Galaxy Angel
Ah! What a crazy off the walls slice of life this anime is. An anime about several girls who are apart of the Angel Brigade on the search for "Lost Technology", the anime seems like it'll be a little serious in plot or something, but nope, not at all!!
Following the girls, we have the observational and smart Mint (Totally adorable!), the quiet and reserved Vanilla, the naïve and all out fun Milfeulle and the two bad asses; gun toting Forte and money gone crazy Ranpha.
The anime is 100% episodic with no true story occurring at all, though at times it seems like the lost technology arc is shoehorned in to make you think something is happening.
The girls themselves are super fun to follow around. Forte and Ranpha have great chemistry together, typically working together, but always competitive with one another, they bring out many abundant laughs. Milfeulle is the star of the show though; her naivety and innocent type of personality brings up many great scenes and is always used in great ways. She's super lucky and the things that happen with her and her "luck" are just brilliant. 100% comedy infused anime.
The art style used is very dated though, seeing as how the show aired in 01, it lends itself to much of the 90's look and feel. Not that there is anything wrong with this, Galaxy Angel still ends up looking very nice and most of the time, it's the girls who get the most screen time anyway, so they look great from the get-go.
For the story, there is none, at least not in Galaxy Angel itself. It's supposed to be about finding lost technology, but instead becomes a show about doing missions in this sci-fi realized world, which isn't exactly realized well because nothing is explained to us. The vague story line and the vague world up-bringing end up working entirely well though, because the show isn't serious at all, those things just aren't important. Galaxy Angel is all about mindless fun and being in wild situations.
The OP and ED used for Galaxy Angel is real good too, they essentially tell you about the show through the music that is used. Peppy, cheerful and extra cute. Doki Doki ~
If you're looking for a slice of life show with a cute cast and an environment that isn't a school, you may find Galaxy Angel to be what you're trying to find.
Three more seasons to go!