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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken


Latest (v3.18) patch notes: https://www.smitegame.com/new-in-smite-rising-flames-3-18-pts-patch-notes/

Stand out changes for me:

- Reinforced Greaves/Shoes are now pretty useless again, after having been used by everyone (I've had assassins build them in my games) now they can go back to being used by no one.

- Cupid has gone from being secretly good to now just being really good, as a fan of playing him the changes to Heart Bomb and especially his Flutter seem crazy, now not only do you have a Hunter who is very potent in terms of damage dealing abilities but also can out-trade you with basic attacks thanks to this attack speed boost.

I think this hurts Cupid more than it helps actually. They took the stun off his ult so now there is really no reason to ult with max heart stacks. So instead of doing the 3-4-1 combo, you basically can only do 1-4. You hit your one with max stacks for the stun and hope the enemy is stupid enough to stand near his teammates(which won't happen often because you can now see the radius of heartbomb now) and then immediately ult. There's also the issue of mez being broken easily. Basically they destroyed Cupid's ult to the point of uselessness just so he can clear lane better and have some passive attack speed. Not sure if its worth it honestly.

Man, I know Raijin was overtuned a bit but they're kind of gutting him there no?

He's fine. As long as he has those immunity frames on his 3 and can stack his passive really easily, and can ult you from the across the map doing like 1,000 damage in the process he will always be good.


I really liked doing the Odyssey quests this past week as well as the bonus quests during the weekend.

I had some amazing kills with Ra when I was doing the mage one... one of them, right through an Ymir wall to take down a stupid Loki. It was glorious.



What's the best game mode for newbie?
I'm still feel that I'm not ready enough for PvP but I don't know what else that I can do.
What's the best game mode for newbie?
I'm still feel that I'm not ready enough for PvP but I don't know what else that I can do.

I think Assault is a good learning tool. It forces you to learn random characters. MOST people are willing to give you the benefit of the doubt if you're terrible due to that. You're relieved of the pressure of choosing the right one or role. It still includes a pretty basic form of the creep and tower mechanics to help you learn that stuff.

If you're not too worried about hero selection, Joust and Clash are also pretty good lighter versions of Conquest and more free wheeling.
What's the best game mode for newbie?
I'm still feel that I'm not ready enough for PvP but I don't know what else that I can do.

Personally I'd say arena. There is little tower info needed because you may never eve get near the towers in arena.
You can also pick almost any team comp and still win if you can outplay (there are better comps ofc).
It will also allow you to get comfortable with a god's mechanics without having to worry about being blindsided by ganks (too much).

However, as GuitarAtomik said above, assault can also be good as it does a little bit of everything. Team fighting, laning, pushing, managing your resources are all things that you'll need to do in assault, but there will be less pressure from other players then running conquest.

Honestly though at low levels it's not a huge deal. You're gonna get some games in which you get stomped due to being new and smurfs. If you can push past and use them as learning experiences you'll get good enough to run anything pretty quickly.
What's the best game mode for newbie?
I'm still feel that I'm not ready enough for PvP but I don't know what else that I can do.

I was thinking about that youtube video recommendation i gave you before, Incon is good however maybe Hinduman would be better. He has an A-Z series where he goes over the gods abilities and how you should try to play them. he hasn't done every good since he now works for Hi-Rez as a pro caster but he has 39 of them so wouldn't be a bad start: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvod7O9Ww-n8F77kcnD6sqA/featured

Just look at the playlists to find them.

Low levels has nothing to do with getting stomped as 34 still gets into games where he gets stomped.


When will you finally 1v1 me so we can put this ancient feud behind us?

Twitch Prime Ymir skin, I don't need so first come first serve.


I have claimed this code on PC but from the reddit it seems the code will still work on Xbox and PS4.
How/why are people so awful at this game?

Genuine question by the way. The amount of people I encounter that have no clue how to play or build and do nothing but feed is absolutely astounding. I'm talking account level 30's dying once every two minutes with builds that would leave even the most slightly knowledgeable player dumbfounded.

I just can't understand it.


I think Assault is a good learning tool. It forces you to learn random characters. MOST people are willing to give you the benefit of the doubt if you're terrible due to that. You're relieved of the pressure of choosing the right one or role. It still includes a pretty basic form of the creep and tower mechanics to help you learn that stuff.

If you're not too worried about hero selection, Joust and Clash are also pretty good lighter versions of Conquest and more free wheeling.

Personally I'd say arena. There is little tower info needed because you may never eve get near the towers in arena.
You can also pick almost any team comp and still win if you can outplay (there are better comps ofc).
It will also allow you to get comfortable with a god's mechanics without having to worry about being blindsided by ganks (too much).

However, as GuitarAtomik said above, assault can also be good as it does a little bit of everything. Team fighting, laning, pushing, managing your resources are all things that you'll need to do in assault, but there will be less pressure from other players then running conquest.

Honestly though at low levels it's not a huge deal. You're gonna get some games in which you get stomped due to being new and smurfs. If you can push past and use them as learning experiences you'll get good enough to run anything pretty quickly.

Arena can be fun too. so many game modes tho.
Thanks for the answer. I was trying play some games against bot but they were really braindead lol

I guess my limited god pool for being a new player wouldn't be hindrance then?
I was thinking about that youtube video recommendation i gave you before, Incon is good however maybe Hinduman would be better. He has an A-Z series where he goes over the gods abilities and how you should try to play them. he hasn't done every good since he now works for Hi-Rez as a pro caster but he has 39 of them so wouldn't be a bad start: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvod7O9Ww-n8F77kcnD6sqA/featured

Just look at the playlists to find them.
Thanks! I've checked the video but too bad the gods that I have interested in isn't featured there :(
Looks like the next convention skin will be an Ama one:



Feel free to ask about certain gods here if you have questions.

I have enough favor to buy one god, do you think Scylla is newbie friendly?

Also regarding VGS, do I have to buy the voice pack even just to use the default voice of the god? Because my VGS doesn't changed even when I select the default voice during selection screen.
I have enough favor to buy one god, do you think Scylla is newbie friendly?

Scylla is kind of in that middle ground, not the easiest but not the hardest. None of her abilities are cast and forget (especially when it comes to the wave) so you need stay aware yet her main damage source (her 2) has a large area and she has one of the best mage escapes.
Her 1 has a small hitbox so you can miss easily and her ult is also hard to land consistently. Thing is you often need to hit the 1 to setup the 2 or ult.
Her early game is kind of weak but her lategame is great.

Newbie mages (assuming you want a mage) would probably be Poseidon, Anubis or Kukulkan. All three have easy to understand abilities that do good to great damage.
They are all very immobile though which may be something you want to avoid.

Also regarding VGS, do I have to buy the voice pack even just to use the default voice of the god? Because my VGS doesn't changed even when I select the default voice during selection screen.

The default vgs is the same man for every god. When you buy the voicepack for that god the voicepack will change depending on what skin they are wearing.
I wouldn't worry about getting voicepacks now, no one cares what voice you use as long as you can use it. Low level you don't even need to use it but learning now certainly wouldn't hurt.


Hi. I've been playing this game for 2 months, I really like it.
This is my first Moba so I don't know how odyssey and season ticket works. Am I too late for getting a ticket? Should I wait for a new ticket next year?
Hi. I've been playing this game for 2 months, I really like it.
This is my first Moba so I don't know how odyssey and season ticket works. Am I too late for getting a ticket? Should I wait for a new ticket next year?

The season ticket will continue until the World championship which ends on the 8th of January. A month or so after that a new one will (probably) come out and the current one will end.

When you buy the season ticket you will get a Bellona skin. You will also get the ability to gain fantasy points (fp). You earn 15 fp for every game you win. You can also choose winners of pro games, if you choose correctly you will gain 40 fp.
When you gain a certain level of fp you will ge given a reward. The rewards are set and can be seen in the season ticket tab (which you will have access to once you buy the ticket). For example, 1000 fp gets you the sunstar Ra skin. There are different types of rewards, limited skin, chests, emotes etc. The rewards and the points needed can be seen here: http://smite.gamepedia.com/Season_Ticket_2016

Unless you play a lot and pick pro games very well it is unlikely you can get to the final reward if you start now. That said for 450 gems you could say you'll get your money's worth once you get to a certain reward level. What that point is will be personal to you so it's a choice there.
I believe there is a bundle where you can buy the ticket and be given some fp to start you off but that will cost a bit more of course. Keep in mind you can also buy fp, I believe it is 300 gems for 500fp (I could be wrong with the price).

The Odyssey will require a lot more money if you want to complete it. Like the season ticket there are rewards when you get to certain levels. However to get to the next level you have to buy Odyssey items. New Odyssey items are released every 2 weeks but the old ones stay so you can buy them in bulk later if you want. Like the season ticket you have until the SWC to get everything.
The final reward for the Odyssey is a bit different though. It is a T5 skin, on paper the best type of skin possible. It is a skin that changes form or look at different times during a match. Previous T5's have been Archon Thanatos and Ragnarok Thor. All the skins that you can buy during the Odyssey you can buy later (usually through chests) but all the skins given at rewards tiers can never be gotten again once the Odyssey ends (they're limited).
You will also be given an Odyssey chest for every Odyssey purchase you make. This chest can contain anything in the game excluding limited skins. You can get quite lucky with this or they can give you something you have no need for.

This year is slightly different in that you can gain some rewards tiers without paying money. Without paying anything you can access a set of quests, each quest you complete will give you 500 Odyssey points and you'll need 3500 to get to the next reward tier.
With the amount of quests they're making you will be able to get to the 6th or 7th reward level (I forget which). Not only does this get you a Nu Wa skin, new recall animation and a bunch of Odyssey chests but it also allows you to skip buying some items if you want higher tier rewards. Basically saving you some money.

There is a bit more information about the rewards and the quests here: http://smite.gamepedia.com/Odyssey_2017


Thanks! I'm gonna wait for the next ticket season then. Also, not really interested in the odyssey skins (Terra maybe) so I'm just gonna finish the quests.


Latest (v3.19) patch notes: http://www.smitegame.com/new-in-smite-terror-of-the-night-3-19-pts-patch-notes/

New God seems interesting, tons of damage and little mobility, can see him being one to stay away from early on when he first gets his Ultimate as it looks like he can chunk a big portion of your health from his abilities alone and then use his Ult to get away. Also lots of nice new skins for those who like that stuff.

Susano has been given a big change for the negative and I can see him becoming quite under-powered later in matches with his current stats due to the change to his Storm Kata % scaling.

Scylla on the other hand has seen a buff, they say they want to help with her early game but to me it reads like all they did was make her late game even stronger without really changing her early game.

Her crush has gone from 90/145/200/255/310 → 90/150/210/270/330 and from 80% → 100% scaling. Both of which don't really effect her early game but instead make her even more damaging late game when she has her ability leveled and 4 items bought.

Personally would have preferred to have seen her Crush % scaling remain at 80% and the damage been increased on the front end rather than later on, for example: 90/145/200/255/310 → 110/150/200/255/310


People AFKing in a coop arena game. It makes the game feels better for the rest of us, but still why would anyone doing this? :x

Scylla is kind of in that middle ground, not the easiest but not the hardest. None of her abilities are cast and forget (especially when it comes to the wave) so you need stay aware yet her main damage source (her 2) has a large area and she has one of the best mage escapes.
Her 1 has a small hitbox so you can miss easily and her ult is also hard to land consistently. Thing is you often need to hit the 1 to setup the 2 or ult.
Her early game is kind of weak but her lategame is great.

Newbie mages (assuming you want a mage) would probably be Poseidon, Anubis or Kukulkan. All three have easy to understand abilities that do good to great damage.
They are all very immobile though which may be something you want to avoid.

I haven't redeem my rental Poseidon from the level up reward. Maybe now it's good time to use it.
That being said, reading the upcoming patch it seems that Scylla will get a buff. Wouldn't be now a good time to pick her? :p
Only had time to run one quick match with Camazotz, I'm liking him. He can do quite a lot of damage but his first 3 abilities are hard to hit, especially the 2 because minions stop it, so there is a trade off. Also with little to no CC makes it even hard but you do get a big payoff if you can hit them.
His jump is a little weird but Fafnir's was also weird at the start so it will probably only take a little bit of time to get used to.

I haven't redeem my rental Poseidon from the level up reward. Maybe now it's good time to use it.
That being said, reading the upcoming patch it seems that Scylla will get a buff. Wouldn't be now a good time to pick her? :p

If you've got him on rental then it won't hurt to run him in a few games. Come Tuesday Gem of Iso is getting buffed, while not technically a core item, it is very good on him and helps him to deliver more damage or to just get away.

This buff to Scylla is strange. They wanted to help her early game and they kind of did that but as Navid said it is a big buff to her already great lategame.
If you get soulstone on her to start she could easily be full clearing the wave at about lv3. Unless changes are made before this patch goes live she will be very strong going forward and probably a good pick for you ( I personally prefer Poseidon though :p).
So glad they finally touched Susano. Splitting off some of the damage into the third hit of Storm Kata is an amazing change in my opinion.

I'm not sure the scaling nerf was as necessary though.


If you've got him on rental then it won't hurt to run him in a few games. Come Tuesday Gem of Iso is getting buffed, while not technically a core item, it is very good on him and helps him to deliver more damage or to just get away.

This buff to Scylla is strange. They wanted to help her early game and they kind of did that but as Navid said it is a big buff to her already great lategame.
If you get soulstone on her to start she could easily be full clearing the wave at about lv3. Unless changes are made before this patch goes live she will be very strong going forward and probably a good pick for you ( I personally prefer Poseidon though :p).

Familiar with MOBA, I do feel it quite out of place with her buff. I expect them to increase her fixed damage so I was surprised when I see the scaling modifier that got buffed instead.


Just one more Undying Chest to go. I'm missing the Anubis skin so I won't feel bad if I don't make it to 20K FP. This weekend's event was real nice and maybe we get one or two more before the ticket ends next year.


If nothing else less people will get play Susano less because of the nerf even though I think he will be balanced but no one likes playing balanced Gods. They like the op gods that let them face roll everyone without trying. I still suspect Susano will be annoying as hell to deal with so the less he is in the game the better. I cannot stand this god and his stupid kit.


Changes to the v3.19 patch after testing over the past week: http://www.smitegame.com/new-in-smite-terror-of-the-night-3-19-pts-patch-notes/
Chaac: Storm Call

Storm Call will now always knockup enemies.

Scylla: Crush

Changed Damage from 90/150/210/270/330 → 100/155/210/265/320
Decreased Magical Power Scaling from 100% → 90%

Scylla got a bit closer to what I had suggested and Chaac's Ult is going to be pretty devastating in team fights now that it has a confirmed large area knock up and silence on top of his massive damage.


I haven't play Guan in a while and decided to play him last night. Totally forgot how strong he can be. Don't even need power items to be effective. Just some cdr and defense and your good to go.
Played my first Camazotz match. We won and I went 5-3 but I had the worst damage on the team.
I'm not sure yet which kind of assassin he is. He certainly doesn't have the lategame damage of a Mercury or Kali, his mobility actually isn't that high (isn't bad though) and he's not super tanky unless you build a few defence items on him which can take a while as you want to prioritise cdr and mana.

He does have very good early damage so you can certainly play him hyper aggressive early like a Fenrir but his abilities are much hard to hit than Fenrir's so you might end up doing nothing. Also his lowish mobility hurts him if you dive too far before you get some defence online.

I do still like him though and I can see how his sustain would be super useful in modes like conquest, joust, clash and even assault.


Camazotz seems pretty balanced. High damage but its a bit tricky to hit his two. Not very mobile but a lot of sustain to compensate. You can get a massive burst heal on his 3 if you land it on a bunch of minions. I think having no cc is probably going to make him more of a niche pick tho. The ult is pretty fun to use though it doesn't seem to go through walls which sucks but I still think he's pretty fun.


I'm a newborn player who barely got 50 games in my history and I already matched twice against premade stack of clan with fancy frame on the loading screen god card. Is the matchmaking have been a mess since long ago or just lately?

Also I'm afraid to play with all free gods weekend right now. Makes people picking behavior more erratic I assume.
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