Einbroch said:
Einbroch said:
Hi everyone,
It looks like there's a minor issue with the patcher at the moment. We think we have it tracked down and are working to set it right even as we speak. We will be updating here and on our social networks as the situation changes.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime.
Head Start FAQ
When is Head Start?
Head Start begins Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011 at 10:00 AM PST (1800 GMT) and runs through launch (North America: Mar. 1 at 10:00 AM PST / Europe: Mar. 4 at 1600 GMT).
How do I get into Head Start?
Pre-order RIFT! All customers who pre-order RIFT from participating retailers will have access to Head Start. The retailer you pre-ordered from will provide a code to apply to your Trion Worlds account that grants access to Head Start. If you purchased the game directly from Trion Worlds, the code is automatically applied to your account.
Ive pre-ordered RIFT, but I didnt get a code. What should I do?
If you pre-ordered RIFT through our website, the pre-order code is already associated with your account, and you should only need to download the client and update for Head Start.
If you pre-ordered RIFT through a retailer and did not receive a pre-order code, please email Trion Customer Support with proof of purchase attached to the email and we will grant your account pre-order access.
Ive pre-ordered RIFT. Where can I download the game?
If youve entered your pre-order code in your Trion Worlds account, or pre-ordered from Trion, you can find the link in your Trion Worlds account. You can also download the game here.
Steam & Amazon® download customers If youve already downloaded the client from Steam or Amazon, theres no need to download it again. Just make sure your game is patched!
Can I patch the RIFT beta client instead of downloading?
No. Be sure to uninstall the beta client before attempting to install RIFT.
When will I get my pre-order items?
During Head Start!
When will I get my Collectors Edition items (backpack, pet, and mount)?
Those items are tied to your purchase of the Collectors Edition, not a pre-order. They will be added to your account once you apply a Collectors Edition key.
Dreamwriter said:But we can't *really* download the game in advance, right? I mean, it won't give us the patch until the 24th, so we have to waste some hours then?
The "entire client" is 18MB - the 8GBs are delivered in a patch.1stStrike said:This should be the entire client, however there's always a good possibility that there will be another patch on the 24th. I always download their patches within like 20 seconds though.
Weenerz said:I ended up uninstalling the beta client, I hope we weren't supposed to upgrade that to retail via a patch or something.
Weenerz said:I ended up uninstalling the beta client, I hope we weren't supposed to upgrade that to retail via a patch or something.
Einbroch said:I'm going Archon because apparently Bard is insanely popular. That and if I decide against it I'd rather be a caster than a rogue and won't have to reroll.
We want to update you on the process of downloading the game client for Head Start. You may have found that you are able to download the patcher but have been unable to download the game itself. Dont panic! Nothing is broken!
You will be able to start downloading the game client this evening. We will let you know here on the forums and on Facebook when it is ready. We will also be sending out emails to make sure you see when its all ready!
niiiiice. I hate that "you are not allowed to play this game." message. It always has me so scared.1stStrike said:Latest update:
Maxrpg said:niiiiice. I hate that "you are not allowed to play this game." message. It always has me so scared.
Sebulon3k said:Why did you get junior'd?
I posted a fake crackdown 2 video by accident thinking it was real before the game came out.Sebulon3k said:Why did you get junior'd?
Buggy Loop said:Argh, this is tempting, i havent played an MMO since warhammer and that was a while ago.
Lotus Cross is PvE hm? Damn...1stStrike said:PvE.
By the way, Lotus Cross site is back up. All hardware's good to go.
CcrooK said:If you liked Warhammer, you'll like this a lot. Just a lot more complete with everything by the looks of it. Just no open RvR.
TheExodu5 said:And with a responsive combat system!
My biggest gripe with WAR was the fact that the combat system felt so horribly laggy.
Big Papa Husker said:Lotus Cross is PvE hm? Damn...
TheExodu5 said:I would consider joining the Lotus Cross server, but in my experience, GAF guilds tend to last a week or two before 90% of the population quits.
TheExodu5 said:I would consider joining the Lotus Cross server, but in my experience, GAF guilds tend to last a week or two before 90% of the population quits.
Buggy Loop said:Dominator looks like the most annoying bastard on the battlefield.. thats an interesting class to me![]()
Wallach said:Alright, I'm in for the Collector's. I'm pretty much fed up with DCUO already.
Still probably going to rock healer like I did through beta. Warden seems kind of OP compared to the other "main" healing souls, but I like Purifier's gimmick more. We'll see.
There's also a decent bit of real life people playing that I know, so that should keep things moving.1stStrike said:*shrugs* I doubt many gaf guilds in the past have been as organized/dedicated as we are. I can't predict the future, but I really don't foresee the guild dying off with the group of people we have.
Maxrpg said:There's also a decent bit of real life people playing that I know, so that should keep things moving.
And I think they kept Belmont because it was the most popular. The other names seem new or changed.
1stStrike said:Awesome! The CE on this game is really worth it IMO. Much more so then many other games.
Also, for those interested, detailed loot system information is up.
We've settled on using a modified Zero Sum DKP model.