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Sanders campaign requests removal of 2 DNC members, threatens to halt convention

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The irony of Bernie supporters criticizing confrontational activists only for Bernie himself to do the same for the most petty of reasons

"Our confrontational activisim is the exception!"

Not to mention the fact Bernie supporters now like to summon Marissa like a Pokemon to beat anyone who questions him. "Our lord and savior allowed her to speak! He didn't turn her away like Shillary! Stop voting for the establishment you uneducated shill!"


Sanders:"Nice convention your got here, be a real shame if someone was to come in here and bust it up, real shame."


How would it backfire? The ultimatums and discontent are coming from his side. If it so happens that Bernie gets the nomination through those means, okay he won? The Dem party will unify behind him and 90% of the Dem base will vote for him in the GE. Everyone sans the #BernieOrBust ppl understand what is at stake this election. Or are you suggesting Bernie would be so bitter and petty that he would further try to damage the party even after securing the nomination because of hard feelings?

Not only him. Do you really think people would support him, knowing because there was so much bad blood already, that they would have no place in a Sanders administration. The party establishment supports Hillary, because they already secured their place at the table and that is why Bernie is also such a big no go for them. So if you already have played your cards and you may have lost, why should you go into the game again if you having nothing to win. This is no ideological duel about the fate of the country, people want their share and they have already bet on Hillary.


What the DNC should do is just smile and nod and let him talk. Cause I willing to bet after the convention he will put that I right back by his name and slink back to Vermont and continue naming Post Offices.


Not only him. Do you really think people would support him, knowing because there was so much bad blood already, that they would have no place in a Sanders administration. The party establishment supports Hillary, because they already secured their place at the table and that is why Bernie is also such a big no go for them. So if you already have played your cards and you may have lost, why should you go into the game again if you having nothing to win. This is no ideological duel about the fate of the country, people want their share and they have already bet on Hillary.

Sorry but the next election is easily the most important in recent memory. People say that every year, but this time round the republicans have actually nominated a straight out and out racist demague. This absolutely *is* a confrontation on the fate of the country.

And in 2008 Hillary back Obama massively after she conceded, as did her supporters.


Just out of curiosity, what happens if the FBI really starts the investigation against Clinton in those 2 months. All this hate towards Bernie would backfire, because he would be the nomination then and maybe it was not such a great idea, to damage this much by the democratic establishment. He is their only backup, so all this crap towards Hillary and Bernie may backfire and there is a good chance the Democratic party will go down in a great ball of fire because of that. And honestly, Bernie has the most active supporters, if they all decide to stay home, like they usually do during midterms, well Hillary has a problem. And if Bernie burns too many bridges now, he also has problems in the general election.

"Really starts"? The FBI probe has been ongoing.

This is going to make so many Democrats straight up loathe Sanders.

Yes, it's a great way to ensure that in the next Dem-controlled Senate, he will have no power.
Not only him. Do you really think people would support him, knowing because there was so much bad blood already, that they would have no place in a Sanders administration. The party establishment supports Hillary, because they already secured their place at the table and that is why Bernie is also such a big no go for them. So if you already have played your cards and you may have lost, why should you go into the game again if you having nothing to win. This is no ideological duel about the fate of the country, people want their share and they have already bet on Hillary.

You think everyone that supported Hillary would support Trump?
If Hilary gets indicted, we will have an open convention and believe me the DNC will do everything in their power to make sure they rally around Biden or someone else. Thank god, too. I would vote for Bernie in an instant over Trump, but I would loathe having to listen to him whine every day when none of his magic ideas got passed and their was open strife in the democratic party.


How would it backfire? The ultimatums and discontent are coming from his side. If it so happens that Bernie gets the nomination through those means, okay he won? The Dem party will unify behind him and 90% of the Dem base will vote for him in the GE. Everyone sans the #BernieOrBust ppl understand what is at stake this election. Or are you suggesting Bernie would be so bitter and petty that he would further try to damage the party even after securing the nomination because of hard feelings?

The problem is that Sanders will get eviscerated even with the party at his back.
Trump doesn't need to convince dems and independent to vote for him, he just need them to not vote for his opponent.
With the skeletons in Sanders closet, it's going to be a slam dunk so much Sanders will be a synonym of political suicide.


You think everyone that supported Hillary would support Trump?
It seems they are talking about actual elected officials and those in power in the Democratic party, which is even stranger. For as scared as they would be about passing Bernard's purity tests and offered seats of power, there is probably 0% chance Trump would pick democrats to fill his cabinet positions.

So yeah, people in the party will back Bernard if he's their only option. As for voters, they probably will too if they care about democratic policies. I personally may have to be dragged to the voting booth Hannibal Lecter style if Bernard is my only option. But I will vote for him if it came down to only him and Trump. Even though I've wrestled with the idea of voting Trump over Bernard before; Bernard has shown me that I don't want to be a petulant child like him. I'll do what it takes as will the majority of democrats.

So yeah, I wouldn't worry about people lining up behind Bernard if he's all we've got.

If Hilary gets indicted, we will have an open convention and believe me the DNC will do everything in their power to make sure they rally around Biden or someone else. Thank god, too. I would vote for Bernie in an instant over Trump, but I would loathe having to listen to him whine every day when none of his magic ideas got passed and their was open strife in the democratic party.
Yeah I don't know how bad it would actually look to snatch the nomination away from Bernard if he was the only option. But I would definitely be hoping/praying that the DNC could pull Biden off in that scenario. I honestly dread Bernard as president. The presidency itself I'm sure would be very liberal and progressive and eventually get some stuff done that's beneficial to the country. But yeah, he's not worked well with others in the Democratic party to push his more wild agendas through and he'd be shaming people and organizations left and right constantly. It would be pretty insufferable to live through such a figurehead.
This is going to make so many Democrats straight up loathe Sanders.

At the moment I'm not far off, and I originally supported him in this primary.

I still hear a dwindling few complaining that GAF as a forum is insanely "pro-Hillary", but this thread is full of people who initially quite enthusiastically supported Sanders and many who even voted for him, but have since turned away from him and his campaign over the past couple months, and past few weeks in particular.

I remember enthusiasm for Bernie on GAF being huge around January. But not only has Bernie lost the primary, through his recent behavior he's lost people's support and respect as well. I don't relish trashing Bernie, I really don't, but the stakes this election are too high and he's deserving of his criticism.
Holy shit, I have a feeling Trump will take advantage of this disarray any time now.

Could he do it? Could he add items to his platform that make him Bernie-lite? Because ATM, Trump can say anything he wants and immune to any fact check.


Holy shit, I have a feeling Trump will take advantage of this disarray any time now.

Could he do it? Could he add items to his platform that make him Bernie-lite? Because ATM, Trump can say anything he wants and immune to any fact check.

He can absolutely adopt part of the message of the Bern while shitting on the candidate for not being pure enough.
A question though, weren't people saying the same thing about clinton when she didn't drop out until the very end? I mean, wasn't there a story just recently where a larger portion of clinton supporters were saying they wouldn't vote for Obama in 08 than the current sanders supporters saying the same about clinton?

I mean, without the recession hitting mid-campaign that election may well have wound up being a nailbiter and we get, at best, a bunch of further watered-down laws that passed in the following Congress.

We can't really know!


It's a little sad. His "I'll only support Hillary if they put my whole platform in the DNC platform" rhetoric is really petty. She won, after all, so he's not in a position to even say that. But he did get a good amount of support, so that does put him in a position to get some stuff into the platform. His "Medicare for all" plan is a non-starter, but I can see the $15 minimum wage getting in there (even if Senate Democrats will still plan to pass $12), and infrastructure, and climate change (although a carbon tax is iffy).

Don't like that you didn't get everything you wanted in the platform? You're a senator, do your job - write up legislation, get it passed, and present it to President Clinton for her to sign.


The irony of Bernie supporters criticizing confrontational activists only for Bernie himself to do the same for the most petty of reasons

This hypocrisy goes both ways, of course. I see plenty of posters who defended confrontational BLM protesters raging about Bernie doing same, right in this very thread.

So ready for this to all be over so we can talk about the greater issues in the general election.
It's a little sad. His "I'll only support Hillary if they put my whole platform in the DNC platform" rhetoric is really petty. She won, after all, so he's not in a position to even say that. But he did get a good amount of support, so that does put him in a position to get some stuff into the platform. His "Medicare for all" plan is a non-starter, but I can see the $15 minimum wage getting in there (even if Senate Democrats will still plan to pass $12), and infrastructure, and climate change (although a carbon tax is iffy).

Don't like that you didn't get everything you wanted in the platform? You're a senator, do your job - write up legislation, get it passed, and present it to President Clinton for her to sign.
The mentality on s4p, politics and probably the campaign itself has changed from "we need to win the Democratic primary" to "we need to defeat the DNC" sometime around when New York results started pouring in. Its an echo chamber bubble where information is filtered. The campaign has been on a defensive mode ever since. They are blaming the DNC and the entire party establishment for working against them which has resulted in his losses. The biggest reason they cite are the closed primaries.

I'm thinking that in their mind their purpose is to get rid of this corrupt establishment (or remake it in Bernie's image) by whatever it takes. Thats the only way to save it.


This hypocrisy goes both ways, of course. I see plenty of posters who defended confrontational BLM protesters raging about Bernie doing same, right in this very thread.

So ready for this to all be over so we can talk about the greater issues in the general election.

Probably because those are wildly distinct situations and behaviors.
This hypocrisy goes both ways, of course. I see plenty of posters who defended confrontational BLM protesters raging about Bernie doing same, right in this very thread.

So ready for this to all be over so we can talk about the greater issues in the general election.

BLM protesters are fighting for their right to live as equals in society.

Bernie is fighting to be the center of attention.

You cannot see how the two are distinct?


Probably because those are wildly distinct situations and behaviors.

BLM protesters are fighting for their right to live as equals in society.

Bernie is fighting to be the center of attention.

You cannot see how the two are distinct?

I support BLM, but the methods are similar. The goals aren't, yes. It's still hypocrisy to complain about the method here. It goes both ways.
I support BLM, but the methods are similar. The goals aren't, yes. It's still hypocrisy to complain about the method here. It goes both ways.

Different methods are appropriate in different situations.

Bernie's shit is 100% not appropriate for the cause.

There is no hypocrisy involved.
Sanders:"Nice convention your got here, be a real shame if someone was to come in here and bust it up, real shame."

That's his secret plan. He realized he became too popular and was dividing the party, so now he's doing his best to make everyone hate him so they unite behind Hillary instead of pining for the lost candidate. He's making himself a pariah for the sake of the party.

No, not really, but if he wants to claim this was his long-con right now and peace the fuck out without another word, I'd be willing to pretend so he can save some face.


I support BLM, but the methods are similar. The goals aren't, yes. It's still hypocrisy to complain about the method here. It goes both ways.

Bernie has an equal voice at the table but is throwing temper tantrums because he lost. How is that similar to BLM?
I support BLM, but the methods are similar. The goals aren't, yes. It's still hypocrisy to complain about the method here. It goes both ways.

I don't think anybody is complaining about the method in and of itself. They're complaining about that method being used in service of an egotistical buffoon whose reason for using these tactics is to throw one of the most public temper tantrums in the history of this country.


41 > 38
Bernard is going to have his demands met, is going to make more that are met, and is still going to do whatever he can to make the convention a shit show.


If you give a mouse a cookie...

Looks like the DNC is smarter than I thought. Good for them, because it never would have ended. It probably still won't end, but at least they realize that they're never going to make him content.


I don't think anybody is complaining about the method in and of itself. They're complaining about that method being used in service of an egotistical buffoon whose reason for using these tactics is to throw one of the most public temper tantrums in the history of this country.

Posters are complaining about the method itself, saying that it's disruptive, petty, and disgusting. The post I quoted talked about the hypocrisy of Sanders supporters shitting on BLM protesters for disruptive protesting, where now the Sanders campaign is threatening the same methods. That hypocrisy is a two-way street. And there haven't been but a few Sanders supporters here who did not support BLM protesting in the manner they did, from what I've seen. That attitude was not necessarily widespread.

I think the threats of disrupting the convention are undemocratic and undesirable but if someone is going to call hypocrisy then they should be more aware.


Good. Can't wait for his next speech where he wags his finger around and bitches about how "establishment" the party he wants to lead as President is.

Edit: Ugh. Top of the page.

Here, have this gif:



I support BLM, but the methods are similar. The goals aren't, yes. It's still hypocrisy to complain about the method here. It goes both ways.

This is simply nonsense. There is nothing similar about the methods here. Bernie filing unjustified procedural challenges against people who have criticized him personally is not something that BLM has done so far as I know.
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