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'Shirtstorm' Leads To Apology From European Space Scientist

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Let's be honest though, there are tons of people who simply don't get this at all. Ever worked with computer programmers?

I am a computer programmer! I work at a super laid back company with what could only be described as a generous dress code and HR standard, and yet people have still gotten talked to for wearing obviously inappropriate clothing, because it is obviously inappropriate.

But 'this was a sexist act that needed apologising for' is way too much, imo.

But... asking for an apology after which you forgive and forget is the single least demanding reaction you can have to someone doing something wrong. Like, this is actually what we teach little kids because it's the simplest, least disruptive way to resolve interpersonal issues with the fewest long-term consequences. I wouldn't agree at all with someone who wanted him to be fired, or even seriously censured, or who would want to dredge this up for all eternity to make sure the guy can never live it down. But an apology is a pretty small consequence all things considered!

But how about hes team members, have they said him that "dude wearing those shirts is not cool." Shouldn't we be naming and shaming them also and not pinpoint this whole issue on him?

I've seen articles that have (rightfully) criticized his bosses and HR department for letting this happen, and I don't think it's reasonable to criticize his peers for potentially feeling uncomfortable bringing it up.

But I dont believe right way to do is to shame Matt and call him something he havent given any prove he is.

I would agree it's not productive to make assertions like "he's a sexist asshole" or whatever, because a) is he? who knows? and b) it's not relevant at all to the actual topic, which is how regardless of one's personal beliefs or intentions it is an error to wear a shirt like that while you're representing a big scientific organization on TV.
So if it were shirtless men on this guy's tee, would it have been less offensive, or not at all?

(The answer is yes)

What is the affirmation to? I'll assume you mean it would be less offensive.

I'll answer that I think some of the people on both sides might be switching views. I think some of the people who think it's sexist and misogynistic might give a man or woman wearing a Cowboy Studs shirt some slack (as you are?). I think some who feel it's all in fun might have a problem with shirts of bare-chested muscular men in denim chaps in the office. I don't find the shirt offensive, but it was certainly inappropriate for work.

Barring some Internet-detective work that finds out the scientist is a shitbag, I feel bad for the guy. He doesn't strike me as macho and bullying. He might have even knowingly worn the shirt to help out his friend. "Oh, this cool shirt? My friend designed it." He could suffer from social miscues. Does European STEM have the same problem with female representation? Are Europeans less offended by this?

I linked earlier to a Hawaiian shirt company that makes shirts using prints like this: https://www.alohaland.com/pinup-girls-guys. The shirt using that pattern is now sold out.


I can't but feel this was directed at me, but I'm a girl and a feminist. I honestly don't think this guy's intent was to offend as much as me seeing it as a bad choice in his taste for "fashionable apparel" (90% of this topic agrees it's 'tacky' -- and it is).

You can read more into it (certainly a lack of women in science is a clear issue and the shirt speak much more to what maybe some men may see women), but he did apologize, and I think the bigger story here is indeed the feet in science with the Philae Lander and this being an unfortunate "bump" that stemmed from it.

Again, it's not about intent, it's about this shirt is just part of a whole that contributes to sexism and discouragement for women to enter the STEM fields. I'm not out for the guy's blood, but I'm sick of people ignoring the ramifications this shirt represents in the field. I'm more against those people than this guy.

And honestly, "super-feminist" just sounds really dismissive. Sure, it's a shame the comet landing isn't getting as much attention, but I feel like there's more of an attitude of "just shut up and enjoy the comet" rather than "let's learn from this mistake so we don't have these kinds of distractions in the future."
Is the team upset at him? Or are you projecting?

You should be mad at the people upset over a shirt. The fact that this is news and that he had to apologize for wearing a shit is aboslute bullshit. And he deserves absolutely no scorn for it. People can choose to ignore it and focus on the more important event, but in today's PC world with twitter and all these tabloid sites on the internet this is the type of garbage that gets the attention because everyone wants to feel offended and self important.

This is spiderwoman in spiderman pose levels of stupid.

Pretty much. It's just folks trying to be mad for the sake of being mad.

IT'S A SHIRT! A shirt with scantly clothed women OH MY GOODNESS THE HUMANITY.


If the person being interviewed was a woman and she was wearing a shit full of topless hunks, would people be equally offended?

I think that changing the situation to a hypothetical involving a woman wearing a top covered with drawings of shirtless men is missing the context that women are currently disproportionately marginalised in STEM fields much more so than men (ie. we're already living in a world that tells women and girls in many subtle - and sometimes not so subtle - ways that the world of tech is not for them), so it's not quite equivalent. Personally, I do not think such a T-shirt is appropriate for the workplace though, regardless of who wears it.
Is the team upset at him? Or are you projecting?

Inasmuch as an organization completing an impressive aerospace feat like this is representing the scientific establishment as a whole (and don't try to tell me it's not, given the way people always use these feats as a stand-in for why science is cool) then plenty of people on the team (i.e. other aerospace scientists) are upset at him. That's where this whole thing came from -- not randos, but female aerospace scientists being annoyed that while they were watching coverage of this sweet achievement it got interrupted by someone clueless wearing an inappropriate shirt.

You should be mad at the people upset over a shirt.

I don't think I'll be doing that, thanks.

Does European STEM have the same problem with female representation?



Again, it's not about intent, it's about this shirt is just part of a whole that contributes to sexism and discouragement for women to enter the STEM fields. I'm not out for the guy's blood, but I'm sick of people ignoring the ramifications this shirt represents in the field. I'm more against those people than this guy.

And honestly, "super-feminist" just sounds really dismissive. Sure, it's a shame the comet landing isn't getting as much attention, but I feel like there's more of an attitude of "just shut up and enjoy the comet" rather than "let's learn from this mistake so we don't have these kinds of distractions in the future."

The ramifications are... we would rather bitch at each other over small meaningless trangressions than consider the extraordinary achievement been made.

That we demand that we march in lock step with some facist ideal of progressiveness then to allow for individual differences.

Shit like this ultimately does nothing to win new people into the progressive camps - only serves to galvanize and victimize. Bullshit of the highest order.


No one is denying him his apology. And who is talking about SJWs and PC bullshit? Are you trying to twist opposition to the "outrage" into some anti-feminism thing? All anyone is saying is that it *shouldn't* have been an outrage to begin with, everything after that is up to Matt Taylor to deal with in the way he sees fit, which he did.

Sure thing, buddy:

superficial feminists waste their efforts on superficial matters, and hurt feminism by not focusing on real issues

That's a pretty cool shirt for a scientist in my opinion but then i'm old fashioned (but not too old fashioned of course because then i would have to be offended again).

Talk about a mountain out of a molehill.

A few women tweet about being offended and it's a huge news item. The Verge article is just awful. Claiming that the shirt has done more to hurt humanity than the space project he was working on for the past 10 years has helped it, claiming the guy misogynist and assuming that women he works with felt uncomfortable in the office (no research was done to verify this). And people wonder why the term SJW exists...

"Dear Diary,
Today, November 14, 2014, appreciation for scientific accomplishment died due to SJWs."

I wonder how people who are offended by this sort of thing are able to get through day to day life. Must be a special kind of hell.

Man, I'm kinda oissed he had to apologize for that. Shirt was amazingly weird and I commended him for having the balls to wear it.

People need to get a grip and stop moaning about everything. Poor guy. Shouldn't have had to apologize for doing nothing wrong.
Screw whoever made this guy apologize, and if it was his own doing, screw him.
The last one is pretty telling, but sure its me that is trying to turn this into a big issue when so far most of the salt witnessed in this thread is coming from people mad at the apology, once again, I love the irony about people complaining about how society overreacts while making several posts showing that you obviously care and you obviously have an stance even tho you do your best by disguise it as apathy. Stay projecting, bros.

Edit: Also this username:
Its a pretty common slur for homosexual pretty similar to "faggot" used in Argentina, but hey, I guess homosexuals should just grow a thicker skin and leave this be.
Humanity getting this worked up........over a shirt.

Dear lord almighty I have seen it all. I honestly think were to the point where people actively look for things to be offended by. The shirt is ugly but so what? He liked it? It shows *gasp* scantily clad cartoon ladies on it.

There's all kinds of real world problems out there and instead we are wasting our time bitching at each other over........printed fabric.
Humanity getting this worked up........over a shirt.

Dear lord almighty I have seen it all. I honestly think were to the point where people actively look for things to be offended by. The shirt is ugly but so what? He liked it? It shows *gasp* scantily clad cartoon ladies on it.

There's all kinds of real world problems out there and instead we are wasting our time bitching at each other over........printed fabric.

Yep. It's embarrassing.


Humanity getting this worked up........over a shirt.

Dear lord almighty I have seen it all. I honestly think were to the point where people actively look for things to be offended by. The shirt is ugly but so what? He liked it? It shows *gasp* scantily clad cartoon ladies on it.

There's all kinds of real world problems out there and instead we are wasting our time bitching at each other over........printed fabric.

People love to talk rather than take action.

Big moral issues that are clear cut doesn't really lead to much talking. There's nothing much to discuss.

But small 'moral' issues that aren't clear cut... man people LOVE to bicker about that shit - try to win over to their side so that they can feel that rush of endorphins... from 'winning' or 'dominating'.

Doesn't matter which side you're fighting for; that's one of the underlying motivations for most human activity...
You're next buddy!

*wildly punches the air*

On topic, I feel bad for the dude. I bet cold, hard cash that when he got up that morning he said, "I'll wear my babe shirt. Yeah, chicks with laser guns. Pew pew!"

He should wear a lab coat for the rest of his life just to play it safe.


Again, it's not about intent, it's about this shirt is just part of a whole that contributes to sexism and discouragement for women to enter the STEM fields. I'm not out for the guy's blood, but I'm sick of people ignoring the ramifications this shirt represents in the field. I'm more against those people than this guy.

And honestly, "super-feminist" just sounds really dismissive. Sure, it's a shame the comet landing isn't getting as much attention, but I feel like there's more of an attitude of "just shut up and enjoy the comet" rather than "let's learn from this mistake so we don't have these kinds of distractions in the future."

Is it? On one hand I DO think it's a vulgar and silly portrayal of women and a bad look for a professional to be wearing to a televised event. But I think raising girls to be invited and interested in science (or idolizing a female role model scientist) will have more effect than a stupid shirt some guy wore once. I doubt it'll be the shirt that turns them off from the field as much as numerous other barriers also contributing into that as well. I'm not saying it isn't a bad shirt, I'm with you, it is and I'd hate it if anybody wore it for both feminist reasons, professional reasons, and, hell, even fashion ones --- but I doubt this is the be all and end all of the lack of women in scientific fields when the dialogue on that is far from simple. I actually think television dramas can help by making men and women much more equally represented in shows and films; more male nurses and secretaries, and more female soldiers, or even a similar ratio and balance in advertisements. That's one way, anyways.

EDIT: certainly there's also a lot of trivialization going on in this thread too that's also driving me a bit nuts.
What's the formal wear version of that shirt?

Any shirt with Paul Smith cufflinks


Cat Party

The last one is pretty telling, but sure its me that is trying to turn this into a big issue when so far most of the salt witnessed in this thread is coming from people mad at the apology, once again, I love the irony about people complaining about how society overreacts while making several posts showing that you obviously care and you obviously have an stance even tho you do your best by disguise it as apathy. Stay projecting, bros.

Yes, this is so friggin annoying and it always happens in these threads.


The ramifications are... we would rather bitch at each other over small meaningless trangressions than consider the extraordinary achievement been made.

That we demand that we march in lock step with some facist ideal of progressiveness then to allow for individual differences.

Shit like this ultimately does nothing to win new people into the progressive camps - only serves to galvanize and victimize. Bullshit of the highest order.
I don't even


I've noticed that it is not incredibly uncommon to find men's shirts sexualizing women. But why is it so rare to see women's shirts sexualizing men? I literally have never seen a woman wearing a shirt with a hot guy on it in my life.


People love to talk rather than take action.

Big moral issues that are clear cut doesn't really lead to much talking. There's nothing much to discuss.

But small 'moral' issues that aren't clear cut... man people LOVE to bicker about that shit - try to win over to their side so that they can feel that rush of endorphins... from 'winning' or 'dominating'.

Doesn't matter which side you're fighting for; that's one of the underlying motivations for most human activity...

Humanity getting this worked up........over a shirt.

Dear lord almighty I have seen it all. I honestly think were to the point where people actively look for things to be offended by. The shirt is ugly but so what? He liked it? It shows *gasp* scantily clad cartoon ladies on it.

There's all kinds of real world problems out there and instead we are wasting our time bitching at each other over........printed fabric.

So much handwaiving. No one have a discussion, there are more "important" things to talk about everyone.
I've noticed that it is not incredibly uncommon to find men's shirts sexualizing women. But why is it so rare to see women's shirts sexualizing men? I literally have never seen a woman wearing a shirt with a hot guy on it in my life.
women get to wear skirts and heels, we get the tacky big johnson tees and allover print spacebabe hawaiian shirts.
I've noticed that it is not incredibly uncommon to find men's shirts sexualizing women. But why is it so rare to see women's shirts sexualizing men? I literally have never seen a woman wearing a shirt with a hot guy on it in my life.

To be fair I have seen alot of tank tops that say "My boyfriends wife hates me"


Don't get upset about a shirt, there are kids starving. Don't get upset about kids starving, we're all gonna die one day. Don't get upset about death, the universe will end and everything you ever loved will decay into nothingness


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
The last one is pretty telling, but sure its me that is trying to turn this into a big issue when so far most of the salt witnessed in this thread is coming from people mad at the apology, once again, I love the irony about people complaining about how society overreacts while making several posts showing that you obviously care and you obviously have an stance even tho you do your best by disguise it as apathy. Stay projecting, bros.

It's possible to be apathetic about the shirt and also not apathetic about the response to the shirt. Crying misogyny and basically going on a witch hunt is not something that should become normal for things like this.

Eteric Rice

The dude just helped land a fucking machine on a comet and people are up in arms about his shirt?

What the fuck? It's tacky, yeah, but Jesus Christ, it's not that big of a deal. I've seen worse.

He shouldn't have to apologize. He can wear what he wants. Fuck.


To be fair I have seen alot of tank tops that say "My boyfriends wife hates me"

To be fair, I condemn dumb shirts for both sexes as well. The "I drink male tears" shirt is stupid too on top of the one this topic's about.

I remmeber seeing a few kids wearing this too.

Literally I ask the simplest thing: Can't we just play nice and respect both sexes? It ain't that hard... or it shouldn't be, but....

Don't get upset about a shirt, there are kids starving. Don't get upset about kids starving, we're all gonna die one day. Don't get upset about death, the universe will end and everything you ever loved will decay into nothingness

Yeah I hate this kind of attitute. Telling people to not be sad or offended because other people have it worse is a poor and simple line of reasoning (should I be less happy because someone else's happiness is better?). I agree with Instro and JDSN too. Too much hand-waiving and people pretending to be apathetic.
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