price sales happens).

Because that they chose to back to roots and made a proper RE again.

They used even the word failure: http://www.vg247.com/2013/02/04/capcom-q3-financials-profits-up-despite-resident-evil-6-failure/

That's due to the budget of the game. It has the second highest sales of the entire series iirc. I also think that was after dropping their sales goal of an even higher and ridiculous goal.

That said, there's probably enough content here to discuss RE7 then to continue the never ending modern vs classic vs whatever debate with RE.


I think 4 is a better game, but I did enjoy 5 more. I liked its heavier connection to the story over what 4 did, the soundtrack, the gameplay was pretty much just as good for me, Wesker, the huge b-movie bosses, etc. I also stand firm in the belief that 4 runs on for way too long, people often praise the pacing and while it is really good in general, I do think it's too long which for me is a pacing problem. 5 was just a leaner game for me.

That being said, again, I do think 4 is "better" but I prefer 5. I don't feel strongly enough about it to argue with someone who thinks otherwise as that's also perfectly valid. I also think 6 is fun as fuck, but I don't ever want another RE like it.

I'd possibly like 5 more than 4 if it wasn't for the terrible co-op AI. Although I do feel 4 was more focused.

Also, Leon > Chris. Especially RE4 Leon.

These are basically my thoughts on the game.

There's room for both. I can understand not another mainline game like 6. But not another game period that plays like 6 is a but much.

Would be like me saying "REmake was fun, but I never wanna see a classic style game again". There's room for these other styles to grow.

You can carry on these style in spin off games and such.


I no longer trust journalists to impart what an authentic Resident Evil experience feels like.

But I hope this game has one.

Haha, so true.
Not really funny, rather sad.

Remember when previews were talking about the true RE experience of RE6? Great times.
There's room for both. I can understand not another mainline game like 6. But not another game period that plays like 6 is a but much.

Would be like me saying "REmake was fun, but I never wanna see a classic style game again". There's room for these other styles to grow.

I didn't say they couldn't exist and believe me I know full well your opinions on the matter :p

As far as your Remake analogy, the thing is that that's how the series started. That style is what got me into it and made me such a huge fan. Survival horror/puzzles/atmosphere is the heritage of the franchise. The action-oriented titles are the outliers as far as I'm concerned.



RE4 is barely scary.

Apart from the Regenerators and that fucking guy who comes out of the oven.

It's all about perception and 4 is considered classic while revolutionizing the series. And while many put up with 5 because of co op and having fan favorites in the game many people still questioned its direction which led to RE6 and now hopefully a return to form in RE7


I didn't say they couldn't exist and believe me I know full well your opinions on the matter :p

As far as your Remake analogy, the thing is that that's how the series started. That style is what got me into it and made me such a huge fan. Survival horror/puzzles/atmosphere is the heritage of the franchise. The action-oriented titles are the outliers as far as I'm concerned.

Action being the outlier now with a return to roots focus, does just make me think that now spinoffs will be action focused. All depends on where you started with RE on how you view that. But yeah definitely space for both so long as capcom can budget it and read their audience.
There's room for both. I can understand not another mainline game like 6. But not another game period that plays like 6 is a but much.

Would be like me saying "REmake was fun, but I never wanna see a classic style game again". There's room for these other styles to grow.

You can carry on these style in spin off games and such.

Which I'm sure is gonna happen, if Umbrella Corp is any indication.

Hopefully REUC didn't kill all hopes for action RE ever existing again.


Maybe this will be so good that it will make us completely discouraged from Capcom trying to recapture 4's action lightning.


Having inspiration is good. The original was heavily inspired by Romero stuff, and as you said this has some Texas Chainsaw, but also some Blair Witch in there too. I am OK with this.

Yeah the first scene around the dinner table is a straight up reference to this (spoiler for the movie obviously). No better horror movie to reference.


Which I'm sure is gonna happen, if Umbrella Corp is any indication.

Hopefully REUC didn't kill all hopes for action RE ever existing again.

It hopefully didn't. It was an action game no one asked for. I had my fun with it, but it sure wasn't anything I wanted or needed. Definitely didn't fill the void.


"The best way I can describe RE7 is that it's Resident Evil REmake in first person."


I no longer trust journalists to impart what an authentic Resident Evil experience feels like.

But I hope this game has one.



There's room for both. I can understand not another mainline game like 6. But not another game period that plays like 6 is a but much.

Would be like me saying "REmake was fun, but I never wanna see a classic style game again". There's room for these other styles to grow.

You can carry on these style in spin off games and such.

I totally want another action TPS RE again. It couldn't come soon enough. I'm practically sitting here waiting around for Revelations 3 or whatever.

It's all the crazy melee stuff, sliding around, and trying to be horror but not really (Leon's campaign) that I don't want to see again. It was fine for 6, particularly the first two, but only as a one-off for me.
Those are some glowing impressions, very nice.
Kinda annoying how all these journos talk about the franchise's recent history like Revelations 2 never happened though.


Man I can't get over how poor that shooting looks.

There's a difference between enjoying something and making claims like "RE5 is better than RE4 in every way". At least try and argue why. That's why we're here on GAF, right? To discuss things? Instead of covering our ears and going "lalalalala". Prime example right now being the Turning off consoles instead of standby mode thread.

But this is all off-topic so never mind, I guess.

So saying RE4 is greatest game of all time is fine but when you say something is much better you need to argue why you think that way? I know saying that it is better in every single way is bit hyberbolic but I do actually think 5 is better in so many ways and pretty much improves every single aspect of RE4.
I no longer trust journalists to impart what an authentic Resident Evil experience feels like.

But I hope this game has one.


On another note, the ONE thing I cannot find fault with at all are the graphics. I think they look fantastic and honestly can't believe anyone could think they look even close to 'bad'.


Still not convinced. It could prove to be epic as the game goes on but this early game stuff we've seen is not hitting a chord with me. There is one very good thing that has been consistent in all the materials I've seen: Voice acting. For the first time in an RE game I think the voice acting is really good.


I'm loving everything I'm seeing coming from someone who has played all the main line games. Feels good to see survival horror back but, I'm afraid that this game is gonna be plauged with the modern problem most horror games/movies have now jump scares.

If it was 3rd person it wouldn't be so bad but, in a FPS? I'm afraid they will abuse it too much and ruin the game.


Haha, so true.
Not really funny, rather sad.

Remember when previews were talking about the true RE experience of RE6? Great times.

Well I think gaming has largely forgotten what the original RE was actually like outside of being a dimly-remembered horror game, and that it had very specific characteristics which actually did continue into RE6 if some did not.

Point being RE has remained a thematically and aesthetically consistent series, even if the mechanics, structure and scale have seen their share of reshuffles, but many in the press and a good chunk of vocal gamers too either want the series to 'go back' to something it never was or fail to recognise the importance of creative reinvention, even if the frequently good sales point to a healthy franchise.

Still, I'm very excited for 7.
Action being the outlier now with a return to roots focus, does just make me think that now spinoffs will be action focused. All depends on where you started with RE on how you view that. But yeah definitely space for both so long as capcom can budget it and read their audience.

That stuff is fun so I don't want to see it gone, but perhaps as a new IP or parallel series.


Sleeper hit of 2017. The hype's been quiet, but so far it has got nothing but praise.

Lol. From the GameRadar video:

Leon: VR is awful, but we'll get to that in a minute!
James: Awful in a good way, though?
Leon: Awful in a good way, yeah.


I'm planning on making this the horror experience of my life thus far. After 20 years of loving all things terrifying in the mediascape I have a clear picture of how this will go down for me:
- Get game and VR.
- Have good headphones ready.
- Smoke a little bit (which I never do so I'll lose my mind)
- Have my first VR exposure with this game and probably shit my pants.
Omg I can't wait.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Sounds great, but people was saying this about the demo and that was mediocre
Still I have my steelbook preordered.


It's possible to think 4 is an amazing game AND that it ruined the resident evil series as it was

I love 4. It's amazing.
But it's also not 1-3, which I also love.


It's possible to think 4 is an amazing game AND that it ruined the resident evil series as it was

I love 4. It's amazing.
But it's also not 1-3, which I also love.
Resident Evil is my favorite series, pretty much because it's three different styles and I love each one.

- Classic style (i.e. RE1-3): LOVE IT
- Action style (i.e. RE4-6): LOVE IT
- Hybrid style (RER1/2): LOVE IT

RE7 will be the fourth style. I have my reservations, but I owe it the benefit of the doubt. RE has yet to let me down.
It's possible to think 4 is an amazing game AND that it ruined the resident evil series as it was

I love 4. It's amazing.
But it's also not 1-3, which I also love.

I sorta agree, yet i only played ReMake to completion last year.

Part of what makes 4 amazing to me is not only that its an incredibly well made and fantastic game in its own right...but it sorta successfully managed to reinvent the series? If Capcom managed to reinvent Resi again with 7...*claps*


Neo Member
Has anyone heard tell of how dense this game is with jumpscares? I am wondering if it is going to rely more on jumpscaring the player or go for a more atmospheric tension.. I have seen the demo and it had a great atmosphere to it but the jumpscares really turned me off to it :/


Neo Member
I think that we could see zombies, but they'll be a special kind of zombie instead of just the standard enemy type that's easy to kill. They've said that there will be fewer enemies in this game, but they want those few enemies to be memorable. Aoife in the Eurogamer preview mentions an enemy type she ran across called the "Molded People". She said they reminded of her of the Regenerators from RE4. So, if zombies do appear i'd expect to see something more along the lines of a Crimson Head.

In first person!?



Has anyone heard tell of how dense this game is with jumpscares? I am wondering if it is going to rely more on jumpscaring the player or go for a more atmospheric tension.. I have seen the demo and it had a great atmosphere to it but the jumpscares really turned me off to it :/

Spanish article said there were a lot
It's possible to think 4 is an amazing game AND that it ruined the resident evil series as it was

I love 4. It's amazing.
But it's also not 1-3, which I also love.

RE0 did far more to "ruin" Resident Evil than 4 ever did. The series needed to move in a new direction.


Is a first person game releasing in 2017 really not going to allow you to aim down sights...

You're an "average joe" and it looks like this is how they are gonna counter having guns and being an ace with them. Yeah you got guns, doesn't mean you can shoot well though. Much like zombiU

I like how many here are talking how great RE 1-3 was..
And no one mentions the greatness of RE CV which was the true RE3

You're right. CV was the true RE and RE3 was RE4.
How CVX took a step back with mechanics despite coming later was always the lamest thing.
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