Are you in the first set of apartments? If you are then you’re in for a reality check. It gets completely dark in the last couple of environments.This game is dark, really fuckin dark. And I ain’t talking the themes or story, like I can’t see shit in the apartment complex.
I am assuming that is a big part of its design philosophy, but man, it makes it hard to play. I was thankful to finally find the flashlight, and that thing is the worst flashlight in a game ever, it barely helps at all.
I may end up having to fiddle with my TV settings, something that I’ve never had to do for a game before.
I’m old and my vision sucks ass, maybe that is a factor as well or maybe my TV is showing its age. But it’s fuggin dark in here man!
I turned the contrast enhancer all the way up as well as black adjust and peak luminance on my A90J. And I only play it when it’s fully dark to avoid reflections.
You’re in the abyss so I wouldn’t get it in any other way. They want to disorient you. Mission accomplished.