Honestly really could not care less about fucking Boba Fett.
It was probably the idea of him more than anything else. He doesn't do shit in the movies but he's a space bounty hunter
Honestly really could not care less about fucking Boba Fett.
It doesn't matter what great story they come up with, whether they change his back story or who Boba ultimately is.
Because any movie set pre ROTJ will have no sense of danger to it.
You will know all along that he will make it out ok and later end up in the Sarlacc
But what if Sneider got the "origin" part wrong (which is possible) and this movie is set between Jedi and the Battle of Jakku?
That was just the stand-in for the special edition of Return of the Jedi.
Here's the original actor, with Irvin Kersher (the director of ESB) and David Prowse (Vader)
Far more Clint Eastwood-y:
So I imagined the Jedi temple? The ones introduced in the prequels? How about the entire 501st clone legion making a comeback? They also went to Mustafar a prequel planet,the destroyed Clone Dropships that were first introduced in the Battle of Geonosis?... I can go on
And rebels is canon, not only "Stuff for children"
I don't see how you're so sure they are ignoring anything based on 3 min teaser. Can´t wait to see your angry posts if they mention the Sith Lords or Midichlorians in the new trilogy.
As long as nothing in Clone Wars (CG) contradicts what happens in Clone Wars (cartoon) it might as well be canon.I think it's canon isn't it?
As long as nothing in Clone Wars (CG) contradicts what happens in Clone Wars (cartoon) it might as well be canon.
There will be some contradictions, but new CW doesn't completely override old CW. I don't think anyone has come out and said it's not canon, and if you want to twist words, then "Clone Wars" is one of the few things to survive the great canonization purge.
You know what, I change my mind.
A grimy underworld crime movie centering around Boba from where we left him in TCW to him showing up in ESB sounds pretty good.
I'll just pretend that the main character going eventually full blown stupid and ending up in the Sarlacc Pit never happens.
I've always thought that they could get around this by having him crawl out of the Sarlaac at the beginning of the movie during the sunset. In his exhaustion, he'd start reminiscing about how he could have gotten to this point despite his training and reputation. I guess his recollections would be what most of the movie would be about.
Whether it's a sequel to Return of the Jedi, or another prequel, I think they're passing up a prime opportunity to show him climbing out of that thing.
Did some of you not like Episode 2?
Whether it's a sequel to Return of the Jedi, or another prequel, I think they're passing up a prime opportunity to show him climbing out of that thing.
The movie could be like that story "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge." Boba Fett manages to escape the Sarlacc then has to find a way off Tatooine while avoiding the Tusken Raiders who are hunting him. He finally reaches his hidden ship and prepares to take off, then it explodes and everything goes black.
"Boba Fett was dead; his body, with a broken neck, floated gently from side to side within the bowels of the almighty sarlacc."
If do that then I'm out, for real.
I'll copy my post from another thread.
You have the entire lore (or potential lore) at your disposal and they continue to wallow in between the trilogies?
That's like having access to the entire galaxy but you don't go past Jupiter.
You have the entire lore (or potential lore) at your disposal and they continue to wallow in between the trilogies? What a disappointment.
Right now they are pandering to what people know and getting the guaranteed sales.
I'm sure they'll get deeper into the lore as they go further on this Anthology ride.
To be fair, they're going to make a Star Wars movie without a single Jedi or force-user in it. That's pretty new-ish for Star Wars.
Isn't that also Anthology
I love this picture so much.
No hate from me... I dig him both pre and post Prequel trilogy/The Clone Wars (2008)
But when they say 'origin' I wonder if it means they are going forward with a plan that's been tossed around where someone kills Boba at some point before ANH and takes his armor and name.
But a post-RotJ 'rebirth' story where he escapes the Sarlacc is what I'm hoping for most. And pepper it with lots of flashback stuff to build up his history some more.
No hate from me... I dig him both pre and post Prequel trilogy/The Clone Wars (2008)
But when they say 'origin' I wonder if it means they are going forward with a plan that's been tossed around where someone kills Boba at some point before ANH and takes his armor and name. This would give disney a fresh slate where they could mold Boba into whatever they want and possibly make it easier to re-use him in future films/anthologies. Because as it stands right now, Adult Boba has to look like Temuera Morrison and that just adds a layer of complication.
But a post-RotJ 'rebirth' story where he escapes the Sarlacc is what I'm hoping for most. And pepper it with lots of flashback stuff to build up his history some more.
Trank was always a shit director for this
Here's my pitch: Gore Verbinski. Give boba a space poncho/cape. Set it in a desert like planet like tattooine. Make it a riff of the man with no name...in spaaaace
Tell me another idea is better than that GOAT.
Why is this guy getting a origin film like he isn't a scrub?
guy sucks.
But only if they ignore the prequels.They won't. It's canon, get over it. I personally think it's a terrible idea. I would rather have a film about Yoda.
So they are gonna make a "cool" origins story for him yet he eventually dies in a really shitty way in a mainline film?
Lucas should of kept him alive so he could have been a bad ass that is always mysterious in all the films.
Why is this guy getting a origin film like he isn't a scrub?
guy sucks.
So they are gonna make a "cool" origins story for him yet he eventually dies in a really shitty way in a mainline film?
Lucas should of kept him alive so he could have been a bad ass that is always mysterious in all the films.