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Rockstar has 'requested that no UK retailer dispatch GTA 5 before September 16'


I'm amazed at all you saying you get next day delivery, even first class takes around 3 days in my experience, heck, my import copy of Project Diva F came faster than some normal orders through Royal Mail

I guess that would depend more on how shitty the post workers are in your area. Pretty much every time 1st class arrives next day for me.


*kisses PSN preorder*

I'll have mine on launch.

Do the PSN preorders unlock at midnight like Steam if there is a pre-download period? And assuming so, does anyone know if that's midnight Pacific Time in NA?

Will probably take a week to download over PSN, though.

I downloaded Hitman Absolution a couple of weeks ago and it seemed a bit slower than usual, was done in about 4 hours. Granted that was a big damn game as I recall.. but I normally get pretty good download speeds from PSN. About half as good as Steam (which is quite fast, usually 10-11mb/s or so) or the same as iTunes.


I dunno where these "lets see shopto drop gta like cod heh heh" comments are coming from. COD is the biggest fish in the pond right now, sure gtav MAY change that but currently COD is the biggest franchise.


I don't mind this if I receive it on the day of release, but if I get it a day late I'm going to be so pissed off.
I'm counting on you amazon!


I'm away on training all week. It'll be sat at home while I'm in some cheap ass hotel room, alone with no wifi. Fucking gutted. Who knows some good whore's number around Leeds? I'll claim it on expenses lol


150 million dollars to 200 million dollars have probably been spent on GTA V, protecting that investment and making sure no one leaks the game online isn't childish.

Its gonna leak anyways, I'd even be willing to guess in the next week or so. This is only punishing legit customers


Day before? So no one who ordered online is getting a copy at launch

Eh, I've ordered games well into the afternoon with Shopto and received it next day.

Christ I've ordered PC components from SCAN at 17:15 and the have arrived by 10am the next day. Logistics isn't that difficult in the UK if the retailer is organised, and the Royal Mail don't fuck up. We are a small nation.


I remember when I ordered Midnight club LA on GAME and got it the next day ( wasn't pre order, was the quickest delivery option)

Same happened a few items I got from amazon and every single pre order from GAME has come around 1 to 3 days before the release, never on the release ( U2 came 3 days before the release, was so happy)


This is normal for big games that are released on a Tuesday in the UK. I swear it was the same thing with GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption.

I think it's because it's on a Tuesday rather than the normal Friday. If ShopTo were to post the game more than one day early it would have to be on the Friday because of the weekend so people would get it on the Saturday. Rockstar aren't going to allow people getting the game 3 days early so they ban online retailers posting 1st class until the Monday before release.


Day before? So no one who ordered online is getting a copy at launch
Yep. This is bullshit. Needs to be at least two days before, sometimes 3. If some people get it a day or two early, so what? The retailer they ordered from was better than others, but at least nobody who preordered will be playing it late, like some inevitably will with this deal.

Anyone who ordered from Shopto should get it at launch though, their delivery is fantastic. Always been, at the very latest, launch day for anything I've preordered.
I feel bad for anyone who ordered from Hut Group.

The extra couple of days gives them even more time to smash up your package. Mind you, when you wait around a year for a game to be delivered, I suppose the extra couple of days doesn't make too much difference.


Oh Amazon Prime trial, how I value thee so.

Won't arrive until like 1-2pm, but that's a non-issue, innit!


Looks like I'm just going to do a midnight launch. I have a 24hr Tesco and ASDA near me will have plenty of copies.

Fuck waiting until the god knows when on Tuesday for a delivery.
150 million dollars to 200 million dollars have probably been spent on GTA V, protecting that investment and making sure no one leaks the game online isn't childish.

Game will leak next week for sure. If someone will get it day before release of even 2 it won't matter because game will leak anyway.


jesus im paying 69€ (60£ i think) for the retail copy at amazon. german prices are really fucked up.
Are you sure there aren't any alternatives? In the Netherlands online retailers have it from 50euro to 65 euro max. Our "Amazon" Bol.com has it for 55euro.


Unconfirmed Member
They want to stop people playing it a day or 2 before everyone else so they do this which means people who order online will get it a day or 2 after everyone else. This is ... better?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
If pre-orders are high they'll despatch before the 16th, not everyone gets games early if the preorder request is high.
Amazon better not screw this up. They've been making a big deal about their Free Release Day Delivery promotion for a while now.

Horrible bastards. I have Prime, so if it's late they can refund my subscription.

Don't know how trusty Amazon's new free release day guarantee is but I guess I'll find. To be fair I'm going to be busy anyways but it's nice to have the copy in my hands asap regardless.

Amazon can deliver in one day.

Every pre-order I've had from Amazon with RDD has been shipped via one day / overnight shipping on the day before release and it's always arrived the next day. This doesn't really change anything, at least when it comes to Amazon in 'Merica.
If I dont get this fucker on launch day through mail order, I swear I will never mail order a game I'm really excited about again. I'm fed up with not getting games on launch, this will be the last straw. Will go to mid night launches in future.

After reading this I'd actually cancel my preorder if it wasn't for the fact I managed to order for 29.99, too good to let that one go.


I've never understood why this is such a huge deal. I can understand if they don't want it leaked a month in advance due to piracy, but a few days is not going to matter to anyone.


Not that I plan on getting GTA V on launch (Maybe ever), but I hate this news.
What makes Rockstar so special? They'd rather their customers possibly not get their games on launch so...what? People get to play it a day or two early? Who gives? People who get the game spoiled for them online, well serves them right for looking in places where spoilers are likely to be shown.

Very ridiculous anyway... like we've even seen any significant amount of the game yet anyway, its a good thing if people get it early, so people can report on it being bad or not (Though I doubt it honestly, but I dont like that attitude...)

Its not like the mass public would have access to GTA V whether online retailers shipped early or not. I feel espicially sorry for people pre-order from game, there was no such request from Sony to dispatch All Stars Battle Royale only on the day before release and I still didnt get it on release, the thing they're supposedly best at, so I can't imagine game ensuring all their customers will get the game on launch, but who knows.

EDIT: After reading comments, seems most people feel similar to me, happy to hear that as its only good for the consumer in the end. I presumed most people would be against any minority having an "advantage" over anyone else. happy to hear thats not the case. For a game like GTA, really shouldnt matter if anyone has a "head start" anyway, for an online focused game I can understand.... kinda, though it doesn't really impact your experience in the end.


I don't see why online retailers would take on this request - Risk losing customers to the highstreet; as they can't be guaranteed to receive the game by release date or risk upsetting someone who needs you to sell their product. Seems like a no brainer to me.


Amen, I honestly don't know why people don't buy their games from Shopto. Good pricing, and great customer service/delivery.
Probably because they were charging £43 for a copy of the game.

Me personally? I went for the GAME exclusive CE.

Bit annoyed over this really, past few items I've had shipped via first class royal mail have taken 2 days. Killer is Dead from Amazon came the day after release despite being shipped the day before through Royal Mail First Class.:/


I couldn't find guaranteed release day delivery in Canada.

The closest I could find was EB games. They say that release day is "usually the day that they pick the game up from the vendor and ship it to you." I then paid for express shipping.

I hope I get it the next day.

Futureshop is having a midnight event for preorders, but I have no way of getting out there (I use the bus to get around, and there is no bus service that late where I live).
Amen, I honestly don't know why people don't buy their games from Shopto. Good pricing, and great customer service/delivery.

They have great delivery times, but at the time of my pre-order their price was £8 more than Amazon and Tesco. Amazon get stuff to me next day 99% of the time, so I'd rather take the saving.


Ordered from the UK and live in NZ, so I get it cheaper and still have to wait 5 days. No loss to me though, since by the time it arrives the MP still won't be up :)
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