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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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Oh good.

So its not weird to carry around a picture of bestest boy in all of Pokemon around.

The ninja frog fight was alright.

Way better than anything Naruto Shippuden has had for the past few months,
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 36

Seriously how OP is Dio? I mean this guy literally went behind Hol Horse in a split second like it was nothing. I loved how Hol Horse and Mondatta teamed together. Plus Hol Horse sticking his fingers into Polnareff's nose was funny.

That Ed though.
Punchline - 09

Predictable episode but it served a purpose , it gave answers ! ( An plenty of them ).The timeline of events is becoming clearer.

One thing i really don't understand is why nobody is leaving proper hint to their other selves in order to not make the same mistakes time and time again ! BUt i guess there is an answer for that too planned.
The manga panel are supposed to be seen from top left first and then bottom left. The anime one is from left to right. Pretty much that was supposed to be the final battle in the manga but the anime butchered it to oblivion.

Yeah, that guy's face got butchered too.

Looks completely different.

I'm all for anime making use of the medium to differentiate themselves from their manga counterparts but this looks like they just fumbled it.

PK Gaming

A character on Hannibal asks Will if he's Hannibal's "nakama", and then clarifies that it's a Japanese word meaning a very close friend. They proceed to use the word twice more over the course of the episode, in otherwise completely English sentences.

It's one of the most random things ever, and I wasn't even sure I had heard her right at first.

I'm being a 100% sincere here as a fan of the show:

Hannibal is extremely anime
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 38

Based Iggy fighting a Falcon. It's really interesting when you have two animals fighting each other. Let's see how Iggy gets out of this one.
Punchline - 11
A perfect second to last episode, complete with cliffangers , godly animation and team antics.

I guess this show is now at his best .

Just wait till you see the next episode.
I went , i saw , i enjoyed !
I love this show way too much desu desu

Next week's CG showdown should be amazing. .
Laughing way too hard at that pic right now, it's past my bedtime, lol.

Etotama is good.
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 39

Oh shit they've finally arrived at Dio's hideout. I have to mention Iggy's fight though. Man was that brilliant, that dog is just amazing. He cut his leg off just to survive the attack, Iggy gots some guts. I can't wait to see what happens from now on.


Sugar Sugar Rune 9-16

This show is doing a very good job of convincing me that middle school girls are actually demons. It's hard to tell if Vanilla is actually quite devious, or if she really has just that much of a natural talent at attracting Earth guys. Either way, it's going to be hard to beat her. Those two boys are kind of annoying, but meh. Pierre continues to be a creep, though it's appropriate since he is the villain. I think. Robin has grown on me surprisingly. He cares about his charges. The familiars less so, but they're bearable. Chocolat continues to be a model of what more magical girl protagonists should be like. Butt-whup indeed. A complete ass, but entertaining, and she's definitely more good than not. Even if I'm not convinced that manipulating the hearts of the people around them for money isn't a villainous thing to do. Chocolat should try and find a way to go back and seduce more girls. She finds way more success that way.
Future Diary 26

I've heard some people hated the ending, but I didn't think it was that bad.
Yeah Yukki essentially does fuck all with his godly powers for 10,000 years and mopes for someone who tried to kill him one too many times, and I'm wondering where the heck Mur Mur 2 came from, but otherwise it's is a decent conclusion. Gives some sense of closure even if it could have done a better job at it, and it provides an explanation for how everything doesn't go off the rails in the third world.
I'll be watching the OVA later but as it stands, while the show could have been better, I think it's a good show overall.

I find the whole monster/girl mix not to be my thing. Specially the spider. Those freak me out.

One day you'll learn
You'll all learn

JoJo Stardust Crusaders 34

Fuck this episode it made Joseph look completely useless. Just joking it was a good episode with the built up tension but I can't help but feel a bit disappointed because they made Joseph look like the type that would give up easily, when his younger self wouldn't act like that. I mean he would of thought of something else. Why couldn't he use Hamon though? Anyway I wonder how Advol and Jotaro will win this gamble against D'Arby.

Because Hamon generates a ton of light and electricity? D'arby would totally notice.

The word "nakama" has been spoken on American television. I give up.

Clearly they are huge fans of early 2000's One Piece translations.
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 41

Well what do you know they are playing Baseball. You gotta love it when Joseph says Home Run in Engrish. Seriously the Engrish in this series is amazing. Also Jotaro acting like a noob but still screwing with D'arby's mind.
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 41

Well what do you know they are playing Baseball. You gotta love it when Joseph says Home Run in Engrish. Seriously the Engrish in this series is amazing. Also Jotaro acting like a noob but still screwing with D'arby's mind.

Wow. You're going in full overdrive right now. Maybe you're even able to catch up before the last episode airs.


Symphogear Episode 12:

Well, this all took a turn for the stupid and I am also getting the feeling that the intentions of Fine got rewritten since there are things that are not adding up here.
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 42

Did this episode literally have 2 characters named Vanilla Ice and Billie Jean? Does Araki like Vanilla Ice and Billie Jean? Also Fuck Youuuuuuuu
Vanilla Ice you had to fucking kill Advol, seriously go back to rapping. How many times does Advol have to die and this time it's for real. Fuck this and he barely had any good screentime. Well at least he protected his friends like a true bro.
Goddamn did Vanilla Ice cut his own head just for Dio. At this point I have to wonder how the hell is Dio so charismatic to the point where people want his dick, this is too goddamn ridiculous. Seriously fuck Dio.

Wow. You're going in full overdrive right now. Maybe you're even able to catch before the last episode airs.

Yeah I'm trying to catch up the before the last episode. Man has it been a great ride.
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 42

Did this episode literally have 2 characters named Vanilla Ice and Billie Jean? Does Araki like Vanilla Ice and Billie Jean?

Araki just throws musical references in to JoJo at every opportunity.

The JoJo namesake itself is a reference to the song Get Back by the Beatles.
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 43

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Are you fucking serious? Fuck you
Vanilla Ice you piece of rotten shit. First you beat Iggy relentlessly and then you fucking kill Polnareff. I thought I hated Kars and Dio with passion but this fucker is on a completely different level. You do not fucking beat a dog up you scumbag. I hope he fucking dies a terrible slow and excruciating death especially for what he has done to Polnareff. Polnareff you truly died like a badass with dignity, RIP.

Why does reality have to be cruel? Fuck You Vanilla Ice.😡


Ah...look like the RightStuff log in doesn't work as they can't find my account from them (even though I order a big order from them last Christmas). Look like I might need to sign up again...

Also, you know what time is it?

You guys hype this show and I went out of my way to get it. This better be the best abridged show as I am going in with the hype in me.

You have to reset your password. It's mandatory for all accounts because of the way they were hashed. Worry not, it's safe and your orders are still there, being migrated now.
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 44

Oh crap
Polnareff actually survived thanks to Iggy's resolve. Yeah fuck you Vanilla Ice for disrespecting Iggy because he had shown more will and strength than your scumbag self ever will. Thank god that scumbag got a huge ass beating from Polnareff and ended up dying to the sun. Man was that sad to see both Abdul and Iggy together drifting off to heaven while Polnareff saw them. RIP Advol and Iggy.
It seems Polnareff is facing Dio.
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 45

As much as I find Dio a obnoxious piece of shit, the way he walks is too fabulous. Also all that carnage I mean senator had to roadkill all those people on the sidewalk.

Seriously though how the heck are they gonna beat Dio, he's too godamn OP.
JoJo Stardust Crusaders 46

Man I have to say
Kakyoin's death was too goddam sad and seeing that backstory made it even sadder. At least he died like a boss providing the final message of what Dio's Stand The World is.
Seriously though how can
Dio's The World be that OP. I don't even know how Jotaro can beat this beast when Dio can control time.
I really hope
Joseph isn't dead since he got stabbed in the throat, please don't kill him off.

Ora Ora Ora Ora vs Muda Muda Muda Muda


Subete no aware
Oregairu is suffering from the problem that pretty much every other attempt at romance in anime suffers from - the supporting characters are all more interesting than the leads. I totally forgot about Saki, but given that Sensei isn't even an option, she's like the only other good option. lol


Fucking Belladonna of Sadness Restoration Trailer looking as trippy as ever. Glorious.
So nice! Craig Rogers, from Cinelicious Pics, created recently a tumblr. page full of details on the several milestones of the restoration process and news about the upcoming releases for it:

Be advised; the following link could lead to slightly explicit content... careful!

Belladonna of Sadness

Feels great to see shit like this again, love the typography of evangelion. I missed you Matisse EB.
When I read that I found kinda funny how one-sided with Fontworks Inc., they made this (of course, they are employed there!) when, for example, Ryumin U-KL (リュウミン U-KL) by typography makers Morisawa Inc., was also used for several products related to this franchise, including Mr. Nezu's highly revered visual design language really accomplished on the NGE LDs releases. Their more current collaborations with χαρα itself plus the consequent revisionism of the history do that, I guess.


Oregairu is suffering from the problem that pretty much every other attempt at romance in anime suffers from - the supporting characters are all more interesting than the leads. I totally forgot about Saki, but given that Sensei isn't even an option, she's like the only other good option. lol

I don't know, there really hasn't been any "romance" in the series yet, well last week was the closest so far, so we'll see where it goes. Sensei is the only one Hachiman has hit on so far, lol...

Whats your favorite song in Full Moon so far?

Probably the only one she has sung so far (her father's)


Giant Robo 2

There is a guy who can transform into a horse...

When he needs to go the rescue, through an entire city full of cars, trains and probably other machinery, he elects to go there in his horse form while carrying his partner on his back ...

I have no further things to say about this episode...

Oh wait, there was also a literally 10 minute long recap at the beginning. I imagine that's because of the giant breaks between the releases of those OVA's.


Subete no aware
I don't know, there really hasn't been any "romance" in the series yet, well last week was the closest so far, so we'll see where it goes. And Sensei is the only one Hachiman has hut on so far, lol.

Probably the only one she has sang so far (her father's)
Sure, even if it the title says it's a RomCom. lol
Episode 12 pretty much went full on with the love triangle between the three leads though, and there's just so little chemistry between them that I'm totally not invested in the outcome. Heck, I'd rather he end up with Saika.

It was. People want to blame KyoAni because they've been conditioned to blame the studio for anything wrong when 99% of the time it's not the studio's fault (see directors/writers/producers/original writers).
Speaking broadly, it depends on how much the people doing the anime added to the words from the text. Shot choices, "acting" choices (or how you pose and animate the characters) are probably things that are up to the people making the adaptation.


Alien 9

...well that was stupid.

Alien 9 is about a group of children in the Alien Response Group at their school and the trials they face along the way. Our protagonist is Otani, who cries a lot and always hides behind others because she is frightened of anything that moves. The other children in the group are Kumi, who is the standard level-headed character, and Kasumi, who says nya and loves her brother. Otani's best friend, Miyu, is also in the show. The members of the Alien Response Group wear so-called symbiotic aliens, or Bougu, on their heads who extra protection and strength in return for feeding off them.

There are a great deal of things that Alien 9 does wrong - certain people have likened this to Evangelion, which is only true in so far that bad things happen to people. I'm aware that this is an OVA and therefore probably doesn't adapt the entirety of the manga, but one of the key issues is that the characters essentially do not change over the show's duration. This is especially evident in Otani in that she never overcomes her fear of aliens or really ever evolves beyond someone who cries when faced with a challenge. We never even really find out why she hates aliens so much - she just does. Kumi's disposition towards Otani seems to flip-flop wildly between episodes, even between scenes, depending on what is needed of her. By the end of the first episode she seems reluctantly acceptant of Otani's timidness, only to explode at her within ten minutes of the next episode starting. In a sense, Kasumi could be seen to have the most development, but even then we only ever see expansion on the fact that she misses her brother. Miyu doesn't really have a character beyond trying to cheer Otani up and her role appears to be limited merely to existing, which is a shame because she would've been the perfect candidate to kill off, her death spurring Otani on to actually do something.

Character relatons are somewhat iffy in this as well. The most obvious example of this would be during episode two at Otani's birthday, where Miyu and the other girls come along as a surprise. During this sequence Miyu acts as if she knows the girls in the Alien Response Group very well, despite the fact that we have not seen them meet prior to this and that the only thing they should have in common is Otani, making this supposed friendship seem very tenuous. Strange relationships also occur within the response group too, with Kumi comforting Otani in episode three by claiming that they're friends, hugging her from behind. This isn't quite as bad as the previous example because it is very obvious that this "friendship" is formed purely on pity rather than a genuine fondness towards Otani, but the problem arises from this evidently false friendship never being portrayed as such and once again doesn't really change anything - Otani still isn't proactive (even when Kumi is being strangled to death!) and Kumi is still the protector.

The characters are also apparently afflicted with a terminal case of stupidity. There are many things in the plot that would be painfully obvious if the characters just stopped to think about them for a second. For example, why do the aliens only attack the school? Otani asks herself where the spaceships that leave the aliens come from, but never seems to follow it up. When the leader of the Response Group is asked whether an alien can leave the school grounds, she replies that it "cannot happen." Surely, since she can say with such certainty, this would mean that she or someone else in the school has a hand in getting the aliens in. We know as such, because we later see the leader of the group ordering aliens in. In addition to this, within the first day of Otani being a member of the group it is clear that she isn't cut out for it, so why can't she be replaced? One look at how she became a member makes it obvious that she was voted in because she's the class punching bag rather than being good at it - since she can't do it, why not fire her and recruit the runner up? Or hell, why not just ask someone else to do it since the position is apparently so valued? If I were to come up with a reason why this can't happen it would be that the Bougu can't be used with another person once they've been attached to someone, but we already know that the leader can order more aliens in; why can't she just get another one? By episode three it's apparently "too late" to replace Otani, but doesn't that mean she could be replaced before? Here though the possibility of being replaced is at least mentioned, so why does another teacher tell Otani earlier that she "just can't quit, no matter what"? It's just so bizarrely put together and the characters never question anything - even after all of their Bougus get killed, then later resurrected by the teacher, they don't bother to ask how they got them back! They're all brain dead!

Perhaps the most substantial problem, however, is that the show doesn't actually have a conclusion; it just sort of ends. This could probably be attributed to the fact that there are only four episodes, but then one of them is almost entirely filler material which could easily have been replaced with some more meaningful content. How do you have a filler episode in something that's only four episodes long? The upshot of this is that essentially all of the plot threads are still left dangling by the end; we never find out why the school needs to make the girls fight and capture aliens, nor do we find out what their end goal for them is. There is frequent talk about "beating" other schools, which tells us that this isn't the only school with an Alien Response Group, but we never find out what they're beating them at or how they're going to do it. We never find out why the headmaster and the group leader have the same drill hair that the Bougus do, and we never find out whether the big "Yellow Knife" alien at the end actually is Kasumi's brother or whether it was just manipulating her to believe that it was. If it was her brother, why was it? Did he get transformed into an alien? It seems that his claim of studying abroad was a lie, but in that case who sent him to the school if the school didn't do it themselves? What happened to Kasumi? The final scene we see her in has her Bougu question whether or not she is the real Kasumi, but this never gets followed up on. There are still more questions, but I'll stop listing them now.

If I was to make a guess, the group leader and headmaster were also once members of an Alien Response Group and somehow merged with their Bougus, which I assume would be their end goal for the girls too. What they want to do with them after that though I don't know - perhaps they want to build a superior race to humanity? Maybe they're training them up to fight a bigger threat? I dunno.

It's not all bad. I mean, some of the shots looked nice, and the section where Otani was getting chased by the brainwashed, murderous boys was quite tense. The OVA obviously doesn't show the whole of the story, so for all I know my complaints about the story are addressed in the manga. But even still, I can't recommend this at all because it's a disappointment on pretty much every level.


Punch Line - 11

Still don't care about anything that's going on but the action was nice at least. More of this and this series wouldn't be as mediocre as it has been.


Prisma Illya 2wei Hertz BD v1 cover illustration


So nice! Craig Rogers, from Cinelicious Pics, created recently a tumblr. page full of details on the several milestones of the restoration process and news about the upcoming releases for it:

Be advised; the following link could lead to slightly explicit content... careful!

Belladonna of Sadness

When I read that I found kinda funny how one-sided with Fontworks Inc., they made this (of course, they are employed there!) when, for example, Ryumin U-KL (リュウミン U-KL) by typography makers Morisawa Inc., was also used for several products related to this franchise, including Mr. Nezu's highly revered visual design language really accomplished on the NGE LDs releases. Their more current collaborations with χαρα itself plus the consequent revisionism of the history do that, I guess.

That was straight up 70's tripping.

Oh, Shimoseka webpage got updated yesterday, got more character pics http://www.shimoseka.com/character/

Whats this show about again?

I don't know, there really hasn't been any "romance" in the series yet, well last week was the closest so far, so we'll see where it goes. And Sensei is the only one Hachiman has hut on so far, lol.

Probably the only one she has sung so far (her father's)

Yeah thats a gorgeous song in all its versions (you will hear several) but also the Op and ED songs are just as memorable. Mitsuki will sing a few others later on but they arent as relevant to the plot. Actually several of them you will only hear small snippets of but I will gladly link you to them all later on.
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