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Resident Evil 7 - New Gameplay Videos & Articles


I've seen a few people say that this will be the first game they play in VR ... yeah, I wouldn't do that.

Your play sessions will probably be a bit longer than the typical VR experience, so play some stuff for a week or two to get your VR legs. It's not unlike getting used to being on a boat ... it'll make it so that you're getting sick from the terrifying game, not your body's reaction to the headset.
I am so excite-hype

Interesting that the black goopy-poo monsters are the de-facto generic enemy in this. Now I'm kinda wishing they were a bit more interesting looking, but we'll see

Also anyone notice Mrs. Baker sending a swarm of insects after you?


Sleeper hit of 2017. The hype's been quiet, but so far it has got nothing but praise.

Lol. From the GameRadar video:

Leon: VR is awful, but we'll get to that in a minute!
James: Awful in a good way, though?
Leon: Awful in a good way, yeah.
Hopefully it's not money-hatted hyperbole. We can't ignore how rough Kitchen was from the PSVR demo disc.


I'd much rather play RE7 on PC, and right now I plan to, but all the VR hype talk is making me consider getting the PS4 version. I had literally zero interest in VR until everybody started going on about how amazing it is/is going to be. I have been wondering how much of that is actually genuine, though.

But I don't have a Pro, and I'm not getting one anytime soon, so I get the feeling I shouldn't bother.


I'd much rather play RE7 on PC, and right now I plan to, but all the VR hype talk is making me consider getting the PS4 version. I had literally zero interest in VR until everybody started going on about how amazing it is/is going to be. I have been wondering how much of that is actually genuine, though.

Plus I don't have a Pro, and I'm not getting one anytime soon, so I get the feeling I shouldn't bother.

If you wanna wait a year you can play it in VR on PC
Is a first person game releasing in 2017 really not going to allow you to aim down sights...

...lol because this is a game that necessitates the need of iron sights

kinda ironic complaint considering the game we're talking about and the game in your avatar


Are these something you'd buy at a high price??
I'm so conflicted with this game.

On one hand, I love how they seem to be putting actual horror first.

On the other, I don't like the FPS camera choice, I don't care for the location from what I've seen, not sold on the family hunting you down throughout the game, and I'm just not getting Resident Evil.

I'm trying to stay optimistic but I just haven't seen anything that's really grabbed me. I know I'll end up playing it because it is RE but I can't say anything here looks good.


never left the stone age
One of my favorite things in the RE series is seeing the detail put into the environments, especially the pre-rendered ones. Seeing a glimpse of the different gritty looking rooms and varied assets in these videos makes me very happy.

Yeah, while it doesn't have super amazing graphics, the areas feel dense and the lighting is really nice as well, really like what they've done with the overall design of the mansion


Loves Robotech S1
Spanish article said there were a lot

this is the only thing that concerns me at this point. jump scares are the realm of low-rent indie horror games and i really hope they don't rely on them to the extent they were in beginning hour
May I ask why does it matter if it's first person or not?
People are just stubborn. Just look at all the frankly insane assumptions that re 7 was going to be a low budget walking sim....all based on the perspective. Resident Evil has never been first person, therefore it could never possibly work in first person because reasons.

Regardless this will be amazing and don't forget, they are still being highly secretive about what's actually in th game


Might interest is defoe's picking up. Still waiting to peak behind the curtain and see it open up a bit more though.


This game is gonna rock.

It looks like they're ripping pages off their own Clock Tower 3 and Haunting Ground (which is still one of my favourite horror titles). I'm terribly excited.
I've seen a few people say that this will be the first game they play in VR ... yeah, I wouldn't do that.

Your play sessions will probably be a bit longer than the typical VR experience, so play some stuff for a week or two to get your VR legs. It's not unlike getting used to being on a boat ... it'll make it so that you're getting sick from the terrifying game, not your body's reaction to the headset.

I would recommend this also
I wonder if the T-Veronica is one of the base elements of this fungal virus. Similar to how T-Abyss was created for Revelations with introducing a T-Virus to an aquatic virus.
And just when I thought the game was getting hype after the regenerator-like-enemy gif, they follow it up with some awful gameplay.

These vids are the same things we have seen before and honestly it surprises me how people find this scary, much less any different from other first person horror games. Where is the Aliens* vibe, crazy creatures and tight gameplay?. Those gun mechanics almost made me puke. Again I am not expecting some RE6 shooting gallery but that was just abysmal.

The graphics are pretty and art style is on point but other than that it looks seriously terrible with the rigidity and on-rails motion. Treat it like a video game and enough with the "realism". The previews seems glowing but I don't know whether to trust these enough when we have seen barely anything of the game that is couple months from release.

The worst thing I dislike about video games are scripted things and this game seems like cholk-full of it. Especially with the bullet sponge bosses.


it's real, classic survival horror.

If that's true I'm going to be so fucking happy.

Haven't seen the videos and haven't read any of you since I'm on media blackout of pictures, videos etc... general reviews like these are ok so thanks.


Well, there it is, folks. We finally know what RE7 is going to be like to play. First off, I'll say that I'm glad Capcom decided to take a risk here. Regardless of what anyone thinks of the game itself, you have to commend and respect Capcom for taking such a risk, and going in such a bold, new direction with their flagship franchise. Also, it's great that it seems to have paid off to them, as everyone here seems pretty excited for the game. I just can't understand why.

For me, personally, the idea of trying to explore a massive environment, look for key items, solve puzzles, AND deal with a very restricted inventory that requires trips to item boxes, all while being constantly chased by enemies you can't really kill just sounds awful. I don't think you could make this game sound any more unappealing to me if you tried. People keep saying that it's just like the older games, or that "it's REmake in first-person", but I just don't see that comparison at all. In REmake, you could kill enemies permanently and clear areas out, and they also couldn't follow you everywhere, breaking down walls, busting through tables, etc.

This style of gameplay, where you have to primarily run and hide from enemies, mixed with old-school RE design that encourages both exploration and backtracking, just sounds like an abhorrent combination to me. It prevents me from slowly exploring and taking in the atmosphere and visuals (which admittedly seem fantastic here), and just sounds like a recipe for frustration and tedium more than anything else. Perhaps I've missed something here, but it's far more likely this game just isn't for me. That saddens me, but it is what it is. Again, I'm glad everyone here is excited, and I hope it's as good a game as you want it to be. I just really can't get on board with this going off what I've seen.



Didn't even jump once.

Pretty sure Id call this a jumpscare

Edit: Nevermind I swear I read your comment as " It didn't even jumpscare once"

Anyways, I found the premise kinda cool, but not scary really. And that particular part I linked, I thought was pretty silly.

Most things I dont find scary, especially if you dont have any real control over the outcome or there are is no way to die, or no consequences to dieing, like in P.T.

ZombiU, was the only game that would get really intense and kinda "scary" for me, in that you could easily loose all your shit. And it took skill and patience to stay alive.
Well, there it is, folks. We finally know what RE7 is going to be like to play. First off, I'll say that I'm glad Capcom decided to take a risk here. Regardless of what anyone thinks of the game itself, you have to commend and respect Capcom for taking such a risk, and going in such a bold, new direction with their flagship franchise. Also, it's great that it seems to have paid off to them, as everyone here seems pretty excited for the game. I just can't understand why.

For me, personally, the idea of trying to explore a massive environment, look for key items, solve puzzles, AND deal with a very restricted inventory that requires trips to item boxes, all while being constantly chased by enemies you can't really kill just sounds awful. I don't think you could make this game sound any more unappealing to me if you tried. People keep saying that it's just like the older games, or that "it's REmake in first-person", but I just don't see that comparison at all. In REmake, you could kill enemies permanently and clear areas out, and they also couldn't follow you everywhere, breaking down walls, busting through tables, etc.

This style of gameplay, where you have to primarily run and hide from enemies, mixed with old-school RE design that encourages both exploration and backtracking, just sounds like an abhorrent combination to me. It prevents me from slowly exploring and taking in the atmosphere and visuals (which admittedly seem fantastic here), and just sounds like a recipe for frustration and tedium more than anything else. Perhaps I've missed something here, but it's far more likely this game just isn't for me. That saddens me, but it is what it is. Again, I'm glad everyone here is excited, and I hope it's as good a game as you want it to be. I just really can't get on board with this going off what I've seen.

You're not always being chased by enemies. You'll have plenty of time to take in the environments.

Let's be real. You'll be there on day one with the rest of us.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
One thing that has me worried is how much the game takes control of the camera, i.e. dude turning you around when you get caught in the demo, or this gif where you get hit and fall to the floor. That can't be too good for VR feels. I hope they have the comfort stuff worked out, I'll be fine but I can imagine there will be some upset tummies out there if the camera is getting whipped around by the game

There is horror VR stuff that influences where you look with 3D audio cues. It's very effective.
There's a part early in Until Dawn: Rush of Blood where they have you looking around to the right and then "make" you look left, right at something horrible that's crept up next to you. I was like " Oh, you fucking bastards...".


Loves Robotech S1
Well, there it is, folks. We finally know what RE7 is going to be like to play. First off, I'll say that I'm glad Capcom decided to take a risk here. Regardless of what anyone thinks of the game itself, you have to commend and respect Capcom for taking such a risk, and going in such a bold, new direction with their flagship franchise. Also, it's great that it seems to have paid off to them, as everyone here seems pretty excited for the game. I just can't understand why.

For me, personally, the idea of trying to explore a massive environment, look for key items, solve puzzles, AND deal with a very restricted inventory that requires trips to item boxes, all while being constantly chased by enemies you can't really kill just sounds awful. I don't think you could make this game sound any more unappealing to me if you tried. People keep saying that it's just like the older games, or that "it's REmake in first-person", but I just don't see that comparison at all. In REmake, you could kill enemies permanently and clear areas out, and they also couldn't follow you everywhere, breaking down walls, busting through tables, etc.

This style of gameplay, where you have to primarily run and hide from enemies, mixed with old-school RE design that encourages both exploration and backtracking, just sounds like an abhorrent combination to me. It prevents me from slowly exploring and taking in the atmosphere and visuals (which admittedly seem fantastic here), and just sounds like a recipe for frustration and tedium more than anything else. Perhaps I've missed something here, but it's far more likely this game just isn't for me. That saddens me, but it is what it is. Again, I'm glad everyone here is excited, and I hope it's as good a game as you want it to be. I just really can't get on board with this going off what I've seen.

you're jumping to a lot of conclusions here. we don't know anything about the frequency of enemy encounters, what triggers their appearances, how much ammo you'll get for dealing with them vs how much it actually takes to down them, etc. this game is going to live or die based on it's pacing and design, and from the impressions it sounds like they nailed it pretty well.
That basement corridor with the goopy-poos is very classic RE. Just add some clown trumpets and we're set


The worst thing I dislike about video games are scripted things and this game seems like cholk-full of it. Especially with the bullet sponge bosses.

Now I did want to write your post off as needless bitching, but I agree with your concerns about over-scripting. Like, you go down that hallway and Jack ALWAYS busts through the wall at that particular moment.

I think it'd be way more interesting if both you and the enemies are wandering the environment of their own accord, and are actively weighting decisions and paths in order to get the drop on you. Not just...warping to a point for spooks because you stepped in the trigger box. I know that's extremely hard to program but I think Capcom has the talent for it

One of the reasons Alien Isolation is one of the best games evarr. It isn't 100% unscripted but how they vary up the encounter timing even between replayed sections kept you on your toes
Well, there it is, folks. We finally know what RE7 is going to be like to play. First off, I'll say that I'm glad Capcom decided to take a risk here. Regardless of what anyone thinks of the game itself, you have to commend and respect Capcom for taking such a risk, and going in such a bold, new direction with their flagship franchise. Also, it's great that it seems to have paid off to them, as everyone here seems pretty excited for the game. I just can't understand why.

For me, personally, the idea of trying to explore a massive environment, look for key items, solve puzzles, AND deal with a very restricted inventory that requires trips to item boxes, all while being constantly chased by enemies you can't really kill just sounds awful. I don't think you could make this game sound any more unappealing to me if you tried. People keep saying that it's just like the older games, or that "it's REmake in first-person", but I just don't see that comparison at all. In REmake, you could kill enemies permanently and clear areas out, and they also couldn't follow you everywhere, breaking down walls, busting through tables, etc.

This style of gameplay, where you have to primarily run and hide from enemies, mixed with old-school RE design that encourages both exploration and backtracking, just sounds like an abhorrent combination to me. It prevents me from slowly exploring and taking in the atmosphere and visuals (which admittedly seem fantastic here), and just sounds like a recipe for frustration and tedium more than anything else. Perhaps I've missed something here, but it's far more likely this game just isn't for me. That saddens me, but it is what it is. Again, I'm glad everyone here is excited, and I hope it's as good a game as you want it to be. I just really can't get on board with this going off what I've seen.

You must have HATED Resident Evil 2, 3, & Jake's campaign from 6, considering all of those games featured an enemy/enemies that stalked you & you couldn't kill & you had to run/hide from them. Did you watch the previews? They straight up say that there are enemies you can kill, that you can even conceivably kill the Bakers (according to the Spanish interview from today) except you need a fuck ton of ammo to do it (which is going to be super amazing if which of the Bakers you manage to kill winds up being the deciding factor between the multiple endings) and yet here you are complaining cause there are enemies you can't permanently kill, in a game where you can permanently kill other enemies.

Running & hiding isn't even what the main focus of gameplay here is. Exploration is. None of the previews likened this to an Ammnesia style game, yet here you are reading into it the way you always believed it would be, despite today's preview blowing many of the notion's about RE7 that a few of the fans were holding onto right out of the water.

I'm not typing this all out to convince you, btw; just that the logic you have as to why you're writing this game off is supremely unsound.


You must have HATED Resident Evil 2, 3, & Jake's campaign from 6, considering all of those games featured an enemy/enemies that stalked you & you couldn't kill & you had to run/hide from them. Did you watch the previews? They straight up say that there are enemies you can kill, that you can even conceivably kill the Bakers (according to the Spanish interview from today) except you need a fuck ton of ammo to do it (which is going to be super amazing if which of the Bakers you manage to kill winds up being the deciding factor between the multiple endings) and yet here you are complaining cause there are enemies you can't permanently kill, in a game where you can permanently kill other enemies.

Running & hiding isn't even what the main focus of gameplay here is. Exploration is. None of the previews likened this to an Ammnesia style game, yet here you are reading into it the way you always believed it would be, despite today's preview blowing many of the notion's about RE7 that a few of the fans were holding onto right out of the water.

I'm not typing this all out to convince you, btw; just that the logic you have as to why you're writing this game off is supremely unsound.
For RE2 and 3, I'd assume you're referring to MR X and Nemesis. You can kill both in every single encounter, and additionally, they only only ever appear in very specific scripted sequences, and can only ever follow you for a room or two. They also usually show up after you've explored, solved puzzles, etc. They never harass you during the normal flow of the game. I loved both for that reason. As for RE6, you can kill every enemy in every instance of combat, to my knowledge, even Ustanak. If you're referring to those scripted sequences where you have to run towards the camera while something chases you, and instantly kills you if it catches you, then yes, I hated those parts of the game.

As for RE7, I'm just going off everything I've read that was linked in this thread. What's this about a Spanish interview? They say you can kill the Bakers permanently and the focus isn't on stealth? Is this coming from the Devs themselves? I'm genuinely asking, as I haven't seen this interview.
For RE2 and 3, I'd assume you're referring to MR X and Nemesis. You can kill both in every single encounter, and additionally, they only only ever appear in very specific scripted sequences, and can only ever follow you for a room or two. They also usually show up after you've explored, solved puzzles, etc. They never harass you during the normal flow of the game. I loved both for that reason. As for RE6, you can kill every enemy in every instance of combat, to my knowledge, even Ustanak. If you're referring to those scripted sequences where you have to run towards the camera while something chases you, and instantly kills you if it catches you, then yes, I hated those parts of the game.

As for RE7, I'm just going off everything I've read that was linked in this thread. What's this about a Spanish interview? They say you can kill the Bakers permanently and the focus isn't on stealth? Is this coming from the Devs themselves? I'm genuinely asking, as I haven't seen this interview.

For starters, nothing in the material featured here indicates that stealth is at all a focus of this game. As for the situations in both RE 2 & 3, while you could kill Nemesis or Mr. X when they appeared in a random room, they would still come back later on, and they didn't really 'die' until the story let you kill them. In the previews today, they mention at least 2 'boss fights' with Jack Baker where you have to scramble to find a way & put him down permanently for that encounter (1 in the Garage, 1 in a room where you drop down into a pit like area). That could be with guns or with things in the environment. Outside of one instance involving a tape where you are playing as Mia, we have not seen the main character/gameplay of this game engage in stealth at all. And, even more so, there are still enemies and boss fights (according to the ESRB leak) where we do have to permanently put non-Baker enemies down. We even saw one today.

There was an interview with devs in a Spanish magazine today, it had its own thread on GAF that got buried once the gameplay previews were going live. In it, they say there are multiple endings, multiple ending boss fights, we're going to be driving a car & a boss fight occurs while we are driving a car at some point, and that while you most likely will not have enough ammo to put any Baker down early game, its possible to kill them later on given if you have enough ammo. Considering crafting ammo/items is a part of the gameplay here, I imagine we'll be able to craft ammo that better takes the Baker's down later on.

No interview featured here today described the gameplay as being Stealth driven. In fact, you can't avoid the encounters with the Bakers when the situation arises.


Im hoping Capcom went so batshit AAAAAAAA AAA crazy +++budget with RE6 this is now the AAAAAA anti-AAA indie but not-indie game.

its gonna happen guys CACPCOM gonna save the games


For starters, nothing in the material featured here indicates that stealth is at all a focus of this game. As for the situations in both RE 2 & 3, while you could kill Nemesis or Mr. X when they appeared in a random room, they would still come back later on, and they didn't really 'die' until the story let you kill them. In the previews today, they mention at least 2 'boss fights' with Jack Baker where you have to scramble to find a way & put him down permanently for that encounter (1 in the Garage, 1 in a room where you drop down into a pit like area). That could be with guns or with things in the environment. Outside of one instance involving a tape where you are playing as Mia, we have not seen the main character/gameplay of this game engage in stealth at all. And, even more so, there are still enemies and boss fights (according to the ESRB leak) where we do have to permanently put non-Baker enemies down. We even saw one today.

There was an interview with devs in a Spanish magazine today, it had its own thread on GAF that got buried once the gameplay previews were going live. In it, they say there are multiple endings, multiple ending boss fights, we're going to be driving a car & a boss fight occurs while we are driving a car at some point, and that while you most likely will not have enough ammo to put any Baker down early game, its possible to kill them later on given if you have enough ammo. Considering crafting ammo/items is a part of the gameplay here, I imagine we'll be able to craft ammo that better takes the Baker's down later on.

No interview featured here today described the gameplay as being Stealth driven. In fact, you can't avoid the encounters with the Bakers when the situation arises.

Alright, thanks for the info, SneakerSO. I didn't see the other thread with the interview. All of that stuff sounds really cool. Are the non-baker enemies you're referring to the Regenerator creatures? I haven't really read anything that suggests they're any more killable than the Bakers. This is what I read, man (from GamesRadar). "Hiding is for the best, though, and combat is largely to be avoided.". "The Bakers can go down, but they tend to keep getting back up, making complete avoidance of them the way to go". But, I'll admit that it's been a long day, I'm kinda tired, and maybe I missed something there and in the other articles.


There is horror VR stuff that influences where you look with 3D audio cues. It's very effective.
There's a part early in Until Dawn: Rush of Blood where they have you looking around to the right and then "make" you look left, right at something horrible that's crept up next to you. I was like " Oh, you fucking bastards...".

Nah that's not what I mean, Until Dawn tricking you to turn your head left and right is OK because it's not actually forcing your perspective to shift, you are doing that yourself. When Baker guy grabs you and spins you around in the demo, or like in that gif he hits you and you fall to the ground, that is not you in control of your perspective, that is the game moving the camera for you and could cause a big disconnect in your brain which could make you feel sick.


I have very mixed feelings on RE7, yet I know I will play it. I don't want to play Outlast, I want to play RE and I am getting some Outlast vibes from everything I've seen.
Alright, thanks for the info, SneakerSO. I didn't see the other thread with the interview. All of that stuff sounds really cool. Are the non-baker enemies you're referring to the Regenerator creatures? I haven't really read anything that suggests they're any more killable than the Bakers. This is what I read, man (from GamesRadar). "Hiding is for the best, though, and combat is largely to be avoided.". "The Bakers can go down, but they tend to keep getting back up, making complete avoidance of them the way to go". But, I'll admit that it's been a long day, I'm kinda tired, and maybe I missed something there and in the other articles.

When the Bakers are stalking you in the halls of the mansion, avoiding them is the best option. However, there are encounters where you are forced to fight them (2 are mentioned in this early slice of the game alone; the 2 I mentioned involving Jack Baker). Those encounters seem to put them down for a much longer period of time, allowing you to more thoroughly explore the mansion & solve its puzzles.

As for the Regenerator creatures - they aren't called regenerators. They just look like them. And they can be permanently killed. But when ammo is as scarce as they say it is in the early game here, its best to try and run past them. The Gamesradar piece specifically says you can kill them, and the IGN piece reiterates that but they say they didn't really like these enemies cause it takes away from the Bakers. Again, THEY CAN BE PERMANENTLY KILLED. They aren't the only ones - we know from various sources there are several other enemies that can be permanently killed as well. This is a game where you can unlock ammo upgrades for guns, unlock stronger weapons with token currency, and has a knife so you can melee enemies at all times - there is way more combat in this game than you are & have given credit.

And to iterate another point - you can't really be a stealth game unless there are mechanics that allow you to have stealth gameplay. From everything we've seen, once the Bakers enter the picture, they are on your ass. All you can do is either take them down for a little while with your weapons, or run to wherever the game is trying to funnel you to, unless its a designated encounter where you can take them out on a more permanent basis.
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