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Vividred Operation - 3


Just who the hell does she think she is?!?

Seriously though, what was the purpose of that other than : LOOK GUYZ, I'M WEARING KAMINA GLASSES!

Either all, it's still awesome.
And a warmongering tyrant whose Empire was destroyed one hour after his death. Ergo he's in no position to criticize Saber's reign. ;P

I'd say he is in the best position to criticize Saber's reign considering we know for a fact he actually reigned and isn't some jumbled up folklore of a person who may or may not have existed.
Sailor Moon - Episode 1

Thought I'd get on the Sailor Moon watch as well as many others have started doing. I'm hoping for some great things from this.

The first thing I'll say is that I really like Tuxedo Mask. His rose tossing and short one line speeches are my kind of thing. It's so stupid yet so classy at the same time.

Usagi's alright so far although I hope she doesn't keep crying under pressure like that. I'm sure she'll get used to being Sailor Moon pretty quickly so that'll be happening a lot less often.
Fate/Zero 13 [Season 1 End]
Things are starting to heat up. Caster is still insane. Lancer is still awesome. Rider acts like nothing happened last episode. Saber is still Saber and I am going to keep her to that promise of making Rider eat his own words.


I might start watching Sailor Moon once they've got the first full season up (and I've reduced my backlog quite a bit from all the shows in it now). In the time it takes me to go through that much, they'll probably get the next season up, and so on and so forth.

It would be my first time seeing the series since watching the first hundred or so episodes of the US TV dub way back in the mid-90s (eventually moving on from it to the likes of DBZ and Yugioh), but I have only the faintest memories of the show, so it might as well be new to me.


Good call guys on Tasogare Otome X Amnesia. While my family took a break I started watching this on my own. Yeahhhh, lol. Glad I didn't show them it. You guys saved me from that one!

They are loving Samurai Champloo! It's a big hit, everyone is hooked. Going to tackle Fate/Zero next.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
i like Gxp,

it's full of good thinsg about that universe, most characters aside from the 3 idiots are fun and intresting .
Seina progression from Extra unlucky to extreme harem lead was extremly well done.
Music was ok.
I like gxp.

I agree. Overall I enjoyed it for what it was as a side story and while nothing revolutionary or anything I found it to be a fun romp in the Tenchi universe.


Nisekoi 20

Well, I finally watched this, that was a really nice ending, it suits a series that never had much drama and has been light fun for all it's course.

Man, they went the extra mile to make Chitoge cute:


And Onodera was extra adorable (if that thing is possible):


That last scene with her was just beautiful.

I'm not going to read the manga, will wait for a S2. But I can't see how the writer could finish this without making me sad of one girl being left behind. Time to embrace mormonism Raku! (yes, I have seen that manga panel some pages ago, I don't expect any resolution anytime soon, I just hope it doesn't go to complete shit).

Very satisfied of this, I had a lot of fun and was really pleasant to watch. I think it was funnier in the first half, but some characters, especially Shu kept the comedy angle in a good place even in this last episode.


Watch the first season and then just stop.
I think season 2 is more fun tgan season1, since they don't have to invest time collecting everyone and just let the characters do what they do. Also the stories of Rin and Nozomi were made very well.



We need an anime featuring those
future super Sentinels just wrecking shit
, they were easily my favorite part of this movie.
Sailor Moon - Episode 2

Watching this with someone who watched the dub is interesting. Pointing out differences in the original and the dub shows how bad the dub actually was. They've only watched the dub as well so watching this was new for them too in a way.

They couldn't remember anything from this episode and it really bugged them. We then found out afterwards that it was cut out entirely. Go figure.

skirt flip on Haruna took me by surprise. Didn't expect something like that to happen at all and then that other guy tripping her over like that. That monster's magic was pretty nasty stuff.


Gundam Unicorn-6
Wow a whole bunch of nothing. This episode cut have been truncated to half its runtime and not a goddamn thing would have been lost. It was clear the alliance stuff was going to fall apart at some point so they wasted way too much time establishing it. Then there is Banagher doing a whole load of nothing this episode. He wants to believe in the human potential, whatever the fuck that means.

Look at all that despair.
One big issue I have with the show right now is that it isn't clear what the Laplace Box is, so Banagher's side really doesn't make any fucking sense. They talk about possibility but they don't even know what that box is. At least Full Frontal has a clear vision as to what he wants to do and the contents of the Box itself are somewhat inconsequential to that.
Then we get this bit. Like what the fuck does this even mean? Surely they had to go to the Box's location in the first place so why is Banagher so dejected and why did Ms.Princess throw that line in his face? Did they think they could give Neo-Zeon/Full Frontal the slip at some point and then head there? If so then why did she give out the location?

This is heavy handed directing at its finest.
There was some really good character animation cuts in this episode such as the Chief Engineer ranting and also when the Spec Ops team takes the bridge again. The mecha animation felt really flat this episode and some of the storyboarding in the mech fights was bad. Like there was a perfect chance for an Itano Circus and they did nothing with it. There also seems to be more use of CGI for mechanical bits, guess that budget/time was running low.
Vividred Operation - 4


Vivid Yellow has the coolest weapon.

I swear, this Alone nonsense feels less like monster fights and more like pest control at this point. I want to see some mahou shoujo V.S. evil villain action! Not an instant transformation to instant fusion to instant finishing move.

So we've got three fusions now. How is this going to play out when they're fighting an actual villain? Are they going to have to re-dock and de-dock like freaking Getter Robo?

Whatever, the team is now set, I'll probably find out what Not-Homura is up to in he next episode. I hope.
Seems C3-bu is not enough for Japan
Middle school girl Momoka is dragged into joining one of the strangest associations at her school, the Survival Game Club. Its members participate in various forms of paramilitary training under the watchful eye of charming and alarming president, Miou. How on Earth will the inexperienced Momoka survive her training, let alone Miou's company?!

Coming this summer


How about these, any of them decent?

Dennou Coil
Blue Seed
Himitsu: Top Secret - The Revelation
Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna
Kara no Kyoukai 1: Fukan Fuukei
Ayatsuri Sakon
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