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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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It's not hard to locate the two biggest problems with Hyouka, neither of which have anything to do with the actual quality of the production:

Imagine how good Hyouka would be if it had some good old fashioned rape or murder.

It's just hard to care, even for the mystery that Chitanda sets up in the beginning, since it'll probably be as lame and ordinary as all the other "mysteries" so far in the show.

Problem the first: The show appears to be about solving extremely mundane mysteries which have no inherent 'weight' to them - nothing that would make an audience care about how they are resolved.

Detective stories aren't just popular because detective-type characters demonstrate their cognitive abilities to decipher mysteries. They're popular because crime and murder are interesting topics. When someone has been murdered most people would say that it's really important to know who did it and why. When someone borrows a book regularly from a library, or opens their windows to let air out a room, it doesn't engender the same interest.
I understand commercially why they want to work in an idyllic high school environment, but it loses a lot of its charm when the protagonist is trying his hardest to live the most boring high school life possible. I guess he's succeeding?
Problem the second: Our protagonist isn't just boring by virtue of being a flat character, he's boring because that's his goal in life. Branduil, perhaps correctly, points out that this is the point of the show, but it still doesn't make watching the show any more tolerable.

Perhaps they're will be some radical event which forces him to alter his position on life at some point in the future, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen anytime soon based on what I've seen so far.


Didnt Gosick already try the mundane mysteries with cute girls route? It didn't work the first time.

I wouldn't call them mundane (lots of dead people), they just weren't good. And then apparently it turns into some weird genealogy action show with loli rape.


I wouldn't call them mundane (lots of dead people), they just weren't good. And then apparently it turns into some weird genealogy action show with loli rape.

I guess I would consider murder mysteries to be mundane because thats what it almost always is. Its run of the mill stuff.


Problem the first: The show appears to be about solving extremely mundane mysteries which have no inherent 'weight' to them - nothing that would make an audience care about how they are resolved.

Detective stories aren't just popular because detective-type characters demonstrate their cognitive abilities to decipher mysteries. They're popular because crime and murder are interesting topics. When someone has been murdered most people would say that it's really important to know who did it and why. When someone borrows a book regularly from a library, or opens their windows to let air out a room, it doesn't engender the same interest.

I don't know, GK Chesterton made it work pretty well. (Admittedly a lot of the Father Brown mysteries looked like murders at first glance)


I have no idea how those words fit together to form an existing concept.

Yeah, it's kinda weird. (And my description doesn't make much sense, true.)

I guess this is what happened:

In one of her many performances, she attracts the interest of Marquis Albert de Blois, who is interested in her bloodline. She is later kidnapped by Albert, who after keeping her inside the Blois Mansion for a year, impregnates her. On Christmas Day of 1910, a child was born: Victorique de Blois.
"She" being the loli's mother (who is as loli as her daughter).

And then apparently there's like a
government conspiracy and things blow up, or something.
I only looked it up because there's a particular scene near the end of the show that shows up in a bunch of sakuga stuff.

e: It's just really weird.


It's good to see ufotable focusing its 2D talent on the productions that truly deserve it.
Now I wonder if there are going to be more works from the Anime Bunko (アニメ文庫) series... did ufotable and Aniplex Inc., confirm anything about this? They presented it as some kind of platform for releasing this OVAs that seemed it could continue in the future with the same label, but I don't know if those are their intentions right now...


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I think I've already said this here before, but 2D cars in anime weird me out nowadays.

Don't blame you at all. The 300SL in Fate/Zero looks fine, it provides an added dimension that the 2D stuff doesn't. That 2D car just looks ridiculously goofy and not really in an intended way. I'm glad the greatest show in the history of shows Fate/Zero decided to not go that route.


A Good Citizen
Don't blame you at all. The 300SL in Fate/Zero looks fine, it provides an added dimension that the 2D stuff doesn't. That 2D car just looks ridiculously goofy and not really in an intended way. I'm glad the greatest show in the history of shows Fate/Zero decided to not go that route.
This type of post only works if your past post history wouldn't paint this as a serious post...


Tomodachi wa Mahou
This type of post only works if your past post history wouldn't paint this as a serious post...

Excuse me? I'm completely serious. The cars in Fate/Zero are fine. And it's certainly the best overall show in the past 2 years. I think it's a bit rude of you to be insinuating otherwise.
I think I've already said this here before, but 2D cars in anime weird me out nowadays.
Blood-C taught me to not trust 2D trains, so I can't trust 2D cars by extension. D:
Don't blame you at all. The 300SL in Fate/Zero looks fine, it provides an added dimension that the 2D stuff doesn't. That 2D car just looks ridiculously goofy and not really in an intended way. I'm glad the greatest show in the history of shows Fate/Zero decided to not go that route.
CG has rotted your brain. :(


Dai Mahou Touge 3-6
Speak of CG cars:
Very fun episodes, Punie-Chan continues to be scary and more wrestling action and we get to see
Potato-Dono again! I though he died back in that pot but Yay~
I couldn't stop laughing when this happened this show has so many gems.
Like the helicopter battle
I only have 2 more to go unfortunately ;_;
Don't blame you at all. The 300SL in Fate/Zero looks fine, it provides an added dimension that the 2D stuff doesn't. That 2D car just looks ridiculously goofy and not really in an intended way. I'm glad the greatest show in the history of shows Fate/Zero decided to not go that route.
I refuse to take this post seriously ;_;


Shining Hearts 1-4
this is pretty much the worst thing I have ever seen, it's hard to believe it's an actual real thing and not some kind of Psy op by people who hate anime and RPGs


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Hyouka 3

I'm enjoying this.

I'm not particularly fond of Chitanda, Mayaka, or Satoshi, but I really like Oreki. I don't find his "lifestyle choice" as annoying as I thought I would before watching the first episode, and I really appreciate main characters with great observational skills. Even if the "mysteries" he solves are pretty minor, they're still interesting because of the way he unravels them by pointing towards things and facts the show hints at along the episode.

Since I appreciate Oreki, I end up having fun with the other characters as well because of the different ways they approach him. The interactions between them are interesting, and as a result we get simple yet cool scenes like the one in in which Chitanda and Mayaka start heading for the old clubroom in search of the Anthologies, and Oreki just stays there and picks up something to read, only to be called by Chitanda; or the one in which Chitanda unintentionally motivates Oreki by saying they'd have to search "the entire school" if their upperclassman didn't let them in.

Another reason why I feel it's a pleasure to watch this show: it is beautiful. There are interesting shots everywhere, and the different visual styles KyoAni uses to represent flashbacks or the mysteries keep things fresh. Everything moves so smoothly, too.

I also think the writing is pretty clever. They don't leave any blind spots. What made me realize that in this episode was when Oreki mentioned
Chitanda's cold prevented her from using her acute sense of olfaction to realize their upperclassman was smoking in the clubroom. Before that scene, we saw her sneezing at least a couple of times.

And, finally, I want to know what her uncle's story is all about, because, honestly - there are no clues yet. This seems to be the most important point in the plot, though, so I guess we won't really understand everything until the final episodes.
Shining Hearts 1-4
this is pretty much the worst thing I have ever seen, it's hard to believe it's an actual real thing and not some kind of Psy op by people who hate anime and RPGs

But you watched 4 episodes. I don't know who is the bigger monster here. Production I.G. or you.
Phi Brain S2 5


How fast can you solve this?

So the P.O.G. went from a murderous puzzle organization to
an entertainment company?

Gyamon episodes are always good. The guy is pretty much a deutragonist at this point.


The Light of El Cantare
Shining Hearts 1-4
this is pretty much the worst thing I have ever seen, it's hard to believe it's an actual real thing and not some kind of Psy op by people who hate anime and RPGs

Have you tried the "Rick's bread" method of watching? Every time someone in the show says "Rick's bread" or just mentions bread in general, mentally substitute "bread" with "penis". You instantly have a ton of hilarious euphemisms per episode and it immediately becomes one of the best shows of the season. You just have to be willing to be a little juvenile.

Shining Hearts 1-4
this is pretty much the worst thing I have ever seen, it's hard to believe it's an actual real thing and not some kind of Psy op by people who hate anime and RPGs

It is hard to put Bread of Happiness in the worst thing ever category, unless one has been pretty great at evading certain anime.

The intermission images are nice and the ED.


Magical Witch Punie - 5 & 6


Bwahahaha, if I fail this test, I'll nuke the solar system.

Potato-dono returns, only to become a casualty again.


Anego scores a date with her first love... only for it to end in Ridge Racer, quite literally because those cg cars looked the part.


Hyouka 3

[...[Another reason why I feel it's a pleasure to watch this show: it is beautiful. There are interesting shots everywhere, and the different visual styles KyoAni uses to represent flashbacks or the mysteries keep things fresh. Everything moves so smoothly, too.

I think something that's even more important is the excellent cinematography. As someone else has already eloquent said:

raito_kun said:
The directing in Hyouka #3 was nothing less than impressive. Episode director Taichi Ishidate sure shows his skills here.

Like the previous 2 episodes, it had a lot of wonderful layouts/compositions with perspectival depth. Takemoto is the director, after all.

Take for example the scene where they leave the club room somewhere in the beginning of B part.

I like how KyoAni emphasizes the depth of space here by letting the characters move towards the camera.

The conversation at the beginning was well directed. There was more tension in it than in most so called 'action scenes' in Fate/Zero...

Animation hasn't let up so far either. Chara acting is as strong as ever. Didn't expect that even the Seiichi Akitake ep would be that good.

Usually I would say Miku Kadowaki (animation director of ep 2) is superior to Akitake, but this time there wasn't much difference at all.

Once again, there were lots of nice little details in the characters' body language and gestures. Makes watching the characters very fun.

It's small details like Eru fumbling around with her hair while the coffee is served that play a role in making the characters believable.

You hardly see well-executed shots like this in anime.
Not that I agree with everything that he's said.


Nyarko-san: Another Crawling Chaos 5

So Pikachu is also after Mahiro? I'm surprised they didn't resolve the conflict in this episode. Also next episode looks like a beach one I think, so the resolution to this fight shouldn't last too long.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I think something that's even more important is the excellent cinematography. As someone else has already eloquent said:

Not that I agree with everything that he's said.

Yeah. I don't know about the comparison with Fate/Zero, but the directing is really overachieving here.
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