In reference to your pre-edit post, you can easily tell it isn't permanent because duckroll statedIt's a short one, don't worry.
Maybe you should warn people the next time when you come back.
In reference to your pre-edit post, you can easily tell it isn't permanent because duckroll statedIt's a short one, don't worry.
Maybe you should warn people the next time when you come back.
This is what good big brothers do.
It must feel good to pass on the knowledge of Ledouche!
Watched 7 episodes so far, and was thinking of watching Steins Gate next.
What's AnimeGAF's consensus on Steins Gate?
In reference to your pre-edit post, you can easily tell it isn't permanent because duckroll stated
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works
<wall of text>
Good God, I think I've whiteknighted Saber. This entire endeavor was a terrible mistake!
But what if he dies in a tragic crocodile accident before he comes back?
Why does his older sister, who's a teacher, look like a loli - and sneak into his bed? Scary.
Why does his older sister, who's a teacher, look like a loli - and sneak into his bed? Scary.
F/SN, UBW, & F/Z Saber stuff
Between the two adapations of F/SN routes, I think I've come to feel differently about Saber's portrayal in F/Z. Initially I thought she came across as a bland sort of character but in hindsight, she's this stoic figure clinging to her ideals even as they come under assault. Her role as king is brought into question by two very qualified people who each have had to bear the burden of the crown themselves and her clash of ideals with Kiritsugu was interesting in itself as, not only did it pose questions about Kiritsugu, but started to fill in the blank slate Saber was portrayed as.
As I look back, what I initially assumed was simply maintaining a character to carry over into later work was actually a graceful and respectful way of handling her. Even though Rider may have referred to her as a little girl, now it doesn't feel quite as derogatory but simply him speaking truthfully despite how she presented herself to others which is why it hit home as it did. Her code of conduct was under question too as she dealt with Lancer honorably and eventually Lancelot where the pedestal she'd placed herself upon was finally knocked out from beneath her as her refusal to judge him for his sins drove him to madness.
The quality of kingship as discussed by Rider, Gilgamesh, and Saber was one of my favorite parts of F/Z and that's what makes F/SN so disappointing in regards to her. Maybe it's addressed more fully in the VN or at least it's third route but it's minor in the F/SN tv adaptation and mostly used to draw parallels of her self-sacrifice and Shirou's propensity to do the same. Instead I was left with a strong character that's mostly demeaned in her portrayal. In the TV adaptation, she's relegated to housewife status as Shirou throws himself in the path of danger to save her the trouble. It's ridiculous due to how utterly capable she is but due to her sense of duty, she accepts his wishes for the most part and stays home. It wasn't nearly as bad in UBW until Caster stole her from Shirou and she was reduced to a oversexualized damsel in distress much like Sakura was in the TV show. I could handle the capture fine for either, I think, were it not for the ridiculous costume changes that accompanied it. I guess in the end I'm actually disgusted at the lengths taken to demean her due to her gender rather than her actual character and that's not likely to be something I get over without a rendition of F/SN that treats her better.
Good God, I think I've whiteknighted Saber. This entire endeavor was a terrible mistake!
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works
Americans.Do the people at that table look sane to you?
I see a distinct lack of Strawberry Panic on your list!
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works
For good reason!
Saint Seiya Omega 13
I would bet anything thatEden will need to turn face before the heroes can destroy the lightning core so that they can have someone of the appropriate element assist Aria in destroying it.
While playing and watching hockey.Damned straight! Do you guys living in our hat just robotically eat your poutine in deathlike silence while avoiding eye contact with the rest of your family every evening?
While playing and watching hockey.
Seriously though, you should add Kaichou wa Maid-sama to your list. ^^
While playing and watching hockey.
While playing and watching hockey.
Welp, time for some more Kaiji, episode 11, here I come.
Yeah, I watched 10 episodes today, wassup?
I would've watched even more but I had to socialize for a large part of the day nooooooooooo
I would've watched even more but I had to socialize for a large part of the day nooooooooooo
E: X-Rated gifs removed for my safety.
After rewatching Horizon in preparation for season 2, I realized what I probably loved most about the show (outside of the outlandish, over the top bullshit happening constantly in the second half): The relationship between Tori and Kimi is quite unique. No matter what one of them does or tries to do, the other never questions or doubts it. Everyone is puzzled when Kimi decides to fight Futayo - Tori isn't. During the fight, everyone's worried, including Asama - Tori isn't. He's just standing there, smiling. Later, when Tori signs his contract, it's the other way around: Even Asama and Nate obviously think he's insane, but Kimi is just stitting there, smiling. I don't really know why, but I found that little detail incredibly awesome and epic.
E: X-Rated gifs removed for my safety.
Today's a dangerous day to be playing with fire.
Oh yeaaah?
Well, I've been doing that too!
...on NeoGAF
Joffrey.Cersei.Illyn Payne.Darkside.Firehawk.Scy
Pancakes dripping with the light of El Cantare.
I can only hope that my soul is assigned to the pancake dimension when I die.