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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Accel World 03

Man, this show is fun. It's not nearly on the level of the brilliant framing and setup of Nazo no Kanojo X, but it paces and frames thing in some very clever and provocative ways, particularly with the whole apology to Chiyu. The way it was framed was clearly meant to be seen as close to sexual activities without any actual such activities, from fumbling with the short connector (Taku's is a whole meter long!), to the file searching framed right over Chiyu's chest, to the (probably punintended)
backdoor access
! Honestly, I'm not sure how much of it was intentional, but it DID create a very charged atmosphere and some feels too. Chiyu sure is hnnng~

Anyway, I have my own theory as to what's going down (though it's probably obvious at this point).
It's Taku. Straight up. He's the only one who would have the direct link access to create that backdoor and it would explain why he doesn't show up when challenging, since he's challenging through Chiyu's system. But man, that's low, using your childhood friend as a means to an ends in challenging a level 9? Because of the timing of when Ms. Black Lotus started getting challenged and when Taku confessed to Chiyu, there's the likely possibility that he started dating Chiyu for the express purpose of installing that backdoor and challenging Kuroyuki. What a dick...

You know, I hadn't thought of that, but you're spoilered section is probably right.




Living in the shadow of Amaz
Probably, this was my guess too.
He's probably using the Accel in his kendo battles thus explaining why he's so desperate as he's burning through it.

Oh, wow. Yeah. I guess he's not that much of a bro, then.


Oh, wow. Yeah. I guess he's not that much of a bro, then.

It would explain his angry line of it not being easy. He's feeling the social pressure to win and has to desperately challenge someone he probably knows he can't beat. Kendo is a physical sport where something insanely useful like time dilation would be a godsend. It also allows the MC's harem to naturally increase.
Upotte!! - 03

after the Heidi reference in the last episode


A typically SoL episode with some XEBEC fanservice&BD advertisment, some bad M14 puns, educational television and L is maybe useless but at the same time she is so adorable. And many cute submachine guns.

But I'm surprised that we will already the wargame arc next week. Xebec doesn't waste time with the show.


Upotte!! - 03

A typically SoL episode with some XEBEC fanservice&BD advertisment, some bad M14 puns, educational television and L is maybe useless but at the same time she is so adorable. And many cute submachine guns.

Sounds boring. I'm out!


Setec Astronomer
Ojamajo Doremi 1-5

After the horrible experience with Precure Max Heart, I've run back into the comforting arms of Junichi Satou. Even though the setup is more traditional magical girl and still has that IN STORES NOW feel, it shows how much a show can benefit from simply being entertaining on a per-episode basis!

Characters! Antics! Facial expressions! Holy shit!

Oh, and it took three episodes for this show's Erika equivalent, Aiko, to do what took Erika did in 49.


A rather interesting interview by Okada discussing piracy and how fans should treat each other.


A little condescending but I generally agree in that people need to be more supportive that not everyone can afford to buy $60 blu-rays every month and whatnot. Outright saying pirates are parasites is extreme in an industry that outputs products in such limited manners compared to their Western TV counterparts.


Upotte!! - 03

after the Heidi reference in the last episode

A typically SoL episode with some XEBEC fanservice&BD advertisment, some bad M14 puns, educational television and L is maybe useless but at the same time she is so adorable. And many cute submachine guns.
But I'm surprised that we will already the wargame arc next week. Xebec doesn't waste time with the show.[/QUOTE]

[I]More of Switzerland being Switzerland? [/I]

I guess I can fit [B]one[/B] episode in my schedule...n-not that I want to watch or anything!


I think it's interesting to look at how Dezaki builds meaning through images because it helps show that all his stylistic choices are not just there to 'look cool'.

One sequence that stands out to be is the Boat Meeting. In this scene the 'big bad' of the movie, Robert Dawson, is trying to persuade three powerful men to help him kill Duke Togo. They argue that he's gone too far this time and they try to leave without agreeing to his demands. In response he flips out and smashes one of the men square in the face, letting them know that while they may represent the FBI, CIA and the Army, he has more power than them. It's a fairly simple scene, but the way that Dezaki represents the power-dynamics between these figures is interesting.

It's worth noting that, throughout this movie Robert Dawson has largely remained behind the scenes as an oversear, ordering people around from a distance. As you can see, his meeting room has one unusual feature:


A giant alligator tank. Now, why the hell is that there? Is it just to look cool? As the meeting progressed you start to notice that the shots are building up to some kind of message. Images like these:

Are shot to make it look like the men are all inside the tank with the alligator. It's power is literally crushing them in the first image. Of course, they aren't in the alligator tank, it's just the way that the camera is positioned. They are, however, trapped in a room with Robert Dawson, which is enough to tell you that he's the powerful predator here and these men are potentially his prey.

Just in case you haven't got the message, this shot lays it our pretty clearly:

As you can see, when their conversation starts the alligator is largely dormant but when the men try to leave without agreeing to his request both the alligator and Robert Dawson explode with anger at the same time:

There's a lack of good alligator-visual-metaphors in anime these days!


But of course, every good "non-domestic predator in tank" villain should have a connection with their pet(s)!

I'm guessing the orange tones in the later stills flare up steadily as the conversation goes to hell?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Sounds boring. I'm out!
Maybe it's the kind of slice of life where you're a girl who happens to be a gun and you're daydreaming about being manhandled by your human teacher? We shouldn't jump to conclusions.


But of course, every good "non-domestic predator in tank" villain should have a connection with their pet(s)!

Right, it's one of those scenes that comes straight out of the manga boring heavily from the James Bond movies.

Of course, the whole thing doesn't quite work because he really doesn't share any of the qualities of an alligator. At all.
I'm guessing the orange tones in the later stills flare up steadily as the conversation goes to hell?

Well, yeah and it's linked directly to the sun setting which makes no sense because they are inside a boat.


The Light of El Cantare
Fujiko's Tits 03:


Anime needs more drunken clowns.

Yeah, this really didn't do much for Goemon's character, though as a taciturn devotee of bushido I don't know how much there is to him beyond his sword. The episode wasn't lively or particularly visually interesting as previous episodes and, barring the final scene, Fujiko didn't have as integral a role in events as I would have liked. Revealing that
the belt
was her goal all along at the end felt lazy because we don't see an ounce of scheming or manipulation from her the entire episode beyond simply ingratiating herself with the king, and furthermore her success was the direct result of Goemon's plot and it remained unseen how she would have taken what she wanted without that fortuitous turn of events.

I'm hoping that this is the last we see of the other core Lupin characters for a while. Not having to tailor episodes around them should afford future plot a little more freedom.


Oh yeah, for all you Fujiko fans Goglo 13 also features dat shading, except it's not some weird photoshop layer in this movie because some human being had to add it with a pencil:


The original scribbly black lines anime! Except, probably not, because I am sure a number of 70's shows did it as well.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Sasameki Koto 01


Decided to start one that's been on my backlog for awhile. Not a bad start and liking the characters so far.
Fate/stay night

Wait a second, my brother just blew my mind out of this universe.

I'm so freaking dumb for not noticing that. What. The. Hell.

Which is why I laughed hard when you were pissed
that Shirou 'got Archer killed'. Rewatch those scenes with not only Archer and Shirou interacting, but take notice of that scene after Shirou is kidnapped by Ilya and Archer's negative comments while Rin and Saber are planning to rescue him. He KNOWS what happened. Though it is said that Archer's 5th Holy Grail War was slightly different.

Archer shines in the Unlimited Blade Works route. The movie is...okay, but there is a shit ton of material that had to get axed for something the length of a movie (such as Shirou and Rin's date).

In regards to what you just watched, since its technically the Fate Route, you may want to look up 'Last Episode' on youtube. Last Episode is a bonus ending that was included in the Realta Nua release on PS2 (unlocked after you've completed all the other endings). Its pretty much a follow up to the Fate Route (which is the only route with one ending in the original release) which begins with a small reprise of the Fate Route before going into the 'after'.
Fate/Zero 16:
Man, that was intense.
I felt pretty bad for Kayneth towards the end. He was kind of a dick, but he didn't really deserve all of that. Seeing his ambitions crushed and then getting killed anyway was tough to watch. Lancer's death was nuts, too.

Kiritsugu is just a complete bastard, but in the best possible way. The conversation between him and Saber was great for seeing both characters ideals.

Only downside to the episode was not enough Kirei.


Fate/stay night -END-


I need to play the visual novel.

You absolutely do. Admittedly I'm biased because I was part of the group that did the fantranslation for the VN, but there is so so so much stuff that is in the VN that is not in the anime. It would not surprise me if some of the inconsistencies you mention are due to the fact that they based the anime on the first route (Fate route) but also cherry-picked some scenes from the second route (Unlimited Blade Works route), and didn't include anything from the third route (Heavens Feel route). It's also my personal opinion that playing the F/SN VN will provided added detail and nuancing for the characters and events of Fate/Zero.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Which is why I laughed hard when you were pissed
that Shirou 'got Archer killed'. Rewatch those scenes with not only Archer and Shirou interacting, but take notice of that scene after Shirou is kidnapped by Ilya and Archer's negative comments while Rin and Saber are planning to rescue him. He KNOWS what happened. Though it is said that Archer's 5th Holy Grail War was slightly different.

I know, right?! Haha.
The funny thing is that my brother actually missed it the first time he went through the series too. He said a friend told him about it while they were rewatching those first episodes together and suddenly it all made sense. I'll definitely go back to those scenes with Archer now.

Archer shines in the Unlimited Blade Works route. The movie is...okay, but there is a shit ton of material that had to get axed for something the length of a movie (such as Shirou and Rin's date).

In regards to what you just watched, since its technically the Fate Route, you may want to look up 'Last Episode' on youtube. Last Episode is a bonus ending that was included in the Realta Nua release on PS2 (unlocked after you've completed all the other endings). Its pretty much a follow up to the Fate Route (which is the only route with one ending in the original release) which begins with a small reprise of the Fate Route before going into the 'after'.[/spoiler]

Unlimited Blade Works
is my next stop, and I'll definitely look into this
Last Episode
too. Thanks!

You absolutely do. Admittedly I'm biased because I was part of the group that did the fantranslation for the VN, but there is so so so much stuff that is in the VN that is not in the anime. It would not surprise me if some of the inconsistencies you mention are due to the fact that they based the anime on the first route (Fate route) but also cherry-picked some scenes from the second route (Unlimited Blade Works route), and didn't include anything from the third route (Heavens Feel route). It's also my personal opinion that playing the F/SN VN will provided added detail and nuancing for the characters and events of Fate/Zero.

I'll also look into this.

This revelation doubled the awesomeness of this franchise in my mind, hahaha.


Upotte - 03

Today I learned that we British had a good idea for a gun, then every other country did that idea better than us, and then when we finally made our own gun, it sucked and was full of fail from day one, but out of stubborness and pride like we Britons do best, we continue to use L85-chan to this day knowing full well that it's crap.


I'm sorry for us Britons conceiving you L85-chan. ;_;


Bodacious Space Pirates 15

I really don't like the pinkness of the Odette II. Well, at there aren't any princesses in this episod-


So in this episode we see Marika replacing the Bentanmaru's faceless crew with her yacht club's faceless crew as both sides struggle to figure out who is the bigger plot device for helping Marika become a better captain. Then some nonsense happened like some chick being stupid and
pressing a button she should not have pressed which alerts the cops
and then the episode becomes GTA Space Pirates and Marika now has to figure out how to outrun the
. Why these newbies are even being allowed on the Bentanmaru other than, "They're Marika's friends," is beyond me. Couldn't they just allow the Letter of Marque to expire and... just get a new one or was there a rule I missed? Is the time between getting a new Letter of Marque really long? That must be the case and I may have forgotten.

Anyways, there was no suspense in the Bentanmaru's efforts to
outrun the cops.
The original Bentanmaru crew is able to sleep soundly knowing that the ship is in good hands...

Everything seemed fine until...

OMG what's wrong with your faaaaacccceee?


Everything is tsundere to me
I'm sorry for us Britons conceiving you L85-chan. ;_;

Hey, don't get so down on yourself. The L85A2 isn't nearly as bad as that clip makes it out to be. Elle just needs to go take the HK training regimen and she'll be right as rain! (though still unable to be shot by lefties)

speaking of which...

Upotte!! 03

Yes, my personal show of the season airs! You know I'm a gun nerd because all I could think about with that blatant washing and oiling fanservice was "Ah yes, proper firearm maintenance". Just as well, the rest of the episode was great, including the sad story of Elle and the insistence of the British to love her! Maybe it's because she's so flawed that the British keep her around. True Gun Moe!

Also, some of these reaction faces are top class.


"Why would you do that?"


Oh, how cute, Mac10-chan burned herself out. :3c
Upotte - 03

Today I learned that we British had a good idea for a gun, then every other country did that idea better than us, and then when we finally made our own gun, it sucked and was full of fail from day one, but out of stubborness and pride like we Britons do best, we continue to use L85-chan to this day knowing full well that it's crap.


I'm sorry for us Britons conceiving you L85-chan. ;_;

I make some jokes about british engineering but

She is a textbook example of useless moe.


The Light of El Cantare
Upotte 03:


They're no SEAL Team Six.

Other than the first couple of minutes (which were butchered by censorship anyway), titling the episode "Wash and Scrub" was false advertising. It's looking more and more now like the first episode was an enormous bait-and-switch, so I'm probably out. On the whole the content is pretty inoffensive, but even these little gun terminology and history lessons presuppose some level of familiarity with guns on the part of the viewer and so they all make my eyes glaze over. Without that, the show is just cute girls doing cute things and not in a particularly interesting way.


Fate/Zero 16

I felt so bad for Kayneth at the end, didn't expect to feel that way. The way Lancer died was pretty fucked up too, a shame we won't see his true potential in battle, I really liked his design, especially with two spears.
Kiritsugu is a great character, while I think the way he does stuff is a bit messed up, it's still really cool and badass, and he's a pretty refreshing type of protagonist.
The battle between Saber and Lancer, although short, was really good, I especially liked the sounds of weapons clashing, one sound in particular, at around 10:55 in the NicoNico stream felt really good. Oh, and the music during that scene was perfect.
Can't wait for next week.


Everything is tsundere to me
Upotte 03:

Other than the first couple of minutes (which were butchered by censorship anyway), titling the episode "Wash and Scrub" was false advertising. It's looking more and more now like the first episode was an enormous bait-and-switch, so I'm probably out. On the whole the content is pretty inoffensive, but even these little gun terminology and history lessons presuppose some level of familiarity with guns on the part of the viewer and so they all make my eyes glaze over. Without that, the show is just cute girls doing cute things and not in a particularly interesting way.

Wait you're in this for the fanservice? What are you, crazy? This show is all about the gun porn, gun jokes, and eventual tacticool action! Next episode they start the competition arc! It's gonna be boss! I mean, how could you say no to a face like that:


The Light of El Cantare
Wait you're in this for the fanservice? What are you, crazy? This show is all about the gun porn, gun jokes, and eventual tacticool action! Next episode they start the competition arc! It's gonna be boss! I mean, how could you say no to a face like that:

You have to admit that the first episode wasn't an accurate depiction of what the series would be like! I was swindled into believing that each episode would be a bundle of hilarious innuendo and general creative depravity. Without that, it has nothing going for it if you don't care for guns.

I will, however, stick around one more episode just to see the elf girl from the OP.
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