Legacy games, save GBs, save VRAM.
Welp, popular legacy games have very active modding communities that directly modify the assets (if one needs it).
I am not sure how more details and higher (same?) resolution assets would take less VRAM.
Seriously, does anyone know a single case, when AI is left doing scheisse unattended, without "this thingy might spout total nonsense, so cross-check and then cross-check it again please" footnote to it? Guaranteed enhancement, my south. Remember what happened with actual, cough, AI upscaling, the "super computer trained" DLSS 1.
I could imagine it doing fancy transformations just for fun. Perhaps I myself would play with it too.
But if I'd want something permanent, I'd rather modify assets.
No performance impact or strain on the hardware, do work once instead of every time.