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SbF: Super Best Friends Play Thread: ReBoot

Sou Da

Wow, they're really taking the self-shots in today's Omikron part. Pat and Woolie talking about their subtle strategies of diverting people calling them out for being wrong, talking about how Matt just wants to be included, Pat's comments in the past about how he sometimes thinks it'd be so easy to kill someone, etc. They're really digging their heels and facing their own mortality.

Rich character development.
I just witnessed The Coward Incident.

Was expecting something way more dramatic. I can't believe it took them that long though. It seemed like Minori was dragging it out way more towards the end there than Uchi ever did. But something about Uchi rubs me the wrong way. I don't know why, but I still just don't really like him. Besides, I'm honestly way more interested in what's going on with Arman and Mizuki/Arisa. Meanwhile, lol Tap.
I just witnessed The Coward Incident.

Oh wait, I've mixed up the coward incident with something else.
When Uchi lifts Minori's chin up it really could have gone the complete opposite way. Why wouldn't you say something after the other person looks panicked?
I'm with you, Uchi is towards the bottom of members I liked. I don't think I really liked any of the initial cast besides Mizuki looking back on it.
Oh wait, I've mixed up the coward incident with something else.
When Uchi lifts Minori's chin up it really could have gone the complete opposite way. Why wouldn't you say something after the other person looks panicked?
I'm with you, Uchi is towards the bottom of members I liked. I don't think I really liked any of the initial cast besides Mizuki looking back on it.

I mean, I don't think there was any reason to think he was going to hit her or snap her neck or something, but yeah, it was a bit odd to try to do that in front of everyone. At least, I assume that's what you were going for.

And I honestly really liked Makoto, despite everyone kinda turning on him, even the hosts. I feel like maybe it's just kind of a cultural difference or something, because I didn't see much of anything wrong with what he did regarding Uchi and Yuriko. Although the whole thing with taking Minori out after Uchi has clearly shown interest in her was kinda weird.


For some reason, when I saw the yellow font on Omikron 33 I convinced myself they'd somehow completed it and got excited. I think this relentless suffering is taking its toll on me.

I just witnessed The Coward Incident.

Was expecting something way more dramatic. I can't believe it took them that long though. It seemed like Minori was dragging it out way more towards the end there than Uchi ever did. But something about Uchi rubs me the wrong way. I don't know why, but I still just don't really like him. Besides, I'm honestly way more interested in what's going on with Arman and Mizuki/Arisa. Meanwhile, lol Tap.
The Coward Incident is slow torrent of passive aggressive awkwardness. But if you're looking for DRAMA, it's in season 2. Towards the end of the show there's a revelation that will definitely be more suited to your tastes.
The Coward Incident is slow torrent of passive aggressive awkwardness. But if you're looking for DRAMA, it's in season 2. Towards the end of the show there's a revelation that will definitely be more suited to your tastes.

I'm gonna need some real drama-ass drama to suit my tastes.

Like, crimes need to be committed.
I mean, I don't think there was any reason to think he was going to hit her or snap her neck or something, but yeah, it was a bit odd to try to do that in front of everyone. At least, I assume that's what you were going for.

And I honestly really liked Makoto, despite everyone kinda turning on him, even the hosts. I feel like maybe it's just kind of a cultural difference or something, because I didn't see much of anything wrong with what he did regarding Uchi and Yuriko. Although the whole thing with taking Minori out after Uchi has clearly shown interest in her was kinda weird.

Maybe not that far, but when a person comes in after being called a coward and says nothing besides come here and chin up,that normally leads towards chin up and bear it scenario.
I'm not that bothered by makoto in that sense, more in his attitude towards trying to go pro at baseball but not really and making excuses about everything


I mean, I don't think there was any reason to think he was going to hit her or snap her neck or something, but yeah, it was a bit odd to try to do that in front of everyone. At least, I assume that's what you were going for.

And I honestly really liked Makoto, despite everyone kinda turning on him, even the hosts. I feel like maybe it's just kind of a cultural difference or something, because I didn't see much of anything wrong with what he did regarding Uchi and Yuriko. Although the whole thing with taking Minori out after Uchi has clearly shown interest in her was kinda weird.
main problem to me wasn't the text message he sent Yuriko, but the way he dealt with everything, including baseball. You don't promise you will try hard without getting your shit together. That just completely broke his image of a hard working dependable person he had on the beginning.

I think I like him better than Uchi tho, he had a lot more things going on than Uchi.
main problem to me wasn't the text message he sent Yuriko, but the way he dealt with everything, including baseball. You don't promise you will try hard without getting your shit together. That just completely broke his image of a hard working dependable person he had on the beginning.

I think I like him better than Uchi tho, he had a lot more things going on than Uchi.

Maybe it's just because I'm also super lazy and bad at following through on stuff. I think I just related to Makoto the most. Plus, I don't think they would make as huge of a deal out of it if it were an American show. Like, I don't see how that affected any of them. It reminds me of Tap's whole speech about Mizuki's goals not being clear. I just don't see why it matters.

Maybe I've just been corrupted by seeing nothing but totally unlikable people in American reality TV, so that just seems normal to me.
What was that manual driving in Omikron today? You couldn't drive off the road and you could barely drive onto the incoming traffic, so why? I like how the goals of the single episode went from next objective -> find sneak terminal -> find woman -> find store -> find concert. It's like they want the suffering to continue.


Un Rama
You remember the DOA Xtreme Volleyball games? Like the one where you try to use your butt to push the other girl off the platform?

Its like that on steroids. And like...JoJo thrown in.

edit: Wow, so Woolie finally beat Reboot huh.

Sir, you just sold me an anime.

I feel like Matts reaction to the jump scare in SH part 16 was faked.
He started saying a sentence that went nowhere right before it happened, and I'm pretty sure he knows the game better than that since his wife Snapchatted a video of him playing the game on his own a few days before part 1 went up.


I feel like Matts reaction to the jump scare in SH part 16 was faked.
He started saying a sentence that went nowhere right before it happened, and I'm pretty sure he knows the game better than that since his wife Snapchatted a video of him playing the game on his own a few days before part 1 went up.

lol, if true this bothers me way more than it should. Also wouldn't be the first time.
Sir, you just sold me an anime.


I kind of actually recommend it.

Like, it is the absolute dumbest shit, but they do the classic shonen, "Introduce a new opponent. What is her secret?!" thing better than anything outside of JoJo, YuYuHakusho, and maybe the very earliest bits of Bleach. It's way more entertaining than it has any right to be.


Sir, you just sold me an anime.


Hah! Well I hope you enjoy it. I haven't seen it yet myself admittedly (its in my ever growing "to watch" list) but I've heard its surprisingly good for what it is. I mean, its not a storywriting marvel but it seems to accept what it is, not take itself seriously, and just goes for it with gusto. And I can appreciate that.

Anyway, so I shouldn't watch the Omikron LP before bed because I had a HELL of a nightmare where I was in god damn Omikron myself.

It was fucking surreal, and I have bizarre dreams damn near every night, so that says something.


He wouldn't LP Yakuza 5 so people would buy it. Considering that we're getting 0, Kiwami, 6 and that Yakuza 5 was on PS+ I really think Yakuza 5 is a good choice now.

5 would be a good choice. 0 could also work because it's somewhat shorter and Kiwami because Matt played Yakuza 1. But 5 would be the best because Pat probably already played through it and I don't think Matt has, so it'll be just like Yakuza 4.


Just posted on the Best Friend's FB:
Hey everyone! If you are a fan and live/breathe in the state of California, we’ll be at the Round 1 Arcade in Santa Ana this Friday starting at 8 pm! Come on down, say hi, eat some pizza and point and laugh at us!
Facebook Link




Sonic part 8: I'm pretty sure that was a Tay Zonday reference, Woolie.

edit: Actually listening to it again, I think Liam just happened to sound like it. But I dunno...
So how wrong are they playing Unleashed? I've never played the game, but it can't be this elaborate to progress.

You just need a certain amount of Sun/Moon medals to progress to the next level, same as Mario 64/3D World. It's just that you need like 80-90% of all the medals in the game to get to the final level, so it's kinda understandable that they'd have a bit of trouble with that. However, you can get (almost?) every medal you need just from the main night stages and the villages, and none of them are super hard to find.

They've also been having problems with some really simple things and blaming the game for it. This game really doesn't have much more jank than your average Platinum game, but you know, lol Sonic and all that.

The most wrong thing though is everyone telling them the Wii/PS2 version is better. I own it. I would not say it's better. One of the only things it has going for it over the the HD version is that the medals aren't needed to progress, and are just tied to your rank.

So yeah, I'd say they're mostly wrong about everything, but I'm kind of a Sonic apologist, so I'm probably not the best person to listen to.

Edit: Wait, I just saw what you were talking about. Yeah, no, they're making this way more complicated than it needs to be. You only have to do one day stage and one night stage per continent. The rest are just extra.




I think modern Sonic games keep the mechanic of "you have 10 minutes to finish this level" and I think that there are around 16 daytime acts so provided it's just the daytime levels and you use the maximum amount of time for each and don't do the extra stuff, the game would be between 2 and 3 hours long.


Rich character development.
And they discovered the person they were searching for was them all along.
What was that manual driving in Omikron today? You couldn't drive off the road and you could barely drive onto the incoming traffic, so why?
If you actually manage to stay on the right side it's much more manageable, although the handling is terrible. As for why, although the final result obviously doesn't live up to that, the initial goal of the devs was a free roaming immersive world, which is why you can drive sliders and there's tons of apartments to visit and mostly useless stuff to buy and usable TVs and record players.

For the anecdote, the canals in Lahoreh were originally meant to be navigable with sliders, but since we're now in cut content land that didn't happen.


Just posted on the Best Friend's FB:
Hey everyone! If you are a fan and live/breathe in the state of California, we’ll be at the Round 1 Arcade in Santa Ana this Friday starting at 8 pm! Come on down, say hi, eat some pizza and point and laugh at us!
Facebook Link
Anyone here going? A couple of my friends and I will be there.
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