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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken


Send me one too please?
Internet is going to be down for 10 days though so I probably won't accept for a while.

Same name as here.
More newbie questions. I get that most builds use a rather common list of items. pen/power, prot that you build around based on your god/opponent's builds, but when are the more situational offensive items useful? I play mostly magical so I use that as an example. When are items like Soul Reaver, Warlock's Sash, Doom Orb, Staff useful? Are they situational by god? Or are they just overall rather underpowered?

Other items like Demonic Grip I tend to get on gods that benefit from basic attacks w/ poly. I like to build them on Zeus for instance because I feel he has a lot of ways to make use of Poly., and it sets up detonate well.

IN short, I am playing a lot of Vulcan and was wondering if Soul Reaver is any good on him.
So I am not sure if anyone has linked this here yet, but I really want this skin to be made. The artist put an amazing amount of work into it.

Mad Monarch Nu Wa

I just think that the idea is so well thought out that it really needs to be done.


To Indignate, TheKingPolo, Bamelin, and XTVengeance, those were awesome matches last night and we played a lot of them!

GAF rocks. :D
I might have to pick Smite up again if there's fun matches to be had. :) Though I tend to prefer Arena (with an occasional Assault) over Conquest, cuz im badsies.

If you want to add me, my IGN is RedArremer (I think, might be with the space instead). :p


formerly Oynox Slider
I only use the ult to stun the enemy tbh.
I like Artemis, she's my favourite ADC next to Neith.

I like Neith's backflip but I find the character really irritating. All I keep thinking is 'put on some bloody clothes!' I'm still learning the game and how to play a MOBA but at the moment I find that if I use my speed potion (is that what it's called?!) and the 2nd ability it can get me out of tricky situations.

Not sure why Artemis is classed as 'hard' and Neith as 'easy' though.


Starting to quite enjoy playing as Artemis. Not sure how good the ult is though.

Her ult is crazy good. Hard stun enables friendlies to get the kill early game, and YOU to get the kill late game. Artemis is a late game monster once you've upped attk speed and dmg crits.


I like Neith's backflip but I find the character really irritating. All I keep thinking is 'put on some bloody clothes!' I'm still learning the game and how to play a MOBA but at the moment I find that if I use my speed potion (is that what it's called?!) and the 2nd ability it can get me out of tricky situations.

Not sure why Artemis is classed as 'hard' and Neith as 'easy' though.

The root from 1 and 3 I find is good enough to help me escape.
I usually buy blink and sprint as actives anyways to help me escape If i ever need it.
I like Neith's backflip but I find the character really irritating. All I keep thinking is 'put on some bloody clothes!' I'm still learning the game and how to play a MOBA but at the moment I find that if I use my speed potion (is that what it's called?!) and the 2nd ability it can get me out of tricky situations.

Not sure why Artemis is classed as 'hard' and Neith as 'easy' though.

Artemis has no escapes. She only has stuns. When playing Artemis in the higher level matches, you have to be hyper-aware of positioning, or else you will get ganked left and right.
Artemis has no escapes. She only has stuns. When playing Artemis in the higher level matches, you have to be hyper-aware of positioning, or else you will get ganked left and right.
While Neith has a pretty good lane clear with her 1, has a pretty awesome escape with the backflip, and even has a little sustain with her 2. Plus her Ult allows her to get kills without even needing to actually be in the fight.


While Neith has a pretty good lane clear with her 1, has a pretty awesome escape with the backflip, and even has a little sustain with her 2. Plus her Ult allows her to get kills without even needing to actually be in the fight.

It's like, how do you play terribly as Neith? Is that even possible?


Apollo is my current favorite. Slide into stun is just too good to set up team attacks. Plus his ult is great for returning to a fight or escaping death. The other team has to focus him down to kill him, and they're not going to want to when your heavy hitters come in to mop up. Burns through mana quick, but he can solo the mana camp fairly early on, or take it easy with a little help.


formerly Oynox Slider
So tried playing as Neith to learn a bit more and someone on my team asked other players to report me...mighty confused by this. Any clues anyone?


So tried playing as Neith to learn a bit more and someone on my team asked other players to report me...mighty confused by this. Any clues anyone?

Typical moba behavior I guess?
Just ignore them. After a while you learn to just phase them out.
So tried playing as Neith to learn a bit more and someone on my team asked other players to report me...mighty confused by this. Any clues anyone?

Did you not do so well? Some people are assholes and try to report people for feeding just because they didn't do well. I wouldn't worry about it.


formerly Oynox Slider
Thanks - assume feeding is just grinding minions? Yup that's what I was doing. Trying to hang back, deal with the minions and occasionally move forward and use the ult to help others out. Not great, but just trying to get a foothold in the match. Will go back to co-op for a bit. Lot to take in when you've never played a MOBA before.


Apollo is my current favorite. Slide into stun is just too good to set up team attacks. Plus his ult is great for returning to a fight or escaping death. The other team has to focus him down to kill him, and they're not going to want to when your heavy hitters come in to mop up. Burns through mana quick, but he can solo the mana camp fairly early on, or take it easy with a little help.

I feel the same way about Thor, coupled along side some good combo's like Hades and Ares/ Poseidon and Odin ect...devastating!
Thanks - assume feeding is just grinding minions? Yup that's what I was doing. Trying to hang back, deal with the minions and occasionally move forward and use the ult to help others out. Not great, but just trying to get a foothold in the match. Will go back to co-op for a bit. Lot to take in when you've never played a MOBA before.

Feeding is when the other team kills you a lot (thus "feeding" their gold intake and making them level faster). You can report people if they're doing it intentionally. Sounds like that person just didn't think you were contributing enough but that's not a legitimate reason to report someone so, like I said, don't worry about it. That person is just being an asshole.


Apollo is my current favorite. Slide into stun is just too good to set up team attacks. Plus his ult is great for returning to a fight or escaping death. The other team has to focus him down to kill him, and they're not going to want to when your heavy hitters come in to mop up. Burns through mana quick, but he can solo the mana camp fairly early on, or take it easy with a little help.
I quite like Apollo but I can't seem to get a good game as him.
Maybe I'm just building him wrong.


formerly Oynox Slider
Feeding is when the other team kills you a lot (thus "feeding" their gold intake and making them level faster). You can report people if they're doing it intentionally. Sounds like that person just didn't think you were contributing enough but that's not a legitimate reason to report someone so, like I said, don't worry about it. That person is just being an asshole.

Thanks :)

I think I'm just crap, rather than feeding!
Patch Notes Addendum for 5/28 Janus Patch:


What do you guys think about Scylla? I used to think everyone complained too much, but lately I've been seeing her in every. single. game. She does great damage and has a very good escape. I say she should get one of those nerfed. Since I like playing high damage mages, I hope they only nerf her escape and not her burst. I think of a mage like He Bo who also does amazing amounts of burst damage, but his escape isn't very good. Scylla should probably be more like that.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
hope they dont mess with siege its fine 5v5 as for scylla shes pretty broken she dose very high damage and has a long stun and a slow

edit: lol janus nerf already but yeah he is also strong


The root she has isn't what makes it dangerous. It is the fact that she grows in power (like AO kuang) and her skills also become more effective. In the instances of her #1 skill (the root), it will hit multiple targets and it deals damage. The snare is nice and the fact you can choose to detonate it makes it territory control more than anything else.

I'm not so sure I'd call her overpowered though like Zeus or Ao Kuang since her stuff travels and activates rather slow by comparison to their skills which are damn near instant (excluding Ao's ultimate).

Scylla can go nuts though with her ultimate provided that what she is going for is stunned/slowed/rooted and weak enough to be killed with the attack allowing for additional uses. The fact that it breaks snare/stun/root/etc is probably the most useful aspect of it. She gets torn apart with the quickness though compared to other people. I've seen her get tapped out from zeus or ao using just one skill basically, so it is hard to see her as being overpowered.
Patch Notes Addendum for 5/28 Janus Patch:


What do you guys think about Scylla? I used to think everyone complained too much, but lately I've been seeing her in every. single. game. She does great damage and has a very good escape. I say she should get one of those nerfed. Since I like playing high damage mages, I hope they only nerf her escape and not her burst. I think of a mage like He Bo who also does amazing amounts of burst damage, but his escape isn't very good. Scylla should probably be more like that.
I've seen her in every Arena game this weekend and I played an Assault with one that DOMINATED (something like 22/3). I swear she one shotted me (I think I was Hel) in the very first throwdown and continuously killed me throughout the match any time I wasn't at full health. It was very annoying.


I've seen her in every Arena game this weekend and I played an Assault with one that DOMINATED (something like 22/3). I swear she one shotted me (I think I was Hel) in the very first throwdown and continuously killed me throughout the match any time I wasn't at full health. It was very annoying.

I mean Ra can do that as well. Several of the mages can. I don't think she is so powerful more so that she is used a lot.

I always see tiger head guy for his global stun.

Only if you continue to run as it ends!
I mean Ra can do that as well. Several of the mages can. I don't think she is so powerful more so that she is used a lot.
Not like she can in the right situations. It helped she had a really good team comp though. We'd be in our tower, their Baccus would dive and stun two or three people, their Chronos would slow the ones who avoided it, while their Xbla would activate his ult, and then Scylla would clean up getting about three ult hits/kills off. It was crazy. I'm not saying she's overpowered though, just that she's really good in Arena or Assault when she has a team that is good for setting her ult up.
I hate Scylla because she's one of those gods with really annoying VA. All of her ability VA is annoying as fuck.

I really hate being near her, Ao, or Chang'e because of this, lol.



Can someone explain to me what Chang'es role is? The last two games I have played with her I was politely told to solo middle. WTF? Isn't she supposed to be a support mage?


Can someone explain to me what Chang'es role is? The last two games I have played with her I was politely told to solo middle. WTF? Isn't she supposed to be a support mage?

Not necessarily.

Her passive makes it so you don't have to leave lane to buy an item. Her 1 and 4 do good damage and the 4 stuns on top of that. Her 2 and 3 provide sustain for mana and health respectively, with the former also providing immunity and the latter doing damage as well.

She's probably better solo than mid since her wave clear isn't that great, but yeah, she can totally hold her own and often should. I can't think of any Mage that is better as a support than mid/solo.

I hate Scylla because she's one of those gods with really annoying VA. All of her ability VA is annoying as fuck.

I really hate being near her, Ao, or Chang'e because of this, lol.


Ugh, patch day is always the worst! I've had two ragers and one intentional feeder on my teams so far. The worst part is that we were only down by 12 points, but he started feeding because "we weren't helping him."
Any good builds for Zhong Kui? He's fun, but he seems completely useless without stacks.

EDIT: Had nothing but really bizarre and shitty games today.

Had 3 matches in a row where Janus put himself in ADC spot. One match he even forced Cupid to go mid. I offered to go mid, but was told to stay solo because Cupid in mid is awesome.

...I showed up to my lane and saw Zeus. Awesome. He was then smooched by Aphrodite and she never left solo. Needless to say I lost my lane very quickly.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
hes a tanky mage you should build him that way half magic damage half defense and always be getting stacks on him so every minion wave toss your expose evil and hit all of the wave then go to the side of the wave and hit all the minions with exorcism youll get stacks real fast that way and the way you want to use him is to mainly level his 1 and 2 first i only level his 3 for the extra damage and never use the ability unless im in a team fight and need to stun someone other wise leave it passive so you get the extra damage
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