SNAFFU finally hit the worst part of most 12-13 episode anime series. The idea that only in the last few episode does Yukinon show any sort of feelings for Hiki other than borderline friendship is absurd. Isshiki clearly has strong feelings for him and they have been relevant since her introduction. Yuigahama has practically confessed to him and he for the most part reciprocated her feelings. Yukinon has never made any advances towards him except for one time saying she was looking forward to the next school year. She has been the only main female character in the show that didn't want an intimate relationship with Hiki the
whole show, but now it's crunch time nad just like every anime, every girl needs to want to fuck the main character. No one is allowed to be just friends. I have not read the source material, but as far as the anime being standalone, I'm really upset that they fell for this trap instead of leaving them as friends. Maybe in the LNs they have some chapters that flesh out her feelings for him, but they are not present in the anime.
They really could have had the last few episodes devoted to the clear forward momentum Yui and Hiki have in their relationship. He was so distant the whole show but now he is finally making
moves towards their future. Having Yukinon get hot and bothered completely out of no where after showing little to no feelings for him otherwise is really frustrated, because it's obviously going to turn into a "no one wins because it's a love triangle" ending when it easily could have been Tora Dora style where Yuigahama and Hiki get together and everyone else stays friends. With these last two episodes I don't really see that happening now because this show has an awful, awful tendency to feed false drama into the ends of its episodes.
I've really enjoyed the show, but the latest episode has really soured me on it.
Also, I already have my fork ready so here's hoping that I am wrong and this all leads to her just being weird around him or something and HikkixYuigahama lives on.