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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - |OT| of Not Your Father's Silent Hill


John Harker said:
Just make sure you tell all your friends :lol It needs to do more than it did this month than last in sales haha

Compared to a lot of 3rd party Wii games, it's doing pretty well, especially MATURE 3rd party Wii games. Add to the fact it has pretty great word of mouth, I'd be surprised if the game doesn't do well over time.
cann3dheat said:
So, I'm sure this has been driven into the ground at this point, but I was really enjoying this game almost non-stop today until I hit the nightmare sequence after the
high school.
I mean, for the love of all things decent, that section was just ridiculous. The first half alone was ridiculous with it sending you in circles as the enemies just kept piling on, and then I just gave up on the second half, because there was no way I could go out and
get those pictures.

I mean, it's an interesting mechanic, and I enjoyed them before that point, but I just hated that sequence, and I hope that's the only one I dislike. The controls really don't work well with it, especially if you get attacked, and I wonder if it'll translate over to the PS2 better than the Wii.

I had huge problems with the high school section, because I didn't know where to go.

Died so many times... One of the annoying aspects of the game is that if two of the enemies get on you at once, you're just about screwed. Makes it really difficult.

But for me, once I got to the safe point in the high school, it became much easier. Realize that it is a safe spot. Your character will recharge his health when he is there. It's also pretty easy to locate when doing camera runs as there is a huge arrow on a board pointing to it.

To pass the camera section, what I did is do it in two parts. The first part I took two of the pictures (I didn't do the parking lot one in this run). I then returned to the safe house and saved. I then made the 3rd picture its own run. It helps if you press the right D-Pad to take the picture, it's faster than navigating through the phone as monsters are still after you and the game does not pause in nightmare mode unless you press the Home button.

After the high school nightmare, I did give the next nightmare an honest try. I tried it like 4 times. I then broke and went to GameFAQ's.

Those sections scare the hell out of me. In real life, all of my nightmares are of me getting chased with no way of fighting back.

Another hint: Turn off your flashlight.

I also completely gave up on trying to be sneaky or to hide. In every nightmare, I always end up running like a bat out of hell. Usually into the creatures :)


Although I beat this game last month when it came out, I just wanted to come back to this thread and share my experience with you guys. I really, really enjoyed SM. So much, in fact, that I ended up getting Silent Hill 1 on my PSP. Enjoyed that as well, but not as much. My best friend saw that I was getting into the SH series, so he got me SH2: Restless Dreams on the Xbox. Playing that right now, and it seems good. I'm right at the beginning, but I can already tell it's gonna be a wild ride. Those enemies are creepy as hell...
the way they slither around like a fish out of water... man that creeps me the hell out.
Oyashiro said:
Although I beat this game last month when it came out, I just wanted to come back to this thread and share my experience with you guys. I really, really enjoyed SM. So much, in fact, that I ended up getting Silent Hill 1 on my PSP. Enjoyed that as well, but not as much. My best friend saw that I was getting into the SH series, so he got me SH2: Restless Dreams on the Xbox. Playing that right now, and it seems good. I'm right at the beginning, but I can already tell it's gonna be a wild ride. Those enemies are creepy as hell...
the way they slither around like a fish out of water... man that creeps me the hell out.

Cherish that one, and whatever you do, don't look up spoilers or anything. Do your best to absorb the environment. SH2 is one of the more rewarding games ever in terms of what you get out of it by paying close attention to everything.

And then you can start reading SH theory threads and be really psyched out :D


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
timetokill said:
Cherish that one, and whatever you do, don't look up spoilers or anything.

This, this, this, this, THIS. Do not read any spoilers for SH2. At all. Enjoy the ride, and crap your pants at the twist towards the end :D

[insert 'what a tweest' picture of M. Night Shamalamadingdong]


I have to say, this game is one of the few games that really delivers on the whole promise of Wii control immersion. The flashlight, the phone, the puzzles --they're all done in ways that are really enhanced by the controls. It's not a perfect game, but even so, it has quickly shot up the list of my favorite wii experiences.
Just finished it. Blown away.

While my complaints about the nightmare sequences still stand, this was an amazing experience. I was never really scared, I heard people complaining about that earlier in the thread. But, personally speaking I don't come to be scared in silent hill. But, to be disturbed, feel attachment to the characters, and be moved by their struggle/journey. Not only did this game do this for me, but it made me relate the story to my own life. Has another game ever done that for me? I'm not sure.



the piano man
Oyashiro said:
Although I beat this game last month when it came out, I just wanted to come back to this thread and share my experience with you guys. I really, really enjoyed SM. So much, in fact, that I ended up getting Silent Hill 1 on my PSP. Enjoyed that as well, but not as much. My best friend saw that I was getting into the SH series, so he got me SH2: Restless Dreams on the Xbox. Playing that right now, and it seems good. I'm right at the beginning, but I can already tell it's gonna be a wild ride. Those enemies are creepy as hell...
the way they slither around like a fish out of water... man that creeps me the hell out.

I know some fundamentalists will say I am out of my mind but this game is as good as any other silent hill available. I mean, silent hill 2 has always been heralded as the major and bestest SH experience one can ever hope to get but Shattered Memories is as good a silent hill game as SH2.

Everything is retained: atmosphere, WTF moments, nightmare enviroments, strong Phsycological aspects in play, interesting character interaction, clever puzzles. Porps to Climax.

With the use of the Wiimote and what it brings to the table in terms of gameplay, this has got to be the sequel any silent hill fan could hope for.

I remember some hate comments in the earlier pages of this thread, I can't understand that.

very nice game and a must have in any gamer's collection.
About the ending,

Am I weird, or did the ending make you sad? It's weird. You hardly get any interaction at all with Cheryl during the entire game until the end. All I knew of her until the end was her relationship with a teacher, that she was older, and her calling Harry and telling him not to look for her. That was it.

But during the ending, I felt really sad for her.

I then think about it more, and I think the direction Harry takes through the game is similar chronologically to Cheryl's own life after the car crash.

You have:
1) Wandering around the streets of Silent Hill. Early childhood stuff
2) The forest. Which she probably visited as a child
3) High School
(the order of the next few may be off)
4) Burlesque House (hmm... perhaps Cheryl was selling her body? I think Doctor K's "abnormal sexuality" comment during the ending leads evidence to this)
4) Apartment, which Cheryl got after high school
5) Mall, a common hangout of girls of that age
6) Then her memories swing backwards, and takes us back to the amusement park of her childhood. This may be when she started losing it mentally?
7) Then finally, at the clinic.

Am I on the right track?

The ending may be only 5 minutes long, but in those 5 minutes you learn so much about the character. Your entire trek was just her delusion. Which means everything you did or saw meant something to her. And what I think is you traveling through her life chronologically.

What I still don't understand are the various ghosts and dead people. Did she make it up? Or did she know these people? If so, was she there, or nearby, when they died? Eh, some thoughts to ponder.


I'm sooo happy so many of you are soooo happy about the game and its innovative parts same as me! :D

We'll probably go and have a new chat with Climax Group for supporting a bit further the game around here and keep the hype up until the new Eurodate. I'll come back here then to catch some suggestions!

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I Push Fat Kids said:
Compared to a lot of 3rd party Wii games, it's doing pretty well, especially MATURE 3rd party Wii games. Add to the fact it has pretty great word of mouth, I'd be surprised if the game doesn't do well over time.

Not sure how you can say that when it debuted below HOTD, MadWorld, The Conduit, SH: Origins. etc, and those games (aside from SH) aren't attached to quality impressions and a built in fan base.

I certainly hope positive word of mouth helps it, otherwise it'll struggle to pass Homecoming (though I'm just talking about the Wii sku alone, it surely will quickly when considering PS2 and PSP as well)


the piano man
John Harker said:
Not sure how you can say that when it debuted below HOTD, MadWorld, The Conduit, SH: Origins. etc, and those games (aside from SH) aren't attached to quality impressions and a built in fan base.

I certainly hope positive word of mouth helps it, otherwise it'll struggle to pass Homecoming (though I'm just talking about the Wii sku alone, it surely will quickly when considering PS2 and PSP as well)

do you know how much did Homecoming sell in its first NPD?

word of mouth can take a game so far but it as a VERY smart decision to put the game on 3 consoles, I wonder why haven't many other companies done that with their games.

Wii-PS2-(PSP) is the way to go for non-HD gaming


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I was really interested in this game until I was thumbing through my friends GamePro and noticed they gave it a 2.5 star review. Should I ignore that? Their biggest beef seems to be with the nightmare sequences.


the piano man
140.85 said:
I was really interested in this game until I was thumbing through my friends GamePro and noticed they gave it a 2.5 star review. Should I ignore that? Their biggest beef seems to be with the nightmare sequences.

GamePro is the most hardcore gaming oriented publication there is. They have references like Dead Space, Resident Evil 5 and what not to put up against Silent Hill Wii which is virtually a last-gen game. There was no chance in hell this game was going to be well received by those publications.

Nightmare sequences are the lesser parts of the game but they are damn short and you can master them in a couple of minutes, I wouldn't let that keep you from getting and enjoying the game.


CaVaYeRo said:
I'm sooo happy so many of you are soooo happy about the game and its innovative parts same as me! :D

We'll probably go and have a new chat with Climax Group for supporting a bit further the game around here and keep the hype up until the new Eurodate. I'll come back here then to catch some suggestions!

Increasing awareness for this game is a good thing. A very good thing. just keep the hype levels to a minimum and let the story speak for itself.


Shiggy said:
European users may be happy as the title will retail for only 29.99 € [PSP/PS2] / 34.99 € [Wii] :)
Yup, already pre-ordered it for that price. The only thing that isn't quite clear to me is it's releasedate. Every store here in Holland says it will release on the 19th of February. But I thought it was pushed back?


John Harker said:
Not sure how you can say that when it debuted below HOTD, MadWorld, The Conduit, SH: Origins. etc, and those games (aside from SH) aren't attached to quality impressions and a built in fan base.

I certainly hope positive word of mouth helps it, otherwise it'll struggle to pass Homecoming (though I'm just talking about the Wii sku alone, it surely will quickly when considering PS2 and PSP as well)

It debuted around HOTD, but yeah, below those others.

I'm talking in comparison to the fall releases, and pretty much all of them. It had very little if anything advertising and seems to have sold entirely on internet word of mouth. I wouldn't be surprised if the game has very good legs.


It would be shipping today for it to hit stores tomorrow; it's not a street-dated game, so its availability is going to come down to how quickly Konami can get them onto trucks.


Biff Hardbody said:
While my complaints about the nightmare sequences still stand, this was an amazing experience. I was never really scared, I heard people complaining about that earlier in the thread. But, personally speaking I don't come to be scared in silent hill. But, to be disturbed, feel attachment to the characters, and be moved by their struggle/journey. Not only did this game do this for me, but it made me relate the story to my own life. Has another game ever done that for me? I'm not sure.
Sold! I feel exactly the same way about Silent Hill. Thanks for your impressions.

Are there any reviews for the PS2 version yet?


Nasreddin said:
Are there any reviews for the PS2 version yet?
1up's PSP version review was actually a review for both the PS versions and mentions that the controls and graphics hold up reasonably well for both, though fall short of the Wii.


the piano man
I finished this game just 20 minutes ago.

It was a very nice experience, a great Psychologic-horror game and it seems it has a lot of replay value. I will replay this a couple of times, I think.

I am not a fan of the nightmare sections but they were short and everything else was very nice, controls are smart and inteligent and there are a lot of hidden things there.

before this game, the last time I was constantly asking myself " What the hell does that mean? who are they? where is the relation between people and situations?" was in Killer 7.

I really need to replay this, paying more attention in order to know who or what is meant.
SlipperySlope said:
Any other thoughts about the storyline? AKA was I even close in my guess? :)
End game spoilers:
I agree with your thoughts on the storyline for the most part. If you think about it, pretty much everything in the game is Cheryl. Even though it's a big reveal at the end, you've basically been learning all about Cheryl the whole time, so it makes sense you'd feel a connection to her. All the answers you give to the psychiatrist are actually her answers, and the world you explored is all based on her delusions. So really there's a lot more you know about Cheryl revealed throughout the game, you just never realize it until the very end.

As for the ghosts and things, all of them seem to have some connection to what Cheryl's feeling emotionally. If you notice, the majority of them are parent/child relationships, such as the father telling the son to shoot the deer or the girl calling her mother to pick her up. I think they're other peoples strong feelings kinda pulled in with Cheryl's because they're similar.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
SlipperySlope said:
Am I weird, or did the ending make you sad?

What made it sad for me was that its a theme that I think everybody knows. Not to knock Silent Hill 2, but it's plot twist was very character specific. Shattered Memories touches on a lot of emotions and subjects every day people either deal with themselves, or know somebody who has.

The simple loss of a close loved one and the weight of greif is something everyone experiences in life. Its a story that, I think, hits closer to home than we'd like.

And thats what makes it so great.


Varshes said:
PS2 and PSP versions are in at GS here in Toronto, gonna grab both for the collection. :)

PSP impressions please.

Edit: It's also up on PSN if you search for it. Should I blind buy? :/


I just bought the PSP version. I was ust too curious. I played the beginning and would go so far to recommend it. The graphics are really good for the PSP. It doesn't seem to loose too much. Some of the texture work is quite impressive. So far everything I saw of the Wii version is there. The waggle stuff like the door you open at the beginning is done with the analog stick. You get a cursor you controll and tuch stuff by pressing X. You don't physically move your arm around but it does the trick.


Thrakier said:
I would love to hear more about the PSP version. How are the graphics? On par with origins? I really enjoyed Origins.

I have not played Origins but judging by some screenshots it's on par if not better. The lighting with the flashlight is quite impressive for a PSP game.

Didn't the Wii version have the possibility to mark stuff on the map yourself? Apparently that is missing or does it unlock later?
Xater said:
I have not played Origins but judging by some screenshots it's on par if not better. The lighting with the flashlight is quite impressive for a PSP game.

Didn't the Wii version have the possibility to mark stuff on the map yourself? Apparently that is missing or does it unlock later?

You could mark the map as soon as you got the phone, though I never really found a use for it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Xater said:
I just bought the PSP version. I was ust too curious. I played the beginning and would go so far to recommend it. The graphics are really good for the PSP. It doesn't seem to loose too much. Some of the texture work is quite impressive. So far everything I saw of the Wii version is there. The waggle stuff like the door you open at the beginning is done with the analog stick. You get a cursor you controll and tuch stuff by pressing X. You don't physically move your arm around but it does the trick.
Is the world streamed like the Wii version? The original PSP game had loading screens between each door like the PS2 games.


EmCeeGramr said:
You could mark the map as soon as you got the phone, though I never really found a use for it.

Ok then that is missing from the PSP version. From your comment I guess it's not that important.

Edit: Yes the world is streamed. You notive a bit of a stutter when you walk through a door but that's nothing that kills the game.
sphinx said:
I finished this game just 20 minutes ago.

It was a very nice experience, a great Psychologic-horror game and it seems it has a lot of replay value. I will replay this a couple of times, I think.

I am not a fan of the nightmare sections but they were short and everything else was very nice, controls are smart and inteligent and there are a lot of hidden things there.

before this game, the last time I was constantly asking myself " What the hell does that mean? who are they? where is the relation between people and situations?" was in Killer 7.

I really need to replay this, paying more attention in order to know who or what is meant.


And the fact that it isn't until the very end that you realize who the psychologist was talking to the entire time. Those parts confused the shit out of me until the end. I kept asking myself "Why the hell is Harry talking to the phsych now? He just drowned!

So it's worth a replay just to know that the phsych is talking to Cheryl, and realize now why he says certain things. And what he says directly impacts Cheryl's psychotic vision.

Another thing I'm pondering is whether this all took place in one session with the phsych, or multiple. I'm guessing multiple?


the piano man
SlipperySlope said:

And the fact that it isn't until the very end that you realize who the psychologist was talking to the entire time. Those parts confused the shit out of me until the end. I kept asking myself "Why the hell is Harry talking to the phsych now? He just drowned!

So it's worth a replay just to know that the phsych is talking to Cheryl, and realize now why he says certain things. And what he says directly impacts Cheryl's psychotic vision.

Another thing I'm pondering is whether this all took place in one session with the phsych, or multiple. I'm guessing multiple?

I am not sure because there are times where he says "we are making progress here" which points at having a "therapy" that normally isn't just one session. I think it can be assumed that every time the game takes you back to Kaufmann, the Doc, then it's a new session.

I also always thought it was Harry being interviewed, I though actually that sessions were part of his adventures through silent hill. I mean, that he had this talk with the doc then went on looking for his daughter. Or that whatever strange things happened to him in silent hill was discussion material for the sessions in therapy... something like that.

So can you tell me, did I get a bad ending? Harry tells Cheryl "Just forget me" and turns into ice and shatters.

Can someone please tell me, are there echo messages, mementos or photos in the nightmare sequences???? and also: There are things that I can "use" but I can't figure out what to do sometimes because the game won't let me grab anything on the screen. Is it safe to asume that every usable thing serves a purpose and that I am surely leaving a memento or something behind?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
MiniDitka said:
Just picked up the PS2 version. Should have some gameplay vids and impressions up in a little while.

Sweet. Can't wait for those. Hope it has the right analog stick as the flashlight.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Xater said:
Oh right. In the PSP Version you can look around when you hold R.

Does the game "scale" well to the screen ? I mean do things all appear easy enough, I imagine some of those ghost things must be mighty hard on the little screen ..


chandoog said:
Does the game "scale" well to the screen ? I mean do things all appear easy enough, I imagine some of those ghost things must be mighty hard on the little screen ..

I think they actually stand out more than on the Wii.
If anyone who played through the Wii version is also planning on a PS2 playthrough, I'm very interested in knowing how the experience compares overall.

Not just graphics, I don't really care how those hold up. I get the feeling the little touches added with the Wiimote are enough to make it a significantly superior experience, and if so I want to hold off playing it until I inevitably repurchase a Wii this year.


BarrenMind said:
If anyone who played through the Wii version is also planning on a PS2 playthrough, I'm very interested in knowing how the experience compares overall.

Not just graphics, I don't really care how those hold up. I get the feeling the little touches added with the Wiimote are enough to make it a significantly superior experience, and if so I want to hold off playing it until I inevitably repurchase a Wii this year.

I am really loving the flashlight aspect of it with the wiimote.

And no offense to the PSP, but i wouldnt want to play this on a small screen. Some of the atmosphere will be lost compared to a 50 inch LCD.
darkwings said:
I am really loving the flashlight aspect of it with the wiimote.

Man... I feel like that alone has got to add so much to the immersion factor. That plus hearing the audio through the remote is very intriguing to me.

Damnit Nintendo I may be crawling back to you sooner than I expected.
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