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Sanders campaign requests removal of 2 DNC members, threatens to halt convention

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They should replace Barnie Frank with the most neoliberal-ass corporate Democrat they can find just to troll Sanders. This is getting ridiculous when Barnie Frank is now too conservative for them, especially after the Hillary camp let Bernie pull his trolling moves with Cornel West.
A pretty swift and concise 'no'. I like it. I wonder how furiously Bernard's team is typing up his response to this and what if anything he will do to follow up on his convention threats.

For people saying to give him what he wants; I don't agree. For a reasonable candidate with reasonable demands I could see giving an inch here or there for their support and backing. But I don't believe Bernard is bargaining in good faith. I think every little bit he gets he's going to ask for more and more and more.

Even though the concessions are meaningless, just ask Trump, this is how you win at making deals. You get your opponent to give you something small and then you ramp up. This works with everything, ask someone to loan you a dollar one day and they are more likely to loan you $5 next week. They are invested in you and are waiting for you to pay off sort of speak.

So the DNC 'invests' in Bernard, offering him meaningless concessions in the hope it quells his rhetoric; then he starts asking for more. Well since we already gave him this, and this is small too, okay. Then he keeps ramping it up. You look at what you've already given him and it starts adding up, and you look a little foolish to not give him the next thing because again you've already given him X and Y, what's the harm in giving him Z as well?

This is already happening. DNC gave him an unprecedented amount of say at the convention, and now he's asking for even more. So let's say they drop the two guys he has a problem with and you pick two new ones. Well suddenly he's got a problem with them too, but don't worry, he's got a list of names that would fit the bill that he feels is 'fair'. So just pick one of them and he'll be happy. Oh except wait, this other person seems a little problematic. Oh and about this party platform, don't think it goes far enough. Oh how about we add this to the party platform as well. And on and on. Trust me, with guys like Bernard it never ends. He's never going to be satisfied until he's in complete control.

Excellent post.
Yeah, I'm not sure this is the hill the Democratic Party wants to die on. Give him some concessions, bring him into line, and bring his supporters into the fold. The end. Not saying that he should get to bring his whole election platform as the party platform, but giving him some significant contributions proportionate to the delegates he won isn't unreasonable.

The "fuck Bernie Sanders and supporters" sentiments here risk costing the Dems everything in November. There's too much at stake, man.

I'd agree with you if I thought he would actually fall in line once his demands were met. So far, he's shown himself to be the type who only wants more once he gets his way.

I'm also not all that concerned about the "Fuck Bernie Sanders" sentiments. Or at least they don't concern me as much as his oft-repeated "fuck the DNC" sentiments. That's not the type of person who is looking to make deals and take what he can get. He wants it all, and he's more than willing to shit in the face of anyone who opposes him.
w h o c a r e s

Do you want his support? Do you think it will help Hillary? Then do what he wants. And from what I can tell, what he wants is meaningless.

In his TYT interview he said he won't stop until Clinton adopts his entire platform and more. What he wants is not meaningless.


They gave him concessions already, there was a whole thread about it, and he just asked for more. He doesn't get to run the show. He lost. There's limits to what he can ask for.

Yeah, I though this was a pretty solid concession:


But I guess he'll test the limits of his influence until the convention is over.

I'd agree with you if I thought he would actually fall in line once his demands were met. So far, he's shown himself to be the type who only wants more once he gets his way.

I'm also not all that concerned about the "Fuck Bernie Sanders" sentiments. Or at least they don't concern me as much as his oft-repeated "fuck the DNC" sentiments. That's not the type of person who is looking to make deals and take what he can get. He wants it all, and he's more than willing to shit in the face of anyone who opposes him.

There's no direct evidence yet that Bernie won't endorse Hillary, that I'm aware of. All this is a little bit premature.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
In his TYT interview he said he won't stop until Clinton adopts his entire platform and more. What he wants is not meaningless.

What he says publicly and what he would actually settle for are different. If the DNC believed he would not settle for anything less than an entire loaf, they'd have told him to fuck off already.


They gave him concessions already, there was a whole thread about it, and he just asked for more. He doesn't get to run the show. He lost. There's limits to what he can ask for.


Hillary reached out an olive branch months ago. He rejected it.

The DNC gave a major concession last week by allowing him to pick 5 delegates for the rules committee. This is unprecedented. Never happened before. But apparently that's not enough.

There comes a time that you stop negotiating with someone who's making it perfectly clear in their every action that they are unwilling to negotiate in good faith.

Barney Frank is a progressive and LGBT pioneer in this country. AND he's a true blue Democrat. My respect for the DNC would be greatly diminished if they didn't stand by this man in the face of whiner who only joined the party a year ago to compete in the primary and just can't accept that he lost because he's a terrible candidate with paper thin policy ideas.
Bernie was doomed the minute he hired Tad Devine instead of someone who A) Could manage his personality in a conducive way (Ron Paul nailed that part, should have asked him for advice) and B) isn't totally and utterly inept at his job like Devine.

But hey you know.

Just gonna post this here too
Which he wont be.

Barring Trump winning, and he wont, he'll just be a footnote in history.

Who remembers Ron Paul?

The internet never forgets.



A Good Citizen
Do you guys honestly believe that Bernie is trying to hand the election over to Trump?

I hope you guys are joking.
Trying or not, a weakened Democratic party only helps Trump, and the Sanders campaign is actively working against the party.
Do you guys honestly believe that Bernie is trying to hand the election over to Trump?

I hope you guys are joking.

Trying to elect Trump? No.

Trying to overturn the results of a primary and not caring if he burns down the only opposition to Trump in the process? Yeah, that sounds about right.
The DNC...never seems like it is particularly well run, especially when it most in focus, the primaries.

They managed to convince almost all their candidates in 2008 to remove their names from the ballots for the Florida/Michigan primaries, and said they wouldn't seat their delegates at the convention. Even Obama was dumb enough to do this.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The DNC...never seems like it is particularly well run, especially when it most in focus, the primaries.

They managed to convince almost all their candidates in 2008 to remove their names from the ballots for the Florida/Michigan primaries, and said they wouldn't seat their delegates at the convention. Even Obama was dumb enough to do this.

That's an odd recounting of history.
They seated half of the delegates as a compromise.

The delegates were originally removed since they moved their primaries before a specific set date.
The DNC...never seems like it is particularly well run, especially when it most in focus, the primaries.

They managed to convince almost all their candidates in 2008 to remove their names from the ballots for the Florida/Michigan primaries, and said they wouldn't seat their delegates at the convention. Even Obama was dumb enough to do this.

Florida and Michigan's delegations were cut in half and seated, but only because doing so wasn't going to upset the result that every other contest had put into place.

If including Florida and Michigan at even half strength would have changed it from an Obama victory to a Clinton victory, they would have been excluded as planned. As it was, their meaningless contests didn't impact the overall primary at all, so they decided to relent and let half of their delegates go to the convention.


What he says publicly and what he would actually settle for are different. If the DNC believed he would not settle for anything less than an entire loaf, they'd have told him to fuck off already.

Unless the DNC hadn't figured what Sanders' end-game was until now, which is likely the case.


A Good Citizen
Why do you believe that the Democratic party has been weakened by Bernie's presence?
because sowing discord in the party for the sake of a campaign that is mathematically dead and has no chance of winning while the opposing party already has their nominee locked in does not strengthen a party?

He is a distraction at a time when the Democrats should be focusing on Trump. That is not good.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Why do you believe that the Democratic party has been weakened by Bernie's presence?

It did not, until he started making unsubstantiated claims of fraud.
Then it snowballed until it culminated in a clusterfuck of shit in the last 48 hours.

If not mended it will result in reduced turnout.

And before you say "It's Hillary's job to mend the party"; no it's not, especially when the person burning the bridges is doing so with lies and extortion.

Hillary worked overtime to get Obama elected after a far closer primary.
Florida and Michigan's delegations were cut in half and seated, but only because doing so wasn't going to upset the result that every other contest had put into place.

If including Florida and Michigan at even half strength would have changed it from an Obama victory to a Clinton victory, they would have been excluded as planned. As it was, their meaningless contests didn't impact the overall primary at all, so they decided to relent and let half of their delegates go to the convention.

Really, that's fascinating. Do you have a link anything where they talk about making their decision on this basis, I'd be interested in it.


because sowing discord in the party for the sake of a campaign that is mathematically dead and has no chance of winning while the opposing party already has their nominee locked in does not strengthen a party?

He is a distraction at a time when the Democrats should be focusing on Trump. That is not good.

Do you remember what happened in 2008? Why is this year any different?

It did not, until he started making unsubstantiated claims of fraud.
Then it snowballed until it culminated in a clusterfuck of shit in the last 48 hours.

If not mended it will result in reduced turnout.

And before you say "It's Hillary's job to mend the party"; no it's not, especially when the person burning the bridges is doing so with lies and extortion.

Hillary worked overtime to get Obama elected after a far closer primary.

It is the Democratic party's job to unify the party. This includes Bernie and Hillary. It isn't solely Bernie's job.


When we talk about uniting the party, we're talking about bringing Bernie's supporters over to Hillary's side aren't we?

By giving Bernie even more unprecendent concessions? With him giving up nothing?

The Bernie Excuse Parade continues.

Whats next, Senate Minority Leader?
When we talk about uniting the party, we're talking about bringing Bernie's supporters over to Hillary's side aren't we?

First of all, yes, obviously, because she will be the nominee.

Second of all it would be nice to see something, anything, from Bernie's campaign indicating that they want to help unite the party. I have given up all faith that we ever will, so why bother continuing to placate him/them? Bernie has already wrung unprecedented concessions out of the DNC without any show of good faith.


A Good Citizen
Do you remember what happened in 2008? Why is this year any different?
A few reasons.

For one, Hillary was a lot closer than Bernie ever was. I wish people bringing up 2008 would actually remember what 2008's numbers were. In fact, bringing up 2008 just makes the Sanders campaign seem even less rational and grounded in reality considering how huge the gap has been compared to the one Hillary had in 2008 & still lost.

Second, McCain was no Trump. Trump is wildly unpredictable and shouldn't be underestimated; even if he seems demographically unelectable it's not worth the chance of not taking him seriously considering the harm he would cause to this country and its most vulnerable people in the off chance he gets elected. On top of that there are several future Supreme Court appointments on the line here; there's just way too much to lose if Trump wins. Unfortunately it seems the Sanders campaign does not care about that.


Do you remember what happened in 2008? Why is this year any different?

Hillary is a long-time Democrat who is fiercely vested in the party doing well. When she lost, it was still in her interest to get Obama elected.

Bernie isn't a long-time Democrat, and only became one at all to run for this election.


I don't care much about party unity, but this is essentially him going to someone's house and telling them what to do. What the hell is he thinking?
And they were trying by giving him picks for the convention. He just wanted more cake.

If the DNC has been continually willing to acquiesce to his demands, and not having a firm stance on how much they are willing to give up, that is also on the DNC.

And to be fair, Malloy and Frank are not shy about publicly voicing their unyielding support for Clinton, and have acted as surrogates throughout the course of the primary for her. But if the DNC has never had a problem with committee members openly supporting one candidate over another, it's really nothing more than a symbolic request.


If the DNC has been continually willing to acquiesce to his demands, and not having a firm stance on how much they are willing to give up, that is also on the DNC.

And to be fair, Malloy and Frank are not shy about publicly voicing their unyielding support for Clinton, and have acted as surrogates throughout the course of the primary for her. But if the DNC has never had a problem with committee members openly supporting one candidate over another, it's really nothing more than a symbolic request.

And Cornell West? How is that 'Republican in black face president'?
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