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Spring Anime 2012 | Welcome Home, Space Cowboy

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[...]It's just that it's totally cheapened because of TV cop shows that are running out of crimes to portray on television.

I guess if, as a reader, I'm supposed to feel sympathy for a character simply because they were
sexually abused by an authority figure
, they need to go out of their way to convince me to care for them. Suffering that particular form of abuse is just not enough any more.

Firehawk12 has no sympathy for other human beings who have suffered trauma.
Master Keaton 22

Picking grapes in the middle of a battlefield seems like an incredibly bad idea.

Hey, it's a story to tell your kids about! Shounen grape picking.


Tsuritama 1

I enjoyed that, overall, but have a good few issues, most noticeably with the first half. But! I'm also going to be lazy and forget jotting them down, for the moment anyway.


Tsuritama 1

I enjoyed that, overall, but have a good few issues, most noticeably with the first half. But! I'm also going to be lazy and forget jotting them down, for the moment anyway.

So this was what you meant a few days ago about being a bad poster!
I don't know how I could have expectations when I've never watched the series before, those are just my impressions as a Saint Seiya virgin.

Just saying, there should be some expectations when you watch a reboot of an established franchise. People should have some idea about a show beyond the staff and whether or not it will appeal to them.
Tsuritama 1
This was a great looking, well made episode that I did not enjoy. The characters did nothing but mildly annoy me and the way the main character's social anxiety was portrayed was really heavy handed, and already felt repetitive in just one episode.


Gundam 00 S2 13-16

The new OP is mostly everyone naked, trans-am is breaking everything, the ejection seat abuse is now comical, and :lol @
that stupid Gundam face on Tiere's machine turning into Gundam itself. And oh hey, what's better than one super weapon? Another one!
. Maybe going to shit was the real secret of Aeolia Schenberg's plan.

Possibly the ugliest Haros I've ever seen. said:

I think the nose cones are pointed in different directions... said:
I need to watch some Oreimo to cleanse myself of this filth.


Just saying, there should be some expectations when you watch a reboot of an established franchise. People should have some idea about a show beyond the staff and whether or not it will appeal to them.

I don't see why or even how I could have expectations about a franchise I've never watched.
Gundam 00 S2 13-16

The new OP is mostly everyone naked, trans-am is breaking everything, the ejection seat abuse is now comical, and :lol @
that stupid Gundam face on Tiere's machine turning into Gundam itself. And oh hey, what's better than one super weapon? Another one!
. Maybe going to shit was the real secret of Aeolia Schenberg's plan.

I need to watch some Oreimo to cleanse myself of this filth.

Don't worry... it only get's better.

Make sure you watch the movie.

It's.... more.


Indeed. Man, this season is beastly. Certainly my most jam-packed season, ever. Has there ever been such a season with such a breadth of promising shows?

I...don't know. 2007 was the best year in anime for the last decade, but I don't know if any particular season was as jam packed as this one. Spring 2007 did have:

Darker than Black
Dennou Coil
Gurren Lagann
Oh! Edo-Rocket
To Terra
Emma S2
The Skullman

That's a very strong list.


Aquarion Evol 16

Ok, we're more than halfway through the show. It's time to stop teasing and explain wtf is going on with how everything relates to the original Aquarion show. It's just hurting the show at this point and keeping it from being satisfying. If they make you wait until the final ep where they explain everything and then try to have a quick finale, the next 8 eps or so are going to be grrrr


Don't misunderstand, the manga, especially the first half or so, is reasonably enjoyable. The anime has gone in a different direction with it though, and it's a much better one.

So this is one of those times where we can legitimately say that the anime is an improved adaptation, rather than just an animated version of the same material?


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Kimi ni Todoke S2 12 FINAL


Man, this was a roller coaster. This season was definitely not as cheerful as the 1st for sure. The constant run around of
misunderstandings and lack of clarification between the two leads
made this 2-3 episodes longer than it had to be (which could've been used to give Yano her personal arc). That may be unfair to say though since I have yet to read the manga and have no clue on how far it runs until it reaches her arc (if she even has one).

That said I'm glad I stuck with it. I developed a new found respect for
. She's still a bitch, but she can respect others who put their mind to it.. Not to mention
seeing her stand up for Sawako against the Kazehaya fangirls from the 1st season was a pretty awesome sight.

As others mentioned before Yano and Yoshida are the best. When I do read the manga, it will be because I want to see further developments with them.

Seeing Ryu tell Yoshida that he liked her was nice, but I was hoping for something more dramatic/intimate. Dammit!


So you're like the personification of Madoka, then.

I-it's not like I want you to worry about my little sister or something!

(I am so so SO going to pull a Sae-style "I know everything" and then dive into my own little shell as soon as someone contradicts it. It's different from Madoka in that I pretend to know what's going on, just like I pretend to take my coffee black only when I'm meeting with someone.)


A Good Citizen
Tsuritama 1
This was a great looking, well made episode that I did not enjoy. The characters did nothing but mildly annoy me and the way the main character's social anxiety was portrayed was really heavy handed, and already felt repetitive in just one episode.
The representation of the main character's anxiety is pretty on the nose, but it's well executed -- very expressive and gets the point across in a visually exciting way, and fits in with the context of the show. I think dismissing it because it's heavy handed (it is) is really... missing the point.

It's not like some other show that showcases a character's anxiety through angsty narration and repetitive ominous sounds.


Aquarion Evol 16

Ok, we're more than halfway through the show. It's time to stop teasing and explain wtf is going on with how everything relates to the original Aquarion show. It's just hurting the show at this point and keeping it from being satisfying. If they make you wait until the final ep where they explain everything and then try to have a quick finale, the next 8 eps or so are going to be grrrr

So this is one of those times where we can legitimately say that the anime is an improved adaptation, rather than just an animated version of the same material?

I would call it more of a different adaptation rather than an improved one. The tone really alters the meaning of certain things. Just a different interpretation of the source material really.


I would call it more of a different adaptation rather than an improved one. The tone really alters the meaning of certain things. Just a different interpretation of the source material really.

Based on my reading of the first chapter, the first episode of the anime improved it dramatically. And not just by changing the tone, but by adding original material that supports the much more serious direction they're taking the story.


A Good Citizen
Listen, if not for me and my sacrifice you wouldn't have Shin Mazinger at -all-. Can you imagine doing that weekly, while doing ZSZS, while doing Bake?
Hey, not my fault you chained yourself to frustrating-to-do bad SHAFT shows. You should've learned after the first or second! It's like touching a hot surface.

Puritan or Myriad Pro Light, best sub fonts y/n


So this was what you meant a few days ago about being a bad poster!

Lol, guilty as charged. I do plan to revisit it, however, when I'm not so drained. I felt like it did a few interesting things, a few odd things, and a few very bad things; all deserving a something of some kind of substance.
Based on my reading of the first chapter, the first episode of the anime improved it dramatically. And not just by changing the tone, but by adding original material that supports the much more serious direction they're taking the story.

And that "serious" direction is why I'm saying it's different rather than improved. I wouldn't say that inherently makes it better.


Lol, guilty as charged. I do plan to revisit it, however, when I'm not so drained. I felt like it did a few interesting things, a few odd things, and a few very bad things.

I can only hope you don't dislike the excellent music!
I said that when I first came here.

Now I'm watching 12 current season shows + 2 backlog ones.

Well, to be fair, this season has been particularly outstanding. Everyone is watching a high number of titles this time around but not every season is like that.

Of course, some people watch every show anyway, but they're crazy.


Kimi ni Todoke S2 12 FINAL


Man, this was a roller coaster. This season was definitely not as cheerful as the 1st for sure. The constant run around of
misunderstandings and lack of clarification between the two leads
made this 2-3 episodes longer than it had to be (which could've been used to give Yano her personal arc). That may be unfair to say though since I have yet to read the manga and have no clue on how far it runs until it reaches her arc (if she even has one).

The manga has been giving a lot of time to the other characters in the material that follows where the show leaves off, its quite good really.



what the fuck

I like the fact that your descent into confusion and insanity is so pronounced that you can no longer label your screenshots. I only know where that's from because I, too, have walked the path you walk today.

Stay strong.

You're nearly at the halfway point.

We are all here to enable you.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
The manga has been giving a lot of time to the other characters in the material that follows where the show leaves off, its quite good really.

If that's the case then I'll definitely check it out.

Next on my list is Lovely Complex, which I'll start watching Sat morning.


Hey, not my fault you chained yourself to frustrating-to-do bad SHAFT shows. You should've learned after the first or second! It's like touching a hot surface.

Puritan or Myriad Pro Light, best sub fonts y/n

Shin Mazinger wasn't bad!

just everything else I touched that season

blame zorak, he was a massive cocksucker and prevented you from getting CDA until my real job meant it was off limits

You can also blame CC, she has really serious issues and thinks I take internet people as seriously as she does, and she's really bad at actually editing thirty chapters worth of scripts


So serious is always better than light-hearted/not serious? Good to know.

No, what I'm saying is the first episode of the anime is definitively superior to the first chapter of the manga because the anime has a consistent tone and executes it well, while the manga has a bizarre, inconsistent tone, and is nowhere near as interesting visually, nor is the character development as strong due to the anime having additional scenes for that purpose.


The International Saimoe League has finally completed their needlessly complex preliminary rounds and narrowed things down to a list of 72 characters. Look upon their works and despair.

It's amazing how this tournament always manages to be more worthless than the real one already is. At least the actual saimoe limits it to characters that appeared that year so that it doesn't just devolve into a bad Newtype Magazine poll with the same characters every time.
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