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I know Hosanna hates the zeitgeist, but it's like anything. Forget anime, there's a lot of canon TV that people could/should watch if they're interested in American broadcast television as a medium. But it's much easier to watch Reign and go on twitter and react with hashtags than it is to watch The Mary Tyler Moore show.

Hey I've watched M.A.S.H., I'm good!


Crest of the Stars 1

I watched this through Bandai Channel. And while I can handle a show like Idolmaster or a Ghibli movie without subs, a politically-focused distant-future sci-fi show causes bigger problems. Not that it was entirely incomprehensible, but I think a lot of things went over my head.

I like how everything feels, though. The city is the kind of distant-future sci-fi utopia you don't really see anymore, with flying cars and buildings climbing endlessly into the sky. And the music captures that mood wonderfully, full of soaring strings. It reminds me a little bit of a John Williams score.

But the actual events felt like a bit of a mess to me. The entire thing seems to be set seven years before whatever the proper start of the series is, with the protagonist's father surrendering the Earth to a force of powerful invading aliens. Even if resistance would be futile, a lot of people aren't happy with the decision.

There's some interesting stuff there, but to me, a full episode feels like a long time to spend on the establishing events in the past of your setting. Let us learn that stuff as we go!

I'll probably rewatch it again if I can find a way to watch it more coherently.
The first episode is not very good.


Ping Pong 2
The usage of the comic panels to show action in the game and reaction shots is really working well. I wasn't that sold about it in the first episode, but the usage in this episode convinced me on the idea and they would allow for some really hype moments during the more tense matches. Also some very good background shots of the classroom and some city locations.


Ping Pong Circulate The Animation Episode 2

If nothing else this is certainly the most visually stylish anime of the season. I am not convinced that it the anime of the season or even the sports anime of the season just yet. I'll be frank and say I really, really, really, really fucking hate Tsukimoto's attitude, not just towards Ping Pong but just towards life itself. Nihilism is one of the quickest way for me to hate a character and Smile is one a one way rocket towards that hate. It isn't a dealbreaker just because I find this show very unique and refreshing, especially in this season of mediocrity. However, I do need some deeper resonance for me to consider this the full package of the season and if I can't give a shit about what the MC is doing because he doesn't give a shit then that is a pretty stringent black mark. I really hope this is going somewhere other then the black hole of misery.


Nanana's Buried Treasure 02

Elementary, my dear Asumin. Tensai only cements that we're living in the season of Kana Asumi, where the u~nya~ reigns supreme. Characters who are in over their heads, passionate but incompetent, have always been favorites of mine. I was tiptoeing around the issue with Gaworare's Megumu yesterday because I wasn't sure how long it was going to be kept hidden in the show, knowing that there's a large group of brown girl fans here (including myself), but...

The brown girl maid in Nanana is actually a trap.
And HanaKana adds a second character of that type to her resume. Whether that makes it better or worse, I leave up to you.

I liked the rest of the episode too, with that maze of desks and Nanana establishing some more about herself. Tensai made the episode, and I hope to see more of her in the future. The show's a lot of fun.






Link Man

Nanana's Buried Treasure 2

I'm so very sorry, Gbraga.



Best girl is best.


Nanana being cute.

This was another really fun episode, especially the ending. My favorite show of the season, I really love the characters.


Ping Pong 2

Good episode. We got some interesting peeks into Smile's psyche, some more nice backgrounds, some Engrish, and some ping pong action! I'm a big fan of Yuasa's visuals in general, and this show isn't an exception. In particular, as survivor said, the use of comic panels during matches is a really cool touch.

Smile is an interesting character since he's technically the protagonist, but right now he hasn't really taken up a traditionally protagonist-y role. Right now it's mostly other people trying to get him out of his shell and break him out his nihilism.
Ping Pong 2

Great episode, visually. While the majority of the episode was spent on Smile's inner turmoil of being uncaring and emotionless, the scene with the locker and the hero was amazing visually. The hero is coming. The hero is coming. The hero is coming.

Sensei was amazing this episode. While in the first episode he had little presence outside of a witty line or two, in this episode he climbed the ladder of best character.

The scene with engrish and the "Mista Tsukimoto! Brreeeerguaaaah" for the burger was great. Also the whole speech about being a dog.

The match was amazing too. Visually as the whole show it was great but I gotta give credit to how pumped the mechanical sound effects got me. The robot noises were great. Also

This bit was great as short as it was.


The match was amazing too. Visually as the whole show it was great but I gotta give credit to how pumped the mechanical sound effects got me. The robot noises were great. Also

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this, but the use of the mechanical effects was a really cool touch. And the Engrish was a beautiful thing.


Katamari's Buried Treasure Episode 2:

The flames of hatred may rise about this opinion but this was the better Noitamina show this week. Indeed this show is already shedding some of its High School trappings for the treasure hunting and grand adventure aspects that I am actually looking for in this show. It helps that the supporting cast is starting to show up and they are predictably much more interesting then the plank of wood being pass off as the MC. Hmmm, I think I smell a touch of the harem genre in that regard.
Also, it is the rare show that flat out tells you the trap is actually a literal trap.
Anyway, a much better episode last week and hold promise for the future.


This Week in Puchimas

I really enjoyed this hot springs mini-arc. And having the Producer sing at the end was a nice way to cap it off. (Funi's falling a bit behind.)

Inugami & Nekoyama 02

The cow and the mouse have arrived! I wouldn't mind seeing more of Yukiji.


Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san Episode 2:

This is quickly becoming the Strange Plus of this season for me, the short that leaves me wondering just what the hell I just watched every week.


Setec Astronomer
Nafe: I really don't think madp meant to be at all serious with that, and he certainly doesn't think ill of you.

This is not directly related to this, but it's interesting to think about how length affects one's enjoyment of a show. I'm only a bit more than halfway through Maison Ikkoku, but I can say that while it could have been paced better, its length has actually given me more reason to care about its characters. I'm enjoying having it as a show I can watch a few episodes of after work for a longer time period. Were it 26 episodes, I'm not sure it'd be a memorable experience. On paper the slow movement of Maison Ikkoku would be a flaw, but with the way I'm watching it, it don't really feel that way.
It depends! Maison Ikkoku uses its time to fully flesh out characters and then gradually develop them as the events of the story unfold. There's a real sense of progression, and it feels earned. Other shows are lighter on progression, but make the characters engaging enough that you become attached to them so that it hurts when they get pulled away.

Other shows do absolutely nothing but waste your time.

Admittedly that "limited pervy content" is why I was hesitating with a reply earlier as everyone has different limits, but that pervy bit was what I wanted to rail against. It does have bare breasts at times and Ataru can be relentless in pursuing women, but he's not particularly successful much of the time so it's less that it's a perverted show and more that it STARS a perverted character, and if anything is basically the anti-harem anime/manga. Contrast with a newer show like, say, To Love Ru which seems to be UY reimagined while catastrophically missing the point, being a straight harem anime/manga and borderline porn.
Yeah, Ataru is relentless in trying to get with girls and build a harem, but this aspect is never meant to be sympathetic but rather shown as a depravity to be played for laughs at his expense. Basically, despite his efforts, there's only ONE girl in the entire universe who wants to be with him, but she's one that demands commitment and has the ability to enforce it. It ends up being a bit of a satire on the Japanese household with both an exaggeration on the traditional family structure while also being a role reversal with regard to the balance of power in that relationship.

There was a bit of discussion earlier about whether having a female author matters, and I think it actually does because even though women can be sexist too it's much more likely they bring a different perspective. To put it bluntly, Rumiko Takahashi's women have their own lives. Lum has her own thoughts and motivations, as eccentric as they can be. Shinobu has her own motivations. Kyouko in MI has her own thoughts and motivations. Too many anime and especially harem anime is filled with Belldandy-type characters that don't, and their sole reason to exist involve the main character.

The Tenchi Muyo OVA is an interesting point of comparison in that it highlights both of these points. The core of the show is a recasting of Urusei Yatsura, with Tenchi filling in for Ataru, Ryouko filling in for Lum, and Aeka filling in for Shinobu. The main difference is that Tenchi is rewritten to be sympathetic. His magnetic pull to the female cast is meant to be taken at face value, not a source of comedy in itself. Meanwhile, while the OVA makes sure to build full character histories and provide believable justification for their motivations, their orbit around Tenchi is notably closer. Thus, an actual harem is achieved. Later shows go even further in this direction, making the main character a viewer-insert with no notable qualities while pulling the orbit tighter and dispensing with any semblance of character depth. There's often no longer any pretense of story or character development, and it's simply a vehicle for titillation at this point.

And it's a far cry from UY, where we started.


Holy crap, this episode was awesome.
I didn't think Mushishi would have any competition, but I dunno now...

SMTIV maybe? Bottom screen looks just like the party layout in that game.

Looks like SMT
Bottom screen looks like SMT II but top screen looks like Nocturne

It's definitely not Shin Megami Tensei IV or Devil Summoner Soul Hackers.
Or at the very least, I'd never seen those demons, and they don't match up with the art of the others.


Just caught up on the thread, but I'm pretty sure this is the only post that REALLY matters:

Oh thank goodness, the Kiniro Mosaic anime sequel is actually going to be a second season and not just an OVA.

AW HELLS YEAH. There is hope for the world yet.

Also read the Nanana spoilers people have been discussing and am now fully prepared to rage when I actually watch the episode. Do we seriously have TWO shows this season where one of the cutest girls is
both voiced by HanaKana and a trap
?! What did we do to deserve this kind of torment?!


Subete no aware
Hey I've watched M.A.S.H., I'm good!
To be real for a sec, there's a bunch of 50s-70s shows that I've only seen a few episodes of that I would consider "necessary" to understand American culture and the history of the medium. What's weird is that there's a generation that will miss out on 80s television, which is arguably the most important decade of television in terms of not just the standards being set, but also what 90s and 00s television reacted against.

But I mean, watching episodes of All in the Family is just not as exciting as watching Game of Thrones, although clearly one is infinitely better than the other.


Bunny Cafe 2


The show itself is fine... I guess it'll come down to how that weird tea club anime goes though.


Ping of the Pong 2
What can I say? This is really the best sports show that I've seen since Ace wo Nerae... to the point where I think Smile is basically a male Oka. The show seems to be a show about sports psychology rather than shounen power ups and tepid bromances, and you see the sport being used to reveal genuine aspects of a character's psychological state and background rather than simply have the sport around for the sake of sports porn.


As an aside, I thought this little bit of foreshadowing was clever. Yeah, it made for a somewhat comedic aside, but taken in context with the second half of the episode? Hah.

Arbitrary ranking time:
Ping Pong > Teppu > Baby Steps >= Haikyuu.


selector infected WIXOSS 03

Chinatsu Akasaki can do a good rant when she puts her guts into it, and that freakout by Aki at the end was quite the thing. Painful to watch, but in a good way. If I wasn't prepared for a little melodrama, well, I wouldn't be watching (the kinds of) anime (that I usually watch). As I realized from the first episode, the rules of the actual card game just aren't important. It's about the effect it's having on the characters. Also, a distant character named Iona, how familiar. I'm really interested in seeing where this goes.
Everytime you criticize Baby Steps I die a little inside, but then I see the other shows you watch and are praising/not as critical on, and I die even more.

Im behind on new anime... What are the MUST watch, Awesome, funny and pervy ones?
Prepare to be bombarded by every member here telling you what to watch, which if you follow all of their advice you'll end up watching everything.
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