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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Have you gone back and watched the popularity poll arc yet? If not, do that next.
I am all caught up on everything. Soon I will be able to start watching something besides Gintama in my spare time.
One of the gravest issues facing Japan today is young men escaping to a world of fantasy girlfriends and contributing to a declining population.
Well, even if people disagree about the causes the birth rate is unsustainable.


No, that's the movie.

Well, yeah. the movie is all kinds of WHAT THE FUCK.

I am all caught up on everything. Soon I will be able to start watching something besides Gintama in my spare time.

Well, even if people disagree about the causes the birth rate is unsustainable.

True, the birth rate is declining in Japan, but isnt the whole Otaku culture a minority in Japan? I mean sales of that shit are so low there it makes me wonder why the birthrate is declining that much from it. Unless there are other reasons not related to animu.


Seeing A Black Falcon mighty comprehensive post made me wonder; people, from posters habitual on this threads, what analysis of a work impressed you the most and/or you revisited because of how much you liked it? I'd want to see some of your personal picks, please.

Off hand, Icacrus' posts on Angel's Egg, Hito's posts on NTHT, Ducrkoll's posts on Fate/Zero and Lupin, XX's posts about stuff I don't know (which is often), Pizzaroll's discussion of Ghost in the Shell Innocence, Miri's arguments on Penguin Drum and lots of other stuff. Fnord Chan's, Evilore's and Speedpop's anime threads.

I see no-one talked about the threads I've created. It's okay, they only took a day of my life. I imagine people remember my Gundam 0083 rants anyway.

Wait, now I am just whining.


The Legend of Koizumi

My eyes have seen the light. This is perhaps the most concentrated badassery I have ever witnessed. Forget Akagi, forget Saki: this is all the mahjong you will ever need.

You are a god among men, Junichiro Koizumi.

Hmm, for some reason I thought you had already watched this, or I would have recommended it to you earlier.
Shining Hearts 06
Rick's muffins. Get some delicious muffin from Rick!
The episode was pretty bad. I mean sure, we got some RPG going on, with suddenly one of the girls is an archer! We also get totally not evil nobles, a dojikko cat or something girl maid which I think tosses throwing knives which is totally a riot for her clumsy ways. And a thief that fights uses a rapier. Cause that's totally the best weapon as a thief. A long pointy sword meant for stabbing! How thief-like!
True, the birth rate is declining in Japan, but isnt the whole Otaku culture a minority in Japan? I mean sales of that shit are so low there it makes me wonder why the birthrate is declining that much from it. Unless there are other reasons not related to animu.

I was being slightly facetious; obviously the declining birth rate in Japan cannot be blamed solely on otaku culture, as niche as it is. At the same time, the loss of a sex drive among young men and women is documented, and one of the contributing factors is a desire for idealized partners over flawed human partners, a desire that something like Love Plus helps feed.

Hmm, for some reason I thought you had already watched this, or I would have recommended it to you earlier.

I had heard of its splendor, but never tasted it myself until now. It did not disappoint; my jaw was agape for nearly the entire run. I intend to use it as a jumping-off point to exploring Tsutomu Mizushima's entire comedy oeuvre.
Seeing A Black Falcon mighty comprehensive post made me wonder; people, from posters habitual on this threads, what analysis of a work impressed you the most and/or you revisited because of how much you liked it? I'd want to see some of your personal picks, please.

Off hand, Icacrus' posts on Angel's Egg, Hito's posts on NTHT, Ducrkoll's posts on Fate/Zero and Lupin, XX's posts about stuff I don't know (which is often), Pizzaroll's discussion of Ghost in the Shell Innocence, Miri's arguments on Penguin Drum and lots of other stuff. Fnord Chan's, Evilore's and Speedpop's anime threads.

I see no-one talked about the threads I've created. It's okay, they only took a day of my life. I imagine people remember my Gundam 0083 rants anyway.

Wait, now I am just whining.

It's always impressed me how some posters are able to offer insightful commentary on an anime they find particularly interesting, whether the anime itself is good or bad.

It often makes me think I'm not watching anime properly. I have no idea how you guys can go so in depth about many of the things you watch.


It's always impressed me how some posters are able to offer insightful commentary on an anime they find particularly interesting, whether the anime itself is good or bad.

It often makes me think I'm not watching anime properly. I have no idea how you guys can go so in depth about many of the things you watch.

Me either. It would take multiple viewings to approach that level of analysis.
I guess I just dont think that hard about most anime. I say most because I have analyzed the fuck out of shows like Kino's journey and Haibane Renmei from seeing them so much.
Chobits 4

Hideki is so dense and over thinks the slightest details by making them perverted. Also, the Sumomo endings are just too cute!

I am not sure what was creepier, Hideki standing in front of the lingerie store everyday for two weeks or the Kernel statue.


Chobits 4

Hideki is so dense and over thinks the slightest details by making them perverted. Also, the Sumomo endings are just too cute!
I am not sure what was creepier, Hideki standing in front of the lingerie store everyday for two weeks or the Kernel statue.

Soon you will be converted to Sumomoism and end up buying one of these like me:

and yes, it talks.
Soon you will be converted to Sumomoism and end up buying one of these like me:


and yes, it talks.[/QUOTE]

You mean this? [URL="http://www.rightstuf.com/cgi-bin/catalogmgr/Ty7eoxEoI0j1dtHrvy/browse/item/70460/4/0/0"]http://www.rightstuf.com/cgi-bin/catalogmgr/Ty7eoxEoI0j1dtHrvy/browse/item/70460/4/0/0[/URL]

[B]Chobits 5[/B]

I assume the book, [spoiler][I]A City with No People[/I][/spoiler], is somehow important to the plot?


Kids on the Slope 6

This episode had some nice composition (image).

You're right, that is a great shot and I think it nicely demonstrates the important role that background art and mise-en-scene play in establishing mood.

For those of you who might not know exactly what I am talking about when I go on about stuff like the important of background art is to take a look at something really extreme. For the most part, it's easy not to pick up on things like this because they're usually handled in a subtle fashion, but that's not always the case.

For example, lets take a very famous and influential German Expressionist film, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari from 1920. To explain very briefly, the German Expressionist movement attempted to use the visual language of film to capture the emotions and feelings of characters, rather than displaying the traditional realistic world.

To provide an example of how this different from a 'traditional' film, imagine a sequence where a character explains how he is going insane through dialogue and physical acting. An expressionist film would use imagery to tell that a character was going insane, perhaps by having the scenery become distorted or deranged. It's also important to remember that number of these works came from a time before sound, so long bouts of exposition were hardly common anyway. You might say that they were forced to resort to more complicated techniques to convey emotions and ideas. (This may remind many of the ancient debate about showing vs. telling).

GE would convey those kind of themes and emotions through lighting, scenery, shadows, strange angles, composition, contrast unusual costumes, unnatural acting and so forth. Here's an example from The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari:


It's pretty noticeable, right? The gentleman on the bed is right at the back of the frame far away from the audience. The scenery is nightmarish and otherworldly, with no straight lines in sight. See how even the walls appear to be falling in on him, making it look like the whole world is out of balance and unstable. It looks like the whole world is going to crush him.

Now, this is not the kind of imagery you see often today because it is so extreme and unrealistic. That isn't to say that background art can't play the same role today, it's just a lot subtler these days. Let's return to Kids on the Slope and this image:


Does anything stand out to you about this image? Can you put it into words? To me it looks like someone who is isolated, withdrawn and possibly unhappy. What, exactly, about the image helps to convey any of these feelings? I think it's helpful to look at where Karou is positioned in the frame and what we're actually seeing. Here's how the scene looks if I highlight all the straight lines:


Now you'll notice how much depth this frame contains. By depth, I mean that the image feels like it represents an actual three-dimensional space, like there's space that extends into the back of the shot as opposed to everything existing on a flat plane at the front of the image. They achieve this by having lots of lines which lead inwards and away from the front of the image, as well as by having objects appear near the front of the frame out of focus. You'll see the same thing in the Caligari image above. The depth of the frame helps draw you into the image and makes it more believable. In this case, it also shows how distant Karou is from audience (and a certain girl that he is thinking about). Now, you might not be thinking all this when you watch the scene but your brain is picking up and responding to the imagery on display.

Now, there's more to this image that just depth. It's also worth noting how inconsequential Karou appears to the image, he isn't even the central figure, he's off to the right. The dominant item in the frame is that staircase which slopes imposingly towards the middle of the frame taking up more space than anything else. Your eye can't help but be drawn along straight lines, and there's so many in this particular shot that you don't actually focus on Karou that much even though he's the only figure in that image, literally isolate from everyone else and yet he's not even important enough to be centred properly in the frame.

As a final amusing note, this shot is filled with windows and glass that would normally let light in and brighten up an image (and in turn, brighten up our mood) yet the image is extremely dark and heavy. There's only a bit of light coming in from the partially obscured window on the left, but it does nothing for the overall image. It's just a very dark shot, mirroring Karou's mood.

In summary, this image achieves it's goal of leaving an emotional impression on the audience through:

- Having Karou appear on his own, isolated

- Creating a deep image where Karou is withdrawn from the audience

- Low levels of lighting that create a dark mood

- Making something other than Karou the centre of the image.

Here's an image which fails to achieve anything:


Can you see how bad that looks? Yeah.


Fate zero 11 uncut

Except for one line I can't really tell what was cut from the original air, any ways it was still fun joining archer in laughing at saber again.

Still can't get over most of the character design looking like bad fan art

Fate zero 14

Last episode would lead to believe there was going to be some conflict in this one, nothing much happen out side of spastic cg dog fight and
joke character no body cares about dieing

It was okay getting an answer for the trivial bug rape little girl thing but all we need was 3 lines of text not take up over half the episode with rambling.

pacing is slooooow

Characters in fate zero that need to die

-mr blahblah whine guy this man has the power to put the entire show on hold to ramble waaaay longer then necessary killing the run time and putting me to sleep.

-brown hair church guy, mr blahblah whine guy partner in boredom this character couldn't be anymore boring if he were saber.

-Rider's stupid ugly CG bull seriously I was hoping he died when got caught the monster, that Bull wins the award for ugliest cg I've seen this year.

-berserk this character bring nothing to the table but spastic camera angles whenever he shows up and thanks to all the darkness it's hard to see anything in those close up scenes.

So next episode it's up to Saber to bring down the GENKI DAMA(spirt bomb) to save the day.


Accel World 7

-This had to have been the cheesiest episode of anything I've seen this season, let alone Accel World. It was like an 11 on the friendship-courage richter scale.

+I learned some things about electricity.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I don't see what's bad about this image
Nothing about the framing of the scene tells you anything about mood, the characters' relationships to each other, or even attempt to play a visual gag on them. There's no logical or artistic reason for them to be talking to each other while being side by side, not to mention the rest of the background is there solely as a place for the characters to be situated with no regard to the actual storytelling. It's depressingly banal when compared to the Kids on the Slope shot described by Jexhius.
Nothing about the framing of the scene tells you anything about mood, the characters' relationships to each other, or even attempt to play a visual gag on them. There's no logical or artistic reason for them to be talking to each other while being side by side, not to mention the rest of the background is there solely as a place for the characters to be situated with no regard to the actual storytelling. It's depressingly simplistic when compared to the Kids on the Slope shot described by Jexhius.

That seems like nitpicking to me. People talk side by side all the time.
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