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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Lie about what? Saki is great.

Lie to you about what?
About Saki being good! But I was just trying to draw out discussion.
I can understand someone being a little put off if they haven't seen the first Saki.
The Achiga-hen first ep is this really fast setup story to get things rolling; it's probably not as interesting as a stand-alone episode as the original Saki's first episode was.
As someone who watched and liked Saki, though, I'm OK with it, as background info for the real story.

Let's see what other NicoNicoers have to say...
Well they seem to be enjoying the first part anyway.

First season finale?

Season 2 start!

Season 2 finale!

Season 3 start!

On to season 4!

"I've been cleaning this abandoned room every Thursday for two years."

Stay tuned for season 5, starting in one week!

Nico Stream monsters, amazing.
About Saki being good! But I was just trying to draw out discussion.

Nico Stream monsters, amazing.

Saki's great, not good. As for Achiga-hen, though, it's too early to say for sure. So far I like the original series more, but Achiga's good at least.

I can understand someone being a little put off if they haven't seen the first Saki.
The Achiga-hen first ep is this really fast setup story to get things rolling; it's probably not as interesting as a stand-alone episode as the original Saki's first episode was.
As someone who watched and liked Saki, though, I'm OK with it, as background info for the real story.
Yeah, you're right with all of this.

Let's see what other NicoNicoers have to say...
Well they seem to be enjoying the first part anyway.

First season finale?

Season 2 start!

Season 2 finale!

Season 3 start!

On to season 4!

"I've been cleaning this abandoned room every Thursday for two years."

Stay tuned for season 5, starting in one week!
Why are they calling it so many seasons? Because at the original Saki series' pace it'd probably take about that long to cover that much material, or something? If that's it, that probably is true... but they don't have multiple seasons to cover all this, so it has to be skimmed over with timeskips.


The toilet scenes are very different. They dont show so barely discernible flaw, they are way disproportionate, out of synch from scene to scene, and in the wrong fucking place in some scenes. that is different from some slight polygonal effect as seen here. If we were talking about the infamous Branduil screenshot, ok I see your point, but this is a gently sloping ground walkway leading to a flight of stairs that looks wholly unremarkable and proportionate to ts surroundings. there's nothing wrong with this, or the screenshot of the roof, or those other pictures in this thread. So far, the only really obvious clusterfuck is that one picture and nothing else has yet been presented to suggest that Angel Beats is an ugly show overall.
The toilet scenes are very different. They dont show so barely discernible flaw, they are way disproportionate, out of synch from scene to scene, and in the wrong fucking place in some scenes. that is different from some slight polygonal effect as seen here. If we were talking about the infamous Branduil screenshot, ok I see your point, but this is a gently sloping ground walkway leading to a flight of stairs that looks wholly unremarkable and proportionate to ts surroundings. there's nothing wrong with this, or the screenshot of the roof, or those other pictures in this thread. So far, the only really obvious clusterfuck is that one picture and nothing else has yet been presented to suggest that Angel Beats is an ugly show overall.

This is what I've said all along -- the "Angel Beats is ugly" people always return to that one screenshot and can never present any other actual evidence of its supposed "ugly" visuals. I think they're looking for things to find because they want to hate the series, myself. As you say, there just isn't an issue there.

You sure about that?
Yes. What's wrong with an angled section in a staircase? I don't get it. And don't just say "polygonal elements", because that doesn't mean anything on its own.


A Good Citizen
This is what I've said all along -- the "Angel Beats is ugly" people always return to that one screenshot and can never present any other actual evidence of its supposed "ugly" visuals. I think they're looking for things to find because they want to hate the series, myself. As you say, there just isn't an issue there.
Because every frame of the show is ugly. The terrible digital lighting and clashing between the characters and background is there all the time.
The toilet scenes are very different. They dont show so barely discernible flaw, they are way disproportionate, out of synch from scene to scene, and in the wrong fucking place in some scenes. that is different from some slight polygonal effect as seen here. If we were talking about the infamous Branduil screenshot, ok I see your point, but this is a gently sloping ground walkway leading to a flight of stairs that looks wholly unremarkable and proportionate to ts surroundings. there's nothing wrong with this, or the screenshot of the roof, or those other pictures in this thread. So far, the only really obvious clusterfuck is that one picture and nothing else has yet been presented to suggest that Angel Beats is an ugly show overall.
You don't understand why someone would think that a still like the one below is ugly?


Why are they calling it so many seasons? Because at the original Saki series' pace it'd probably take about that long to cover that much material, or something? If that's it, that probably is true... but they don't have multiple seasons to cover all this, so it has to be skimmed over with timeskips.
I'm not sure if anyone's comparing it to the original Saki specifically, but it's just general joking around about how fast the pace is, and how some scenes feel like they could be the end of a series. (The "That was a good final episode" meme is used all over the place, not just on this show, but it fit especially well on this episode.)
Because every frame of the show is ugly. The terrible digital lighting and clashing between the characters and background is there all the time.

Digital lighting clashing with characters and backgrounds? That's the kind of hardcore videophile thing that I, and most other people, would never notice. I have no idea if what you're saying is there or not, but I doubt I could ever tell either way unless it was some incredibly blatant issue, like that Maken-Ki shot perspective thing.

Because of the grout lines? Or is it the angle?

I'm seriously trying to understand here, but I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary. Perspective-wise, it looks fine to me.


You don't understand why someone would think that a still like the one below is ugly?
I thought that was the nicest looking of the shots you posted, actually. The red bullet-trails on the dark blue background looks pretty cool.


A Good Citizen
Digital lighting clashing with characters and backgrounds? That's the kind of hardcore videophile thing that I, and most other people, would never notice. I have no idea if what you're saying is there or not, but I doubt I could ever tell either way unless it was some incredibly blatant issue, like that Maken-Ki shot perspective thing.
Here's an example of you ignoring slash writing off actual issues!


I don't see too much wrong with that ground angle. Maybe it's sloped more there? It's not perfect, but we've gone over far more obvious and distracting errors before.

That said, one thing that runs through most of the Angel Beats stills that I've seen is a weird sense of separation between the characters and the backgrounds, like they don't exist in the same space. I didn't really noticed it in the one episode I watched with a friend, but I'd have a hard time missing it if I watched the show now. Maybe it has something to do with the characters being lit differently from the scenery or something.


A Good Citizen
That said, one thing that runs through most of the Angel Beats stills that I've seen is a weird sense of separation between the characters and the backgrounds, like they don't exist in the same space. I didn't really noticed it in the one episode I watched with a friend, but I'd have a hard time missing it if I watched the show now. Maybe it has something to do with the characters being lit differently from the scenery or something.
But ABF just said that's a "hardcore videophile" thing -- not a real issue!!!!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
At least quote-box those pictures, man. Some of us don't like pouring bleach on our eyes. Not to mention some fucker is gonna quote the whole post without breaking the image code.

edit: you fucking son of a bitch vvvvvvvvv
Apart from that first one (the way that guy is holding the thing, mostly), the only issue I could see is disliking how they're lighting that concert... but it's a concert, so it's supposed to be bright!


But ABF just said that's a "hardcore videophile" thing -- not a real issue!!!!

It's probably an intentional stylistic choice, communicating through art how the characters don't belong in the purgatory of the show, and building the supernatural setting.

Seriously, it's too obvious to just be a videophile thing, but I could imagine how someone could overlook it if they weren't really paying attention.


Apart from that first one (the way that guy is holding the thing, mostly), the only issue I could see is disliking how they're lighting that concert... but it's a concert, so it's supposed to be bright!

There are tons of concert scenes in anime which don't cause physical pain to look at.


A Good Citizen
It's probably an intentional stylistic choice, communicating through art how the characters don't belong in the purgatory of the show, and building the supernatural setting.

Seriously, it's too obvious to just be a videophile thing, but I could imagine how someone could overlook it if they weren't really paying attention.
No, it's a common problem in every PA Works show. Their digital composition is atrocious. :p


Apart from that first one (the way that guy is holding the thing, mostly), the only issue I could see is disliking how they're lighting that concert... but it's a concert, so it's supposed to be bright!

I think the trouble is that the light is very intense and largely opaque at the same time. It sort of consumes the shot.


You guys just wouldn't listen.

Lessons in the ugliness of Angel Beats, episode 1

Must I really continue?

Im sorry, but I just dont see a problem with these. Maybe the brightness is a bit too high but otherwise it has a particular style that I really like, and its colorful and interesting.
Im sorry but I like all of these images. Thats the honest truth.


We're just gonna have to agree to disagree on this one.

I just don't see whats so awful about it. the bright weird look was what attracted me to the show visually in the first place. Its distinct. Not to everyones tastes, but distinct. And I really really like it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The entire band is CG in some shots, dunno how that doesn't bug people. If you directly compare this shot to this one they look like they're from different shows.


Apart from that first one (the way that guy is holding the thing, mostly), the only issue I could see is disliking how they're lighting that concert... but it's a concert, so it's supposed to be bright!

For me, it feels like with almost all of those shots that the way the scene is lit just doesn't match the way the characters are lit. For example, in the first shot, the room is dark, but each character is as visible as if they were in a well-lit room. The concert is a weird mix of characters seeming lit from the back but being illuminated from the front, or vice versa. The use of shadows to indicate the direction of light is also very inconsistent, which kind of adds to the problem.

I could imagine someone not noticing, but it seems like something that happens awfully frequently.
Here's an example of you ignoring slash writing off actual issues!

I'm not writing it off, I'm saying that I know little about such things. I don't know how they combined the 2d and 3d elements in anime, or light it, for example... they paste the 2d elements on top of 3d backgrounds I guess? I don't know. For videogames sure i sort of get it, but movies or anime? Eh, I don't care about such things enough to try to exactly where every element of the frame came from. I'm sure I'm not always able to tell CG elements from drawn every time (though in anime a lot of CG work is obvious, it isn't all)... I'm more interested in the anime itself than the composition.

Of course I can see the bright lighting in that concert though. I just don't dislike it. the bright lighting looks just fine, and gives that concert a nice, bright concert-like look. I like the look of the concerts in Angel Beats.


I just like the look. I don't know why and I wont try to explain it, but I enjoy the look of angel Beats and I understand that you guys hate it. Thats unfortunate. but I just....I don't see the problem with it. The whole show is surreal to begin with and to me the look perfectly reflects that. I think for the type of show it is, the visuals fit.



Ok, this picture I can find things wrong with, and as I said before the show is not without its flaws, mainly having to do with the character designs and some questionable poses that dont look realistic. This is a good example. Im not in disagreement in this case.

I don't see anything too wrong with the perspective there (maybe she's holding the gun a bit wrong, but oh well, doesn't ruin the shot really), and what's wrong with making the characters bright so you can see them? That's something that live-action filming usually does, for example...
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