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Sifu |OT| Old Boy


Gold Member
so far I LOVE IT but still figuring out some basic stuff like how to drop death counter numbers, seems random on certain finishers?
Finished level 1 first try. Its okay so far. Guess that was 20% of the content. The parries don't always feel great. Gets button mashy a bit. But it can be fun.
same, got wrecked in the club after the arena. 1st boss very manageable, not sure how to dodge some of the 2nd phase attacks but I'm getting there. I also think it makes more sense to focus on perma-unlocking some of the "cheap" skills from 1st tier rather than going for the expensive ones, I didn't know that resets on fail and "lost" tons of XP on stuff like furniture attacks which are awesome help btw
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
so far I LOVE IT but still figuring out some basic stuff like how to drop death counter numbers, seems random on certain finishers?

same, got wrecked in the club after the arena. 1st boss very manageable, not sure how to dodge some of the 2nd phase attacks but I'm getting there. I also think it makes more sense to focus on perma-unlocking some of the "cheap" skills from 1st tier rather than going for the expensive ones, I didn't know that resets on fail and "lost" tons of XP on stuff like furniture attacks which are awesome help btw
Yeah I'm basically only going for permanent unlocks.

Beat level 1 a 2nd time. About the same age as last run. Its not that bad; just unclear.


Gold Member
so far I LOVE IT but still figuring out some basic stuff like how to drop death counter numbers, seems random on certain finishers?

same, got wrecked in the club after the arena. 1st boss very manageable, not sure how to dodge some of the 2nd phase attacks but I'm getting there. I also think it makes more sense to focus on perma-unlocking some of the "cheap" skills from 1st tier rather than going for the expensive ones, I didn't know that resets on fail and "lost" tons of XP on stuff like furniture attacks which are awesome help btw

The death counter is affected by tougher/elite enemies. When you beat 1 then the counter decreases.


Enjoying it so far. Feels kinda like an old school game.

Just need to work out how to defend a weapon attack when on the floor and the whole aging, gaining/losing skills. You can start again but the level progress doesnt change which is good
Reviews are saying roughly ten hours, but they might vary WILDLY depending on player skill. It's "only" five levels, with some replaying levels for a "true" ending.
10 hours at the longest, you can finish it in under 3 hours apparently if youre really good. The second chapter boss was the hardest for me

And the damn camera


King of Gaslighting
This was an incredibly well done introduction and I wish a review site hadn't ruined it for me. Knowing nothing else about the game going in and then playing it; yeah this will be a sleeper (hit? - Not sure. It is definitely not for button-mashers looking for a STREETS OF RAGE).

. . .also this is absolutely one of those games that is going to get trashed because of it's difficulty.

can someone please TLDR the way that the permadeath works?

I don't think it exists? It is a roguelite from what I can gather through the ingame tutorials that explain things (after you get past the intro, again - amazing intro/credit sequence).

Ulysses 31

can someone please TLDR the way that the permadeath works?
Ain't no such thing, you age each time you're defeated and you can de-age if you defeat certain enemies. If you get too old (70+ I think) you can't progress anymore or use certain skills. You take your age to the next stage, it's doesn't reset to 20. You can restart the stage from the age you entered with.
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Loving it so far, it just feels like playing through The Raid or something. Top stuff. Reviewers claiming its too hard or w/e were clearly trying to mash their way through, you can see it in some of the videos too. It's more like sekiro, gotta focus on dodging and parrying, opening them up and then going in for the hits. Not that it's not challenging, it definitely is, but not a masher by any means. Use the blocks dodges and parries, use the environment and the throws etc and it doesn't feel so bad. It's definitely not unfair too (apart from the camera issues maybe) but any death I've had has been my fault for mis timing shit.


This game is great. I’m hooked , I don’t understand defending against weapon users though. Also what does the glowing arms and legs mean?


Skill Up's review completely sold me on the game, I'll grab it on the EGS once it releases since I have a coupon waiting for me to use (can't use it on preorders).

Livestream from fightin cowboy (popular souls content creator so his take on it will be interesting):



Gold Member
I've been watching gameplay and it looks really fun. Looks kind of repetitive, but I decided to pull the trigger and buy it anyway. I love a good beat 'em up but I'm not a fan of losing my unlockables. Guess I'll see how it goes.


now i get the title of the ot lol

Fucking amazing game, had to force myself to put down the controller. Will be one of the game of the year contenders for me together with (i assume) elden ring.
More of this please! (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)
  • Praise the Sun
Reactions: GHG


Gold Member
If you can master the early levels then you don't need to replay them. If you can get through level 1 without dying you will start level 2 at age 20. So if you die in level 2 or any later level you can opt to play level 2 again and it will start you at age 20. You only need to replay a lower level if you want to farm for more unlocks. I was able to finish the first level only dying once after about 10 tries and unlocking about 6 permanent skills so I won't be playing the first level again for awhile.

You can unlock skills while playing but if you want to permanently keep them after deaths you have to unlock them 3 or 5 more times in a single run. Each of the skills are tied to a decade of age so if you age past them you can't unlock them in that run so there is some strategy in what you want to unlock them. So focus on 1 skill per run and you can get them permanently pretty quickly.


Gold Member
I replayed the first mission a few times to get used to the controls. It was a bit overwhelming at first, but now I’m finding the battles more manageable. I’ve started to use the dodge move more often to get out of sticky situations, like when there is an unblockable move coming, or when I get surrounded. It’s genuinely tough and the 2nd boss kicked my arse big time, but I’ll persevere just because the gameplay is fun.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Got level 1 down to 25. Im smoking the boss now. Gonna try for a bit lower.

The angry enemies that glow are harder than the first boss.
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Might need to stop sniffing glue
I replayed the first mission a few times to get used to the controls. It was a bit overwhelming at first, but now I’m finding the battles more manageable. I’ve started to use the dodge move more often to get out of sticky situations, like when there is an unblockable move coming, or when I get surrounded. It’s genuinely tough and the 2nd boss kicked my arse big time, but I’ll persevere just because the gameplay is fun.
Currently, 2nd boss aged me out so fast. Was cruising until then. Have to revisit training dummy and master dodging.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
No shame…getting destroyed and it is very frustrating.

TLDR - I am not groking the game systems after 45 min and I’m bailing. Sounds like I could have a new career as a game journo…

Go to the first boss two times and died both times.

The short cuts cut down on the level monotony but it is hard to recommend them because you miss out on all the XP and score.

Without XP you cannot unlock any moves. In my 45 min or so I didn’t collect enough XP to unlock any tier 1 moves (permanent unlocks).

I have spent 45 minutes playing the game and collected some pictures for my board. No other progress was made.

Personally I do not think I will have the patience to learn the game.

***5 days later***
Love the game!

Looking back at my first frustrated hour I blame myself 70% and the opening tutorial 30%. I would have liked the tutorial to have a section where it teaches you to be patient and NOT combo mash. After spending more time with the game (I have finished it at this point) I forced myself to wait for openings and it just makes the whole game so much more enjoyable.

One thing I did that I feel really helped me enjoy the game was taking my time to clear the first few areas on 1 life. This game me work resources to work with by the time I got to later areas (looking at you Museum) and made defeat/restarting not nearly as frustrating as it was initially.

The ebb and flow of some of the group fights are just so damn awesome. Glad I went back to it and def glad I forced myself to be more patient. Well worth the investment IMO.
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Barely noticeable. But hits come through on the controller speaker.

Im definitely getting better on 2nd run on stage 1. Can waste most enemies no problem now. Not at the point that I can really assess the quality of the bosses yet.

1 run on stage 1 to completion let me permanently unlock 1 cheaper skill. So it is a grind but not impossibly huge.
Wait so skill carry across revives but not restarts? Sorry

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Wait so skill carry across revives but not restarts? Sorry
Its a bizarre system. You buy a skill for 500. Its temporary.

Then, you can spend 500 5 more times and its permanent. And each time you spend it its saved. So its actually pretty easy to slowly get all the skills. Just focus on one at a time.


Game's really fun, made it second boss before dying the first time.

I don't really understand what to do with all my defensive options, sometimes it seems like some attacks need to be dodged rather than parried but they don't glow red. Also not sure what to do against weapon attacks other than dodging. Can everything be parried or no?


Gold Member
Enjoying the game so far. 2nd boss is kicking my ass a bit. Got to the Club at age 23. Trying to see if I can keep it to age 20 by the time I get there.

Seems the camera at times can really mess you up as it gets behind pillars and the like. Can get attacked blindly.

Can everything be parried or no?

Not everything can be parried as I'm learning. I think notes in the menu mentioned that the glowing attacks can't be parried. Best to evade entirely as blocking severely raises your block gauge.
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Loving this game so far, the parry and dodge system feels great.
Played Absolver so much in the past, this game felt very familiar from the get go.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I wish it had a lot more arm and leg breaks, like Tom Yum Goong. I don't think there's any really. A shame because the combat choreography is so good.


Gold Member
still in 2nd stage, age 22 going for 20 today. 2nd boss is breaking my balls and that couple right before him even more so, this game is HARD I love it


still in 2nd stage, age 22 going for 20 today. 2nd boss is breaking my balls and that couple right before him even more so, this game is HARD I love it
For the couple, use a brick throw and sweep the lady, then focus on her. Use quick dodges instead of parries to get your meter filled for a poke. Rinse and repeat. If you can push them off the ledge there they take 50% damage lol.


Gold Member
Regarding the first area, I found the keys to open the front door but there is another locked door, is the key for this in the same level?


Regarding the first area, I found the keys to open the front door but there is another locked door, is the key for this in the same level?
you find keys on different levels. You'll have to come back to these levels once you beat the game. Replay them to open those doors.

But on another note, beat the final boss, and now got to do another run. to collect everything and fight these bosses again. For those trying to maximize the focus bar. I would advise not to lean on it too much. The final fight is basically you vs the boss. No weapons, no focus abilities. You got to master the parry or the sway to survive. Took me an hour lmao.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
I was finally able to put in an hour of playing. Very challenging but fair all around. Can't wait to master the game. Sound design is awesome and i love all these small arenas.
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