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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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nomura directing the ff7 remake ensures it'll never see the light of day

wait! What?!? Swey is a descendant from the dudes who made Tomba?!?
There's Something About SWERY

How did you come to move away from SNK?

HS: I hit a point where I wasn't sure what I wanted to make anymore. This may sound weird, but I went on basically six months of vacation time to look for what I really wanted to do. I went on trips, went on voyages, trying to look for what I was missing and trying to find, basically, myself. Then when the time came, I went to work on Tomba! 2 at Whoopee Camp.

That work came at the conclusion of your six-month sabbatical. Had you come to a conclusion? Did you come any closer to finding yourself, or were you still trying to figure that out?

HS: No, I definitely did not find who I was yet. I just ran out of cash and needed work.

What was your involvement in Tomba! 2?

HS: I was working on the level design for the latter half of the game, and also setting up the AI movement, how the enemies moved around.

What came after Tomba! 2?

HS: The next game I worked on would be Extermination. The studio developing that game, Deep Space, was on a separate floor from Whoopee Camp, so I just switched floors and switched jobs.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Craziest E3 ever. Tlg, FF7 remake, and shenmue 3. Holy shit. Next ting you know, sega localized VC3 and konami announcing suikoen revival


Hidamari Sketch 2


Actual content of the episode was great, especially the festival portion with the almost mystical part with the possessed yukata at the end. First half was kinda nightmarish for me when it came to how it was put together though. I'm sensitive to average shot length in stuff so all those rapid cuts were really distracting.

What I did find to be exceptionally clever was using The Game of Life's spinner as a clock in the show to mark the passage of time. Not just for how meta it is given what the actual board game is about, but my familiarity with it left me seeing the pegs from the game later on and not blinking an eye at their usage as background characters.


Yami Hat 1
GAF recommended this to me from their list of essential anime, so I'm sure it's a genre defining classic. Plus I hear it has yuri, so I'm sure I'll find it enjoyable.
A few seconds in and I like it already.
Oh, so this is one of those animes.
Time to start a magical adventure I suppose.
Wait, why is this about spies in Russia now? What is happening? They just threw out way to many new names right there.


Yami Hat 1
GAF recommended this to me from their list of essential anime, so I'm sure it's a genre defining classic. Plus I hear it has yuri, so I'm sure I'll find it enjoyable.

A few seconds in and I like it already.

Oh, so this is one of those animes.

Time to start a magical adventure I suppose.

Wait, why is this about spies in Russia now? What is happening? They just threw out way to many new names right there.

The journey has begun!


Victory Gundam 16

Tomino truly a god among men.

Snarkiness aside, this has been one of the better aspects of the show I've mentioned before. Aside from the occasional fringe crazies so far, the Zanscare guys being disgusted at Uso being forced into conflict and the kindness that's been extended to him as a resultt is a really neat touch. Zanscare is ostensibly evil given how they've been presented but some of their rank and file have been strangely human for a Tomino show.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Not to alarm you, but Shenmue 1 was soul-suckingly boring when it came out. I can't imagine its even playable right now.

Unless you really like simulating the daily grind as a forklift driver.


Yami Hat 2
I'm not liking how rapey this has been so far.
You know you suck when you have a lethal weapon in each hand and you get your ass kicked by an unarmed opponent who is using one arm to cover herself.
I don't know who this is, but he's pretty fabulous.
I was just thinking that myself narrator-san
Shocking betrayal!

Still don't really know what's going on, but it looks like the main character, the witch, and obligatory animal sidekick are traveling between worlds in a quest to save the sister. Simultaneously, Mr. Fabulous wants to capture the sister to use her power for nefarious purposes.


Robotguy I'm glad you picked such a fine selection from our essential list, I hope you find it... entertaining.

Also I now have an urge for pancakes for some reason.


Just think, tomorrow we get Nintendo's turn at trying to rile up this forum, more E3 goodness in general, AND we get to watch Reina lay the smaskdown on Ribbons and her less talented senpai!


In all honesty there's no way Nintendo can top Sony's E3 conference. I mean the only possible way for that to possibly occur is for Nintendo to announce some old games from the past that everyone loved.

As much as I love the Wii-U it's really irrelevant.

Well the Sony conference showed exactly two games I will actually buy, so Nintendo doesn't really have a high bar to clear for me!


In all honesty there's no way Nintendo can top Sony's E3 conference. I mean the only possible way for that to possibly occur is for Nintendo to announce some old games from the past that everyone loved.

As much as I love the Wii-U it's really irrelevant.
So what the Sony conf did
Why would I cry? I'm happy for Shenmue fans. I honestly did not believe there was enough demand to crowdfund the millions the game would need two years ago. Now they've gone ahead and done it, and it's successful, that's great. It's not like this is a shitty Igavania Kickstarter or anything. These guys working on it seem like pros!

Cry tears of joy :D


Maturity, bitches.
Ubisoft: "When you die you die for real."

Can someone suggest some good anime for Ubisoft. They seem to just be watching SoA and it's affecting their games.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Gonna need someone to tell me when LWA2 is coming out, cause I just saw the trailer, ive been waiting 2 years for this shit.
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