C'mon dude. They observed Ford drunk driving and exchanging packages with known drug dealers. And Ford wasn't just passing through the neighborhood buying an ounce of weed he was setting up house, paying bills, handing out jobs and shit. People have been hauled down to the police station for a lot less.
1) at no point, so far as we know, did police have ford under surveillance while they had grounds to believe he was driving impaired.
2) as for those handoffs, that does NOT constitute grounds for arrest and search of his vehicle. Trust me.
3) the last collection of claims you made we do not have solid proof of, those have not been established beyond speculation.
Edit: also, in regards to "people have been hauled into the station for less", in a resource-intensive, sensitive investigation, you don't haul in the suspect in on a long shot, because if he doesn't crack and you get nothing, you're done.
And in that case, of course everyone would be bitching about the police "fucking it up" even more.