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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Kazuma, be glad that you quit the show before the above happened to Orihime.

Orihime, ugh.

I really like Bleach through the Soul Society arc, but after that.... Kubo should just quit making manga and become a fashion designer.

Even Envelap~ likes the Soul Society arc and notices the heavy decline afterwards?



I was the same. Really fanatical about Bleach through the Soul Society arc and even into the early portions of the Arrancar saga (Bount arc? What Bount arc?), but my enthusiasm died quickly once the series became an endless string of fights dragged out to several times their natural length by glacial pacing and Kubo made it forever clear that he had zero idea how to utilize the large stable of pretty great characters that he'd created.

I continued to watch for years after I stopped enjoying the show out of sheer determination and fond remembrance for what she show used to be, but it was far from pleasant and Bleach filler especially is among the worst anime that I've ever watched. You should really never regret your decision to stop watching, as you'd only be in for two hundred more episodes of frustration, boredom, and disgust if you were to resume where you left off.

I'd prefer you not bring up remnants of my dark past!

I still plan to watch the final Bleach arc, as you've noted me on.


The Light of El Cantare
...but that always happened. Who knew that it would take until the Arrancar arc until her character development actually began!

Her scene with Ichigo before she was officially 'kidnapped' was well done to be fair. So it's a shame that up until that point, I had grown to massively resent how much screentime had been dedicated to her, especially as she was a glorified cheerleader.

Orihime was indeed lame, it was also kind of disturbing how inconsistent her breast size was, it bordered on the embarrassing at times. If you're going to shoehorn and animate disproportionate teenage girls into your series, at least do it consistently!

Trust me, it's literally the only line that Orihime says from the later Arrancar arc through the penultimate arc of the show. At least she was actually good for something in early Bleach and was capable enough a fighter to do more than just stand on the sidelines chanting KUROSAKI-KUN's name. By the end of the Arrancar saga,
you never see her fairies again, Aizen's purpose for utilizing her power remains unexplained and unfulfilled, and she's pretty much a "get out of death free" card for Ichigo. He dies at least twice battling the Arrancars if not more that I'm forgetting

I actually though that referencing Misato from Evangeloion in what she sometimes says in the previews about fanservice.

If it's an anime reference and a semi-break of the 4th wall, that makes the line even more egregiously animu!

I'd prefer you not bring up remnants of my dark past!

I still plan to watch the final Bleach arc, as you've noted me on.

I think that you like Bleach for the same reasons that I like Bleach, so you'll like the Xcution/Fullbring arc. It's a pretty great note for the show to go out on.


How long is it before One-Piece allegedly becomes good? I remember checking it out a while ago, but the few episodes I watched seemed unappealing. I've been told that it takes a while before it takes hold though, but I always find that to be a real bad way to sell someone on a series.
One Piece became amazing after Arlong arc and Alabasta arc made it more epic.


If you can believe it, most of the captains
have still received zero character development and we don't know half of their Bankais nearly ten years later
. I think I finally have my response prepared for that "if you could punch one person in the face" thread in OT.

I will never live to see
(probably beastin')

That's a crock of shit.


The Light of El Cantare
I will never live to see
(probably beastin')

That's a load of crock shit.

Wait, you want to see that more than
Ryuujin Jakka's Bankai
? hahahah. Considering that
Unohana's Shikai is, like, a giant stingray that swallows people and heals them in its stomach or something
I think that Kubo realized that he just designed it into an impossible corner and said "fuck it, we're never showing that again".

Still, even if
every Captain's Bankai was eventually revealed
, Kubo has already committed the unpardonable sin of
writing Aizen out of the story without revealing Kyouka Suigetsu's Bankai
. Worthless hack bastard.
I thought Yzak got caught in the gravity and burned in the descent to Earth in ep 13? Ep 14 further seemed to confirm that he is unaccounted for
I can see how you thought that, I sort of thought that at first, but, if memory serves me right,
doesn't Dearka make a grab for him in free-fall?
. If that's not how it went down, I still took it as a 'he's not dead until they show him dead' sort of thing. Which panned out in the end because he shows up alive.

Also to your earlier post:
dont understand what is motivating Flay and the preview is even worst about it.
She tries to entice Kira with her body and romance in order to manipulate him into fighting until it kills him (both physically and emotionally).


Nah, you're ill-informed. Mike Lazzo who originally made Ghost Planet Industries (Now Williams Street) produced Toonami. They went on to create Adult Swim-- so having them be the proprietors of a new Toonami is only natural. It doesn't tell us anything about where it would show up.

That being said, it could very well show up as a replacement for the Saturday night AS block, but that remains to be seen.

It seems like the new Toonami is destined to only reinforce just how dead the anime market in NA is.


A man with bold ideas and interesting opinions, but left to his own devices to lead a project creatively he will tend to self-destruct the entire project because he is kinda crazy and doesn't have a great handle on how to present his ideas in the most suitable way. His direction and scripts tend to make very little logical sense, even if you can get a feel of the point he is trying to get across. Tomino is best when paired with a production team which actually understands how to take his general ideas and instructions, and filter them in a way which enhances the material in both scenario and visuals, without falling off a cliff.

And this is exactly why I call him the anime George Lucas. If you've ever seen the original drafts for Star Wars, they're full of garbage that's awfully reminiscent of the prequels. The best Star Wars film wasn't even directed or scripted by him.


So I've been rewatching Baccano, and I had forgotten how lame the ED was. Seriously, ugly CG tracks, floating heads, and a standard pop ballad out of tune with the rest of the show - ick. Fortunately, the OP is brilliant enough to make up for that. This is the best "loads of characters" OP out there, because instead of just showing stills of all the characters lounging around somewhere, it comes up with a way to show them all off in action that succinctly expresses their personality, and creative visual transitions between them. It's also smart enough to recognize who the two best characters are, and make sure they get proper attention both at the beginning and the end.

As for the show itself, some of it hasn't aged well, mostly some mediocre digital backgrounds and CG, but it generally looks pretty good. There's some really nice action animation, such as the shootout in the first episode, or the punching scene in the fourth episode. The overall conception and direction of the show is incredible; this must be the deftest handling of a large number of subplots in anime. It keeps leaping around across time and space, across the intersecting pasts of a host of different factions and characters, yet it never becomes incoherent and is always driving forward towards its goal. Well, the first episode is kind of crazy, but it's easy to follow now that I know what's going on.

It certainly would have been very easy for the show to turn into a trainwreck. And I think Durarara shows just how hard it is to maintain that kind of a story. Fortunately it passes every test with flying colors. It helps that the show doesn't pussyfoot around with its multi-layered story, but rather boldly embraces non-linear storytelling.
Kuroko no Basket 07

Decent episode. Dunno, not being all that in touched with basketball and its ins and outs, I wasn't really getting all the wows and stuff that was going on. I was impressed at how fast the show was going through the tournament.


Wait, you want to see that more than
Ryuujin Jakka's Bankai
? hahahah. Considering that
Unohana's Shikai is, like, a giant stingray that swallows people and heals them in its stomach or something
I think that Kubo realized that he just designed it into an impossible corner and said "fuck it, we're never showing that again".

Still, even if
every Captain's Bankai was eventually revealed
, Kubo has already committed the unpardonable sin of
writing Aizen out of the story without revealing Kyouka Suigetsu's Bankai
. Worthless hack bastard.

The moment that you discover that the released forms aren't all strictly sword based is kind of strange, but then again, Hanataro's barely veiled penis-blade was downright disturbing!

I guess they peaked with Byakuya and Mayuri's Bankai from the looks of it.

Aizen seemed way too overpowered to begin with, his abilities seemed way out of the scope of everyone else, almost as if Kubo was inserting a fan-fic character into his own work!

Hm, I may have to read a wiki or something, suspense be damned, if I've given up on any hope of a coherent series, then I can at least cherry-pick some of the better episodes to watch.

And I've just been reminded that I have the movies to watch, which I hold out hope for (because I've been told that Kubo doesn't run cart-blanche over everything!). I enjoyed the first one, which goes to show that the universe remains an interesting and fun one, at least when its not beholden to a convoluted narrative.
Kuroko no Basket 07
Decent episode. Dunno, not being all that in touched with basketball and its ins and outs, I wasn't really getting all the wows and stuff that was going on. I was impressed at how fast the show was going through the tournament.[/QUOTE]

Impressed? With the scores they were putting it was good that we wasted no time with fodder opponents. [spoiler]unless people really wanted to see 151 to 41 matches...[/spoiler]
Acchi Kocchi 07

More cuteness everywhere in this episode. I did like the rocket attack and the twirling of the firecracker thingy again at the end and train jumping? Awesomeness.


finally started fate zero...
the little girl in purple is making me want to drive a screwdriver through my eardrums
cant they just fucking hire some child actors instead of whatever the hell this is


Space Brothers 8

I'm not feelin' that 5 o'clock shadow.

This episode was a nice way to develop Mutta out of his
self-doubting slump
with a very clear and well-integrated message to accompany it. I found it a bit off-putting that
Mutta was ready to ditch the elderly couple but since he came to terms with it and admitted what he true intentions were during the attempted robbery then it's not that big of a deal.
Overall, I think this was one of the better written episodes.

Don't know what the point of the cliffhanger was
when it gets spoiled in the preview. I know some people tune out once the end credits roll but they could have at least sprinkled the preview with some mystery rather than blurting out what Mutta found.
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