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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Shiba Inuko 7

Inuko's a pretty pro troll.

Does the Japanese term for a female dog have the same kind of connotations it does in English?

Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai 12 (FINAL)

But seriously speaking, I'm still very indecisive about this show. So you've got this otaku who loves to exercise his conquest of 2D in games and now has to exercise that same "skill," in the 3D world. You know, if this were a live-action series, written for live-action characters, then perhaps the execution would have been better. The thing about this show is that, at the end of the day, it's still anime. It's still about a guy capturing 2D tsunderes, yanderes and fragile moe characters so it feels like I've just watched some self-aware adaptation of a visual novel (but yes, I know it's adapted from a manga). There was no message. No development worth citing. I mean, it nearly gets there such as Keima discussing the differences between 2D and 3D idols during the Kanon arc but I think that's as far the series goes
(and it really bothered me that it had disclaimer saying to the extent of "Opinions expressed are only the views of the main character." I don't know if that for comedic purposes because I didn't laugh).
I don't think I even like Keima that much as a lead character. The chemistry between him and Elsie is nothing memorable aside from him treating her like crap sometimes.

It's kind of stupid to make a show about learning to love real girls over 2D ones when the "real" girls are just another set of anime stereotypes that have no relation to reality.


Does the Japanese term for a female dog have the same kind of connotations it does in English?

It's kind of stupid to make a show about learning to love real girls over 2D ones when the "real" girls are just another set of anime stereotypes that have no relation to reality.

But it has Shiori in it, so the show is automatically good.


The OVAs are pretty much what everyone wanted S2 to be.

Well I wouldn't say that. I wanted season 2 to have a coherent overarching plot as well. It's not like DTB didn't have room for improvement, but they somehow managed to even lose all of the good things.


[Emma Season One] - 11

The director of this show made some...unfortunate choices when it came to things like 'cinematography'. Usually a director will aim to use the visual language of film not just to tell a story but to engender some kind of emotional response from the viewers. This is what most films and shows attempt to do, unless you're trying to convey factual information to the audience.

This episode of the show, like certain previous outings, feel almost like they didn't even bother to think about how to create mood and tone. The camera was largely static throughout the whole thing, making everything feel very 'flat'. It doesn't help that the slow editing makes various scenes feel rather lifeless. It shouldn't just be the script and the performances of the main cast which carry a stories weight, it needs to be done through the visuals as well. A failure to understand that is perhaps the worst failure in film-making.

I do actually like to watch the show, so I just wish they could remember to actually do something with the camera from time to time.

This is especially inexcusable in modern digital animation, where there are really no limits on how often you can move the "camera."
Sket Dance 58


Invisible Bossun and a sentient fat suit. Should be pretty self-explanatory how amusing the episode was from that.
I'm not going to apologize this time, darnit! (And plus, it's less than half the number of images I had in my ep. 11 review. Only 23 here, not 54 like I had that time.)

Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II 12 - And that's why I had put off watching this episode -- I didn't want it to be over. :( And over it is. And unless the other volumes sold a lot better than the first one of this season did, that might be it for the series too... I really hope that somehow it gets a continuation, but I think that they were trying to make this an ending here. It can continue of course -- the season ends with yet ANOTHER reset -- but even though it's the most resettiest of resets, it's also a pretty good ending. I just hope that it doesn't actually be the end. :(


Farming... with Toys!

Nero builds machines.

Yes, Herc dug this well in one scoop.

Then they go to advertise for the school. Good luck...
So, in this episode, Sherlock and co. of Milky Holmes have their powers back (until they lose them again at the end; no, I'm NOT going to spoiler that. Anyone actually surprised shouldn't be.), and are trying to gather attention for their attempt to restart Holmes Academy. The buildings may be gone, but their love for the school has been rekindled. Also, people recognize that they saved the world again, which is good, but also blame them for the problem in the first place, which isn't (for their chances of getting many new students). Of course, those people are right on all counts. They're also still doing some farming, of course. Indeed, the episode starts with a bit of a musical number, as the girls sing while starting on their new farm at the ex-school site. "Painful despair", huh? Maybe appropriate... Even if it's just for farming, it's fun seeing them with their powers. :)


The other members do a decent job, mostly.
In addition, Arsene
is back, of course, after saving them in ep. 11. First, we see a fight between her and G4. The other three members of G4 can do a decent job against the three male thieves, but Kokoro's no match for Arsene herself, of course. Still, it's an amusing scene. The girl with the computer doesn't care... updating your Facebook status (or tweeting, or whatever) during a fight, huh? :lol


Yes, they don't notice her in either of these scenes. :lol
But Henriette's reason for returning to Japan was to teach Milky Holmes how to be great detectives, not to fight G4. She tries several times to get their attention, but comical coincidences keep getting in the way, and she fails. First she tried sending out a radio broadcast that she was back, before the heist that led to the fight with G4...
but Milky Holmes were on their farm at the Holmes Academy site, and were using their radio for farming and not listening to the news, so they missed it.
Then there are a few more. The last one, a reappearance of that used-to-be flasher girl with the chicken sticks, was particularly silly
Oh come on, she was standing right next to all of you on that pier in sailor-style clothes... how could you not have noticed her? :lol
... but at least it gave Henriette an idea for what to do -- she'll go to this detective competition too.


Milky Holmes prepare for the competition.

Kokoro is the greatest genius in history.

The loser interview videos are amusing. Watch the episode for the rest of them, Kokoro's is quite silly. :)
At the competition, we see a return for a bunch of minor characters from the series. It was nice to see them back, even though most didn't get to speak more than a line or two. Henriette's at the competition in disguise; it's just a mask over her eyes, but works to disguise her naturally. The three male thieves are in the audience. Similarly, of G4, only their leader's in the competition, the other three are watching. (On that note, her IQ's up to somewhere between
14 googolplex and infinity
, now! Truly awe-inspiring genius.) All four Milky Holmes girls are in, though. Most of the competition isn't actually seen, but what they show instead, video reels of the failed contestants talking about their failure, is great, so that's fine. Poor them... :)


About to begin.

Better learn fast then Sherlock...

She's trying hard, at least! :)
But the final competition comes down to Henriette vs. Sherlock, of course. And the final challenge is... a dance. Multiple characters comment on why dancing is appropriate in a detective competition, but... dancing it is. Sherlock has never danced before, so she's not very good, but she uses some of her powers to help a bit, and mostly manages to keep up with Henriette, who took the lead. The dance sequence is done very well, and really made me think that they're shipping these two hard, or something... it's a great sequence. Somewhat long, too.


dancing like flowers

more dancing

embracing as they near the end
Yes, the dance is great and looks beautiful. Another high point for the series, probably, in fact.

On another note, though, the bits showing what Twenty was doing during the competition... GAH! That's at least borderline NSFW... :lol :lol


They're happy to see her, for sure!

The new school, such as it is.

Aww, people are returning anyway!
In the end,
Henriette wins, and then reveals her true identity. The four Milky Holmes girls are overjoyed to see her return, of course.
Then the lamest of incidents causes them to lose their powers, and they go back to their makeshift shack that's standing in as a school, and Henriette and her three underlings start back again from the beginning, teaching them from the start on how to be detectives. The ending implies that other people might be returning, too, though without any buildings, I'm not sure if they'd want to... Still, it's a good ending, and apart from the completely stupid reset, I like it a lot.


I hope it's not The End forever!
Overall, season two of Milky Holmes was about as good as the first season. The first two episodes were disappointing, and indeed are my two least favorite episodes of either season, but apart from that season two easily lives up to the first season's level. The comedy is great, the show is funny, silly, absurd, and completely ridiculous, and there's plenty of suffering comedy to go around. I do wish that there was less of a reset at the beginning -- it was frustrating that they forgot what they were SO, SO completely -- but it did get better, a LOT better, from episode three on, and that mostly makes up for it overall. So yeah, it's great. Watch season two of Milky Holmes today.


Imagine how much time we could save if we could read the anime thread and watch anime at the same time.

This is a big problem for me.
I''m too ADD to do both.
Have to pause the show multiple times to comment on stuff.

What's wrong?

Also, I only did lots of screenshots for two of the 25 episodes in the franchise...

misshapen legs, twisted feet, impossibly thin legs, appendages at weird unnatural angles, odd looking heads....

Don't get me wrong, it does look cute.
This is a big problem for me.
I''m too ADD to do both.
Have to pause the show multiple times to comment on stuff.
Yeah, if I try to read something on one screen while watching on another, generally my attention on the screen with the video's going to drop for sure... hard to pay attention to both at once.

misshapen legs, twisted feet, impossibly thin legs, appendages at weird unnatural angles, odd looking heads....

Don't get me wrong, it does look cute.

Really? It mostly looks fine to me... maybe part of it's that I'm used to the art style, of course, but while a few shots might be questionable, most look okay anatomy-wise. At least, as okay as anime usually gets.

And yes, it's cute. "Cute" is one of the series' defining terms, along with "suffering".

I might have to set a rule about the number of images you can use per post from now on ABF. :(
Bah, it was only 23 that time, that's way down from the 54 pictures I posted with ep. 11... and there's plenty of text with the pictures too, it's not just a big post full of images.

ABF does everything in one huge efficient post.
I suppose he could link to the images.
I did link the one questionable one of Twenty.


I'm not in favor of people using this thread as a replacement for their personal blog. This is web forum, not a website. I don't like image spamming for the sake of image spamming, and I don't like posts with 20 images in them. Save those for a screenshots thread or something. If you can't keep it to just a few images, then don't use images at all. They're not required for impressions.
I'm not in favor of people using this thread as a replacement for their personal blog. This is web forum, not a website. I don't like image spamming for the sake of image spamming, and I don't like posts with 20 images in them. Save those for a screenshots thread or something. If you can't keep it to just a few images, then don't use images at all. They're not required for impressions.

If it's just a lot of pictures with almost no text I have a problem with it on a forum, sure, but with a solid amount of review text too, it's not as bad.

Also, using images like that is not exactly something I've done often, to say the least... these two episodes deserved it, but they're very much exceptions.


If it's just a lot of pictures with almost no text I have a problem with it on a forum, sure, but with a solid amount of review text too, it's not as bad.

Also, using images like that is not exactly something I've done often, to say the least... these two episodes deserved it, but they're very much exceptions.

Nothing "deserves" having 20 images or 50 images in a post. It's just spamming. Get a blog.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Sankarea 07:

Chihiro certainly uphold the time-honored tradition of protagonists who can't see the obvious, even if they used every hint coin and got the Super Hint that tells them the answer outright.

Poor Wanko,
forever friendzoned. The worst kind too, where she knows she shouldn't love the dolt, but does anyway.


Oddly enough, the actual game or whatever they based this off of, had guys in it.

No idea what their role was, maybe genderbent females of the Sengoku period?

In the original cards/game/wathever it's supposed to be, every character had at least one male and female version. Famous characters often had multiple designs for each gender too like Nobunaga had a card where she looked like a mature woman, rather than a teenager - the teenager design also had a form where she gets demon wings. He also had two male designs, one where he looks like a high school rebel and another where he's older with a mustache and more warrior-like clothes. Each design also had one color variation.

Here's a picture of young male Nobunaga:


Seeing A Black Falcon mighty comprehensive post made me wonder; people, from posters habitual on this threads, what analysis of a work impressed you the most and/or you revisited because of how much you liked it? I'd want to see some of your personal picks, please.


sealed with a kiss
Seeing A Black Falcon mighty comprehensive post made me wonder; people, from posters habitual on this threads, what analysis of a work impressed you the most and/or you revisited because of how much you liked it? I'd want to see some of your personal picks, please.

Jexhius's pantieshot analysis, obviously.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Sankarea 7

Poor osananajimi. Losing her first love to a boring, dead girl.

Damn you, Chihiro.

Wanko's just a regular person and even she's more interesting than walking corpse Rea.


Seeing A Black Falcon mighty comprehensive post made me wonder; people, from posters habitual on this threads, what analysis of a work impressed you the most and/or you revisited because of how much you liked it? I'd want to see some of your personal picks, please.

I enjoyed Wonzo's School days reactions, Envelope and Mad Pierrot's journeys into the insane world of Yami (as well as my own), and Precure/Sailor moon impressions for the obvious reasons.


The Legend of Koizumi

My eyes have seen the light. This is perhaps the most concentrated badassery I have ever witnessed. Forget Akagi, forget Saki: this is all the mahjong you will ever need.

You are a god among men, Junichiro Koizumi.


Quite pleased to read someone else's take on it a few months after I had impressions.


Seeing A Black Falcon mighty comprehensive post made me wonder; people, from posters habitual on this threads, what analysis of a work impressed you the most and/or you revisited because of how much you liked it? I'd want to see some of your personal picks, please.

I think I've become more of a habitual reader over the last few months due to school and work, but I still love a good post about some interesting work that I have yet to see. I had a bunch bookmarked, but sadly I lost that in the transition to a new computer. Off the top of my head...
ABF's Twin Angels posts
Typographenia's post about Kite, though most of his lengthier posts are great to read.
Hitokage on NTHT *Shivers*
Hosannainexcelsis on Doraemon: Nobita's Dinosaur

God, I should have been bookmarking them, because there are so many good ones. I think whenever people watch some weird OVA or go out and seek some movie out, that is when they make the best posts. I really hope someone is bookmarking them.


Branduil appears to have time warped. I don't think even Jexhius goes that far back!

Those replies, Gotta catch 'em all.

Seeing A Black Falcon mighty comprehensive post made me wonder; people, from posters habitual on this threads, what analysis of a work impressed you the most and/or you revisited because of how much you liked it? I'd want to see some of your personal picks, please.

A few posts (that I can remember) that are notable:

EmmanuelMunoz or Instro on any anthropomorphic animal-based films, of course!
Munoz did about two in quick succession at one time, I can only recall the Buta one by name, but I remember finding a good read out of it (maybe because he's a rabbit :p ) I'm not sure if it's because they both have animals in their avatars, but they are charming reads.

Dragoon En Regalia on "The Little Prince and the Eight-Headed Dragon" , an informative post on an appealing film from Toei in 1963.

Jexhius on most scene (screen cap by screen cap) analysis. Examples found regarding, Fate Zero OP/ED, Sankarea, some in Golgo 13: The Professional and other works. Usually engaging reads for the fact that I am not very well-versed in many specifics of cinematography, symbolism and editing. Therefore, interesting to read from a "self-proclaimed anime expert." Similar goes with duckroll on his in-depth Fate/Zero posts.

More recently, Brazil on Code Geass R1+R2.

There are more, but all types of analysis from ones focusing primarily on the personal emotion of the viewer throughout the experience to the technical use of resources within the animating of a storyboard.

All these varying impressions are a reason I like AnimeGAF.

*sits back in desk*


I love the impressions about shows that are trainwrecks as their sanity slowly drains away, and yet they press on, knowing their unhappy fate, but they do it for the love of animu and their dedication to bringing us gaffers to awareness.
Oh and Garzey's Wing impressions are always nice.
Whoo boy what a show that was. Totally delivered.


I might have to set a rule about the number of images you can use per post from now on ABF. :(

You've already witnessed what happens when ABF runs into the word limit for a single post, so you must realise that all your efforts would be futile.


Sankarea 7

Back story.

Kid Wanko starts feeling for Kid Chihiro because he was a "loser" in the eyes of other children around his age. Then falls in love with him over time. ("Surprise")

And we learn that some sick Blockbuster freak rented him all those zombie films when he was five! We need back story on this person!

In the end, as the rule goes, childhood friends must be

Good for 'em! (lol!)

Episode? It was a mediocre experience, mainly based on premise. I never cared about Wanko or her
troubles. This episode changed nothing.


Sankarea ep 6
Man, even as a child Chihiro is a fucked up kid.

Tsuritama ep 6
Finally, the plot is moving,I was worried it isn't gonna start. Natsuki is such a bro.


There are so many pretty cool impressions from here, and I liked so many... but in a way this also saddens me because I find impossible to remember them all. What you felt and passes by, lasts a moment and makes you write about something, to later be forgotten in the vast amount of information we produce. You can't bookmark how you reacted to them.

"What I thought when I saw that opinion for the first time?" or "I haven't seen that show yet but it sounds so cool!" or "What made you write that exactly? I don't see what you are claiming here..." or many other things you thought thanks to that impressions you read, and won't come back to your mind like the first time...

... I'll miss some of those moments, until I don't remember thinking about them at all.

Oh man, I'm reacting like a fucking 'emo', sorry!


sealed with a kiss
There are so many pretty cool ones, and I liked so many... but in a way this also saddens me because I find impossible to remember them all. What you felt and passes by, lasts a moment and makes you write about something, to later be forgotten in the vast amount of information we produce. You can't bookmark how you reacted to them.

"What I thought when I saw that opinion for the first time?" or "I haven't seen that show yet but it sounds so cool!" or "What made you write that exactly? I don't see what you are claiming here..." or many other things you thought thanks to that impressions you read, and won't come back to your mind like the first time...

... I'll miss some of those moments, until I don't remember thinking about them at all.

Oh man, I sounding like an fucking 'emo', sorry!

...in a word,



Seriously though, I do know what you mean, you can never get that first impression or reaction to something back. :(
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