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Skullgirls (2D Fighting Game) Announced for XBLA, PSN

The Take Out Bandit said:
Honest question incoming, who do you think would make it, and why do you think they'd make it any better than the other fighters you dislike?

On point, I remember seeing this game a few months ago. I can't say I liked the art style then, and I won't say it now. Regardless, it's a new fighter, so of course I'm interested. As someone else pointed out, most fighters either have messed up character designs or ugly art direction, you should be used to it by now.

Is this really an all girl fighter, though? That's interesting, and probably a really poor design choice for an American game.
I played the demo at Season Beating 5. Think of Marvel vs Capcom 2 but with add on features.

Mike Z display the infinite effect. The game recognize when an infinite have been activated. He also showed different ways to activate them. When the game knows an infinite had been activated, the sound effects and hit noises will change. You can counter the like the Cross-Counter in MvC3.

The game knows when a loop have been activated also. Loops and Infinite are different. You will have to wait for the loop to be finish, or dropped before you can do anything.

One of the best feature was the Alpha Beta and Create assist. Each character will have an Alpha and Beta assist, just like MvC2/3. The Create assist is what you want the move to be. So, if you want you character to coming as a dash, then you press two out of the three punches. If you want them to taunt, then they will taunt.

Tag in are like MvC, but they are different. Only one character was available at the time when I tried the demo. I ask Mike Z about the different ways in coming and he told me... "He wanted you to be able to make a angle come in and a vertical tag in" He then told me that he decide that each character will come in differently, Some from the ground and some from Vertical. Mike Z was a cool guy, but he was trying to put the game into TOP MvC2 players hands at Season Beatings 5.

I wish I had footage of myself playing the game. This all happen back in October, 2010. Who knows what had happen since then.
Chavelo said:
Not really getting the hate... game looks different and interesting. More fighting games is always a good thing.

Besides... We are the same community that had this type of comments...

"UGH.... American-comic color schemes suck... especially on a game like MVC"
"lol animu"

lol 2 u, fighting game community

To be fair not entirely.

Each one of those examples went to the extreme.

Street Fighter III was the pinnacle of 2D animation, yet it went with 3D models so people got burned.

MvC3 meshed 3D models with the comic book style which left with a idiotic amount of contrast and saturation on the characters.

"lol animu" refers to lollimoe bullshit mixed in with panty shots for 24 year old virgins to masturbate to.

People want fighting games to go back the styles of this:




Yes this still screams "ANIMU" but not lolli moe bullcrap that plagues games today.

Not to mention other 2D game developers experimenting in awesome artstyles:


Yes I realize there was never some utopian moment where all 2D fighting games had unique artsyles. However it is one thing to be tired of something because the market is completely saturated with its artstyle, but it is another to be embarrassed to play a game with someone.

The Take Out Bandit said:
Screw you! Only the SF4 crap can be attributed to me and I came back with complaints about the game mechanics and denial GAF still wasn't hearing it. :p

Street Fighter IV is so over-rated. The hit detection is so broken it is laughable. Though I haven't played SUPER Street Fighter IV so they may have fixed it.

The Take Out Bandit said:
It's Spiderman movie all over again. I didn't like it when it came out, GAF wasn't hearing it. Ten years later GAF is willing to admit it wasn't as good as they made it out to be.

I've always hated Marvel Vs. games. GIVE ME MARVEL VS. DC!

Fuck that noise. Marvel Vs Shonen!
Master Milk said:
Honest question incoming, who do you think would make it, and why do you think they'd make it any better than the other fighters you dislike?

It's really quite pointless.

Today I'd want Arc System Works to make it. A decade ago when Capcom was still relevant I would have loved to have seen them do it.

What would make it better than the other fighters I dislike? Being a life long comic nerd and just having fun pitting Superman against the Hulk, Captain America shield checking Batman, Black Cat vs. Cat Woman etc.

It would be licensing hell, but it would be awesome.

I really have no interest in Street Fighter / Mortal Kombat characters fighting comic icons, video game characters simply aren't in the same league. Not to mention there's just not the long established cultural rivalry.
Yes, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat should not be fighting comic book characters.

They should be fighting each other, because a long established cultural rivalry IS there.
Remember watching the alpha version during a BBCS tournament early last year. Glad to know it's coming along. MikeZ knows his stuff so I'm sure it'll turn out well.
Holy crap, I remember reading about this on SRK like years and years and years ago. Great to see it actually getting released!
SlamLOL said:
Yes, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat should not be fighting comic book characters.

They should be fighting each other, because a long established cultural rivalry IS there.

MK characters would be completely outclassed.

Capcom would have to design their game down. Though they have made good inroads in designing down with their recent fighting games.

To some extent, I'm sure fighting game nerds (well the poor taste Western ones) understand my pain now that you're getting Tekken Vs. SF and SF Vs. Tekken instead of SF vs. Crappy Western Fighting Game Made Relevant by Gore. :D


I love 2D games.

I love fighting games.

I am somehow still not sick of anime art styles, and in fact still enjoy them.

But the one thing that is putting me off this game, is not the western-anime/webcomic style (which at least does not look as bad as Blade Kitten), nor the fact that it looks slightly incomplete at the minute, but the fact that it has an all female, relatively young looking cast.

It just seems crazy to me. Why on earth would you do something like this? It essentially locks out anyone that doesn't want to appear a bit of a creep to anyone else who plays locally with them.

Stuff like Deathsmiles and all those strange Japanese shmups seem pretty cool to me, until they make all of the characters young girls instead of spaceships, which would not make a lick of difference gameplay wise.

There's not even the excuse that Japan is making the game and they're screwed up as all hell, and have the creepy otaku demographic to appeal to. Is that the demographic this game is trying to appeal to, because if it is, it has already failed due to Japan's xenophobia.

I respect Mike Z and his real soviet damage as someone who loves Blazblue, and I truly think he has the knowledge to make an awesome, well balanced fighting game given the right programmers and artists since he knows how stuff works, but as it stands, it just seems like he's pointlessly limiting who will buy this game.

You can make a Japanese style game, even in the west, but trying to include a demographic that only exists in Japan as your main target audience is basically development suicide.
Ashkeloth said:
It just seems crazy to me. Why on earth would you do something like this? It essentially locks out anyone that doesn't want to appear a bit of a creep to anyone else who plays locally with them.

I think it may really be because there's a generation of fans in America that grew up without anime that's about bad ass dudes being bad ass, and instead grew up with school girls uguuuu~ and pantsu. :(

I still don't understand the hijacked Zangief meme with Mike Z. either. Tager is not Russian. What gives? :|


Interesting. I'll reserve further comments for when I can actually give it a try and we see more of the characters.

El Sloth

Don't like the art style or maybe I should say, the way the characters look. Maybe it'll be play amazingly, I don't know, but I'll pass on this for the same reasons I passed on the Arcana Heart games.


Chavelo said:
"UGH.... American-comic color schemes suck... especially on a game like MVC"
"lol animu"
The problem here is that this is stuck between these two.

I'm fine with one or the other as long as it's obvious where it fits.

I hate Western artists trying to mimic the anime style. It looks ugly and tacky to me.
Izayoi said:
The problem here is that this is stuck between these two.

I'm fine with one or the other as long as it's obvious where it fits.

I hate Western artists trying to mimic the anime style. It looks ugly and tacky to me.

You're making too many generalizations now.

Yes there are the Udung and Christopher Hart's of the world, but there are some wildly talented Western artists that can do Eastern / Japanese / HK style art incredibly well.

Not to mention it's massively disingenuous of animu fans to trash Western artists taking inspiration from their style, since Walt Disney had a massive influence on Japanese artists at the dawn of anime/manga in Japan.

Just fake snobbery is what it boils down to. :|

El Sloth said:
Tager is red. Soviet Russia's flag was red. Communists were also called "Reds" at one point. The Soviet Union was a communist country. C'mon now.

Or just look at this gif.

So following these leaps of logic and extrapolations it also validates all those times I jokingly referred to SF4 as SFEX4? They both use polygons. They both have overly elaborate super attack animations. They both harken back to SF2 styles of game play.

I think we are better off admitting none of it makes any damn sense and moving on. ;)


The Take Out Bandit said:
II still don't understand the hijacked Zangief meme with Mike Z. either. Tager is not Russian. What gives? :|

With the LE of the first Blazblue, there was a tutorial Blu-Ray included which had some guides from top players including Mike Z telling you how to do various combos and how the game worked.

Mike Z did the guide for Tager and did the entire section with a russian accent, presumably as a homage to Zangief and how similar he and Tager are as grapplers, as well as the fact that Tager is as red as any soldier of the red army.

Watch it here.

People thought it was awesome/funny, and thus it became a meme.
Ashkeloth said:
With the LE of the first Blazblue, there was a tutorial Blu-Ray included which had some guides from top players including Mike Z telling you how to do various combos and how the game worked.

Mike Z did the guide for Tager and did the entire section with a russian accent, presumably as a homage to Zangief and how similar he and Tager are as grapplers, as well as the fact that Tager is as red as any soldier of the red army.

Watch it here.

People thought it was awesome/funny, and thus it became a meme.

Yes, I had this BRD (stupid PS3 version) and it still made no sense. :\

Just. Stop. Doing it.


The Take Out Bandit said:
You're making too many generalizations now.

Yes there are the Udung and Christopher Hart's of the world, but there are some wildly talented Western artists that can do Eastern / Japanese / HK style art incredibly well.

Not to mention it's massively disingenuous of animu fans to trash Western artists taking inspiration from their style, since Walt Disney had a massive influence on Japanese artists at the dawn of anime/manga in Japan.

Just fake snobbery is what it boils down to. :|
I see your post title but Western artists who can emulate the Eastern style are few and far between, and you know that just as well as I do.

Read my post again, by the way. I said I'm fine with Western or Eastern, it doesn't bother me, so long as it stays distinctly one style.

I'm not going to get into this here but I'm also aware of anime's history. All I'm saying is that in this case the artstyle comes off as tacky. That's all.


I had been wondering what was happening with this game, good to see it's coming out soon. Liking the art style.
Izayoi said:
I see your post title but Western artists who can emulate the Eastern style are few and far between, and you know that just as well as I do.

Oh please. You just need to skim DeviantArse to find any number of wildly competent anime style artists.

The problem is anime fans only glom on to artists that 1:1 ape popular Japanese styles.

Read my post again, by the way. I said I'm fine with Western or Eastern, it doesn't bother me, so long as it stays distinctly one style.

I'm not going to get into this here but I'm also aware of anime's history. All I'm saying is that in this case the artstyle comes off as tacky. That's all.

The art style fits the game from what I've seen so far, and following the development of the title. I find the artist, sorry I forgot his name, takes reasonable influence from the Japanese style and expresses his / her intent well with the character designs.

I don't like little girl fighting games, but I can appreciate some of the designs in this game.

In a perfect world we'd have developers who are designing masculine dude fighters again, and fit women (not little girls) for their 2D fighters.

As some of Japan's artist mechanical designers lament the current generation's ability to design good mecha / mechanical designs - I suspect there's also a generation who are completely incapable of designing masculine and adult characters anymore.

This generation's Buichi Terasawa is still Buichi Terasawa. :\

El Sloth

The Take Out Bandit said:
So following these leaps of logic and extrapolations it also validates all those times I jokingly referred to SF4 as SFEX4? They both use polygons. They both have overly elaborate super attack animations. They both harken back to SF2 styles of game play.
It's a joke.


Trucker Sexologist
Izayoi said:
The problem here is that this is stuck between these two.

I'm fine with one or the other as long as it's obvious where it fits.

I hate Western artists trying to mimic the anime style. It looks ugly and tacky to me.
The irony here is that anime was the result of eastern artists trying to mimick western ones.


SapientWolf said:
The irony here is that anime was the result of eastern artists trying to mimick western ones.
Like I said, I'm aware.

That doesn't mean I can't dislike it.

Let me make it crystal clear:

I love both Western animation and Eastern animation.

What I don't like is when one tries to pose as the other.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
remz said:
Mike Z being behind the game I have some confidence in how it'll play, the guys knows his GG/BB so it'll probably play pretty well. Don't really see where people are getting the "game looks like shit" vibe from, apart from maybe the style.

Heard Mori and Ishiwateri from Arcsys liked it, too. But I dunno.

Cool. I will certainly give it a chance then.


The Take Out Bandit said:
Oh please. You just need to skim DeviantArse to find any number of wildly competent anime style artists.

The problem is anime fans only glom on to artists that 1:1 ape popular Japanese styles.

The art style fits the game from what I've seen so far, and following the development of the title. I find the artist, sorry I forgot his name, takes reasonable influence from the Japanese style and expresses his / her intent well with the character designs.

I don't like little girl fighting games, but I can appreciate some of the designs in this game.

In a perfect world we'd have developers who are designing masculine dude fighters again, and fit women (not little girls) for their 2D fighters.

As some of Japan's artist mechanical designers lament the current generation's ability to design good mecha / mechanical designs - I suspect there's also a generation who are completely incapable of designing masculine and adult characters anymore.

This generation's Buichi Terasawa is still Buichi Terasawa. :\

not trolling, just trying to understand what there's to appreciate
lethial said:
not trolling, just trying to understand what there's to appreciate

The redesigned offical site doesn't have all of the character designs up, but there was a mummy / zombie girl who looked pretty cool.

This post contains some neat stuff. Namely the Darkstalkers inspired wacky attack animations.

Seriously GAF, if you haven't been following this game (I wish I archived the old site) you haven't seen a lot of the preliminary stuff they used to have online, you're counting chickens before they're hatched. They have five more characters to reveal.

Unfortunately from what I recall there weren't any dudes in the mix. Though folks who have been following it can correct me here.

Even I the GAF SF4 troll of legend played the game before I deemed it not to my tastes, but my love for Hokan keeps me playing SSF4. BELIEVE


The Take Out Bandit said:
Should be obvious.

Game industry loses confidence in genres when they don't sell, and gains confidence in genres when they start to sell again. Genres never completely die, just casual fans lose interest in them.

I feel bad for folks who don't remember what it was like to walk into an arcade and spend time on SF2, Darkstalkers, SamSho, and Virtua Fighter in one trip.

I like fighting games. I like sprites. I like supporting the small guy, I'll give this a shot.

I'm just afraid since Mike Z is from MvC/BB school of game play. D:
Well said. IT saddens me that those days may never return again :(


Sketchbook Picasso
Ashkeloth said:
It just seems crazy to me. Why on earth would you do something like this? It essentially locks out anyone that doesn't want to appear a bit of a creep to anyone else who plays locally with them.

You can make a Japanese style game, even in the west, but trying to include a demographic that only exists in Japan as your main target audience is basically development suicide.

I've always found it kinda sad, TBH. I remember growing up with anime as something I truly enjoyed, and having to fight the "All it is is over-blown sex and violence!" ideals, by presenting shows that were actually well-rounded full works, that could reach out to a wide audience. And not just shows that were fuel for a wide list of niche fetishes.

But so much of the Eastern and Western anime-influenced talent of today seems like the niche fetish stuff is almost ALL they took from anime and manga. Japan's mixing such with the huge boobs and vulgarity of the west now, and the Western fans are blowing the old elements of fan service way out of proportion, as seen with a game like this, were every other move is a panty flash or "Gainix Bounce" op.

It's so odd. I expect to see creations from people who'se eyes were opened to the fact that animation could be so much more than kid's fare, by shows like "Robotech" which had pretty deep human drama mixed in very nicely with the awesome space combat and pop-idol facination elements, but instead, it's like the main people out there,working on new things, are the ones who simply saw the fact that sex and violence was around every corner in Ninja Scroll, and... that's all that stuck with them!
SAB CA said:
I've always found it kinda sad, TBH. I remember growing up with anime as something I truly enjoyed, and having to fight the "All it is is over-blown sex and violence!" ideals, by presenting shows that were actually well-rounded full works, that could reach out to a wide audience. And not just shows that were fuel for a wide list of niche fetishes.

But so much of the Eastern and Western anime-influenced talent of today seems like the niche fetish stuff is almost ALL they took from anime and manga. Japan's mixing such with the huge boobs and vulgarity of the west now, and the Western fans are blowing the old elements of fan service way out of proportion, as seen with a game like this, were every other move is a panty flash or "Gainix Bounce" op.

It's so odd. I expect to see creations from people who'se eyes were opened to the fact that animation could be so much more than kid's fare, by shows like "Robotech" which had pretty deep human drama mixed in very nicely with the awesome space combat and pop-idol facination elements, but instead, it's like the main people out there,working on new things, are the ones who simply saw the fact that sex and violence was around every corner in Ninja Scroll, and... that's all that stuck with them!

I would still argue for stuff like Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D (OG not that sissy Madhouse one), and Demon City Shinjuku. At least this was sex and violence with characters portrayed above the age of 14.

This is kind of why I dig the Hard Corps Uprising intro so much. It's everything I loved about anime from those days. Muscular dudes and crazy action.

On the strength of HCU intro I went ahead and watched the BB:CT intro (yes I actively skipped it since launch), and unfortunately not all things ASW are created equal. Limited animation, the terrible BB character designs, and fruity vocal accompaniment. This may sit well with modern anime fans; but for me it's sandpaper on the eyes and pencils in my ears.

I really can't blame Ninja Scroll for the influence you're seeing here or any of the hyper violent popular OVA's that used to be produced. This is clearly the result of the harem moé schoolgirl school of modern anime.

It would be nice if popular anime would skew away from icky. I'd rather be the dude that watches those crazy hyperviolent cartoons, than the creepy cartoons that must mean you're a pedophile. :X

On the positive side, we're seeing things like the new Thundercats. Which will take Western story telling and direction and work with Japanese animators to deliver something with the feel of anime, without all the creepy we generally see in actual modern anime.


Sketchbook Picasso
The Take Out Bandit said:
I would still argue for stuff like Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D (OG not that sissy Madhouse one), and Demon City Shinjuku. At least this was sex and violence with characters portrayed above the age of 14.

This is kind of why I dig the Hard Corps Uprising intro so much. It's everything I loved about anime from those days. Muscular dudes and crazy action.

On the strength of HCU intro I went ahead and watched the BB:CT intro (yes I actively skipped it since launch), and unfortunately not all things ASW are created equal. Limited animation, the terrible BB character designs, and fruity vocal accompaniment. This may sit well with modern anime fans; but for me it's sandpaper on the eyes and pencils in my ears.

I really can't blame Ninja Scroll for the influence you're seeing here or any of the hyper violent popular OVA's that used to be produced. This is clearly the result of the harem moé schoolgirl school of modern anime.

It would be nice if popular anime would skew away from icky. I'd rather be the dude that watches those crazy hyperviolent cartoons, than the creepy cartoons that must mean you're a pedophile. :X

On the positive side, we're seeing things like the new Thundercats. Which will take Western story telling and direction and work with Japanese animators to deliver something with the feel of anime, without all the creepy we generally see in actual modern anime.

HCU is a pretty rare trick of ASW, agreed. I'm quite suprised with how well animated the intro is; one stand-out moment being Krystal's duck and roll behind cover when that soldier catches sight of her; There's no real fudging to save money there, it's just... animation. Real animation! :lol:

Anyway, I don't completly blame NS for this, it's just one of those things... in my middle-school days, it, Akira, and GiTS were like... the THINGS to see for anime. They defined it to anyone who had seen the word. No one knew Voltron, Saber Rider, or Robotech were anime, they might as well have been US animation, lol. Lodoss War? Robot Carnival? What were those things!? The hyper-violent, sexy OVA's defined anime watchers, and were the "IT" things to watch, and all you ever saw mention of. Then a bit later, it became N.G. Evangelion... but thats a whole 'nother can of worms!

My main complaint here was the lack of any variety and balance anymore, though. They're all ALL so deep into being awash with all the negative qualities of anime, at like every conceiveable moment. It's all mixed together, like no creators have the confidence that their action would hold up... without pantyshots. Or that their character development is good... without unrealistic boob bounce. Or that an emotional moment is interesting... without EXTREMMMEEEE violence, possibly mixed with lolis and pantsu! (-_-;)

I can take a few elements of things I don't like in a well-rounded anime; As an example, Japan's facination with overly young girls has been on notice to me since things like Blue Seed and A-Ko. But when that's almost ALL they concentrate on, blowing a creepy little oddity into a full-on justification for series, character choices, design styles, etc... then it's very "icky", as you say.

It's like alot of the work now-a-days is a parody of the "real" works from years past. They're so busy poking fun at the same joke OVER AND OVER AND OVER that they forget to become a competent, complete work all their own...

I haven't seen enough of the new Thundercats yet... Sounds pretty exciting though. Best of both worlds coming from the combination of talents... not too shabby.


It kind of reminds me of Battle Beast. I like that. Animations are smooth too.
Stop hating already you nigglemonkeys.


This game is being made by ex-Marvel 2 pros, right?

I'm iffy about it. The animation looks good but the character designs are pretty bad. Curious to see how the gameplay turns out.
The Take Out Bandit said:
I think it may really be because there's a generation of fans in America that grew up without anime that's about bad ass dudes being bad ass, and instead grew up with school girls uguuuu~ and pantsu. :(

I still don't understand the hijacked Zangief meme with Mike Z. either. Tager is not Russian. What gives? :|

It's because this is what currently sells in Japan.
Flying_Phoenix said:
It's because this is what currently sells in Japan.

Thank you for pointing out the obvious, but this doesn't explain why a Western development team would be attempting to appeal to Japanese audiences.

As much as I'd like this to be The One game that proves America is not sh*t at developing fighters, I'm not counting on it mattering in Japan either way, and they're handicapping their sales with the choice of art style they've gone with when relating to a US audience.

On top of that it's 2D which will be another piss poor excuse to dismiss the game. :|
The Take Out Bandit said:
Thank you for pointing out the obvious, but this doesn't explain why a Western development team would be attempting to appeal to Japanese audiences.

As much as I'd like this to be The One game that proves America is not sh*t at developing fighters, I'm not counting on it mattering in Japan either way, and they're handicapping their sales with the choice of art style they've gone with when relating to a US audience.

On top of that it's 2D which will be another piss poor excuse to dismiss the game. :|

Because fighters tend to sell the best in Japan unless it's made by Capcom.

That's why you don't see too many shooter developers make games targeted toward Europe but at America.
Flying_Phoenix said:
Because fighters tend to sell the best in Japan unless it's made by Capcom.

That's why you don't see too many shooter developers make games targeted toward Europe but at America.

Actually the shmup developers simply don't seem to give a damn about non-Japanese markets; and as time marches on it seems more Japanese development teams are simply not giving a damn about non-Japanese markets.

As others have pointed out in this thread, Japan already has a surplus of moe fighters.

I'm still looking forward to seeing how the game turns out, but you're crazier than Ash in your avatar if you honestly think this game will have any impact in Japan.


Ashkeloth said:
But the one thing that is putting me off this game, is not the western-anime/webcomic style (which at least does not look as bad as Blade Kitten), nor the fact that it looks slightly incomplete at the minute, but the fact that it has an all female, relatively young looking cast.

It just seems crazy to me. Why on earth would you do something like this? It essentially locks out anyone that doesn't want to appear a bit of a creep to anyone else who plays locally with them.

Stuff like Deathsmiles and all those strange Japanese shmups seem pretty cool to me, until they make all of the characters young girls instead of spaceships, which would not make a lick of difference gameplay wise.
I can't imagine why anyone would want to play as a man or a spaceship when you could play as a cute girl.
The Take Out Bandit said:
Actually the shmup developers simply don't seem to give a damn about non-Japanese markets; and as time marches on it seems more Japanese development teams are simply not giving a damn about non-Japanese markets.

As others have pointed out in this thread, Japan already has a surplus of moe fighters.

Wow way to dodge the argument.


Sketchbook Picasso
Flying_Phoenix said:
Wow way to dodge the argument.

When you said shooters, did you mean First Person? I think TTOB meant Spaceships and aliens and WARNINGS! WARNINGS! of giant enemies approaching fast... y'know, REAL "Shooters"! -waves old man cane- In my day...
SAB CA said:
When you said shooters, did you mean First Person? I think TTOB meant Spaceships and aliens and WARNINGS! WARNINGS! of giant enemies approaching fast... y'know, REAL "Shooters"! -waves old man cane- In my day...

Yep. Which is why I said shmups.

Flying_Phoenix is just playing at a game that doesn't exist. While I'd love to see Skullgirls, 1. Be good, 2. Do well in Japan. Right now I'm focusing on #1, and given Western developers track record in Japan I'm not counting on any market success.

The only popular in Japan DLC game I can think of not Japanese developed is Akaoni's Zombie Panic in Wonderland. Which from what I've read was well received.

And I still need to pick it up.


Just had a sit-down with Mike Z and he walked through some of the more technical features of the game. This is looking like it's gonna be real legit. On my phone so I can't write much, but it looks real, real solid. I'll update later.

Ps. The game is using ggpo. Straight from Mike's mouth.
Ashkeloth said:
It just seems crazy to me. Why on earth would you do something like this? It essentially locks out anyone that doesn't want to appear a bit of a creep to anyone else who plays locally with them.

Don't play with stuck-up people?

When I first tried Akatsuki Blitzkampf I was like wtf and thought the friend who'd recommended it to me had trolled me, then I found myself actually enjoying it. The game is pretty good.

Now this looks weird to me, but at worst we'll just play for a while for shit and giggles and wtf factor, at best we'll have gotten our hands on a hidden gem. In any case more fighters is a good thing.


Shig said:
Incorrect. She's working on it, yes, but Alex Ahad (o_8) is the character designer and main artist.

I'm aware, though I did word that wrong. She's the lead animator. The animations are hers but not the art itself.
SAB CA said:
I was wondering about this yesterday; cool to see it confirmed, thanks.

Sweet! So it's already more valid as a competitive online fighter than SSF4 and MvC3. :D

Flying_Phoenix, sorry for taking broad swipes man. I try to look at all sides of the picture as well; but being a pessimist I prefer to keep my expectations within reason to avoid disappointment.

Now that we know this will use GGPO it would be nice to see it gain traction in Japan just to sell those so-and-so's on GGPO. Tired of being treated like a horse with a carrot dangling in front of it with nonsense like "If people buy Final Final Double Impact maaaaybe we'll give GGPO more serious consideration." :X
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