I've been left with a really big void inside. Damn, I hadn't felt like this in a looong time. That feeling of having watched something really good and have a craving for more until the story feels complete. Damn it, SNAFU is my call for anime of the season, if not of the year (in case something else comes in the next 6 months that can equal or surpass it). Gotta say, if they are teasing for a season 3 or OVAs or anything, and then end up not doing it after two years maximum, I'm gonna fly myself to Japan and start a freaking riot.
Now what am I suppoused to watch? Damn it SNAFU. I guess I'll just start watching Game of Thrones or Daredevil or Hannibal, as some friends have suggested, or maybe Euphonium as it seems many here like it.