So old. Posted it hours ago on the actual thread on Gaming!
Slowroll has become fastroll.
So old. Posted it hours ago on the actual thread on Gaming!
Slowroll has become fastroll.
Archiveroll.Can't wait for communityroll.
I don't know why, but every time I look at Ultimadrago's posts all I can think of is CHAN MIO and I end up grinning for no reason at all.
To be fair theending did have a major plot hole.
Yeah man who wants to watch little girls change clothes and put on makeup.
It's all about the old ladies.
Why weren't there two Okabe's when Okabe traveled to the Steins;Gate world-line through his time machine?
Ummm, there were?
Also, Kagura is starting to get really annoying. I hope they start defining him into some sort of character soon because right now he's anything but.
Why weren't there two Okabe's when Okabe traveled to the Steins;Gate world-line through the time machine?
I am doing my job, then (Yuuko Reppin').
Also, "CHAN-MIO" is amazing, so you're doing right to grin when thinking of it!
There were. Himfooling his previous self into believing that Kurisu was lying in a pool of her own blood is what him going back in time was all about. Also, remember in the first ep where Kurisu was confused, saying that she had just spoken to him though he didn't know her at all at the time.
He's pretty clearly some kind ofThe character has already been defined!reincarnation of Apollo.
Definitely one of the best moments in the show.One of the few best.
Ah, i'm not talking about that. I mean after he's traveled to the Steins;Gate world-line there should technically be two Okabe's because he was using a time machine and not Reading-Steiner'ing himself into the Steins;Gate Okabe.
Brave 10 - 12 (end)
6 / 10. Anime actually had really cool moments and characters (Saizo, Sasuke, Kamanosuke) and some fun fight scenes and character interactions. Plot could have used work but I guess that is a flaw of the source material. One of the music tracks was overplayed way too much that really diluted the fun of many of the fight scenes. Out of fight scenes were occasionally funny and dramatic, like Saizo Kamanosuke antics never got old or failed to get a chuckle, scenes with Sasuke too. Ultimately I enjoyed it, may decide to buy it.
On ep 12.How do they end with that, its like this whole season didnt matter and that we need to wait for some war. I kind of hope the anime returns because Id be intrigued. Fight scenes were great with everyone feeling inspired by believing in others and themselves, and post credit dialogue was awesome and so memorable, everyone's interactions
Ah, i'm not talking about that. I mean after he's traveled to the Steins;Gate world-line there should technically be two Okabe's because he was using a time machine and not Reading-Steiner'ing himself into the Steins;Gate Okabe.
Eh, I didn't particularly enjoy Sangatsu no Lion (Lion of March?). It even has the requisite spineless male lead that I absolutely loathe.
Dude is awesome.
He also plays Shogi. All shogi manga suck, its some kind of law.
It's a man's sport, an emulation of war, the Eastern version of Chess, altogether a noble sport that shames such womanly hobbies like karuta or Starcraft.
Has Furuya ever had anything adapted? His portfolio doesn't really ring of something that would ever be. And yeah, Genkaku Picasso, and maybe 51 ways to save my girlfriend, are about the only ones I see safe to even attempt..
How different is Shogi from Chinese Chess?
Rin grows up, shocking I know.
Woah what
Did i just inadvertantly not-really spoiler myself but also kind of
How different is Shogi from Chinese Chess?
I can play Chinese Chess, I can't play Shogi.
Okabe never travels from one universe to the other through either the text messages to himself in the past or in the time machine. He travels backwards repeatedly in the same universe, which then changes based on what he has changed. The Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that infinite universes diverge from the same point, what Okabe was doing was traveling back to the same point again and again and trying to travel forward along another divergence. He sees himself when he travels backwards, but once he returns forward he is the only Okabe in the universe, because the other one he saw is actually himself doing what he has already done.
Ah, the machine Kurisumade for him to travel with you mean? That wasn't sending him physically, but sending his 'consciousness' back, if you can believe it. That was actually what I found so impressive with the narrative. While not being lain out in layman's phrasing, it was openly used in the same way him repeatedly 'killing' Mayuri was: showing that he had long snapped, and was, by trying to patch everything together with his reading-steiner, actually making everyone else, who didn't have one, experience hell over and over again. We don't really know what happen to the Okabe's of the previous line, as we were only following his exact consciousness' point on the line. He could have been leaving Kurusi with a brain-dead Husbando each time for all the show gave. From what I gather, them showing that everyone remembered fragments wasn't just for feel good as much as it was to show the weight behind Okabe's repeated actions and drive the point home. The VN may say more. I've held off from playing, for now. When he used Suzuha's machine there were two Okabe's.
We should play chinese chess.
In other news.
I got nothin.
I would say cancelled. They have probably creatively exhausted themselves anyway. I mean holy shit how many episodes was that series?
Also its not cancelled so much as finished.
Thats what it seems like.
Wait, so he was transforming his own universe to a different world-line every time he send a d-mail/when he travelled back in time? I was under the impression that he traveled to a different universe (which in turn, was part of a different world-line). Well, that changes everything.
If they were staying true to the MWI, though, wouldn't he be part of a different universe every-time the world-line changed, because of the fact that each universe's wave-function is different and cannot be changed? [Though, I think Steins;Gate uses it's own version of the MWI]