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I'd like to say a brief word of Love Live S2 Episode 7. Well since the episode is a week old discussing this out in the open shouldn't be a problem now. Am I the only one who finds storylines where the character is supposedly overweight and yet looks no different from before a bit annoying. Especially when said characters could probably afford to pudge up a little bit anyway. No wonder we suffer from a skeletonial society.

Yes, oh goodness, yes, I totally agree. I complained about it when I watched the episode. Its stuff like that which causes people to gain image issues. You are who you are. It doesn't matter if your fat or skinny, stubby or lanky, what matters is what is inside: a person's personality.


I'd like to say a brief word of Love Live S2 Episode 7. Well since the episode is a week old discussing this out in the open shouldn't be a problem now. Am I the only one who finds storylines where the character is supposedly overweight and yet looks no different from before a bit annoying. Especially when said characters could probably afford to pudge up a little bit anyway. No wonder we suffer from a skeletonial society.

Yeah, a bit. It had somewhat awkward connotations, but I was able to push the societal implications to the back of my mind and enjoy the point behind the story.


Just reading up about the ending of Gundam Unicorn - holy shit what's with all the stupid Newtype shit in UC stories.

None of the characters or plots in can be grounded when they have to deal with silly psychic naked space ghost nonsense that Gundam fans pretend is justified due to it being "thematically relevant" because of the theme of "advancing humanity". The Newtype stuff has never and will never be interesting because it's always so poorly written.

Their devotion to that dreck, and making it central to the plot at all times, makes me hope that no-one makes any more stories in the UC-verse every again. Every story ends up becoming completely incomprehensible and convoluted because their doesn't seem to be much of a focus on telling a solid story about interesting characters and instead all we get is writers jerking off about UC history stuff and Newtypes and Spacenoids for hundreds of pages.

For a perfect example of this, consider War in the Pocket, a story which is actually, you know, about war and the consequences that war has on people. Gundam shows aren't about that anymore because everyones too busy trying to speak with the light of the their hearts and send the human soul further into space.

Literally every time Tomino brought Newtype nonsense into his shows the stories got worse. Why the franchise as a whole has clung this notion is beyond me because I can't think of a single time that this plot element has improved the story or enriched the characters in a series. I know they used it to differentiate themselves from the other mecha shows but really that time has long passed.

The craziest part about this whole thing is that, originally, the notion of Newtypes feels like something threw into the original Gundam show to spice things up. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but originally Gundam was just about a war of independence where one faction wishes to break way from the Earth to do their own thing. People were invested in the series because of the story and the mecha and the characters of course, Char. Then by the time we get to Unicorn the entire universe has been re-written so that every major event has happened because of Newtypes. I personally find this to be disgusting because it changes the whole UC timeline from a tale about a gritty war to a tale about naked space psychics.

Fuck Newtypes.

I don't have anything to add, but I agree with everything said here.
Brynhyldrdidngndnnr 8

So best girl practically throws herself at the lead and he's all "i cant" and acts all prude. I hate this guy.

This is why I watch Arrow. He gets all the wimminz.


The Spyair vocalist has throat nodules so has decided he's quitting the band rather than risking damaging them further. I suppose there's always the potential for a successful operation and maybe learning to sing in a different way so as not to damage his throat further, but who knows?

Damn.. that's bad :(

I guess he does have really distinct singing voice, and you can kinda imagine he gonna having that sort of problem but still..

I love their song especially that used as anison, their Gintama's OP are great.. and they make one of few fond thing that I remember from Gundam AGE with the song for ED2.


persona 3 the movie #1: spring of birth -

This feels more like a collection of cutscenes bound together as a compilation than a singular work. Ditch the game's ost and the calendar scrolling and it's already a step closer to the goal of actually making a movie than just a youtube mashup of the Key Scenes, but it won't help the poor sense of cohesion from scene to scene, the feeling that we're moving from setpiece to setpiece with nothing tying them together. A poor movie, but a good fanwank for fans who enjoy a good wank.

Looks okay for the most part. Not really movie quality, more like an average tv production with some ugly art and some standout moments here and there, which basically makes it an average tv production.

Yukari <3
I've never finished P3, would you say this is a adequate substitute instead of playing through the rest?


Mangaka 08

Well, that kind of crossdressing escalated quickly. But come on, Aito, you know what happens when you push the buttons of a Kugimiya character. Minano is still pretty cute, too.

Hooray references


Oh, looks like Sorairo may have actually been banned for pirating Watch_Dogs.

Edit: Er, maybe not. Aena's ultimatum was issued after his ban.
While that looks like the case for chickdigger (or suspected piracy anyway) I'm pretty sure for him it was carelessly making a topic without watching the video said topic was about.
After the cosmic nightmare that was GXP, Tenchi Muyo can be buried forever in the deepest pits of hell.
Heh, Netflix only estimates that at being a little over 2 stars for me. A lot anime seems to hover around 3 with some exceptions, and the premise of that one seemed especially bad anyway.
yeah. Poor sorairo. Also it doesn't help he apparently had other accounts (if i recall what dresden said correctly) so any chance of coming back were squandered with that.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
After the cosmic nightmare that was GXP, Tenchi Muyo can be buried forever in the deepest pits of hell.

I think I'm the only person on earth that didn't abhor GXP.

Otherwise, it's more Tenchi so I'm okay with this, despite the 5 min. episode structure.
I think I'm the only person on earth that didn't abhor GXP.

Otherwise, it's more Tenchi so I'm okay with this, despite the 5 min. episode structure.

i like Gxp,

it's full of good thinsg about that universe, most characters aside from the 3 idiots are fun and intresting .
Seina progression from Extra unlucky to extreme harem lead was extremly well done.
Music was ok.
I like gxp.
So I think I'm decently far in this season to give my most well liked shows of the season:

1. Chaika
2. No Game No Life
3. Black Bullet
4. Mahouka
5. Brynhildirididlridir of the Darkness

Shows I was looking forward to but dropped/am not enjoying that much:

- JoJo: sorry but it's too old school shonen and that's a problem for me. It tries to be so ridiculous it kind of fails at it imho.

- One Week Friends: When it was just the exploration of friendship between the two leads it was a sweet show about breaking a girl out of her shell. Then they added all these other characters and made Hase even more of an insecure whiner who won't tell the girl he likes her, so now it just seems like these latest few episodes have devolved into some form of drama because of Hase's insecurities, then his bro telling him to man up, then him doing something for what's her face, then show ends with promise of more dumb drama the next episode. It stopped being diabeetus a while back.

Shows I should be enjoying but I can't:

- Baby Steps: the animation is so awkward, and the show is so far behind the manga I can't see myself watching it because unlike Mahouka it won't catch up to the manga anytime soon. In fact Mahouka I'm pretty sure has caught up with manga.


I've never finished P3, would you say this is a adequate substitute instead of playing through the rest?

Helll no. It's a fun recount for those who've played the game, (and you can tell that's exactly who they're framing it for, since it jumps around considerably) but you'll need to play the game to really get the P3 Experience&#8482;

Asshole Makoto in the movie issss best Makoto, though. Instead of being a wet-mop, he really just doesn't give a single fuck about anything or anyone.


I'd like to say a brief word of Love Live S2 Episode 7. Well since the episode is a week old discussing this out in the open shouldn't be a problem now. Am I the only one who finds storylines where the character is supposedly overweight and yet looks no different from before a bit annoying. Especially when said characters could probably afford to pudge up a little bit anyway. No wonder we suffer from a skeletonial society.

When Aikatsu did this episode, Ichigo was actually chubby.

Just saying.


M3 06

So there's our first casualty. I'm still not completely invested in the show, but it's getting slightly more interesting as things go on.


Asshole Makoto in the movie issss best Makoto, though. Instead of being a wet-mop, he really just doesn't give a single fuck about anything or anyone.

fucks given: zero
friends acquired: all of them
words said: approximately three per character encountered


Love Live! S2 Episode 8

I think overall they are doing better job with all the drama compared to S1. Just like Rin episode in S2, this episode made me think differently about a character that I didn't really care or like from S1. I still don't like a lot of serious scenes that has Honoka, but everything else seems great.


Love Live! S2 08

Really appreciate getting to see Nozomi's backstory. The callbacks to the first season, and that final scene out in the snow, were all really put together. I know I've praised the show this way before, but the flow of the story is wonderful. And there's always time for character moments, too. Nico continues to be the punching bag of the universe, and going by the fan reaction, they love her for being that way. If they spent an entire episode building up to it, this must be one really sweet insert song.
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