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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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So regarding Saint Seiya Omega ep7-10:

- Looks like the tournament crap ends by the end of ep7, and it's going to be a sort of cop out. Lulz.

- Ep8 is directed and storyboarded by Yukio Kaizawa, a Toei Digimon veteran. The AD is Akihiro Asanuma, another Digimon veteran.

- It looks like the Mars shit finally comes back into play in
ep9, with Ken Ootsuka storyboarding that episode.

- No more synopsis after ep9, but ep10 should be an important episode with Rie Matsumoto directing and storyboarding, while Umakoshi himself is AD once again.

Well, hopefully 7 isn't as ugly as the last one.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Any word on how many episodes this is supposed to last? Is there enough material for it to last more than one or two seasons?

yeah, I want news on Bleach, don't judge me!

Even if Naruto SD is over, they won't come back to Bleach yet.

They'll probably wait until the manga is over and then take it through the InuYasha route.


The song used in the OP for Gosick sounds very familiar. I know I have heard something similar to it in some other anime. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

I dunno and it's unfitting as hell for the regular pace of the show.

(Though I am actually partial to the OP.)
Meanwhile, at ABF's place:

Sorry, I have Un-Go on the brain right now.

Hey, the "piles on the floor" organization method is perfectly legitimate! :)

It's such a tragedy. :(

Fairy Tail 100

Man, they're really blowing through this arc. I think they were still in the middle of it in the manga while this was airing, so the studio must be insane.
Yeah, the Fairy Tail anime in general goes through the material at a pretty fast pace.
Gosick 1

So let's see

The OP and ED are bad
The main lead is generic looking
The female lead is a loli
The detective has dumb looking hair

Oh yeah, the loli detective solved the "mystery" in less than 2 minutes without even questioning anyone or checking the crime scene. u mad Poirot?

Episode 1 was kind of awful, but it DOES get better for a while after that. Eps 2-18 are up and down, but overall were okay, occasionally good. Ep. 19 runs straight through a moral event horizon without any thought, though, which I had a BIG problem with, and then the final arc just was completely stupid historically broken nonsense... but the first two thirds were decent enough for me to not regret watching them.

Most certainly don't watch it over SnW, though. No way.


Episode 1 was kind of awful, but it DOES get better for a while after that. Eps 2-18 are up and down, but overall were okay, occasionally good. Ep. 19 runs straight through a moral event horizon without any thought, though, which I had a BIG problem with, and then the final arc just was completely stupid historically broken nonsense... but the first two thirds were decent enough for me to not regret watching them.

Most certainly don't watch it over SnW, though. No way.

There is one "mystery" I quite liked in Gosick.

It's not the perfect one (actually flawed in ways), but I enjoyed how it was laid out. I await to see how survivor takes it.

Most certainly don't watch it over SnW, though. No way.

I take it this is a good mystery anime?

I wouldn't mind seeing a good one.

(and no, I don't want to watch any more Conan)
There is one "mystery" I quite liked in Gosick.

It's not the perfect one (actually flawed in ways), but I enjoyed how it was laid out. I await to see how survivor takes it.

I take it this is a good mystery anime?

I wouldn't mind seeing a good one.

(and no, I don't want to watch any more Conan)
Sora no Woto is not a mystery anime. Its K-On in the military.
Episode 1 was kind of awful, but it DOES get better for a while after that. Eps 2-18 are up and down, but overall were okay, occasionally good. Ep. 19 runs straight through a moral event horizon without any thought, though, which I had a BIG problem with, and then the final arc just was completely stupid historically broken nonsense... but the first two thirds were decent enough for me to not regret watching them.

Most certainly don't watch it over SnW, though. No way.
Except that gosick is not meant to folllow the history we know the a ction is in a state of europe that doesn't exist .. so yeah they can throw whatever you want since they don't follow the regular history ...


One of the mysteries in Gosick requires the viewer to accept the premise that
black people are practically invisible at night

Gosick is a fucking awful mystery show.


One of the mysteries in Gosick requires the viewer to accept the premise that
black people are practically invisible at night

For this premise played for comedy effect, you should watch Better Off Ted's "Racial Sensitivity" episode (track it down on Netflix...)

Gosick is a fucking awful mystery show.

I think this is supposed to be charming, or something? I remember being quite excited about Gosick before it aired because of a guy named Andrew Cunningham, who translated the novels and used to rave about all sorts of different Japanese books (before I discovered that the vast majority of light novels are absolute dreck). Oh, how disappointing Gosick turned out to be.

What we really need, obviously, are more series like Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple - and obviously Oliver, the crime solving duck:



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
One of the mysteries in Gosick requires the viewer to accept the premise that
black people are practically invisible at night

Gosick is a fucking awful mystery show.
Progressive anime.

Nevermind then.

Don't listen to that, SnW has absolutely nothing to do with K-On apart from having a somewhat similar art style (because it's from the studio behind some also similar prior work, not because they were ripping off K-On like some people claimed) and also having four girls as the main characters.

The actual show, though, is entirely different. Sora no Woto is a hybrid show, part moe comedy, part serious post-apocalyptic drama. It has a strong, continuing plot, plot progression, and some VERY dark elements at times as well. The characters are all great, and the story even better... oh, and that art... the background art's outstanding, really fantastic stuff.

It isn't a mystery show though, that is true. Well, there is a mystery that's central to the series' plot, but it's not in the mystery genre, I'll admit that. It's part cute, part Shinkai-style drama. But beyond that, it is one of my favorite anime TV series not by ABe.

Except that gosick is not meant to folllow the history we know the a ction is in a state of europe that doesn't exist .. so yeah they can throw whatever you want since they don't follow the regular history ...
That's a bad excuse. Just because it's set in a fictional country doesn't mean that simply making up your own history, in a series supposedly set in a real historical period, makes any sense. I mean, there's taking history and adding fictional elements, and then there's making stuff up that goes entirely against anything that could possibly have happened during that time, and Gosick does the latter.
Sorry, but no, having a war like that in the 1930s just does not make sense. And the whole series's "there's a war coming" stuff is so obviously a World War II reference... until the author invents a completely stupid random war within the country itself as an explanation for what they're talking about. Even if that was planned all along, it's so, so stupid!

And then that ending... WHAT? :lol
Um... so they have a happy ending now, war over! But wait, it's still the 1920s or 30s, with World War II coming up fast... seriously, that was so stupid.

The series has plenty of other bits of historically questionable stuff of course (Victorique's very Victorian outfits are fairly out of date compared to the times, for instance), but that last arc was the worst by far. Well, the worst along with that blatantly late 20th century Japanese high school that they all attend that's essentially been randomly transported to early 20th century "Italy", that is. :lol

One of the mysteries in Gosick requires the viewer to accept the premise that
black people are practically invisible at night

Gosick is a fucking awful mystery show.

I liked some of the mysteries, and that arc was one of the better ones probably for the most part, but that element WAS pretty silly, and also was important to the plot, so yeah, you are right that it has that in it. I mean, you could come up with an excuse for it perhaps, but it's pretty sketchy.


sealed with a kiss
Goku II

Uh... this was something, I guess. There was plenty of great mechanical animation, an
interdimensional missile (yes, it's as stupid as it sounds), Freudian stuffs, clones, and an incredibly dumb main character.


One of the mysteries in Gosick requires the viewer to accept the premise that
black people are practically invisible at night

Gosick is a fucking awful mystery show.

I liked some of the mysteries, and that arc was one of the better ones probably for the most part, but that element WAS pretty silly, and also was important to the plot, so yeah, you are right that it has that in it. I mean, you could come up with an excuse for it perhaps, but it's pretty sketchy.

That was the mystery I was talking about. Lol!

Hey, I said it was flawed, didn't I?


No. That's not exactly it.
It wasn't about revenge for Kiritsugu. It was definitely about justice. This episode is about the foundation of Kiritsugu's logic that if he were to take action when it was needed, regardless of how cold-blooded or unfair it is, he can save lives. He hesitated with Shirley, even though he had the chance. He will never hesitate again. The means justify the ends.

I think you got that phrase backwards.

Fate/Zero 18

Kiritsugu starting his badassery from an early age it seems.

Also I guess
is required reading to understand the show now? :p

How so?

What kind of subtitle is that?


One of the mysteries in Gosick requires the viewer to accept the premise that
black people are practically invisible at night

Gosick is a fucking awful mystery show.
How do you explain Ninjas then? They dress in black all the time. Surely it must work!
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia 05

Ghost moe delivers.
I'm curious how this show could possibly end. I assume Yuuko and Teichi will eventually be seperated, unless he dies. I'm hoping a "happy" ending is possible.
Naruto SD 06

Oh you dirty Kakashi.
A decent episode. I was at the very least amused by the sports event activities and I really did like the scavenger hunt for the ridiculous items they had to find. The whole let's recap literally the whole episode you just saw was silly though.


Horizon 1-13
Felt more like the first episode of a show than an actual full series but dammit I liked it. Maybe it's just because I love SRPGs and stuff but having a massive cast really appealed to me. Blind Girl/Guy with bucket on head OTP. like the smug asshole hero too, he's got a bit of irresponsible captain tylor about him


A (late) friendly reminder about ISLM day 2 voting. Today's special doubles matches are:



Get to it.

And please, for the love of god, don't post the massive voting chart pictures inline this time. At least link to them if you must.


A (late) friendly reminder about ISLM day 2 voting. Today's special doubles matches are:



Get to it.

And please, for the love of god, don't post the massive voting chart pictures inline this time. At least link to them if you must.

Better yet, don't vote at all.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
A (late) friendly reminder about ISLM day 2 voting. Today's special doubles matches are:

Get to it.

And please, for the love of god, don't post the massive voting chart pictures inline this time. At least link to them if you must.

Why do they force my hand? I don't want to vote on Inori, but damn.

Oh, and poor Yui + Ui duo.
Horizon 1-13
Felt more like the first episode of a show than an actual full series but dammit I liked it. Maybe it's just because I love SRPGs and stuff but having a massive cast really appealed to me. Blind Girl/Guy with bucket on head OTP. like the smug asshole hero too, he's got a bit of irresponsible captain tylor about him

Tes, well we are getting a season two so thats good.


OreImo 8
So this is the infamous episode 8 so many people hate.
I liked the beginning, and because of that I coasted OK through the rest of it, but I can see where they're coming from.
The problem is, what makes OreImo so much fun is the characters interacting with each other. We get a little of that at the beginning, and Kirino's monologue was amusing, but after that the rest of the episode is full of interaction between individual main characters and the boring animation staff people, rather than the main characters talking to each other. Maybe they could have made it more interesting if they'd reduced the time spent with the anime staff and increased scenes of the main cast talking with each other to decide what to do.


Awww, I kind of liked the super-pessimist, no-self-confidence girl. Admittedly, I think it's because they ran it well passed the point where most other shows would have realised how annoying it would have been. Sometimes it pays off to throw moderation to the wind.

But, yeah, somehow they managed to one-up how incredibly stupid/amazing last weeks episode was, which is kind of amazing in itself. I can't imagine that, even with someone as bonkers as Kawamori at the helm, they'll be able to keep ramping it up like that on a week by week basis.

Yet, I'll keep watching until it stops being entertaining.

Clearly you have learned nothing from the mountain.


wtf is up the whole Nen thing?

It looks like the dudes are covered in Urabe's drool!

And is there a reason why Medaka box looks so budgeted? Gainax show with like no Gainax bounce? Is this show an 'endless' one? Gainax did stuff like Panty stocking and gurran lagan right? hmmm... budget cuts?

How many times do we have to explain that Gainax is dead?


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
A (late) friendly reminder about ISLM day 2 voting. Today's special doubles matches are:



Get to it.

And please, for the love of god, don't post the massive voting chart pictures inline this time. At least link to them if you must.

How do I just link them? I just see a bunch of gibberish fields that would be even more annoying to post, and there's no direct link to my votes that I can see. :(
Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 1000% 06
Well at least boy of the week is different in what he must overcome from yellow eyed female protag. But, besides that a pretty average episode. I guess there's probably one idol left to woo over and then something else to take up the rest of the episodes. So more singing and dancing?
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