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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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It's Cajunantor. If he sees no problem with it, he basically wants you to stop talking about it because there is no problem. Anyone criticizing something is simply getting in the way of him spamming the thread with his posts asking for people to post cute things or whatnot. He's not interested in intelligent discussion because that's not what penguins do. :p

That's some brutal Mickey Mouse on Cat-Ear violence!


I don't usually skip a lot of stuff here but that whole Angel Beats shit went on for pages and it was really getting on my nerves.

I am sorry, in a roundabout way I feel this was my fault for naming the person behind the quote.

I didn't see that it would lead to this!


Rick's "Bread" - 02

There's a storm coming guys, let everyone know there's a storm, there's a storm everyone, isn't Rick a swell guy for letting everyone know there's a storm coming? Did I also tell you that Rick's bread is so great, I mean wow!



Even haters can't hate on Rick's bread for too long.



Rick's bread is amazing.


The rumor before the anime was shining announced is that Shining Blade would have Shining Hearts characters in it, and that Production Shining is planning a "Shining Blade x Hearts" anime. Eventually it was shining that Shining Blade would indeed feature Shining Hearts characters, and subsequently they announced the Shining Hearts anime. It's possible they're shining to do a Shining Blade shining after shining as shining.



Everything is tsundere to me
I don't care if people like Keyshit though. That's certainly their right. I do care when people insist I'm not allowed to discuss my dislike for Keyshit just because they like it. Try to follow the conversation here please.

Well, then get into the inherent issues with the plot. What's wrong with it? Keyshit just has to do with the kind of sometimes overwrought melodrama that can come out of their scenarios; unabashed and blatant heatstring pulling. Clearly you don't like that. That's fine. But I can tell you why in many ways Keyshit is objectively brilliant writing in its execution and how Angel Beat's pacing is a textbook case of how to do it right.

Opinions are fine, but act like they're opinions and discuss what you don't like about them, not about what makes them "bad".
Tsuritama 2
I want to like this show, but I really can't stand any of the characters. It's a shame because the show does a lot right, especially visually, but I don't enjoy watching this show.


Tsuritama 2
I want to like this show, but I really can't stand any of the characters. It's a shame because the show does a lot right, especially visually, but I don't enjoy watching this show.

How DARE you not like Tapioca?! She's single-handedly carrying the entire show!


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Ano Natsu 12

I was so happy seeing Kaito all emo and depressed cause his alien girl ditched him and then I got to the last scene. Worst anime of the decade

Outside of few pacing issues where I thought it was boring and some dumb alien stuff, it was decent. It's definitely watchable and didn't jump the shark as fast as Ano Hana, but it didn't have as much of an interesting plot and characters as Ano Hana

Oh yeah, they should do some spinoff series with Lemon fighting aliens

The bitter flows strong in this one. Don't worry,
Kanna is to cute to remain single for long. :D


Angel Beats is a bad show. Can we move on before doomed waves his reproductive organ around again?

Sankarea 3

death scene
was surprisingly brutal. From what I understand the show starts to get into
stock harem antics
from here but I am definitely enjoying what I'm seeing so far, and am interested in seeing how they continue this story.

Also the SHAFT is strong with this show.


You have not seen the Shining Hearts - Shiawase no Pan ED then.

The most terrifying terrific fusion of music and visuals since Fantasia!

Now, you're perfectly right to use terrific -

ter·rif·ic   [tuh-rif-ik] adjective
1. extraordinarily great or intense: terrific speed.
2. extremely good; wonderful: a terrific vacation.
3. causing terror; terrifying.


Now that I'm done with Ano Natsu, gonna move on to Chihayafuru and Kimi ni Todoke. I really hope the best girl doesn't end up losing in these anime as well

Really love summer time. Can pick up 25 episodes anime without worrying about taking months to finish them.


I was expecting an anime about a fantasy game, isn't that what the shining hearts series is?

Baking is a far more interesting, an erotic, than boring old fantasy rubbish.

Have you ever seen someone knead dough? That shit it sensual.


Everything is tsundere to me
spot the opinion:

This apple is bad.


This apple is red.

Neither. You're talking about a spoiled apple and the color of the apple, both of which are objective states. Now your turn

"I find this apple delicious" vs. "This apple is green"

see what I did there?


That never hurts definitely.
Its something else though. Maybe just my love of space showing through.

It's definitely that "shine" effect they use, gets you right in to the mood.

Mutta is a very relatable character, that is assuming the viewer is well past the adolescent stage of life.


It's always refreshing to see a SOL show not taking place in the classroom.

The fact that it's refreshing to see any show not take place at a school is actually really refreshing.

An interesting case in point is Ano Natsu, where the season that the show is set in allows the show to feature a variety of locations and not even touch the well trodden ground of school.


Kids on the slope 2

I liked the pacing in the episode and the flow of events. I still don't like the style chosen (and I'm not sure I ever will), but it felt almost as if they reamed it a bit in this time, making the episode feel a bit more natural and less tedious to look at for me[...]

Beyond the mild use of CG the one scene that really stood out (in a bad way) was when Nishimi was fantasizing about his glorious Jazz victory and his internal fantasy was depicted with that flat, face-fault style. However, it went by so quickly I didn't feel like it was worth complaining about.
Eureka Seven AO 2:
Man, the music for this show is just incredible. Beyond that, we have a lot of interesting developments going on here. There are certainly a lot of different groups here, each of whom have their own agendas. I find that a lot more interesting than just having "Group A vs Group B". I also think that the show is doing a really good job at creating the feeling of isolation. The scenes towards the end of the episode with Ao and Naru were great, and I'm really enjoying their relationship and the way they communicate.

Two episodes in, this show is coming across very strong. I've been pleasantly surprised by how much it is getting right.


Wow, I come back and see there's been 800 posts. Even for AnimeGaf that's impressive.

Eh, it'll slow down once that 'new thread' smell wears off as people realise that this is literally the same thread it was yesterday.
I blame you for the bad influence. I was an innocent young duckling, led into temptation and sinful things by Hito the Ponyphile. :(

I don't think that was ever the case.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Eureka Seven AO 1

After this and Lupin, I'm thinking maybe duckroll's anti-hype will actually make AKB0048 turn out awesome.

Now I need to go back and finish the original Eureka Seven.


People like Satoshi Kon have had the fame of doing exhaustive work for their impressive story-boards, and Mr. Okiura is certainly one of those. An example can be seen here:

Production I.G / 作品紹介 / ももへの手紙 / 三人娘巴制作一大記 / 作画之巻

You're practically a real poster now!
I try, man... I try.


Everything is tsundere to me
This apple is delicious.


This apple is green.

And you still missed it. My point was that what you're saying can be taken one way or another if you're not careful. I read the previous Angel Beats conversation, and all I got out of it was purple Haruhi and some out of context in-between frames that doesn't show what the show looks like in motion. It really is nitpicking if that's what you have against Angel Beats. While they're certainly issues, they're superficial issues, issues that can be looked past, and if you don't like Keyshit, well, that's a good reason to not like the show. However, it's also a highly subjective reason to since Keyshit seems hit or miss.

There are plenty of things in Angel Beats to discuss and debate. There are plenty of themes, choices, ideas, plot progressions, narrative structures, and framing devices that we can go into depth about. Why focus on the QUALITY in between that most don't notice?

Is she though? That's not the only possible meaning.

That's right, isn't it. How am I supposed to know?


And you still missed it. My point was that what you're saying can be taken one way or another if you're not careful. I read the previous Angel Beats conversation, and all I got out of it was purple Haruhi and some out of context in-between frames that doesn't show what the show looks like in motion. It really is nitpicking if that's what you have against Angel Beats. While they're certainly issues, they're superficial issues, issues that can be looked past, and if you don't like Keyshit, well, that's a good reason to not like the show. However, it's also a highly subjective reason to since Keyshit seems hit or miss.

Frankly, that discussion seemed kind of pointless. I mean, yes, I think the show is ugly and the lighting is garish but whatever, the visuals are the LEAST of the show's problems.

Right, the overly sensitive can somehow take offense at alternate opinions for no particular reason. This particular brand of internet idiocy is not uncommon, but I've grown tired of it over the years.

I think there's a fine line. When someone hates on something you like it's only natural to get defensive to an extent. And that's not a bad thing, that kind of defensive posturing is what leads to debate and discourse. Ideally some sort of compromise would be reached or the parties involved would just make an implicit agreement to just leave the others be. Agree to disagree etc.

I say it's a fine line cause it's very easy to go from defensive argumentation to petty bickering where nothing gets discussed and nothing gets resolved. I sure have been guilty of that more than I would like to say...


7 new pages already in OT2. Crazy.

Kimi to Boku 2: 1: Same old same old. Which is not a bad thing though. The guys just have a fun little sleep over, take bathes, chatting all night (jealous Yuki~). You know, bro-ing it up. A little of incestual joking around with Kaname's mom is always amusing. The guys imitating Shun while he was in bath was kinda funny. It really picks up the trail it left off in the first season. An average little show that's pleasant enough.


If nothing else redeems the show, it has cat pictures.

Kimi to Boku 2: 2: Hahaha I see why firehawk found this so delicious. Friendzone fetishes. I think it'd be funny if the series just keeps adding more and more points in the Chizuru -> Misaki -> Shun love line as a joke. Kaname doing a love umbrella with Misaki had a predictable result but the girls who over reacted made it entertaining for me. I think I've always liked this kind of gag since School Rumble's similar Harima/Eri jokes. It's nice that Chizuru got something at the end for bro-ing it up, getting rained on and being super friendzoned. The ribbon problem was pretty dumb though (that guy who messed it up was a douche though). Oh no the ribbon is crooked now (couldn't you just tie it again). I guess they needed an excuse to let Chizuru be the bro and fix it up with his gift. I wonder how couple oriented Christmas in Japan really is.


What I expected.


What I got.


Everything is tsundere to me
I didn't participate in that conversation, which you apparently didn't notice, but I did post about Angel Beats earlier in the thread. Try harder.
Except that you were responding to Cajun talking about Purple Haruhi which is what I was responding to. The context of your post had to do with you berating Cajun for calling the Purple Haruhi accusation nitpicking. That's all the context that mattered.

Right, the overly sensitive can somehow take offense at alternate opinions for no particular reason. This particular brand of internet idiocy is not uncommon, but I've grown tired of it over the years.
Or someone can mistake your "opinion" as you stating a "fact" because the context of the statement isn't clear. Call them overly sensitive or whatever, the burden falls on you for not making a clear statement of opinion. You don't have to use IMO either. There are other qualifiers for opinions.


Sakamichi no Apollon 2


I love how the intertitles both related to the scene immediately prior, and illustrated the passage of time. You don't see that very often.
For me the eyecatches are what I like least in the show, stills inbetween do nothing for me. It might have helped if there was some fanfare inbetween.

Well, then get into the inherent issues with the plot. What's wrong with it? Keyshit just has to do with the kind of sometimes overwrought melodrama that can come out of their scenarios; unabashed and blatant heatstring pulling. Clearly you don't like that. That's fine. But I can tell you why in many ways Keyshit is objectively brilliant writing in its execution and how Angel Beat's pacing is a textbook case of how to do it right.
Opinions are fine, but act like they're opinions and discuss what you don't like about them, not about what makes them "bad".



Frankly, that discussion seemed kind of pointless. I mean, yes, I think the show is ugly and the lighting is garish but whatever, the visuals are the LEAST of the show's problems.

I think there's a fine line. When someone hates on something you like it's only natural to get defensive to an extent. And that's not a bad thing, that kind of defensive posturing is what leads to debate and discourse. Ideally some sort of compromise would be reached or the parties involved would just make an implicit agreement to just leave the others be. Agree to disagree etc.

I say it's a fine line cause it's very easy to go from defensive argumentation to petty bickering where nothing gets discussed and nothing gets resolved. I sure have been guilty of that more than I would like to say...
I feel like this might be one of the most serious posts you've ever made in an anime thread.


For me the eyecatches are what I like least in the show, stills inbetween do nothing for me. It might have helped if there was some fanfare inbetween.

That seems like a weird thing to comment on, let alone complain about. I mean, it's just an eye catch!
Sankarea 3

Other than the pacing feeling a little off, great episode. Pretty much a straight adaptation of chapter 3 with only 1 small segment with
Rea's mother
Rea's death
was pretty well done as was the scene leading up to it. The music really sold the scene for me.

So now it's going to get more comedic for a little while, but that should be fine.
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