It's always like this.I'm a newborn player who barely got 50 games in my history and I already matched twice against premade stack of clan with fancy frame on the loading screen god card. Is the matchmaking have been a mess since long ago or just lately?
Also I'm afraid to play with all free gods weekend right now. Makes people picking behavior more erratic I assume.
I've played only a handful of Conquest games and Smite doesn't give a single fuck. I get the normal teams I usually get against a team that knows what they're doing, but I can't carry in Conquest because I don't know what I'm doing. I just played against a team that was obviously communicating and working together. Ganking, baiting, etc. I had to Supp and got He Bo ADC that fed his fucking brains out. The game just puts you in unwinnable matches and I don't know why.