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Royal Rumble 2015 |OT| 30 Men enter. Roman remains.

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love on your sleeve
Rate this scenario

DB wins rumble faces Brock
Shield triple threat at WM for briefcase
Reigns wins
DB wins title
Reigns cashes in and turns heel.


Reigns running solo as a heel would further expose his poor in ring and promo abilities.


Fun Rumble fact time...

The longest active streak for consecutive Royal Rumble match appearances will end on Sunday. It was held by The Great Khali who has appeared in every Rumble match since 2007.

This was tied for the 2nd longest streak of consecutive Rumble match appearances behind the string of 13 matches that Kane put together between 1999 & 2011. Shelton Benjamin also tallied 8 consecutive Rumble matches from 2003 through 2010.

Despite this impressive string of appearances, Khali failed to have much success. He notched a total of 10 eliminations... 7 of which were in his first Rumble match in 2007 (which he racked up in a mere 3 minutes and 45 seconds). Some of the names Khali would send packing in this match included CM Punk, The Miz, Chris Benoit and Rob Van Dam.

Five of his next 7 Rumble appearances would last 1 minute and 39 seconds or less where he filled a slot as a giant spectacle. The commentary team would call him a monster favorite only for him to be promptly eliminated.

His best showing following his debut would come in 2012 where he would last a whopping 7 minutes and 29 seconds and eliminate Jinder Mahal and Ezekiel Jackson in the process.

With Khali not appearing in this year's match (barring a surprise), the longest active streaks will belong to both Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston.

Ziggler has already locked up a slot in this year's match to extend his streak of consecutive Rumbles to 7.

Kingston is booked in a pre-show match with his fellow New Day compatriots but given that his elimination close calls have become an annual Rumble march trademark it stands to reason that he will make it 7 straight this year as well.



Reigns running solo as a heel would further expose his poor in ring and promo abilities.
You're right. Let me fix hitme's suggested plan then...

Rate this scenario

DB wins rumble faces Brock
Shield triple threat at WM for briefcase
Reigns wins
DB wins title
Reigns cashes in and turns heel.
Brock beats Daniel Bryan at WM (fans still get their Bryan-Lesnar match for the title).
Brock confronts Heyman after the match after some dubious spots where he tried to interfere on Brock's behalf and Brock told him off.
While distracted with the Paulrus, Reigns runs in and smashes the briefcase against Brock's spine and cashes in.
Heyman screws Brock over in the makeshift match for the title.
Reigns turns heel and now has Heyman as a mouthpiece.
Brock leaves for UFC and has a money match vs. Reigns (and to get revenge on Paul) should he choose to return.
Heyman re-establishes ties with Cesaro and brings both him & Kidd on board.
Reigns now has an answer for Rollins' and his J&J security team as well as "shields" against challenges from Bryan & Ambrose.

Of course, none of this happens because of Orton... but it's nice to dream.

Reigns is lubed up and ready to be everyone's baby face for the foreseeable future.
Yep, this is ultimately what we're in for.


Cena wins title after pinning Rollins. Enters Rumble anyway and wins after throwing over Bryan and Reigns. Rock appears on RAW and challenges Cena to another rematch at Mania which ends with Cena saluting the crowd as pyro goes off and millions of the CenaNation chant his name.
Dean is the real winner here... let's not kid ourselves.


They'e on the road for so long, I can't blame them.


So who has the best rules for a Royal Rumble drinking game?
Err... Drink every time someone goes over the top rope? If you're drinking spirits, you'd be hammered enough to accept the fact that Reigns or Cena just won. On the other hand, if someone decent wins, you'll be too drunk to remember it the next morning.


Fantasy Booking:

Roman wins the Rumble. (WAIT, HEAR ME OUT.)

In the Triple Threat, Cena and Rollins try to destroy Brock, but Brock powers back. Brock hits Cena with a F5 and wins the match, only to be immediately AA'd by an angry Cena. Rollins smashes Cena with the briefcase and cashes in, but loses when Dean shows up and stops Rollins from winning.

Next night, The Authority gives Seth his rematch against Brock Lesnar and bans Dean from ringside, but makes the match a No DQ match. Brock is about to win when J&J security interferes. Dean shows up anyway and tries to aide Brock in winning, but ends up helping Rollins win the title. Rollins asks for a final match against Dean to put him away once and for all, but keeps getting put off by The Authority. Dean is angry because Rollins actually got what he wanted. Roman is angry at Dean for sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and having Rollins hold the title. Rollins is happy, but still angry that he can't get rid of the rotting carcass that is The Shield. They spin this somehow to make this a Triple Threat Match at WM 31. Seth retains.

And Cena goes off to Mid Card Hell.

Like I said... fantasy.
Safe to bet that Triple H is involved with the outcome, only to be foiled by Sting? Would be amazing if they were both RR surprise entrants.

Get the Undertaker and Sting in the ring as an early tease to a potential WM match next year!


Anybody see Sting getting involved in the championship match after J&J and the Authority interfere for Rolling? They got to push Sting vs. HHH further.

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Anybody see Sting getting involved in the championship match after J&J and the Authority interfere for Rolling? They got to push Sting vs. HHH further.

probably. It's the easy way.


Online Ho Champ
Hoping if he's up to it that Taker wins and faces Brock again at Wrestlemania. They need a proper match.

I doubt it, he hasn't had to stay in shape for years, and he has decades of damage done to his body...you can only do that for so long...his las few matches were really good save for the Brock one, Punk, HHH, Michaels were all damn good to great so....unless taker really got back in condition..and Sting too why bother. These guys have been wrestling for like 30 years.
I would be fine with Roman Reigns winning the Royal Rumble match but i'd so prefer he didn't and that someone like Bryan or Ziggler wins the Rumble darn it Vince make the right choice! Reigns could be boring on top as an in ring worker.


I'd love to see Kurt see out his career back in the WWE. And a surprise Rumble entrance would be fucking incredible. But hasn't he just resigned with TNA? :(
The Rumble matches never really matter. The last big one I can remember was Rock vs Foley. There have been great matches, but it's often filler until the Rumble. Rumble's the place where guys like Ziggler and Hardcore Holly challenge for the title.


^ Dean Ambrose certainly does, but with his current position, he isn't going anywhere. Best for him to go heel.

I doubt it, he hasn't had to stay in shape for years, and he has decades of damage done to his body...you can only do that for so long...his las few matches were really good save for the Brock one, Punk, HHH, Michaels were all damn good to great so....unless taker really got back in condition..and Sting too why bother. These guys have been wrestling for like 30 years.
They had Undertaker mess with Shield a bit after the CM Punk match, and he got hurt. Plus along with age, I just think he kind of stopped giving a shit. His body is too broken down. The Michaels' matches were 4-5 years ago. His body isn't the same at all.


love on your sleeve
I hope everyone is ready for the age of WWE Champion Seth Rollins!


Only a few days left.

Seth cashing in as his Plan B has been telepraphed too much for it to actually happen. I think it'll be a repeat of his cash-in attempt at Night of Champions where someone (Orton) will chase him off before the match starts.

Seth-kun era won't begin until Wrestlemania.
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