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Which is part of why I watched Korra rather than watching Avatar first. The girl protagonist seemed more interesting to me.

"Korra's mind felt like she was finding cultural appropriation, white-washing, and (grudgingly) bender privilege everywhere she turned."


Maturity, bitches.
Western tv eh. Well I watch stuff like "My neighbour can be rather naughty sometimes" and "Oh parking can be a right pain".


Can't believe they fucked up the equalist storyline so badly though.

Horrific. When twenty percent of your population is superhumanly gifted and legitimately yet unintentionally oppressing the other eighty percent of your populace, you'd think they could make something interesting out of that but nope. "Lol it was just this one guy who didn't even care about that stuff because actually he was fucking superpowered as hell"

didn't even get good spirit world rep. Lame as butts
I'll create a show that bridges western tv with anime to bring both sides together. I can see it now:

My 8 Year Old FBI Agent Who Solves Mass Homicide Cases Cannot Possibly Be This Cute But Also She Has Psychological Issues Dealing With Abuse But She Likes Ponies So I Guess It Still Is Cute But Dont Get Comfortable Next Scene There Will Be Brains Flying Off Skulls

Can't believe they fucked up the equalist storyline so badly though.

Horrific. When twenty percent of your population is superhumanly gifted and legitimately yet unintentionally oppressing the other eighty percent of your populace, you'd think they could make something interesting out of that but nope.
"Lol it was just this one guy who didn't even care about that stuff because actually he was fucking superpowered as hell"

didn't even get good spirit world rep. Lame as butts

It was extremely lame. Everything Korra did felt unearned
to be fair they rushed the plot to skip the training because we had seen that and they didn't think they would be making many seasons of this.
But what the fuck was with that ending? It's like to try and make her stand out from Aang
you bring down Aang's accomplishments by making her copy/paste and become OP for no reason. Bullshit

But yeah the twist of the bad guy was super stupid. They basically reused a plot point from ATLA.


Subete no aware
I say this bro to bro: let it go, firehawk. Let the dream die. Cherish the four awesome seasons of yet another low-rated David Simon show that we did get.
The show was enough to get him to hate doing TV and he thought about bailing out. RIP.

rip white mans glee. u were 2 good 4 dis world~
I hate you. lol

I tried it. I think it was just too depressing for me.
It's not depressing, it's real! Besides, I imagine cajun walking around in the background during the show.

I still intend to, probably at some point this summer when my friends and I finish off the Sopranos' last season.

I think that with the Wire under your belt it's hard to reach that high ever again. You'll always be compared to it.
Simon is the better David!
And I almost want to say Treme is better than The Wire. But maybe that's crazy talk.

I'll create a show that bridges western tv with anime to bring both sides together. I can see it now:

My 8 Year Old FBI Detective Who Solves Mass Homicide Cases Cannot Possibly Be This Cute But Also She Has Psychological Issues Dealing With Abuse But She Likes Ponies So I Guess It Still Is Cute But Dont Get Comfortable Next Scene There Will Be Brains Flying Off Skulls
Alternate Title: Game of Thrones.


Can't believe they fucked up the equalist storyline so badly though.

Horrific. When twenty percent of your population is superhumanly gifted and legitimately yet unintentionally oppressing the other eighty percent of your populace, you'd think they could make something interesting out of that but nope. "Lol it was just this one guy who didn't even care about that stuff because actually he was fucking superpowered as hell"

It was no Mahouka thats for sure.
If you want it to be Game of Thrones replace half of that title with "WHERE ARE MA DRAGONS WHERE ARE MA DRAGONS"

If anime studios watch Game of Thrones it'd explain why so many shows have dragons this season. They were trying to give them to Daenerys. Because she wanted to know where her dragons were.

In Japan Khaleesi. They're in Japan :'(


Game ohf Frouns-desu


That reminds me of a fight in Kenshin. Except I think Guts can handle that kind of sword better than Sanosuke ever could.


I don't know why I have this stupid compulsion not to watch The Wire until I finish watching 3 - 4 seasons of homicide, but I do

stupid brain
Knights of Sidonia 5

That was a good episode. Expanded on the two main characters and explained more stuff about its world and tech. Even more respect of Tanikaze.


Yeah I've got The Corner right here on my to-read shelf. I actually read Homicide first which is the reason I started watching Homicide... it's so goddamn brilliant.

I'm going to steal it for nanowrimo basically


Well, Hidamari was probably announced at least half a year before airing, so that would probably give KyoAni plenty of time to put Lucky Star together.

Of course, not having been in the anime scene at the time, this is all speculation on my part.

I think someone here once said, "You can tell how long it takes an anime TV series to go from idea to finished by calculating the amount of time between the publication of Madoka Magica Blu-Ray sales and the first episode of Day Break Illusion."

That time lapse is around two years. That might sound crazy, but it actually fits with other things I've heard. Pre-production on any TV series is very time-consuming.
Macross 7 12

In the middle of an intense search for my underage girlfriend who just got kidnapped. Now is the perfect time to pick a fight with Nekki Basara! Get your shit together, dude. People're beginning to assume it's Basara you got the hots for, not Mylene.
Gamlin/Basara is where the real romance in Macross 7 happens. Mylene is just the token female object of affection.
Meanwhile, I confess admiration for just how many different problems Nekki tries to solve with Rock and Roll.

Fisticuffs? Rock 'n Roll.

Alien invasion? Rock 'n Roll.

Kidnapping? Rock 'n Roll.

Freezing to death? Rock 'n Roll.

Suicide and depression? Rock 'n Roll.
I want to see this list later on after the real wacky stuff starts.


Maturity, bitches.
There's a lot of gross 3D stuff being talked about in this thread.


Not even good 3D stuff. If they were talking about say 'Homes Under The Hammer' I'd allow it, but what we have here is just a shameful display of three dee pig disgustingry.


Huge Nickleback Fan
i sometime watch tv series that have contained story on each episode though, something like Alfred Hitchock present or Twilight zone. I don't need to worry missing an episode <_<


Akuma No Riddle Episode 6:

Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; whose misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents' strife.The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love, and the continuance of their parents' rage, which, but their children's end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage; the which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.


Patema Inverted

Since many people haven't probably seen this ill spoiler it?

So it left a lot to be desired... Whatever happened to the world on the other side when Patema flew herself and Eiji away when they escaped? Half the Earth's axis were inverted with the antigravity shit? Did I skip like 20 minutes of plot somewhere?

Non-spoiler summary: Boring movie was boring and bad.


Patema Inverted

Since many people haven't probably seen this ill spoiler it?

So it left a lot to be desired... Whatever happened to the world on the other side when Patema flew herself and Eiji away when they escaped? Half the Earth's axis were inverted with the antigravity shit? Did I skip like 20 minutes of plot somewhere?

Non-spoiler summary: Boring movie was boring and bad.

That place was never inhabited - it's an automated factory that was constructed at the base of the huge geofront in which Aiga is situated in order to produce an artificial sky.


That place was never inhabited - it's an automated factory that was constructed at the base of the huge geofront in which Aiga is situated in order to produce an artificial sky.

Im seriously not wrapping my head around this. Patema is obviously from the original world before the antigravity accident. That would mean Eiji's people were the ones lifted away that live on the other side of the planet with an artificial sky that was made how? How is there a giant floating factory producing artificial stars and sun?

I feel like a fucking idiot after watching this.


Im seriously not wrapping my head around this. Patema is obviously from the original world before the antigravity accident. That would mean Eiji's people were the ones lifted away that live on the other side of the planet with an artificial sky that was made how?

There's no "other side of the planet" as such. Patema's people are descendants of the folks who originally performed the gravity experiment however many hundreds of years ago it was performed. When folks started flying away, they created an environment in which the the inverts who didn't end up in space (by which I mean Age and the other Agians, not Patema) could live comfortably - they carved out a huge underground space and stuck a factory on the roof (or floor, as would be more accurate) in order to produce a sky.


There's no "other side of the planet" as such. Patema's people are descendants of the folks who originally performed the gravity experiment however many hundreds of years ago it was performed. When folks started flying away, they created an environment in which the the inverts who didn't end up in space (by which I mean Age and the other Agians, not Patema) could live comfortably - they carved out a huge underground space and stuck a factory on the roof (or floor, as would be more accurate) in order to produce a sky.

Well that makes so much more sense, thanks. I was thinking of it the wrong way. The ending still left me indifferent.
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