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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Sankarea 03

Yeah, really loving this show so far. Incredibly striking visually, in a way that offers loads of relevant variety while still hitting old notes here and there to establish certain character traits. Rea's mother isn't just cold, she quickly moves out of shots and finds herself behind translucent barriers in relation to other characters. She is an outsider in her own house who simply watches over things, and its great to see a show taking advantage of the fact that it's a visual medium. These visual touches are just everywhere though, from mirrors acting as watchful eyes to smoldering photo shoot sets depicting characters emotions. The
was a little cheesy, but otherwise every other visual effect has been executed on a very high level.

This episode does something I am very fond of in creative works that is often skipped over: it does a good bit of work establishing the location and where things are in relation to one another. While Accel World is having trouble keeping track of its bathrooms Sankarea is properly establishing large pieces of the surrounding area. This isn't done in a way that's excessive or unnecessary as an info dump, it just kind of happens organically.

I definitely enjoy great world-building. Its not as easy as it seems.


Subete no aware
I can understand someone being a little put off if they haven't seen the first Saki.
The Achiga-hen first ep is this really fast setup story to get things rolling; it's probably not as interesting as a stand-alone episode as the original Saki's first episode was.
As someone who watched and liked Saki, though, I'm OK with it, as background info for the real story.

Let's see what other NicoNicoers have to say...
Well they seem to be enjoying the first part anyway.

First season finale?

Season 2 start!

Season 2 finale!

Season 3 start!

On to season 4!

"I've been cleaning this abandoned room every Thursday for two years."

Stay tuned for season 5, starting in one week!
Heh, silly. Honestly, I just wanted some MJ, so the intro episode didn't bother me at all.


Sankarea 03

This episode does something I am very fond of in creative works that is often skipped over: it does a good bit of work establishing the location and where things are in relation to one another. While Accel World is having trouble keeping track of its bathrooms Sankarea is properly establishing large pieces of the surrounding area. This isn't done in a way that's excessive or unnecessary as an info dump, it just kind of happens organically.

A lot of attention is paid to the background art in Sankarea, something which I noticed as soon we saw the bedroom of the main character it was clear that they'd actually thought about how his room should reflect his character and interests, where as in certain other works bedrooms just contain non-descript books and a bed.

Of course, between this and Fujiko and Tsuritama and EurekaAO it's been a great season for background art in general. Oshii would be pleased.


Tsuritama 02

The art direction in this show is refreshing and excellent. the kuricorder music is so relaxing. This show just gives off a really pleasant peaceful feeling. I love fishing, and I love Tsuritama. Damn this season has some gems so far.


Kids on the slope 2

I liked the pacing in the episode and the flow of events. I still don't like the style chosen (and I'm not sure I ever will), but it felt almost as if they reamed it a bit in this time, making the episode feel a bit more natural and less tedious to look at for me, though the scene where Jun appears seemed to go back to the usual amount and I didn't like that much. The animation though made up for it, as I really liked that ensemble.
The bus scene kind of sucked. Can't say I like the way that bus looked.

With the way the episode closes, is this going to become a square?


'Based on' is one of those polite phrases which is used to excuse acts stealing a character design and modifying it slightly.

It's also not a compliment when the people creating this new thing has zero ownership or involvement in the thing it is "based on". :)


'Based on' is one of those polite phrases which is used to excuse acts stealing a character design and modifying it slightly.

More like modified it a lot.

That's an industry-wide thing though. It happens in any medium. Artists steal from each other.


It doesn't really matter. I liked the show regardless of not-Haruhi.
Actually I LIKED not-Haruhi alot so its a moot point for me. she was a plus to the show.


More like modified it a lot.

That's an industry-wide thing though. It happens in any medium. Artists steal from each other.

Just because it happens doesn't mean it is good. Every time something obvious happens, people call it out and criticize it. Just because a bad thing is widespread doesn't mean it is excused from criticism.


Just because it happens doesn't mean it is good. Every time something obvious happens, people call it out and criticize it. Just because a bad thing is widespread doesn't mean it is excused from criticism.

I think this kind of things happens so much that people don't even bother criticising it anymore, but I think that's laziness on our part as commentators.
The first 500 posts are pretty lame. I hope Accel World will save us with a good toilet discussion.

We shouldn't lazily try to emulate what has before. Instead we should strive to find other incredibly trivial material which, upon closer inspect, actually reveals something interesting about the anime that is being produced.

Okay, maybe that's a little bit too specific.


Just because it happens doesn't mean it is good. Every time something obvious happens, people call it out and criticize it. Just because a bad thing is widespread doesn't mean it is excused from criticism.

You're right, but I guess I've seen so much of this shit that I'm desensitized to it. Its more like ok, this show has a Mizuki, a Kuriko, a Nana, and so on. I just see various archetype characters and associate them with certain characters, and the entire time Im watching I see them like that character. I guess it just happens after a decade+ of watching this stuff.


Not only have you guys finished the last thread, you've already got 11 new pages...


cajunator 1,514
Jexhius 1,123
Ultimadrago 900
Branduil 765
duckroll 673
wonzo 666
Envelope 625
firehawk12 601
Mad Pierrot 547
Regulus Tera 460
frostbyte 420
hosannainexcelsis 418
cosmicblizzard 406
zeroshiki 352
chickdigger802 346
Femmeworth 320
Narag 263
Jarmel 258
RurouniZel 256
Dance In My Blood 254
EmmanuelMunoz 247
Instro 242
Hitokage 237
Defuser 236
Brazil 230
Thoraxes 228
Articalys 226
Dresden 225
Unknown Soldier 224
jman2050 223
Dedication Through Light 221
trejo 218
Steroyd 216
Miri 206
Jintor 198
Basileus777 192
Hellsing321 183
Haly 181
Lafiel 175
pizzaroll 170
Noirulus 153
icarus-daedelus 153
dakkumauji 151
PdotMichael 150
InfiniteNine 147
Lain 135
Firemind 135
darkside31337 123
SDBurton 116
KuwabaraTheMan 107
Uchip 105
/XX/ 101

I've been posting a lot. Going to slow down since mid-semesters are coming and that means less time for anime :(

and holy crap, Ultimadrago, how are you posting that much? Jexhius has an understudy, cajun's cajun, what's your excuse?

Angel Beats is an outstanding show, your hating it doesn't change that. I know animegaf has taken upon itself to be the internet's #1 Key-hater destination, and I've said plenty of times how much I disagree with that (because I think Key is great), but that doesn't make it in any way true or accurate. It just makes it your opinions.

I think defending myself is completely fair.

E7 is one, AB the other. :)

But yeah, sure, I'll admit that one thing that makes me dislike E7 is its genre -- shonen action mecha stuff? I've never cared for most such things. It's mecha stuff I DO like, like Escaflowne, that's the exception; generally I don't find them too interesting. E7 is of course not straight-average mecha, but that doesn't make it too much more interesting, for me. Mecha shows are often boring. As I said, it was watchable, but based on its genre and concept it would be incredibly difficult for it to be the kind of show I would love, or would consider for any kind of "best of anime" list. It'd need to be Escaflowne levels of great and original, pretty much, and it's most certainly not that.

As for comparing the two objectively? Not sure if I could do that, but neither can most people here, as their ridiculous hate for AB shows. I do think AB's objectively better, yeah... better plot, better characters, more interesting drama...

I should be clear, though -- I don't think E7 is a bad show. It's not bad. Average, maybe even above average. But that's no competition for something as great as Angel Beats. No way, ever.

I expect nothing less but the stupidest of AB hate from you (perhaps the most vocal hater of show here), so yeah, that doesn't surprise me that you'd do that.

I'm not a KEY hater really as Clannad AS is still one of my favourite anime. But Angel Beats really is pretty bad. I haven't finished watching E7 so I can't really compare them but better characters? How are the characters better when half of the characters aren't even introduced properly? Better plot? Angel Beats is not exactly the shining example of good plot, even compared to KEY shows.

I won't talk about animation as much since others are more experienced in this area but AB! doesn't have amazing animation. Some scenes are decent to pretty good, while the visual composition of some are just disproportionate and, frankly, ugly at points.

I can understand if you like it but AB! is not a very good show. Some people might be a bit harsh/biased against KEY stuff in this thread but with AB!, the complaints are very valid.

If you want elaboration on some of the points above, here's my mini-review some time ago in the last thread here.


Not only have you guys finished the last thread, you've already got 11 new pages...

I've been posting a lot. Going to slow down since mid-semesters are coming and that means less time for anime :(

and holy crap, Ultimadrago, how are you posting that much? Jexhius has an understudy, cajun's cajun, what's your excuse?

Who is Jex's understudy? also, what does my Cajunality have to do with anything?

Also, I enjoy Angel Beats a lot, but its not a shining example of a great show and I'll never claim it as such.


That reminds me. I have to sleep soon so I can get up and go to work.
I'm training a new guy though, and he's a local radio personality too, so that's pretty cool.
So I will put him working the phones and the database and just guide him along if he needs help.


Who is Jex's understudy? also, what does my Cajunality have to do with anything?

Also, I enjoy Angel Beats a lot, but its not a shining example of a great show and I'll never claim it as such.

I have no idea who Jex's understudy is. Ask Ultimadrago, he's the one who mentioned it.

and you're just Cajun~ :)

Well, that message was directed at ABF and I have no problem with him liking it, even over E7. It's just that he said AB! has a better cast of characters and better plot. I can't compare them but AB! has neither a good cast nor a decent plot in the first place so unless E7 is downright horrible (which I doubt from what I've heard and watched), I can't really agree with that statement.


Sakamachi no Apollon ep 2
Another excellent episode, love the typical comedic piano playing during the fight and I didn't expect religion to be involved. This is truely a excellent show and I'm slowly liking the OP.


Maturity, bitches.
Well, that last thread moved fast.

And clearly I need to post more in the anime thread.

I doubt I even broke double figures in the last one. I usually don't really have anything to say about an episode I watched. Well time to check out another episode Polar Bear Cafe.


Sakamichi no Apollon 2


I love how the intertitles both related to the scene immediately prior, and illustrated the passage of time. You don't see that very often.

Definitely solid. That jazz session was pretty great. They must have recorded all the music before they animated it.

I guess I don't think this episode was quite as impressive as the previous one, but there were a lot of great scenes, and I think the final scene was quite good, if a little cliche.

I'm having a hard time thinking of things to say about it, but I'm glad I'm watching. I really want to see where it goes.


I've seen criticisms on how the second episode was handled, in particular for the first part. It is understandable but I also think that precisely adds to the whole strangeness of the situation it was presented, and is clearly perceived by the viewer.

The sudden introduction of Coco, that unfair pressure she exerts towards Yuki, his usual frustration... all in a rapid succession of instances where the viewer is as overwhelmed as the protagonist, I think that makes the later motivation from Yuki more faithful. He shows clearly his distrust on that strange people and disdain for their pistols, and wants to learn on his own. I think the first part replicates well that uncomfortable feeling on the spectators, and makes Yuki's efforts on the second part of the episode more welcome by them.

I made it! I made it to the list! Personal record... get!

Angel's Beat probably had a HUGE budget. The marketing machine behind it was really big too.
I remember those full page ads on The Yomiuri Shimbun, among other things. That sure had to cost a pretty penny...


Apollon 02

This show continuers to be very enjoyable as well.

The jazz is still great, the OP seems a bit more fitting now that I've heard it a few times.
Artistically I definitely dont agree with the shading criticisms. It works for this show. The CG bus also looks fine. Also, Twintails has gotten more Hawaii. Plus a nice end to the episode. Also a few unexpected things along the way. Just a really great slice of life sort of show. This season really is batting a thousand. I hope this all gets released on disc in the states because I will gladly buy every damned one of these shows Ive seen so far.
Shining Hearts - 02

pretty much the same shit as in episode one.
The bakery makes now
charmbreads and apple danishes

but the worst thing! I can't play the little "bread=p..." game anymore.

I'm too pure
I've seen criticisms on how the second episode was handled, in particular for the first part of it. Is understandable but I also think that adds to the whole strangeness of the situation it was presented, clearly perceived by the viewer.

The sudden introduction of Coco, that unfair pressure she exerts towards Yuki, his usual frustration... all in a rapid succession of instances were the viewer is as overwhelmed as the protagonist, I think that makes the later motivation from Yuki more faithful. He shows clearly his distrust on that strange people and disdain for their pistols, and wants to learn on his own. I think the first part replicates well that uncomfortable feeling on the spectators, and Yuki's efforts on the second part of the episode more welcome by them.

I think I could see all of that, worked well. Second part was really touching.
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