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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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For some reason, my gifs are compressing in a really shitty manner lately. Oh well, I needed this gif.


Anyone else notice that Yayoi's little arms are in that pose like 40% of each episode? So cute~


The Light of El Cantare

Anyone else notice that Yayoi's little arms are in that pose like 40% of each episode? So cute~

I'm normally pretty resistant to moe, but Yayoi makes me clutch my chest several times an episode. The animators have perfected the science of moe to a frightening degree and successfully distilled into a form so pure and concentrated that even the slightest exposure is potentially deadly. She steals other characters' character-centric episodes just by being there.

Just look at some of what we got in a Miyuki episode:

The Tatami Galaxy - End

Perhaps it was the benefit of having a novel to work from, but this is by far the strongest ending and overall the strongest structure of any of Yuasa's works. The final two episodes went into bizarre territory, but it was territory that was consistent with everything that came before it; indeed, it was the natural culmination of the introspective, psychological journey of the series. The themes and characters that had been glimpsed in a variety of fractured ways were gathered into a glorious whole leading to an existential revelation: Satisfaction is not found by pulling away from the decisions you have made and the people you have grown close to, but by embracing them with joy and conviction. In how it takes a nominally episodic show and stitches it together into a continuous narrative with an end result, it most reminds me of Trapeze.

The role reversal of Ozu and the MC in the final scene was the perfect touch to end on.

Now that I've watched all of his works, I can say that Maasaki Yuasa's career has been a steady journey towards complete mastery of his craft. Each work he has directed has been better than the last. I certainly hope he has another TV show in the pipeline, because if he can continue this trend it'll be a show for the ages.


I'm normally pretty resistant to moe, but Yayoi makes me clutch my chest several times an episode. The animators have perfected the science of moe to a frightening degree and successfully distilled into a form so pure and concentrated that even the slightest exposure is potentially deadly. She steals other characters' character-centric episodes just by being there.

Just look at some of what we got in a Miyuki episode:

This is the main reason why I cant marathon Precure. I wouldn't survive it.


Interesting. Maybe Amazon's discounts are too attractive.

I'm sure it'll fluctuate but it's rather interesting to see how certain shows are comparing to each other. Like how it seems AO is tracking better than Hyouka so far. Another possible bomba by Kyo-Ani maybe?
I'm normally pretty resistant to moe, but Yayoi makes me clutch my chest several times an episode. The animators have perfected the science of moe to a frightening degree and successfully distilled into a form so pure and concentrated that even the slightest exposure is potentially deadly. She steals other characters' character-centric episodes just by being there.

Just look at some of what we got in a Miyuki episode:

No wonder I was getting a bit burned out of precure. I was focusing my attention on the foreground character!

I should be watching Yayoi the whole time!


I'm normally pretty resistant to moe, but Yayoi makes me clutch my chest several times an episode. The animators have perfected the science of moe to a frightening degree and successfully distilled into a form so pure and concentrated that even the slightest exposure is potentially deadly. She steals other characters' character-centric episodes just by being there.

Just look at some of what we got in a Miyuki episode:
The damn wooden paneling or whatever in the background of the second picture makes it impossible to turn it into a decent avatar. It'd be perfect otherwise.


Yeah. I mean, I don't even want it for myself -- I'm fine with Lancer -- but I couldn't get the top edge of her hairband to look right after erasing the background and felt a bit obsessive about it, but decided it wasn't worth the trouble in the end.


Need another reason to watch Binbou-gami ga! this summer besides the Gintama director? How about Kana Hanazawa playing the lead? I know we have fans here.

Oh I'm looking forward to hearing her play this role than, since it won't be a Kana Hanazawa by the numbers roll. Still don't think much of the actual source material though... only read the first 3 chapters and the one shot, preferred the one shot.


Not to get you off topic, but how is Eden of the East?

Hmm...The TV series was pretty good but the movie sequels just didn't capture my attention for long. I haven't even finished the second film. It could be because my interest in the franchise was already long past when I started the movies though.

I still recommend it though.

AKB0048 1

-Shaky cam segments

- Idol CG beyond your wildest dreams


-Papa no baka!

-Pedo soldiers

-Illogical smoke bombs

-Taser wands

-Bubblegum hair

- aitakatta...aitakatta...aitakatta...YES!

-Colorful little girls in a faux Fallout environment

All this and more in the suffer anime of the season!

I will watch this to the end!

Sounds like prime show of the season material!

I'm going to watch this to the end too!

Kyoani is slow to the draw this season.


I woudn't expect fanservice any less freakish from a former SHAFT acolyte.

If this was MGX, he'd be licking her pit sweat.

I think I just vomited a bit in my mouth.


Phi Brain S2 ep 4
For someone who is smart, Kaito sure has piss poor memory considering all of orpheus members know him but kaito doesn't. This week puzzle is good although it could be better but is this how puzzle should be. A team/solo duel.


Thought I'd check in on the anime thread since I so rarely....holy 137 pages?!

Anyway, I've only watched the first episode of Lupin and Eureka AO 01, and the later seems like it may be as solid as the first show.

Any surprises so far this season?
Thought I'd check in on the anime thread since I so rarely....holy 137 pages?!

Anyway, I've only watched the first episode of Lupin and Eureka AO 01, and the later seems like it may be as solid as the first show.

Any surprises so far this season?

Space Bros, Accel World, Tsuritama, Sankarea, Dusk Maiden of Amnesia. Lot of good stuff this season.




im leaving this planet
if anyone wants a lift to the nearest inhabitable planet ill be leaving tonight

take me with you

Thought I'd check in on the anime thread since I so rarely....holy 137 pages?!

Anyway, I've only watched the first episode of Lupin and Eureka AO 01, and the later seems like it may be as solid as the first show.

Any surprises so far this season?

If you haven't started watching Kids on the Slope, you should consider doing so.


Thought I'd check in on the anime thread since I so rarely....holy 137 pages?!

Anyway, I've only watched the first episode of Lupin and Eureka AO 01, and the later seems like it may be as solid as the first show.

Any surprises so far this season?

Space Bros is pretty amazing actually.

Tsuritama is pretty fun and interesting.

Sankarea is shockingly good for a Deen show.

The most surprising thing to many though was E7 AO being good, which I believed in from the beginning! No way Bones could have screwed up that franchise.


Sankarea 4

Well, that was about what everyone said it was.


Though I thought the pre-credits stuff was an effective means of recapping what had happened.

I don't think it's impossible to make this material as good as the previous episodes were. Even if the focus is different, there's a strong emotional core. But without the series director's storyboards, the visual storytelling becomes noticeably worse. There are significantly fewer interesting images or moments of good direction.


It's not entirely absent, though. This is both pretty and fitting for the moment it appears.

At its most basic, the key elements of this episode are (from what I can tell)
Rea's delight and curiosity at being "freed", her loneliness and uncertainty at being alone in Furuya's house as a zombie, and Furuya's mixture of joy and trepidation as this dream of his comes true. With the exception of her loneliness (which is communicated kind of effectively through the shots of Furuya's clock while she waits for him), many of the moments meant to get these emotions across fall kind of flat, the showering scene being the most guilty of trading pathos for cheap fanservice.

I mean, don't you think it's strange that
she's in Furuya's room for the first time, and she's not even curious about all the stuff on his shelves?
It seems like a real missed opportunity for character development.


And can anyone tell me why they did a hard cut from a pretty effective horror moment to this? It's like the staff had no idea how to transition to the next scene, so they did the simplest and laziest thing they could think of.

I like how this started too much to give up on it yet, and I think there's definitely potential for things to improve, but that episode preview isn't encouraging.


Goodnight, sweet prince~


icecream, 2006 - 2012[/QUOTE]

Offering my condolences as well.

[quote="Jexhius, post: 37423117"]Sounds to be as boring as [B]Nichijou[/B].[/QUOTE]

Ouch, straight into the heart.

[quote="A Black Falcon, post: 37423528"]I'm nobody, now? :([/QUOTE]

I won't forget you, we're Saki bros.

[quote="Regulus Tera, post: 37423973"]It's actually been very good, shape-shifting toilets aside.[/QUOTE]

[quote="Brazil, post: 37423987"]Yup. The protagonist's design aside, there's not much wrong with the series. The world and concept are pretty interesting and well-defined.[/QUOTE]

I heartily disagree. Although the last episode [i]was[/i] better.

[spoiler]The toilets are still the best part of the show.[/spoiler]
Upotte!! 3
Though not as great as the last episode, It still had it's moments. Not only did they show the battle rifle girls again, but they also had the sub machine gun kids debut which was nice. I was really glad to see more L85A1 screen time, even if it was mostly to say how unreliable she is... You'll get your chance L, one day you will show them all. There was also a return of copious amounts fan service, but still had its fair share of gun play, but it's all good. Overall it was a good episode.


hyouka - 02

This is . . . really boring. Even worse than the first episode. You could say that the utterly banal mysteries are not the focus, but even so, they dominate the episode and it's really just quite dull. The show is so staid it even shies away from love triangles, the romance (if there is any beyond just hints) is all neatly paired off so no feelings will be hurt. I like to think there are hints of something darker lurking under the surface, but then, the preview for the next episode looks just as banal as the goings-on of this episode.

At this point Clannad was far more interesting re: asshole loner kid gets socialized by the power of girls + sidekick! concept.

The ED and Mayaka were cool, though. I still have hopes that this show can be interesting. Perhaps in the future. Maybe the school will blow up. Maybe Eru will turn into a zombie. Or perhaps Mayaka is really a magical girl.


Hyouka 2

The animation is really quite splendid. Not only aesthetically pleasing but visually interesting as well. The visual mini-performances keep the eyes from being bored and focused on the show. The attention to detail in the backgrounds also gives the scene a lot more personality and realism in a way; It doesn't feel like stock background #81. I particular liked the series of shots focused on the
, it really communicated the mundane feeling of waiting for someone.

It's really a shame the visual direction's so spectacular, while the plot is so utterly boring. The mysteries are unengaging and the resolution feels really lame. Even the visual skits fail to truly capture my attention. Combined with the soft and relaxing music, Hyouka is the perfect show to sleep to. Literally the sleeper show of the season.
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