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Ryan: GOP congress to hold hearings on Clinton FBI probe

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
She may not have lied there but I would find it hard to believe that anyone in the know would not understand what materials are classified and what are not regardless of label when you are at that level of the power.

It may not be that easy if the FBI finds something confidential, and the State Department does not. That's why I want to know if there was some conflict in the classification of the emails in question.

Comney was certainly not going to attempt to be unbiased about the situation, after that wonderful "press conference" where all decorum and procedure went out the proverbial window.


They have nothing left. They can keep trying but nothing sticks. They're shook.



I honestly don't see how this could possibly be a good idea. Other than those that weren't going to vote for Clinton before, who is being targeted by this 'show of force'? It's not like Comey didn't give the GOP an angle to pursue in the general election, but it seems that everyone instead wants to jump on the 'rigged system' bandwagon.
Yes, it would be nice to know if any emails were classified by all agencies, and did not fall under the Pakistan Situation.
Indeed, that is the one maybe valid question about this mostly-irrelevant "scandal" -- are any of the so-called classified things in this report actually things that State also thought should be classified at the time, or are they just things that the FBI did but State did not? I expect most, if not all, of it to be the latter, since that certainly fits with the pattern we know of, of diplomats wanting to actually discuss things versus the FBI wanting everything to be secret. I think diplomats should be able to discuss things with eachother without insane layers of secrecy attached to every discussion of things that are in the public record whether or not the FBI wishes they weren't.

So ultimately, I still think that this whole scandal doesn't really matter. I've never cared if she used a private email server or not, beyond how it opened her up to this line of attack, and this report doesn't change my mind on that. The most that will come out of this are more Republican wastes of taxpayer money on failed anti-Clinton investigations and some attack ads this election that won't go anywhere due to their candidate being Trump.


We all knew this was coming, which it the really sad part. They really need to let it go.

I am getting the feeling they will contest the election results even if it's over 52% in favour of Clinton with hearings of suspected voter fraud.

A hearing that will last well into January and still expect Obama to step down on time and put Ryan in as the acting President until it's sorted out. I doubt this last part has any legal basis in fact but I won't put it passed them to try.
How many times are we going to let the GOP use investigations that go absolutely nowhere as de facto campaigning? Even in the 90's before the obstructionism hit the absurd levels we have now they wasted time and money trying to take out a president.

You hear about government corruption from the clowns more often than not, yet for decades now they can be counted on to wield their power in these unproductive and frivolous waya over and over again.

This is what happens when Liberals decide to stay home during mid-terms. Hilary needs to aggressively point this out once she enters office.
Paul Ryan is such a toad. Every time I see his name I'm going to be reminded of him calling Donald Trump a racist and endorsing him anyway.


as if their embarrassing waste of taxpayer money on Benghazi wasn't enough.

The GOP needs to be eradicated at this point. I hope something better takes their piece of shit place.


man. what babies.

Hillary should release a pr photo of setting up an iMessage account for future communications. surely the FBI deems that secure.


Because it went so well for them doing this with Benghazi.

It's going to be time for some deep introspection for the GOP after this election.

That or they'll double down even more and throw away their chances at the White House for another cycle.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
But they can't hold a hearing for a new SCOTUS judge

Speaking of...I can see the rationalization for continuing to not hold hearings even after she's elected developing now...she's not the people's legitimate choice, she's crooked and a liar and rigged the system somehow. We have to prove it to you before we could ever nominate another SC judge.


Speaking of...I can see the rationalization for continuing to not hold hearings even after she's elected developing now...she's not the people's legitimate choice, she's crooked and a liar and rigged the system somehow. We have to prove it to you before we could ever nominate another SC judge.
Won't matter too much. All the downticket republican senators are getting washed away with trump. I'd be very surprised if the senate didn't swing democrat this november.
Not to defend what's going on here but that's semantics. From my limited experience doing contracting for military systems they are very serious about separation of classified materials. I've seen contractors fired for failing to report an incident of improperly labeled materials being sent on the wrong network.

At the last place I contracted for there was a lengthy process for reviewing these incidents as well to evaluate how much damage was done by information flowing where it shouldn't.

Shit can be very stressful and I'm glad I don't deal with it even in the limited capacity that I did anymore.

She may not have lied there but I would find it hard to believe that anyone in the know would not understand what materials are classified and what are not regardless of label when you are at that level of the power.

That said I think this witch hunt has gone on way too long and I imagine members of Congress and the Senate (or anyone within the government with sufficient power) does similar things with classified materials and at most gets a slap on the wrist.
In the end, when one of the examples of "shoulda been classified" is referencing articles about drones in the NYT, it is just semantics. Did you know that Israel has nuclear weapons? Shhh! It's Top Secret.
Won't matter too much. All the downticket republican senators are getting washed away with trump. I'd be very surprised if the senate didn't swing democrat this november.

I would be surprised. Despite the failings of the republicans on a massive scale, this election is sooo stupid and grating (imo) that it's going to lower midterm voter turnout. People are going to be sick of it and I expect lower turnout than normal from non-republicans.
Politics aside, why does Congress (part of the legislative branch) get to have oversight on investigations and decisions made by the executive branch?

-edit I see this question has been asked probably multiple times-
One half of the government shows no interest in compromise, legislating, or actual governing.

People complain about a do-nothing Congress, historic lows in job approval ratings.

Re-elect the same group of people, replacing the sensible with more partisan ones.

Rinse, repeat.


I'm sorry, but $87 million trying to repeal Obamacare?

Holy crap!

What I'm getting out of this is congress essentially spent like $100 million on pointless repeals and investigations!
Like any good elementary school teacher, Boehner wanted to make sure everyone has their turn(s).
John Boehner said:
"We have 47 new members of Congress on the Republican side," Boehner told Baier, "who have never had a chance to cast their vote to repeal Obamacare."

In other words, the House is treating U.S. healthcare policy with as much seriousness as it would treat a vote to name the marbled murrelet the national bird.


Works for me.

All they'll do here is expose just how tenuous of a link this all has back to Clinton directly, expose Comey for selective phrasing to paint a more negative picture of Clinton's involvement, and turn this into even more of a partisan issue.

The FBI said they found 110 emails across 52 email chains that contained some form of classified information. Clinton was only even included on 7 of those chains. Comey was itching to indict and couldn't follow through, likely because Clinton was never even directly involved in those chains and what they deemed "classified" in those chains was suspect to begin with.

Much like Benghazi the GOP congressional hearings will only further prove how little substance this ever even had in the first place.


They just go from scandal to scandal and from hearing to hearing lmao, they have nothing else to campaign on.
They just go from scandal to scandal and from hearing to hearing lmao, they have nothing else to campaign on.

Because it works. Case in pount: Bernie Sanders supporters, People who by all rights would normally disregard obviously transparent political attacks from conservatives on a liberal. Instead, they enthusiastically latched on to the GOP anti-Clinton talking points because it helped their preferred candidate.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
See it doesn't matter that Trump is unable to raise any money. The American people will pay for his campaign with their tax dollars whether they want to or not.


Unconfirmed Member
This is going to look like a partisan witch hunt, and I don't think it's going to turn out well for the GOP congress.

It's weird. They had the perfect opportunity to attack Hillary on indefensible grounds, pointing out the cronyism, the incompetency, and the lengths she'd go just to avoid any ammount of potential transparency. She basically let foreign adversaries have easier access in exchange for the US public having harder access.

But no, they can't help but turn it into an easily defendable partisan conspiracy theory by way overcommitting on the legality aspect, putting more of the focus on the FBI instead of Hillary, and making the legitimate attacks look illegitimate by proxy. I can't imagine the soundbites they get from questioning being worth that price.
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