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[Hunter x Hunter 2011] - 104

I've really failed to address the element in the room with this entire arc.

Who, exactly, is designing and creating all the Chimera Ant's costumes because they really have a predilection towards ripped animal dudes and ladies in speedos and bikinis.
[Hunter x Hunter 2011] - 104

I've really failed to address the element in the room with this entire arc.

Who, exactly, is designing and creating all the Chimera Ant's costumes because they really have a predilection towards ripped animal dudes and ladies in speedos and bikinis.

It's like Pokemon, I guess. They're natural.


I actually started thinking this when I saw the weird dart game stuff.

I'm not complaining that the fights are more complicated, because that generally makes them more interesting.

It's certainly true that the focus has shifted as the strength of the opponents has ramped up, but I don't personally feel like the newer more esoteric Nen abilities really contradict the fundamentals that were initially established. It's just that the key mechanic of strengthening your abilities by placing limitations on them has been brought front and centre.

That's where the weirdest abilities like the dart guy and Potclean come from - the fact that if you want to make truly OP abilities, you have to make them incredibly specialised and restrict them by binding yourself to follow very specific rules. The most skilled Nen users seem to come up with innovative restrictions that allow them to either bring their existing strengths to the battlefield, or just overwhelm the enemy through sheer unpredictability.

It's true that this shift in focus makes characters like Hisoka, whose abilities really are limited to using the most basic features of Nen in creative ways, stand out from the crowd a little...but I suppose making simple tricks appear fantastic is in fitting with his "magician" theme, and his abilities make up for what they lack in OP-ness with sheer versatility. And it's not like there aren't other high-level characters who focus on using the basics effectively without any complex restrictions, such as Morau.
Isnt there place just an open warehouse of sorts? At least in their video spoof it didnt look like any sort of interesting place or different from any other retailer.

I would not know what the warehouse looks like besides the various pictures sometimes posted on their social media webpages. I thought I read somewhere that they had some manga/anime viewing room(s). There has to be something more than just the section holding all that merchandise, seeing as they do license and release anime in-house too.
I would not know what the warehouse looks like besides the various pictures sometimes posted on their social media webpages. I thought I read somewhere that they had some manga/anime viewing room(s). There has to be something more than just the section holding all that merchandise, seeing as they do license and release anime in-house too.

You didnt watch their video?



edit: maybe the blurays look significantly better, I don't know.
I've read that they fixed up some things but overall not really.


I would not know what the warehouse looks like besides the various pictures sometimes posted on their social media webpages. I thought I read somewhere that they had some manga/anime viewing room(s). There has to be something more than just the section holding all that merchandise, seeing as they do license and release anime in-house too.

They are probably like Amazon-lite in terms of how they operate. Similar kind of setup. Probably got a bunch of viewing rooms and other fun things. I doubt its a boring place to work. Probably not as glamorous as some would hope though.

You didnt watch their video?

What is this I dont even
Black Bullet 1-4

Dang, this show is pretty good. Its like a loli lovers heaven but I'm surprised at how violent it is. Theres some interesting mystery elements to this as well.

Kinda like Attack on Titan with little girls. Episode 4 felt like a season finale or something, haha.

Poor Enju :(


It looked good at points and then ranged from serviceable to eye sore. While it's production was lackluster, I don't think it was the biggest of it's problems.

Psycho-Pass' villain is Urobuchi's act of rebellion against making "just another dystopia," and he's the key element that makes it a work of thoughtful art rather than wild entertainment.
Everything in the Psycho-Pass narrative points to sophomoric Sci-Fi dystopia— the main villain being the standout in which he's barely that.


Soul Eater Not! 04

The garden won't be destroyed that easily. Mostly Tsugumi doing some soul searching. In the context of Soul Eater it still feels kinda odd, but the art style and the pacing goes a way towards making it work. Most of the time in the main series was out in the field, so when done this way, DWMA feels like an actual school. Not every moment is spent battling evil. Also, Meme continues to be lewd. Plus, the return of a brown girl in the form of Mira, without her bandages this time, and another cameo from Soul and Maka, plus a connection to Black Star's clan. It's on the edges of the world, but the world hasn't ceased to exist.


M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane 2

Mmmmmmm, still not sure if I'm feeling this one. I won't drop it yet because it certainly has an interesting atmosphere, some potentially interesting mysteries and I'm starting to warm up to the characters a little - in other words, this was definitely a step up from the first episode - but it's not exactly grabbing me at this point.

That may have been the creepiest I've seen a giant robot act since Eva, though.


Black Bullet 4

Well, that was a really big gun.

I don't believe for a second that
we've actually seen the last of the masked guy
You know exactly what I mean. Cute-service is not sexual fanservice.

I understand what you mean, but I wonder if you understand what I meant.

The problem of sexual fanservice is not the sex, but the fact that it is fanservice. The problem that can be explained if we go to an extreme example: A fanservice anime don't even try to tell a story, the story is an excuse to put some titillation on screen an "please" the fans that want tits and asses. The same core issue is then in other "types" of fanservice, form super-Mary sue in action series, to super self-insert pink life in a shojo to moe-fanservice.


[Hunter x Hunter 2011] - 104

I've really failed to address the element in the room with this entire arc.

Who, exactly, is designing and creating all the Chimera Ant's costumes because they really have a predilection towards ripped animal dudes and ladies in speedos and bikinis.



[Hunter x Hunter 2011] - 111

And here we go. Time has been reduced to a crawl. I can see where this is going.


I understand what you mean, but I wonder if you understand what I meant.

The problem of sexual fanservice is not the sex, but the fact that it is fanservice. The problem that can be explained if we go to an extreme example: A fanservice anime don't even try to tell a story, the story is an excuse to put some titillation on screen an "please" the fans that want tits and asses. The same core issue is then in other "types" of fanservice, form super-Mary sue in action series, to super self-insert pink life in a shojo to moe-fanservice.

Every single aspect of a show is some kind of "service" to a fan of it.
Engage Piranha Plants: Kiss Dum - Episode 6

Another brilliant episode of Kiss Dum with Shu tackling the village's Piranha Plant problem and getting some old NESs and Dolphins from Nintendo's abandoned military facility.

Shu now has three lovely ladies telling him he's useless now. All of them having roughly the same voice. They all do like blowing up and guiding CG bullets though.

Also everyone dies, again.

Music is still awful, the CG is still stilted and the mouth flaps are still timed horribly. Business as usual.


Knights of Sidonia - Episode 2-3

Finally caught up with this. Not really sure what to think. I feel the premise is pretty interesting, but I don't really care about the characters at all. It's basically another Attack on Titan style story but with less of the shounen screaming, exchanged for an unhealthy dose of syfy stuff instead. There's also a really serious issue with the framerate in the way certain scenes are done. The actual CG work is fairly good at times, but the attempt to make it look more like "anime" with low framerates seriously hurts some of the faster moving scenes, or the ones where there is meant to be quick but subtle camera pans. I'll probably keep watching for now, but I really wish it were more engaging than it is now. Oh well.


Love Live 4

Nico really can't sing very well can she.

How can you say such things about the world's greatest idol.

Hunter x Hunter 127

Aaaaaand things finally move forward on the Gon front. Excellent. Dis gon' be good. (Er, no pun intended.)
Back from being unbanned, whoooo. Nice to see me make the wall of shame (
Not really...
) again, and this OT's front page sucks just saying.

Anyways, that's out of the way time to pour out my congregated reactions/review of anime during the past 2 weeks:

Mahouka 03-04

Okay, yeah yeah, I said I was most likely going to drop it at episode 3, which I certainly did consider. However, at this point everything is nonsensical and the main lead is OP as hell I might as well watch the trainwreck in some twisted sense of humor. Doesn't void the potential of me dropping this show in the future though.

Sooo yeah... the MC is OP. His sister wets herself each time she catches sight of him, and.... he's OP. At first the explanations for how the universe worked was sort of interesting but now it's all nonsensical. For example the ending of episode 4 of the government trying to infiltrate the school with the club whose using a proxy club but then the government might be ruled by crazy people.... like fuck. You couldn't spread this out more evenly over the 3 previous episodes of exposition? Anyone that can stomach these 4 episodes has no right to criticize Fate/Zero's 1-episode exposition.

One Week Friends 03-04

Best anime so far for me in Spring 2014 (which isn't hard as the other is Mahouka, but whatevs). So far its using each episode to tell its own contained story which I'm perfectly fine with so far. Particularly I was both surprised and content with how the drama previewed at episode 3 was exposed and then wrapped up in episode 4.

People seem to be split on how they want the show to go in sticking with this slice-of-life episodic series or evolving into a drama with arcs spanning multiple episodes. Then of course is a potential romance (is this show marked as a romance?). Personally I have no preference as long as the latter is done well in the confines of character motivations and whatnot (no fucking Golden Time's Linda hugging invisible Ghost Banris like a lunatic).
[Hunter x Hunter 2011] - 102

Okay, so, real talk.

It's finally happened. After literally dozens and dozens of high-quality episodes we've arrived at what I had feared the whole show would be like. Here's a list of problems with the last few episodes:

1. Really poor quality animation: This would be fairly common in any long-running shounen series but this series managed to dodge this bullet for so long that I had imagined it was never going to happen, but it did.

2. Obvious and lazy padding: Leaving aside the story itself, there's been a whole bunch of tell-tale padding that really grates on my nerves. For example, flashbacks to earlier episodes (almost excusable), flashbacks to really recent episodes (inexcusable), flashbacks to the same damn episode (disgusting).

3. Infinite-Time-Shounen-Theory-Crafting-Internal Discussion-In-The Middle-Of-A-Fight: This one is fairly self explanatory. This show, like any number of shounen shows, has always had this as part of the action but earlier in the show they either trimmed it down or removed it, now they're dragging it out as long as possible,

Still, the show managed to avoid all these sins for a good long time. It's a shame.

There is a bit of less budget, true, but I still wouldn't say "Really poor quality animation", except two or three very specific moments where I thought "wtf was that", the quality is average or above average, and that's good for a long running series.
Also, in the episodes you are seeing now they are skimping in the animation but it's compensated with the higher budget in key episodes near the climax. Typical "limited animation"-sakuga system that you well know.

I agree that there is some padding. It's in this arc where they are starting to get close to the manga current end and you can see how the almost brisk pace has changed to something a bit more slower and deliberate. Sometimes it actually makes sense, other times you can notice how the camera lingers in the scenes, how the narrator has more lines, how there are flashbacks as you say...
Still, it's in the tolerable range.

I don't agree with the third point, it's just that in this specific Arc Togashi delves deeper in the intricacies of the abilities, the line of thoughts of the opponents, the subtleties and implications that affect them, etc. It's a different style, but not worse. I warn you, it will be even more pronounced later.
In fact, it's even lamp shaded.
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