Despite thinking the terminology sounds stupid as hell, as a fellow brother of Nika-Gaf, I'll contribute.
Anyways, for those who haven't seen my thousand posts regarding the subject, I'm in the middle of a fairly radical transformation where I've dropped from 351 to 18x pounds:
I wasn't always that heavy. I played basketball and football in High School, and was good enough in the latter to be recruited in some manner (I was moved up to Varsity half way through Summer practices my Freshman year) at the next level. Unfortunately, during my Junior year, I tore my ACL, MCL and Meniscus in the week prior to the start of the regular season which effectively ended my football career. It didn't really have to end it, but if you knew me in High School, I was basically a terrible student and the most insufferable of douches, and put very little in the way of effort towards most things in life. So, alas, I didn't do much in the way of physical therapy, nor did I make any attempts at coming back to football.
I come from a pretty large family, and by large, I mean height and size. I've always been in Athletics, and especially in football, you're pretty much pushed into trying to get big. So I ate, and I ate a lot. This didn't really matter much prior to the injury, considering between Basketball and Football, I was getting a ton of cardio and weight training. But when you take those away, and shift to a dormant life style while still eating the same, you're going to balloon up. And I did, almost overnight it seems. Once graduating from High School, I found myself without many friends (As I said, I was a douche. And people threw my ass to the wayside once they weren't forced to associate themselves with me), obese as fuck and without much of a future since I did so horribly in High School. So I became a hermit, went outside very little, and spent most of my time watching movies and anime, and playing hours upon hours of video games. This only made me fatter, and I soon found myself at 351 pounds.
I did have
some friends who were attending community college, but there soon came a time when they transfered away. So here I am; fat as fuck, a complete hermit, no local friends and little in the way of a future. I never really spiraled into depression or anything, sure I was sad and disappointed to see where I currently was but it wasn't clinical sadness. I took a good look in the mirror and decided that I had finally had it (this was around 2009), and the next day, I literally signed my ass up at the local community college and went cold turkey into a diet. I was dedicated and hellbent on doing a complete 180, and I soon found myself shedding weight and maintaining a near 4.0 gpa every quarter.
September 2010 (in the comparison pictures above), I found myself nearly 60 pounds lighter and transferring into a University. As my college career unfolded, I began to make new friends, and between these social interactions and continued weight loss, my confidence took a swing closer to where it was at during High School (sans the douche persona, being a deadbeat loser for so long certainly humbled me). By around January/February 2011, I had lost well over 100 pounds, and after so long without little in the way of affection, I was thirsty as fuck.
So here we are in my 2nd quarter of college. To make a long story short, I became friends with a friend of a good friend. This person was fairly attractive, maybe a 7 or 8, but to someone who was thirsty as fuck, she was easily an 18 or 19 out of 10. The friendship started off normal enough. We hung out sometimes, had some good times,
both spending money on each other. After about a month, we hung out all of the time, and she'd flirt with me occasionally. So after years of little female interest (I somehow scored a fuck buddy when I was around 290, with a racist of all things), I was face to face with a girl who seemed to like me. That hook and bait was deep into my flesh, she effectively had my dick in an armbar.
Like all desperate fools, I didn't want to fuck this up. So I treated that hooker like a queen. I spent my time exclusively with her, blowing my friends off on a consistent basis and coming up with bullshit excuses if she didn't want to tag along, so I could spend more time with her. I did whatever the fuck she wanted, resulting in shit like me watching the entire first season of Teen Mom and being the only dude at her Girl's Night Out (and being subjected to period talk, and other bullshit). I'd constantly buy her shit, and run errands. I was House slave like with my obedience and shuckin' and jivin' just to to make Masta happy (metaphor is an inside joke between me and a friend, sorry if it offends!). She was somewhat affectionate, but nothing groundbreaking, and after a while, I guess she picked up on me growing tired of the situation. So one night, she made out with me. As I said, I was thirsty as fuck, so I sprinted and slid head first into first base. We would cuddle and sleep in the same bed, and we'd make out and she'd let me feel her up. I thought this meant I was close to rounding those bases, but in reality, I was just her cuddle bitch. Whenever the subject of sex came up, she'd say "I'm not ready for that yet," which soon evolved into "I don't want to ruin our friendship." All of this while she was banging other dudes, and having threesomes with Brazilians. Despite knowing this, I was thirsty as fuck, and hinging on prospect of being able to tag in and have my turn.
I was pitiful as fuck. There was a time when she called me up, and asked if she could bring a 'friend' (ie. a dude she was fucking) over to my place so they could watch a movie on my big screen. Like the thirsty fuck that I was, I obliged, and was subject to watching them make out in front of me. Instead of manning up and throwing her ass out the room, I stared in disbelief, and then bounced for a few hours. I thought she would just leave, but a day later, my roommate asked me if I could not throw used condoms into our garbage in plain sight, and considering it wasn't mine, nor his, all signs pointed to the fact that she banged some dude in my place. But every time I'd throw down the gloves, and thought to myself "Fuck this shit," she'd reel me back in by making out and letting me advance the bases, albeit always short of home plate.
As this continued, I maintained my weight loss and started to pick up the weights, and I began reel in some other interested parties as my physical image normalized. Anyways, one day she went home for the weekend to make graduation preparations (she was a about a week or two from graduating, and I still had a year left), and with nobody to yank the leash, I finally took my friends up on their offer to go to party. Long story short, I hooked up with a girl I had talked to from time to time in one of my classes. I tore that ass up, and with each push, I regained some lost swagger and decency. Putting in a few hours work and coming up with some gash, and reflecting on the shit I put myself through for some damn kisses, cured me outright.
Now a freed slave, in the days leading up to her graduation, I was ready to tell her that I was done working her fields. I was going to be civil about it, but she confronted me when she heard through the grape vine that I hooked up with someone. Fuck that noise. I basically said: " I'm not going to lie, I like you. But I'm sick of being your lap bitch and getting treated like shit in return. Either be up front, throw down or fuck off." She chose the latter and after graduation, I never saw here again, until....
... About two months ago, I saw her at Sloane, a club in San Francisco. It'd been close to a year since we last talked, so we talked and filled in the 9-12 month gap for each other. I was already pretty wasted... one thing led to another, and I found myself back at her place knockin' boots. I woke up the next morning in her bed, hung over as fuck, and instead of being snuggled up with me, I found her on the bathroom floor hugging the toilet with some vomit in the bowl. I still hated this chick for how she played me, so I tracked down a pen and paper, wrote down "Now we're even," threw that shit beside her and bounced. Douche move, but I felt like a million bucks doing it. She left the saltiest text I've ever read, bringing up all the dudes she fucked while stringing me on for that entire school year. I had the biggest shit eating grin you'd ever seen plastered across my face, not only did she remove any chance of me feeling like shit for what I did, but I got to close the book on a chapter on my life that still haunted me till that day.
Never again.