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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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Tetsujin 28-go (2004) - 12

Code Geass, Macross, and every Gundam show ever not called G or Build Fighters, listen up.

Tetsujin managed to show me how terrible war is in one episode, as opposed to your shows taking fifty to do it.

And it did it without dramatic speeches from princesses, singing, explosions, or even any robot action. In a mecha anime.

I'm gonna say this again.

This one solitary episode did a better job at showing me how brutal and terrible war is than any episode in your series ever did.
Code Geass tried to show war is terrible?



Black Rock Shooter-7
Why Mato, that's a good question that I was asking myself as well. It takes a special type of person to admire a bird stupid enough to kill itself. It's as if a kid admired Icarus for getting so close to the sun. What makes this whole scene funny was the calm and relaxing flute piece playing in the background. So this episode addressed why Mato is screwed up, or at least I think it tried to. Apparently in Okada's eyes, not being a fucked up human being is being a fucked up human being. Mato hates anguish for reasons left unexplained and so her alter-ego Black Rock Shooter goes around killing these alter-egos of other girls, thus relieving them of their anguish. This whole sequence doesn't make sense.
It's other people giving their impression of Mato and it's taken from this weird 3rd person perspective, like something out of NGE, and people's impressions of Mato are pretty normal. They think she's a bit too happy or whatever but nothing that abnormal. Apparently according to Okada, Mato can't handle anguish and mentally blocks suffering out. But wait...
What the fuck? The first three episodes were all about Mato confronting Kagari's hatred and overcoming it. She didn't run away at all, she helped Yomi stand up to Kagari. Even still, not wanting to be hurt is a pretty basic human element. So what? Strength's dialogue mirrored my own thoughts on the matter. Right, then why is Mato having this meltdown?
Then we find out the actual Yuu is batshit crazy, probably due to years of eating eraser shavings and garbage. Apparently to her, a world where all people do is fight to the death, is a better world than ours. Hmm, I wonder what Okada's childhood was like. I have to admit I didn't really expect Yuu to talk but it makes sense. They really dialed up the crazy factor though compared to the previous episode. She's just completely gone.
Most of this episode is made up of Black Rock Shooter fighting Yuu. I'm kinda surprised how Yuu has hijacked the story. The OVA and previous works are oriented around BRS and Dead Master's relationship yet here the climax is oriented around Yuu/Strength. The fighting itself is really well done. I would say this is the first episode that I was pretty happy about not only the choreography of the fights but also the originality of some of the sequences. It felt like Imaishi had fun storyboarding this episode.
Unlike the previous episodes, I think this carried over Imaishi's spirit the most. There's a lot of off-kilter shots, meant to represent the insanity of particular characters. There's stuff such as a quick Inazuma kick and a Kanada dragon flying around in the background during one bit. It wasn't dry like so many of the previous sequences, partly due to Yuu being so completely off the rails, so she's fun to watch.

A Gurren Lagann reference? Imaishi confirmed for bros.
A was so into the action stuff that I was actually disappointed that it veered back into Yomi's storyline which just felt like a waste of time as this point. So she forgot Mato to an extent (despite deleting Mato's information after supposed brain-wipe). The police come aknockin' as Mato has been missing for a day, as she's in a coma at Saya's house. This is kinda of a weird reversal of the OVA. Saya takes a convenient leave of absence and none of the police go to check why a teacher doesn't show up for work the day a kid goes missing. The episode then ends with a 2D sequence by Megumi Kouno, who did most of the great Idolm@ster cuts. This cut was kinda weird as that's the only time so far in the show that the 'other-world' has been in 2D. I guess that was to show how Strength's viewpoint was closer to the 'normal world' at that timeframe (although that doesn't really jive as she only opens her eyes near the end of the sequence). All it did was make me wish more of the action stuff was in 2D.
Weirdly enough, this episode reminded me a lot of episode 21 of Kill La Kill. Black Rock Shooter and later Yuu's crazy faces gave the show some energy to it, so it didn't feel completely feel like I'm expecting one of the girls to take out a razorblade and go down the road while in a bathtub. Instead it was more as if one of the girls would take a match and burn the town down. Big difference.


Not anime, but fuck I finally finished the Splatoon single player...God damn I had tears in my eyes at how amazing it all was...and the ending actually reminded me of a particular anime series :p 10/10 Thanks Nintendo.

Single player is pretty addictive in Splatoon. I was impressed by it.
I can play a shooter as long as its not first person perspective.

Symphogear G 09

"Instead of my greeting say hello to my Gatling" is probably one of my favorite dumb anime song lines of all time. It cracks me up every time.

HOLY CRAP DOES NO ONE DIE IN THIS SHOW??? This is reaching Aldnoah Zero levels of fakeouts. I'm not at all surprised Miku ended up with a Symphogear, but I still was shaking my head when it happened. Shit I still think the red head is still alive and they are saving that for S3

I don't think I have ever seen villains so gullible. It's blowing my mind. The level of shit they let the obviously evil scientist get away with is so stupid. I'm guessing at the last episode they will probably figure out he's a dick and then team up with the main group to fight the baddie in S3.

Wait is this a Rocky reference Im seeing?

Damn, I forgot all about it leaving. Sayōnara from my queue I guess.

If thats true then it is ridiculous. This is why I buy all my anime :(
Streaming just cannot be fully trusted.


Watch Show By Rock, pls.

This. always and forever this.
Do it for Cyan

Bingo :p I was audibly giggling and squealing by the end, what an awesome game!

People like to joke, but it's actually pretty good! I was super hyped for Splatoon but always weary about how the single player would turn out, but it was actually really good!

The stages are very similar to those of Super Mario Galaxy, both in structure, as in a load of floating islands with puzzles that you have to traverse and figure out, and each island has a platform at the end that shoots you off onto the next island, kind of like the launch stars in Galaxy, but also in the platforming, as the paint (much like the gravity in Galaxy) changes how you traverse the levels and changes how you think about tackling certain things. Many leap of faiths to be had.

The puzzles themselves vary from invisible platforms that you have to spray with your ink to reveal (similar to 3D World levels) to rotating walls that you have to climb up etc. It's actually not that short too. In no way shape or form should you buy Splatoon for the single player, but if you own Splatoon, do yourselves a favor and play the Single Player mode. The combat actually trained me a bit to act more offensive and defensive too which I hope translates to the online multiplayer. In practice, I'll probably just flail as always :p

Splatoon is surprisingly competent. I was afraid they would screw it up but nope. they nailed it. If you have a WiiU you should really get this game.

The Fruit of Grisaia S2 ep.7
Damn, that is an awesome rifle she got there. It's a super power full pink rifle as well. I guess it all starts to go down next week. The final four episodes are going to be crazy for sure. I have to say that this series is crazy in the way th focus and tone has changed so many times over the two seasons. With only a few episodes left it really leaves you no idea on whether
Yuuji dies or gets saved by the girls, whether the girls save him or all die trying, or JB finally wakes up now that she knows something is up and comes to save the day.
I really have no idea how it is going to play out, which is an awesome feeling and 1 reason I can't wait to watch it each week.

How prophetic is this sequence in retrospect

Something about the angle and composition of that shot reminds me a lot of Angel Beats. Probably a bad thing.


So finishing up Anohana and yeah, pretty damn sad. Thanks Crunchyroll for pushing me into watching this by not renewing your license.

Last ep was pretty good and I'm glad that it was a short series because I don't think I could have handled too much more melancholy from everyone much longer before the payoff in the end.

Guess I have to watch the movie to see if the romantic relationships end up happening or not.


So you may not have heard it yet, but Splatoon is great guys. Go play it. Fun single and multiplayer. Awesome shooter all around, and they did it with squids.

Ika Musume 5

And now she's an alien. Bloody Americans. Always warping the world around how they see fit. Ika doesn't have a very strong conviction. To school. I don't think she understands what education really is. Though she has a surprisingly strong knowledge of what the military bases are like. Principal just kind of rolled with it. And now no speaking as Eiko adopts chibi pet Ika. Cute, and they get along better when they can't speak to each other. Then it suddenly gets sad. Eiko needs to stop dreaming.


PriPara 47

Comparing anime to things that aren't anime is always a good first step to keeping the fandom's horizons broadened, and since this episode doesn't involve much in the way of Meganee's behind the scenes machinations of idol politics, I must look elsewhere. And that is to Golan the Insatiable, which just premiered on Fox tonight. Mikan is an ingenue and a liability with anything involving food, but Aroma... she's really got a bit in common with Dylan, but the way they act out is indicative of the kinds of cultures they live in and the types of shows I'm talking about.

Why do people turn to darkness and demons? Hatoko asked this question in a long rant, but the answer is often one that Jurai could answer himself. "Because it's cool." Because it's rebellious. Aroma's Christian mythological take on a demon wouldn't been as as evil and troublesome as it is in America - this is a place where the West siblings can assume the form of oni and still be seen as just trying to be friends with her instead of being "corrupted" or something. She has a lot of fans, but as Mirei discovered, someone who could write that many books of their own personal diary, enough to make Encyclopedia Britannica say "turn it down a notch:, she's someone who's scared. Insecure. Her bravado is real, but so is the pain that it's masking. That she was the one who
broke up (temporarily?) with Mikan and destroyed Aromageddon at the end
shows what happens when that lack of attention and pain becomes too much to bear.

I don't embellish things (much) with this show. It's all there, one just has to be willing to look for it. Which is why I'm also glad that Makoto Moriwaki knows how to bend the rules of reality in what a kids' show allows for comedic effect. Things like Sophie's jellyfish outfit or her roasting a potato over Mirei's rage-fire are great little moments that let the show always have some levity, though the bright color palette helps too. Sophie's quickly becoming the best character for background gags, I've noticed.

Aromageddon's story may be typical for anime and this genre in general, but the way it's being played out amuses me. They're in focus more than Yurika and given a deeper understanding of their psyche (mostly Aroma's psyche) than Ranko - season 2 pending. Though Solami Dressing's ranking got reset at the start of the season, how amusing it is to think that in order to become a god, they would have had to make a deal with the devil. The show looks to be leaning in the direction of Solami Smile hooking up with Aromageddon. Their little blinky things say so. What wish would Aroma want granted?

I think it's to have friends. But by that point, she'll already have them.


Yamada-kun 08
Another witcher fallen for him.

Pink sniper is badass.

Based Makina <3

So finishing up Anohana and yeah, pretty damn sad. Thanks Crunchyroll for pushing me into watching this by not renewing your license.

Last ep was pretty good and I'm glad that it was a short series because I don't think I could have handled too much more melancholy from everyone much longer before the payoff in the end.

Guess I have to watch the movie to see if the romantic relationships end up happening or not.

You should really pick up the NISA Anohana boxset. Comes with a nice little artbook and art box.


So you may not have heard it yet, but Splatoon is great guys. Go play it. Fun single and multiplayer. Awesome shooter all around, and they did it with squids.

Ika Musume 5

And now she's an alien. Bloody Americans. Always warping the world around how they see fit. Ika doesn't have a very strong conviction. To school. I don't think she understands what education really is. Though she has a surprisingly strong knowledge of what the military bases are like. Principal just kind of rolled with it. And now no speaking as Eiko adopts chibi pet Ika. Cute, and they get along better when they can't speak to each other. Then it suddenly gets sad. Eiko needs to stop dreaming.

This ep of Ika Musume sure got me with its surprise turn into sad land.
High School DxD BorN - 09

The big finale of the Diodora arc's here! My thoughts: [MAJOR SPOILERS]
Juggernaut Drive
going berserk over Asia's disappearance.
Ophis is here! The most adorable dragon god has arrived!
+Addressing Issei's
trauma with Raynare.
It's one of the few harem series that actually gives a good reason why the MC won't get into relationships.
fanservice. Don't get me wrong, I love, LOVE
as a character, but I absolutely hate his/her/its pedoriffic outfit.
The Dragon God's
heretical sexualization makes me want to shake the artist until his eyes switch sockets.
-This episode deserved much more budget. There were too many off-model moments and total stills with nothing going on.
-The way they stopped Issei's rampage was lame, especially compared to the epic moment in the novels(The Oppai Dragon Theme Song).
-The resurgence of fanservice in serious scenes, not unlike the first 2 seasons. The earlier episodes had almost none of this. Clothing battle damage is the most horribly contrived way of showing fanservice.
-Choppy pacing. For such a pivotal episode, they should have taken the OP and ED out to give more time for stuff to happen. A far cry from the Loki fight earlier this season.

Overall, it was a step down from the novels, despite it originally being a weak arc overall(except for Juggernaut Drive and such). The earlier episodes had me hoping that they would nail an alternate adaptation of the source material, but the ommission of the Gremory-Sitri Rating Game and the Oppai Dragon Theme Song ultimately hurt it. Here's hoping the final story arc can make up for it.
Do you wonder why i haven't written my thoughts about this episode ?
because we don't have the dragon theme song.
That's like the BEST PART ... the part they shouldn't have changed under any circustances, a pivotal moment for later ... and they rewrote it.

Words cannot describe my disapointment.
And yeah Ophis need to finish that moment/arc and get some clothes ..she is much better with some clothes. Too bad it's not going to happen this season.

The Fruit of Grisaia S2 ep.7
Damn, that is an awesome rifle she got there. It's a super power full pink rifle as well. I guess it all starts to go down next week. The final four episodes are going to be crazy for sure. I have to say that this series is crazy in the way th focus and tone has changed so many times over the two seasons. With only a few episodes left it really leaves you no idea on whether
Yuuji dies or gets saved by the girls, whether the girls save him or all die trying, or JB finally wakes up now that she knows something is up and comes to save the day.
I really have no idea how it is going to play out, which is an awesome feeling and 1 reason I can't wait to watch it each week.

How prophetic is this sequence in retrospect
That stuff was planned:
You get the full sniper training in the game AND her personal route has her become the 3rd generation. Asako is 1st gen , yuuji is 2nd gen.
So yeah , she has more than what it takes for the job. Thankfully more people will remember those scenes in the 1st season because they kept the minimum fore what is going to happen next


While I have the chance, I hope there's some interest in Sore ga Seiyuu! when it starts this summer. It's like an entire show about Zuka, though less sad. Still, I think it'll be nearly as accurate since the original doujin series was written by Masumi Asano (Cure Mermaid, Risa Asakaze) - someone who's been in the VA industry for years and probably knows what she's talking about. And if it looks like a spinoff of Hayate, it's because Kenjiro Hata did draw it.

I think it has potential.


Something about the angle and composition of that shot reminds me a lot of Angel Beats. Probably a bad thing.

At least she is taking proper stance and postion unlike Angel Beat's wtf how is she holding that anti-tank rifle which could break her wrist like that.
Arslan Senki 9

I really loved the action scenes in this episode, it was really enjoyable. But man screw that shitty Priest, like who the fuck would burn precious information filled with culture just because you dislike a nation. I mean there could be significant information about medicine or etc that could be helpful to the your nation. Seriously I hope that terrible priest gets what's coming for him.

Anyways I really don't blame the king for wanting to marry Arslan's mom. I mean she's really jaw dropping beautiful.


Little Busters ep. 19-23
I had to watch "1 more" 3 times, damn this show, it so good. Kud's arc here was excellent, I mean damn, all those feels from all the circumstances going on. Only a few episodes left, but this has been a great series so far, I hate when I stop watching it.



Tetsujin 28-go (2004) - 12
Tetsujin managed to show me how terrible war is in one episode, as opposed to your shows taking fifty to do it.

And it did it without dramatic speeches from princesses, singing, explosions, or even any robot action. In a mecha anime.

I'm gonna say this again.

This one solitary episode did a better job at showing me how brutal and terrible war is than any episode in your series ever did.

Could've watched VOTOMS and learned this in the first few minutes of episode 1.
Arslan Senki 9

I really loved the action scenes in this episode, it was really enjoyable. But man screw that shitty Priest, like who the fuck would burn precious information filled with culture just because you dislike a nation. I mean there could be significant information about medicine or etc that could be helpful to the your nation. Seriously I hope that terrible priest gets what's coming for him.

Anyways I really don't blame the king for wanting to marry Arslan's mom. I mean she's really jaw dropping beautiful.

She's definitely a MILF.


Tetsujin 28-go (2004) - 12

Code Geass, Macross, and every Gundam show ever not called G or Build Fighters, listen up.

Tetsujin managed to show me how terrible war is in one episode, as opposed to your shows taking fifty to do it.

And it did it without dramatic speeches from princesses, singing, explosions, or even any robot action. In a mecha anime.

I'm gonna say this again.

This one solitary episode did a better job at showing me how brutal and terrible war is than any episode in your series ever did.

That is because the main theme of Tetsujin 28 is in fact all about portraying an anti-war message (as commentary on Japan's previous war). It's very good at this.

But such an objective doesn't really have any priority in the other shows mentioned. Which isn't a bad thing .They have different goals and methods.

Or at least I'm sure hoping you did not want to imply that Macross shouldn't have singing or something to that effect.

Could've watched VOTOMS and learned this in the first few minutes of episode 1.

Votoms is great and that brief sequence does effectively show how the battlefield can be horrible, but I do not think that provides anywhere near the same amount of depth or commentary. Nor did it particularly need to do so. I still think Sunrise's one true anti-war work was War in the Pocket, which is the only Gundam where that message is intended to have the highest priority (as opposed to a distant secondary or tertiary concern at best).


Princess Nine 25

Show is reminding me it might be worth exploring more sports anime in the future.
Someone finally listening to my recommendations.
And it took bulying zach into watching it and him recommending it before any of you actually watched it. Hidoiiiii

Princess Nine 26 FIN

Great ending to a great show. I can almost understand why I used to read complaints about the ending. Almost. Show was often more of a character piece where the games were supplemental to interaction than the focus and I think that was lost on some folk.
My problem wasn't so much that the focus shouldn't be on the characters. The ending feels like it's setup to a season 2 that never is coming. You mention Ping Pong, that is a good comparison. In a character piece like this having proper closure for the characters is very important to reaching a satisfying conclusion, that is why Ping pong doesn't end with the final match but gives us an insight of what happens next while it's not important to the story itself. If I were to flaw the show for something it would be that, it just wasn't satisfying.


Animator Expo 22-24


Too many trailers, not enough shorts. Ibuseki might have actually been an interesting show despite the right wing politics shit. I don't know if the preview for the next episode of Rapid Rouge was trolling or a stealth announcement for a TV series.
Animator Expo 22-24


Too many trailers, not enough shorts. Ibuseki might have actually been an interesting show despite the right wing politics shit. I don't know if the preview for the next episode of Rapid Rouge was trolling or a stealth announcement for a TV series.

They might be pitches who knows, lol. And I agree, not enough things trying to tell a story in a short timeline like the earlier ones.

Symphogear G 10

The ending of this episode lmao what is this show, there's no way that anyone could possibly believe Chris would betray everyone this late in the game
Gunbuster 06

Okay, this was great. Amano has taken up Coach's mantle and deliver mankind's final hope. When she greeted Noriko for the first time it appeared that Noriko did not recognize her. The use of time dilation and it's impact on interpersonal relationships was magnificent and the best use I've seen of it.

The scale of buster machine #3 was massive, I don't know how it would even be possible for humans to engineer such a monstrosity. I love some good sci-fi designs and what was on display here was great.

One thing I think many would take issue with was the fact that the episode was almost entirely animated in black and white. Not only that but the final battle consisted of still frames that look like they may have come out of a manga. The dialogue was written taking this animation decision into account such as characters describing an object by its colour. I believe this adds to the charm and helps set the bleak tone of the final episode.

Overall, a great episode and a fitting conclusion for Gunbuster.
Gunbuster 06

Okay, this was great. Amano has taken up Coach's mantle and deliver mankind's final hope. When she greeted Noriko for the first time it appeared that Noriko did not recognize her. The use of time dilation and it's impact on interpersonal relationships was magnificent and the best use I've seen of it.

The scale of buster machine #3 was massive, I don't know how it would even be possible for humans to engineer such a monstrosity. I love some good sci-fi designs and what was on display here was great.

One thing I think many would take issue with was the fact that the episode was almost entirely animated in black and white. Not only that but the final battle consisted of still frames that look like they may have come out of a manga. The dialogue was written taking this animation decision into account such as characters describing an object by its colour. I believe this adds to the charm and helps set the bleak tone of the final episode.

Overall, a great episode and a fitting conclusion for Gunbuster.

One of the best endings in an anime imo.

Now watch Diebuster, decide for yourself if you like it. It is very different in tone though


Why was Gunbuster Episode #6 animated in black & white? I assume they discussed their reasoning at some point.

IIRC, they ran out of time/budget to complete finishing on all the animation frames, so they decided to go for the "artistic" route for the entire episode to be consistent.


At least she is taking proper stance and postion unlike Angel Beat's wtf how is she holding that anti-tank rifle which could break her wrist like that.

She needs to watch how Sinon holds a .50 cal.

I played a few rounds with you and Kirby. Just need more practice.

Well it was my first time playing the game lol.

Splatoon is so goooood.

Man I need to catch up on anime.

Anime of the year


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 109:

Said it before but I will say it again, it is episodes like this that really elevated the season of Super to the highest heights it is known for far and wide. Oh sure, previous seasons certainly have done well with melancholy inevitability but it never been as layered or as complex up to this point. Hakura and Michiru are a really good case study in actually how to do characters with a edge to them but without going into the territory of the absurd. Something that modern anime tends to struggle with immensely. Kill la Kill, Akame Ga Kill and especially Sword Art Online all come to mind in this regard where they have blood and goofy dialog but they lack the emotional content and depth of character to actually pull off the goals they set to accomplish. The first half of this episode is reiterating the themes surrounding the dynamic duo the passion of not only their love but their desire to give up everything and everybody for the sake of the word, the purity of the mission of the heart is apparent and why they desire for another path they believe to be bound by fate to do terrible things for the cause. They are flawed individuals though in spite of how perfect they are casted a good 90 percent of the time since their single mindedness and difference in philosophy cause them to be antagonistic towards the Inners and push them away at the best of times. Such is the case in this episode where strip Sailor Moon of her powers so she will not interfere and I swear one day there is going to be a continuity where the Inners and Outers engage in a full on civil war. At any rate the trap is sprung and the truth is learned and also in spite of trying to repress any and all feelings for the sake of the mission it turns out that Hakura and Michiru are actually human and their innate protective feelings get the better of Michiru and the first talisman is revealed and that leaves Hakura to apologizes a bit to Sailor Moon before showing she was true to her word and sacrifices herself for her mission. Leaving us on a cliffhanger with a transposed Sailor Pluto in civilian guise showing up at god damned last. Right, one of the best episodes of the series and highest recommendation to watch.


Subete no aware
IIRC, they ran out of time/budget to complete finishing on all the animation frames, so they decided to go for the "artistic" route for the entire episode to be consistent.
Like Evangelion 26, budget constraints elevate the episode!

Aim for the Mosaic 9



With Aim for the Ace being referenced from time to time, it makes me wish someone would do a remake. I mean, they already did a remake in the 80s, but why not do another one? (I just want to be able to watch the S2 story in some form, really).
Koi Kaze - 9

Man this is such a roller coaster.
Koshiro actually managed to get his act together but that ended up furthering Nanokas infatuation and she actually confessed loving him...while also lying in his bad. Thankfully Koshiro was a better person this time around and denied her approaches but man if terrible mistakes weren't close to to be made. It would've been best if Koshiro actually didn't call her as a weirdo and instead talked her through this calmly. That said, for who he's been so far, he hold himself well together this time around.

edit: Mistakenly titled this as ep10 when it was ep9.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 110:

Right, so leaving where the last episode left off, Hakura and Michiru made the ultimate sacrifice for ultimate destiny on as it turns out they pulled a Princess Bride and are only mostly dead for the moment. The Outers quickly go into mourning mode and lose the eye on the prize which leaves Eudial to grab the talisman weapons and make a run for it. After some chasing and some hijinks we have Sailor Moon and Eudial fight in battle that is actually kind of dynamic and interesting since it isn't bound by the usual rules of combat. Also, you know a power up is on the way when the finishing move de jour is actually blocked such is the case here. All seems hopeless until Setsuna appears in full Sailor Pluto regalia and does more in this one episode then she did in the entire R season. I need to rant more about how this show wasted Sailor Pluto all points one day. Anyway, though her deus ex machina talisman powers she revives the fallen and they get their power up for the season the Talisman Weapons and the Holy Grail appears and we get the first instance of of Super Sailor Moon who defeat Eudial but does not kill her outright. In fact, she gets killed by the next point girl Memete in quite frankly a rather cold blooded fashion for something like Sailor Moon actually. Anyway, you would think that all well that ends well but through contrivance Sailor Moon gets tried and everyone decides to instantly declare her not to be the Messiah because the season must continue to the next phase. Overall, not as good as part one but still a damn fine effort and highest recommendation to watch.


It's been ranking in the top 100 on Amazon consistently and is predicted to sell 10K or even more. All its BD Vols have been ranking really high on Animate as well, it's also reaIly popular on Pixiv. I mean even the manga is getting a boost. Chances for a season 2 are really high.

It's been too long since Trigun so it's great this series is getting recognition because the characters and setting are absolutely wonderful.

This has made my day!

I loved both Trigun and Gungrave, two of my favourite animes ever (Along with Monster) so I'm really glad this ones getting a big fanbase. I always wanted more of Trigun's mood and with the crazy characters so I'm loving that this is getting a strong following, i'd love it to be made it another season or two.

Need to see more of Zapp's assassination attempts on Klaus.


Koi Kaze - 9

Man this is such a roller coaster.
Koshiro actually managed to get his act together but that ended up furthering Nanokas infatuation and she actually confessed loving him...while also lying in his bad. Thankfully Koshiro was a better person this time around and denied her approaches but man if terrible mistakes weren't close to to be made. It would've been best if Koshiro actually didn't call her as a weirdo and instead talked her through this calmly. That said, for who he's been so far, he hold himself well together this time around.

edit: Mistakenly titled this as ep10 when it was ep9.

I liked this. Given the subject matter and anime, I found it surprisingly well handled. or maybe I just expected a much worse car wreck.


IIRC, they ran out of time/budget to complete finishing on all the animation frames, so they decided to go for the "artistic" route for the entire episode to be consistent.

I remember someone was arguing that it was all intentional, in that it wasn't so much due to budget but more 'artistry'.

I don't buy it.
Koi Kaze - 11

Another great episode with another incredible powerful sequence.

Damn if she ain't right, though Koshiro knows that perfectly well himself. Of course this co-worker of his was perceptive enough to see how strange the siblings' relationship was and so she kept prodding him after this especially weird encounter. It's also very apparent she's a quite good person that cares for him and there's plenty obvious hints that she is interested, or was anyways, in starting a relationship with him. So it hurts especially much when she verbally destroys Koshiro. If she knew all the details she'd probably empathize more with him but since he was so secretive about the issue, which you cannot really blame him for either, and is flustered enough anyways, how could he possibly convey all that considering the topic.

Anyways, nice dynamics at play here and this kind of drama really does require well written characters.
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