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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Shining Hearts Bread of Happiness 2

I hope we get more of Rick's backstory, seemed compelling. Otherwise nice development on all fronts of him, Madera, and the girls, and even the town itself. Preview for next episode was exciting.


Shining Hearts Bread of Happiness 2

I hope we get more of Rick's backstory, seemed compelling.[B] Otherwise nice development on all fronts of him[/B], Madera, and the girls, and even the town itself. Preview for next episode was exciting.[/QUOTE]



Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Decided to stop letting my insufferable idealism stop me from watching stories. Need to stop being a pussy and care too much about characters that don't exist.

Fate / Zero 4-13:

The animation is very pretty, the artwork is nice, and I like the Saber and Lancer dynamic. Rider's pretty cool too. I still dislike the characters as people, but I'll get over it.

Also, Caster is totally Lord Kuruku.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I appreciate that almost all the Rick's Bread posts are just bread porn.


Subete no aware
You're insulting innocent lurkers everywhere!
It's just weird voyeurism. Even if you're here to laugh at the people who post in here in order to affirm your own sense of superiority... that's still some special kind of sad. If anything, that's almost something to be pitied.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Natsurio Kiseki 03

Even though I couldn't make it through the first episode I still wanted to find the witch. For some strange reason the failure and disappointment of the girls at their inability to succeed felt like some sort of meta commentary about the series itself. Also the girl only had the witch hat on for maybe a minute or two, so I left feeling equally let down.

I'll give it four teary eyed girls out of one hundred innocuous rocks.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Strawberry Panic 22

I really should've dropped this show the moment I realized
Yaya was going to get friend zoned so hard by Hikari. Up until this point (since she forced herself on Hikari) she's been practically dead (emotionally) after Hikari either avoided her or continued to mention her feelings for Amane (completely oblivious she's saying this shit to a girl who made it absolutely clear that she's in love with her). I like Amane, but I was just really hoping that by some miracle something would occur that would cause Hikari to fall for Yaya.

I got tired of Shizuma and Nagisa awhile back, and Tamao having yet to confess to Nagisa about her feelings for her is just driving me crazy.

Welp, on the plus side I only have 4 episodes left.
Saint Seiya Omega 2-3

2 was a bit dull, and its setup of "I'm going to take a random journey and randomly bump into people just because" laughable, but 3 was enjoyable. The more developed setting for characters to play off each other helped. Yuna is an interesting character, and I liked how the show handled the issue of her mask.

Besides all the Umakoshi, this show has some really nice detailed art:

Not quite Kenji Matsumoto level though. I hope that guy does something again in the near future.


Knight in the Area - 16

I knew it would come to this... *facepalm*

And wow episode 15's preview would have made Toei proud, it literally spilled out this episode minute by minute.


Who doesn't like derpy idiot panda though?
as far as all the animals go Mr. Penguin > *

Natsurio Kiseki 03
Even though I couldn't make it through the first episode I still wanted to find the witch. For some strange reason the failure and disappointment of the girls at their inability to succeed felt like some sort of meta commentary about the series itself. Also the girl only had the witch hat on for maybe a minute or two, so I left feeling equally let down.

I'll give it four teary eyed girls out of one hundred innocuous rocks.
but are there any lesbians??
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