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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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The whole idea behind Fate Zero is the crazy magic in it so in that universe the writers have free reign to do almost anything. Magic is pretty awesome in a story thats well written but it can easily be used as a vehicle for lazy writing.

I see now thats pretty much what Branduil said too.
Hayate no Gotoku s2 8

Oh hey, Utena reference.


....and about 60 other things in the same sentence.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
anemone and Dominic were more likeable/interesting than the main two
The only thing that held Dominic back was the fact that he didn't get to be slapped around by Holland.

Towards the end, I had this startling revelation that I would've much preferred if Dominic/Anemone had replaced Renton/Eureka in some kind of quaint way. Oh well. :|

And fuck those kids btw.


And fuck those kids btw.

Im just glad that they acted like kids and not the anime equivalent
they were annoying as hell, but thats kinda how they should be... or something

and im pretty sure holland assaulted everyone at some point
we just didnt see it


Maturity, bitches.
You're missing the point.

The anime is full of references, but you don't need to understand them all. Hell, no one here gets every single reference in an episode. Surely you'll get some of them, and that's enough.
Yeah... Guess I should have put loads of exclamation points at the end of my post to make my point clearer.

God damn it. I kind of want to start watching Upotte now but I really don't need to add another show to my watchlist.

It's only another 20ish minutes a week. You weren't doing anything important with those minutes.

Azure J

Sankarea (Moe Zombie) 3

Well damn, they certainly did a good job on the "moment" in this episode. Still can't get used to how serious the adaptation is versus the manga. Then again, everything Rea's father does is creepy as shit.

At least this means we're closer to the fun parts of the series now though.

Tasogare (Troll Ghost) 3

This would have been so much better if Episode 1 didn't exist. Still, good stuff on the adaptation. Dat Yuuko/Teiichi sexual tension.

I still have to get around to Kids on Based Watanabe's Slope and KoikeLupin soon though. Just been in a bit of a slump with watching anime. Go figure.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Dusty Madden of Tunisia 03

I wasn't sure if I should even watch this but this episode was actually a huge step up from the previous two. The show has had a lot of issues with color in the past. With the way the art works the color in most scenes is almost overpowering, which can become an issue if they just stick to one color. Like the last episode for example was orange. Orange everywhere in a way that makes all the scenes kind of blend together into nothingness. There was a lot more diversity here that helped break each scene into something that felt new.

I like this show's serious side much more than I like it's humorous side, so this episode was considerably more appealing to me. There was also less back and forth between the two. Everything is very low budget, and it shows at times, but the effort to do something more artsy with the shots is admirable, and they succeed enough here to make it a net gain. Even if the art can often fail the idea, there's still something cool about these shots.

The plot developments in this episode were interesting, and tied in well enough to character emotions that I liked it. More importantly, they dealt with perception, so I'm glad that the series goes out of its way to constantly skew perception with the visual style. Before it never really made sense for them to play around so much visually but here there was more reason to it.
Miscellaneous and potentially spoilery shots of note:


Mirai Nikki 06

Wasn't so sure about it at first, but now I can safely say that I am hooked on this series. Yuno is so absurdly endearing that I can't help but smile.

Why won't Yuki just accept Yuno as his waifu? Sure she has a few skeletons in the closet, but who doesn't? ;)



NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Kuroko AKA Japanese Nash and Amare Conquer The Pacific ep 3

They've seen through your defenses, Box+1 is useless against a formless, highly adaptable opponent. However, there is no defense for godlike court vision.


Wut, haven't finished Chihaya yet but I'm not liking what i'm seeing in the post above D: The pairing is so illogical D: Hope it ends better in manga.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Kuroko AKA Japanese Nash and Amare Conquer The Pacific ep 3

They've seen through your defenses, Box+1 is useless against a formless, highly adaptable opponent. However, there is no defense for godlike court vision.

Well I haven't watched anything outside of Fate/Zero so far this season but you have convinced me what my next show will be.
Saki Achiga-hen: Episode of Side-A 3 - We're almost there, the series has almost begun... hopefully next episode it'll start! At least the episode was great even though the show still hasn't really begun, though. :)

So, yeah, this episode doesn't have timeskips quite as long as the last two episodes, but it does skim through a lot of ground yet again. Fortunately, as by mid-episode the series finally (?) gets to the national tournament, the timeskips should stop now -- the goal was to get to the national tournament, and catch up with the end of the original Saki anime series, as fast as possible, and they've done it, and indeed passed that series' end. I was hoping that the anime would add some more detail to this part of the Achiga manga, to the part before the national tournament, but it didn't add much. Ah well... hopefully it makes up for it by having a great tournament!

Fortunately, I think that is very likely. This tournament should be very good, once it begins in earnest. Anyway though, episode 3. This episode covers from the regional tournament, where
Achiga high shocks the 9-years-straight winner Bansai High and easily wins
, to the opening of the national tournament. There are plenty of entertaining scenes and a little bit of mahjong action, though there still haven't been any full matches shown, unfortunately. I wish this was going to be 25 episodes like the first series instead of 12 or 13 like I'm pretty sure this is scheduled for, they'd have the time to show a match or two here at least I'm sure, then. But yes, what was here was quite good. It was fun seeing the Achiga team finally taking on some real opposition and do well. These girls don't have superpowers on the level of Saki's, Amae Koromo's, or Teru's -- they're just good mahjong players. Well, Kuro and Yuu have powers, but not ones anywhere near the level of those three's. Good luck Shizuka, Kuro, and co., you'll have a tough time here, they'll just need some luck and some good play. We'll see how far that brings them.

Apart from the tournament, the main focus here is Achiga's continuing training. In that effort, Achiga visit Ryuumonbuchi.
None of them can beat Amae Koromo, even though she isn't at full strength, but none of their minds are broken -- Shizuka proves herself mentally tough, and reacts to getting crushed by Koromo with a grin and the desire for a rematch. Tough! In the main series, only Saki could handle playing against her... this shows that the Achiga team is good, even if they can't beat her.
Also, the scene at Ryuumonbuchi has a first for this anime -- a male character, Touka's butler Hagiyoshi, is actually seen on screen! He's the one and only male to be seen in this series so far. (Sure, why not, they aren't needed... :p )

After that, they go play some other second-place teams off camera. Then, they travel to the national tournament. Along the wy they run across Senriyama, one of the teams that will soon become important. (And yes, all five of the Senriyama team are girls. That one in shorts is a tomboy.) Then, at the national tournament, they happen to run into someone familiar... and she's really, really scary, too. Imposing aura there!
Yes, it's Saki, now in one of Mako's longer skirts, thanks to unseen-in-animation events from later in the main Saki manga. And she looked really strong... of course, because there was a scene much like that back in the first anime, before the beginning of the team tournament, we know that she's just lost yet again, but somehow lost Saki scares people who can see auras... and of course, to be fair, she's also an extremely, extremely good mahjong player. Shizuka, you're right -- she's your main competition. Who will end up with Nodoka, you or Saki? I think Saki's going to win, but Shizuka's going to give it her all to steal her away... :)
So yeah, the action should begin soon. I can't wait to see it.

Upotte! 3 - Wait, some people were complaining that this episode didn't have enough fanservice? Are they really watching the same episode I did? Because I saw a whole lot of creepy fanservice. There were multiple bath scenes, more FNC x teacher relationship stuff, and more. Sure, the rest of the episode wasn't like that, and there was certainly some parts with gun education in it, but the episode had more than its share of probably-too-creepy stuff too. I don't mind bath scenes as much, but that teacherxstudent stuff, combined with the rest of it... yeah, it's clear what they're going for here.

Apart from those parts of the episode, though, this was pretty good. The episode was funny, with a decent plot, fast pace, and some shooting of course. Poor, poor Britain... she's got such a tragic backstory! But even if she's no good as a gun, her nation won't give up on her... is that a good trait for them, or not? I'm not so sure.

Now, I'm very far from a gun nut (never held, much less fired, one myself, for example, and I support gun control far more than we have here in the US; of course, the guns in Upotte are mostly military guns, but still.), but the gun education parts of this were interesting enough. They're simple enough that I can understand them, and you learn something too. Not bad. And of course, the show mixes those parts with humor and silliness too, which naturally helps. :) Overall it was a decent to good episode, but it'd be even better without some of the creepier parts.

Mysterious Girlfriend X 3 - This episode was about on par with the first two episodes of this series. That is, it had more of the mysterious girlfriend being mysterious, more strange drool powers, and more fanservice. Those three things are really what this show exists for, and it certainly has plenty of all of them. I don't love this series, but it is okay, and the girl is unlike your average anime heroine, at least, which is great. The guy's a bog-standard, dull, uninteresting romance/harem lead, but at least the girl's interesting.

In this episode, the guy gets a love rival! Yes, another guy confesses to her. She doesn't reject him right off, but instead tests him to see if he's compatible with her. She has a somewhat unique way of figuring that out, which of course involves drool --
she goes without underwear for a day, and sees if he reacts after tasting her drool. He doesn't, but the MC does. Clear winner there.
She actually does tell the MC what she did afterwards, though, so he can see that all of his worrying that she'd leave him for the other guy, which he was doing earlier in the episode, wasn't entirely wrong -- she didn't reject the guy out of hand. However, the status quo prevails, and they're still together.

Is this show good? I don't know, it's more just a series of scenes with excuses for fanservice and this girl with her strange drool powers. It does a fine job at that, but it's not exactly great anime, no. Just kind of entertaining silliness, with a better-than-average female character as the super-generic MC's partner.
Oh so there is an older Saki anime. Worth checking out?

Yes, absolutely, it's good! Mahjong, yuri, and more... it's great stuff. Watch Saki first, from the middle of episode 3 on Achiga is a spinoff-sequel to the first Saki anime. As I said in my review there, Achiga covers in about 2 1/2 episodes more ground than Saki covers in 25 -- the goal with Achiga was to get to the followup content quick. Anyway, Saki's on Crunchyroll, who is also airing Achiga; there is, quite sadly, no US DVD release, but at least it's still there.

Watch Saki, people who haven't seen it, watch it now. Saki is awesome, Hisa is the best (best character! [On an Achiga note, Kuro is my favorite Achiga character, but she's not as great as Hisa, I think.]), Nodoka has a nicely real-world attitude (she doesn't believe that special powers could possibly exist), Yuki likes tacos, and Maho... um... is there. Too bad about Mako, she's a good character, but doesn't do a lot. And of course, there are their rivals at the three major rival schools they face; yes, Saki has a large cast, and Achiga makes it even bigger. But anyway, it's a quite good show. Lots of mahjong, lots of yuri, some comedy and some drama, and lots of fun.
Hayate no Gotoku S2 9


Well at least here's some partial acknowledgement that Japan doesn't understand how nuns work.

And more proof that Katsura is the best character.



Prelim Winter 2012 Temporal Sales

14,690 *3 Inu x Boku SS [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/21
10,547 *3 High School DxD [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/21
10,345 *2 Natsume Yuujin-chou Shi [DVD+BD]: 2012/02/22
*7,694 *3 Ano Natsu de Matteru [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/23
*6,472 *3 Mouretsu Pirates [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/07
*5,098 *2 Senki Zesshou Symphogear [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/28
*4,973 *2 Brave10 [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/21
*4,888 *2 Amagami SS+ plus [DVD+BD]: 2012/04/04
*4,770 *1 Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama [DVD+BD]: 2012/04/20
*4,012 *2 Papa no Iu Koto wo Kikinasai! [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/07
*3,694 *2 Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou [DVD+BD]: 2012/04/03
*3,089 *1 Rinne no Lagrange [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/23
*2,573 *2 Another [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/30
*2,353 *1 Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 2 [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/21
*1,525 *1 Zero no Tsukaima F [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/21 (v2 sales)
**,686 *1 Kill Me Baby [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/07

No data:
Recorder to Randoseru [DVD+BD]: 2012/04/20
Therma Romae [DVD+BD]: 2012/04/20


Prelim Winter 2012 Temporal Sales

14,690 *3 Inu x Boku SS [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/21
10,547 *3 High School DxD [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/21
10,345 *2 Natsume Yuujin-chou Shi [DVD+BD]: 2012/02/22
*7,694 *3 Ano Natsu de Matteru [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/23
*6,472 *3 Mouretsu Pirates [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/07
*5,098 *2 Senki Zesshou Symphogear [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/28
*4,973 *2 Brave10 [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/21
*4,888 *2 Amagami SS+ plus [DVD+BD]: 2012/04/04
*4,770 *1 Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama [DVD+BD]: 2012/04/20
*4,012 *2 Papa no Iu Koto wo Kikinasai! [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/07
*3,694 *2 Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou [DVD+BD]: 2012/04/03
*3,089 *1 Rinne no Lagrange [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/23
*2,573 *2 Another [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/30
*2,353 *1 Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 2 [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/21
*1,525 *1 Zero no Tsukaima F [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/21 (v2 sales)
**,686 *1 Kill Me Baby [DVD+BD]: 2012/03/07

No data:

Recorder to Randoseru [DVD+BD]: 2012/

Therma Romae [DVD+BD]: 2012/04/20

Nice sales for inu x boku
Also nice to see pirates still selling. What a fun show that is. I really cant wait to buy it.


And the full weekly sales for April 16-22:

*1, 15,988 15,988 Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon vol.5 Limited Edition
*2, *2,898 *2,898 Shinryaku!? Ika Musume vol.5
*3, *2,414 *2,414 Rinne no Lagrange vol.2 Limited Edition
*4, *2,401 *2,401 Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! vol.6
*5, *2,024 *2,024 UN-GO episode:0 Inga-ron
*6, *1,978 *1,978 Chihayafuru vol.5
*7, *1,632 *1,632 Ben-To vol.5
*8, *1,380 *1,380 Mobile Suit Gundam AGE vol.3 Deluxe Edition
*9, *1,324 *1,324 UN-GO vol.4

*1, *4,770 *,**4,770 New Prince of Tennis vol.1
*2, *1,937 *,**4,807 Detective Conan Bonus File Fantasista no Hana
*3, *1,299 *,**1,299 Nurarihyon no Mago: Sennen Makyou vol.8
*4, **,954 1,132,522 My Neighbor Totoro
*5, **,951 *,***,951 Cardfight!! Vanguard vol.9
*6, **,864 *,***,864 UN-GO episode:0 Inga-ron
*7, **,703 *,***,703 Chihayafuru vol.5
*8, **,622 *,***,622 Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! vol.6
*9, **,591 *,***,591 Major DVD Box vol.1
10, **,583 *,***,583 Major DVD Box vol.2
11, **,505 *,***,505 UN-GO vol.4
12, **,459 *,**2,406 Sore Ike! Anpanman Ongakukan
13, **,457 *,**2,609 Manga Nippon Mukashibanashi DVD Box vol.7
14, **,446 *,***,446 Mobile Suit Gundam AGE vol.3
15, **,387 *,***,387 Ai no Kusabi vol.4
16, **,364 *,479,408 Kiki's Delivery Service
17, **,348 *,***,348 Rinne no Lagrange vol.2 Limited Edition

Single CD
*4, 37,326 *37,326 The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Master vol.2 Anzu
*6, 33,453 *33,453 The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Master vol.1 Rin
*7, 33,352 *33,352 The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Master vol.4 Kaede
*8, 32,116 *32,116 The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Master vol.3 Kanako
*9, 30,145 *30,145 The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Master vol.5 Rika


I think I should start prepping my amazing AKB0048 OT soon. Does anyone know for sure what the OP/ED are? I'm assuming Shoujo-tachi yo is going to be the OP, since that's the song they've played on every single PV so far...


I think I should start prepping my amazing AKB0048 OT soon. Does anyone know for sure what the OP/ED are? I'm assuming Shoujo-tachi yo is going to be the OP, since that's the song they've played on every single PV so far...

There was a tweet from Akimoto Yasushi (AKB producer) recently dropping hints about the ED. Its still not announced so we'll probably find out when it airs.


And the full weekly sales for April 16-22:

*1, 15,988 15,988 Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon vol.5 Limited Edition
*2, *2,898 *2,898 Shinryaku!? Ika Musume vol.5
*3, *2,414 *2,414 Rinne no Lagrange vol.2 Limited Edition
*4, *2,401 *2,401 Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! vol.6
*5, *2,024 *2,024 UN-GO episode:0 Inga-ron
*6, *1,978 *1,978 Chihayafuru vol.5
*7, *1,632 *1,632 Ben-To vol.5
*8, *1,380 *1,380 Mobile Suit Gundam AGE vol.3 Deluxe Edition
*9, *1,324 *1,324 UN-GO vol.4


at the behest of dynasty, I finally finished guilty crown. Man dy, you were right. Great series, so much action, coherent story, and beautiful ending.

AO so far has been moving a pretty nice clip, like the second half of eureka. Its almost too good in terms of pace, there has to be a drop somewhere.

Im too afraid to start Kids on the Slope, I want to wait til I can watch with the gf since I want her to enjoy it as much as I did his other works (she wasn't a huge fan of Champloo, thought it meandered too much).


And the full weekly sales for April 16-22:

*1, 15,988 15,988 Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon vol.5 Limited Edition
*2, *2,898 *2,898 Shinryaku!? Ika Musume vol.5
*3, *2,414 *2,414 Rinne no Lagrange vol.2 Limited Edition
*4, *2,401 *2,401 Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! vol.6
*5, *2,024 *2,024 UN-GO episode:0 Inga-ron
*6, *1,978 *1,978 Chihayafuru vol.5
*7, *1,632 *1,632 Ben-To vol.5
*8, *1,380 *1,380 Mobile Suit Gundam AGE vol.3 Deluxe Edition
*9, *1,324 *1,324 UN-GO vol.4

*1, *4,770 *,**4,770 New Prince of Tennis vol.1
*2, *1,937 *,**4,807 Detective Conan Bonus File Fantasista no Hana
*3, *1,299 *,**1,299 Nurarihyon no Mago: Sennen Makyou vol.8
*4, **,954 1,132,522 My Neighbor Totoro
*5, **,951 *,***,951 Cardfight!! Vanguard vol.9
*6, **,864 *,***,864 UN-GO episode:0 Inga-ron
*7, **,703 *,***,703 Chihayafuru vol.5
*8, **,622 *,***,622 Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! vol.6
*9, **,591 *,***,591 Major DVD Box vol.1
10, **,583 *,***,583 Major DVD Box vol.2
11, **,505 *,***,505 UN-GO vol.4
12, **,459 *,**2,406 Sore Ike! Anpanman Ongakukan
13, **,457 *,**2,609 Manga Nippon Mukashibanashi DVD Box vol.7
14, **,446 *,***,446 Mobile Suit Gundam AGE vol.3
15, **,387 *,***,387 Ai no Kusabi vol.4
16, **,364 *,479,408 Kiki's Delivery Service
17, **,348 *,***,348 Rinne no Lagrange vol.2 Limited Edition

Single CD
*4, 37,326 *37,326 The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Master vol.2 Anzu
*6, 33,453 *33,453 The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Master vol.1 Rin
*7, 33,352 *33,352 The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Master vol.4 Kaede
*8, 32,116 *32,116 The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Master vol.3 Kanako
*9, 30,145 *30,145 The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Master vol.5 Rika

lol this must be the worst Gundam series for it to sell so low. Bandai must be kicking themselves for partnering up with Hino.

because boobs

More like Breasticles.
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