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Spring Anime 2015 |OT2| Euriphonium

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Meanwhile, in Fuyuki City:



Well at least there was Shinji so it had some bit of happiness to it, otherwise, didnt care for much of the episode. Aimer could have done the music or something.

Is there no more Fate content to be animated?

Hollow/ataraxia exists, but it barely has a coherent plot structure. Its mostly weird slice of life shit with a bizarre setting and timey-wimey hijinks.
I'm now running to work because I just couldn't wait until tonight to watch it. I may be late but it was well worth it. Everyone has done a good job writing their impressions so I wouldn't be adding anything new to the table. Amazing series, although the ending ended on a cliffhanger. I prefer it that way because it leaves their options open without butchering the original intent with an original ending. We want something genuine right?? I'll wait as long as it takes, waited for 2 years before so I can do it again. OVAs, a movie, or another season, whatever it is I know we will get a resolution to their story. This last episode wasn't your usual "and they were happy ever after", no there are still issues to be solved and the characters reassured us of that at the end.

This isn't goodbye, it's just a see you later.

See you SNAFU cowboy

Nanoha Vivid - 11

it's for this kind of tournament that i also like the vivid saga .. in this episode , there was exactly what i wanted :
-nothing else.

It also clearly showed why the characters in vivid are much better than those in force. you actually kinda care about this one , who wants to , try to , in the name of friendship , in the name of her hard work ..and it shows.
Einhart , as good as you are , you really need to step - up !

So far they are nailing the magical tournament perfectly ..can't wait to see more.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I guess its a rule of every piece of Japanese fiction that Sakura gets NTR'd.
I went ahead and watched the FSN epilogue. See if the series had been about grown Shirou and Rin going around the world having adventures and being a great couple, I would like FSN more.


Is there no more Fate content to be animated?

The Heaven Feel film is coming (sometime in the future) and there is a ton of spin off stories, but obviously whether they get animated or not is something that won't happen soon.

I can appreciate the animation upgrade in this, and it does have more time to expand on its thesis compared to the UBW movie. Gave me some food for thought, and I found it overall pretty enjoyable. But the true conclusion is yet to come.

I think the animation and art quality throughout the show were the main draws in this case, yeah. The UBW had its moments where I thought it was better, but overall the TV show was more enjoyable as an entertaining experience.

From the way they expanded on the epilogue and what Nasu said on his dairy, this was in a sense a true conclusion, at least insofar in making UBW it's own story not attached to the other routes. Heaven Feel seems more like its own story now more than anything. I'll be interested in seeing how they handled it (and hopeful that they don't stick too closely to the source material, since I thought the best moments in the show was when they expanded on what was already there).
So is UBW worth watching? I saw the first 3 from the first season but stopped until it was done. Getting a lot of mixed opinions, especially here in GAF.


Ahh finally I can relate to this anime... wait a minute. Is that a Stagecoach bus?! It fucking is! Well played Ufotable...
I also enjoyed when they went to Glastonbury to watch Kanye West.


I think the animation and art quality throughout the show were the main draws in this case, yeah.
I know there's a lot of people in GAF who watch things for that reason, and I certainly understand the importance of cinematography, but it's one of a few things in the fandom that I've always felt somewhat alienated from. It's not that I don't want to understand these things, it's that it's never super factored into how I personally view them. Just a different set of biases. (And not some "Type A"/"Type B" nonsense.)

This was a better end than what the visual novel did. Though the show could put a more definitive end because it's not saddled with being a middle route that leads into HF.
Plastic Memories Episode 13 – I Hope One Day You'll be Reunited

Amusement park was so good, I assume the operator had a giftia too perhaps to allow that to happen. Ah and the sunrise scene at the start as well.

Good anime even if kind of predictable.


Plastic Memories episode 13

So, Isla really is gone. No miracles, no anything. Sigh. So this episode was just torturing the viewers for the whole episode until the end. I wonder who Tsukasa greets at the end?I'd like to think it's Isla.


Fate/Stay Night UBW - END
Well that was a completely pointless episode. Yawn.

The scene where they visit Sabre's grave was nice though, I guess.

I think this show would have benefited from (a) better source material and more importantly (b) cutting at least 6 episodes from the runtime, possibly more.

At least I got Brave Shine out of it.


This episode proves that Shirou and Rin are the true OTP for the FSN series in general. I would love an OVA or something that could further develop their globe trotting adventure to try and fulfill Shirou's ideals. It's great to see how different adult Shirou is and just how great of a boyfriend he is with Rin. It's a shame they didn't kiss at all in the series which is probably my biggest complaint. It was great seeing other Fate characters like Luvia and her power bombing Rin was amazing. I loved Shirou and Waver's exchange seeing as how their story is similar of growing up into men during the Holy Grail War. Seeing Shirou by himself at the end becoming his ideal but alone is sad in a way as it implies that Shirou left Rin in order to fulfill his dreams while Rin stayed in the Clocktower. Overall it was a solid ending to an overall great adaptation of UBW. It's not a great show by itself but for fans of Fate it finally delivers justice after the awful UBW movie. I'm still hyped over Luvia's power bomb. Holy shit!


Plastic Memories 13

I liked this one. Sci-fi isn't just space battles or hard science - social sciences are science too, and in a world of planned obsolescence, applying that concept to humans was a pretty interesting idea. Looking at it now, the episodes on the job were mostly to establish what would happen to Isla later on, and the show did follow through on its promise... and hit all the needed emotional beats in the process. Amazing how three different shows today can have episodes taking place at a theme park, all being used to convey extremely different messages. Saying goodbye to someone. Trying to delay things. Or having fun with friends, even if they're ghosts. When taken individually, each of these shows is fun to analyze on their own, but when placed side by side, it paints a bigger, more interesting picture of the anime scene today. Not something that's easily rewatchable, but I enjoyed it.
Nanoha vivid - 12

Damn what a tease for the next season..
So they cut the tournament arc in 2 !! DAMn i want to punch something ..there are still plenty of fights left to be animated.
Damn that kid went " mangekyo sharigan " on that nobody ... rofl , that was glorious...Hopefully they will show that fight next season.

Where my next season dammit ???


UBW Epilogue

I like the extra bits that they added to the ending, especially the two cameos.

All and all, UBW in total was a good adaption of the VN in my opinion. However, it has made me realize that the source isn't as great as I remember it being when I read it as a teenager. Oh well, Archer is still awesome and the series had some great animation and fights (especially the last one). I even stopped noticing the rhino noses by the second season. Despite the pacing issues, and Rin turning the tsundere moe crap up to 200 (was she always like that in the VN? I don't remember.), I would tell fans of Fate/Zero to at least give it a try. Bring on Heaven's Feel.

8.5/10 (No kiss whatsoever is stupid though)

Plastic Memories 13

Yay, I didn't cry! I appreciate them
not showing who his new partner was. We all know it's Isla, but not actually telling the audience is a nice touch.

At the end of the day, the show was a fun romance slice of life with some flimsy as hell sci-fi holding it all together. MC was likable, the cast was fun (including the Asuka clone to some extent), and Isla was cute. Good enough for me, barring the awful sci-fi aspects of the series. You can't back up memories of a Giftia, really? Also the security of Giftia is pretty relaxed considering they become killing machines if they go past their expiration date. How did that get past QA? Whatever, Isla is cute so I remotely forgive it.

Anyone still confused about SNAFU 13 ending, take a look at this thread:


Theres also a 4chan image link in the comments that further explain things. After reading this and rewatching the episode, I'm cool with it now. Respect for Yui went up by a lot.

Oh good, something to torture people with.

No, this is the torture device you should use: http://www.myinstants.com/instant/sore-aru/
I got to at least episode 8 of two series before I stopped watching them and completely forgot about their existence only to be reminded by this thread. TY BGBW.
This episode proves that Shirou and Rin are the true OTP for the FSN series in general. I would love an OVA or something that could further develop their globe trotting adventure to try and fulfill Shirou's ideals. It's great to see how different adult Shirou is and just how great of a boyfriend he is with Rin. It's a shame they didn't kiss at all in the series which is probably my biggest complaint. It was great seeing other Fate characters like Luvia and her power bombing Rin was amazing. I loved Shirou and Waver's exchange seeing as how their story is similar of growing up into men during the Holy Grail War. Seeing Shirou by himself at the end becoming his ideal but alone is sad in a way as it implies that Shirou left Rin in order to fulfill his dreams while Rin stayed in the Clocktower. Overall it was a solid ending to an overall great adaptation of UBW. It's not a great show by itself but for fans of Fate it finally delivers justice after the awful UBW movie. I'm still hyped over Luvia's power bomb. Holy shit!

isn't the figure at the end in the desert implied to be Rin looking for Shirou? The black haired one?
UBW 25

This ending didn't really give me any sense of satisfaction, it felt like it's meant to tie into the final path of a VN... and behold that's exactly what it is. The fact Sakura vanished for 90% of the show was just bizarre I honestly didn't think we'd see her again, I get that Heaven's Feel is "her route" but still I don't understand why she was so completely cut from UBW. As a sequel series to F/Z it falls flat as it assumes some base knowledge of the VN source material to get full enjoyment out of. I'm interested in seeing the upcoming Heaven's Feel movie but more then that I really want to play the game to see if my feelings of unsatisfactory ending are resolved when the UBW path is one of 3.

I still feel like Ufotable should have just called an audible and done an amalgam route combining elements of all 3 paths into once "sequel to F/Z" anime. I have no idea how such a thing would/could work but as it stands this series does not work as a "sequel to F/Z"


So is UBW worth watching? I saw the first 3 from the first season but stopped until it was done. Getting a lot of mixed opinions, especially here in GAF.

Watch last 10 minutes of episodes 0,1. + eps 3, 15, 17, 24.

zzzzzzzz Shirou solo'd the strongest Heroic Spirit yet he gets treated like peasant in the school. At least they finally brought back best girl.

Curse you F/Z for making me want resolution to the whole Angra Mainyu and Sakura business. I will be back for HF, suffering yet again.

Question for VN readers. Is it safe to assume that the question of who put the summoning circle for Shirou in episode 1 will be answered in HF ? Or is it something I missed explanation for or they just completely glossed over.

Also, you got old and ugly Waiver.
UBW 25

This ending didn't really give me any sense of satisfaction, it felt like it's meant to tie into the final path of a VN... and behold that's exactly what it is.

Well it's not. It's actually the opposite, because the show can have its own more conclusive ending and not have to lead into the next route they can show an epilogue like this.

Question for VN readers. Is it safe to assume that the question of who put the summoning circle for Shirou in episode 1 will be answered in HF ? Or is it something I missed explanation for or they just completely glossed over.
The circle was put there in FZ. Iri does something in the shed, I can't remember the exact details.


So is UBW worth watching? I saw the first 3 from the first season but stopped until it was done. Getting a lot of mixed opinions, especially here in GAF.

It's a very mixed bag, is how I felt. It's visually very nice looking and has some very cool looking and impressive fights, but there are times where the visual direction seemed off and could've been tighter. The story and premise are interesting and the servants for the most part are really fun and cool interpretation on those legendary/historical figures. But at the same time, the plot drags in places (in part because the shows run time makes it something like a 30+ episode series) and some plot points are just not strong enough episode by episode. I also felt the masters were largely uninteresting or just unlikeable (especially when compared to Fate/Zero, the effective prequel to the show) and the singular focus on Shirou's story didn't help things. The central conflict as an idea is genuinely intriguing as a question of how realistic or attainable truly altruistic goals are, but the way it was presented was incredibly convoluted on Archer's end. The visual parallels were nice though.

I guess if you had a lot of time to kill (and I mean a lot, since this a longer show than most nowadays) and you have an interest in Fate, give it a watch. Though I'd recommend watching Fate/Zero instead.

I know there's a lot of people in GAF who watch things for that reason, and I certainly understand the importance of cinematography, but it's one of a few things in the fandom that I've always felt somewhat alienated from. It's not that I don't want to understand these things, it's that it's never super factored into how I personally view them. Just a different set of biases. (And not some "Type A"/"Type B" nonsense.)

Hm, I think I need to clarify. When I say the main draw, I don't mean it's the only one. Obviously there was more to the show, and I felt ufotable did a great job with what they had, but I think that the one aspect that stood out was the visual element for the most part. There's other stuff to like as well.

I do get what you mean though, and it's something I always try and be attentive to in my writing. Fixating on a single aspect on a show and ignoring everything else doesn't cover the full experience.

This was a better end than what the visual novel did.

Yeah, though it wasn't all that hard to do since the VN end was bare bones lol

Still glad for all of the cameos and references at the end. Seeing Rin actually in a wrestling match after hearing about it was fun, and seeing Archers past from Extra as well.
Well it's not. It's actually the opposite, because the show can have its own more conclusive ending and not have to lead into the next route they can show an epilogue like this.

The circle was put there in FZ. Iri does something in the shed, I can't remember the exact details.

The circle from the shed was used by Irisviel when she was trying to keep her body together in the second half of the story. She stayed inside it to replenish her mana until she was kidnapped in episode 20.


Well it's not. It's actually the opposite, because the show can have its own more conclusive ending and not have to lead into the next route they can show an epilogue like this.

The circle was put there in FZ. Iri does something in the shed, I can't remember the exact details.

I considered this earlier but thought that was used to heal her or let her last longer ? Given the care everybody seems to have put into summoning their servants I didn't think such a random thing would work. -_- I call hax.
isn't the figure at the end in the desert implied to be Rin looking for Shirou? The black haired one?

It's Shirou doing his thing, however it was said that Rin would follow him for a time before being tied to the Clocktower. With Rin though, Shirou has something Archer didn't; having someone to come back to.


Tragic victim of fan death

Literally nothing of important note happened.Characters never truly grew and developed over the course of the series. We still get the establishment that Shirou will still be a blind idiot running to his regret filled future. Rin is going to follow Shirou because she can't resist his dick. And then we find out that Archer still gets fucked in the end.

nothing happened. Fuck this show. Fuck you
I considered this earlier but thought that was used to heal her or let her last longer ? Given the care everybody seems to have put into summoning their servants I didn't think such a random thing would work. -_- I call hax.

Hax is a pretty good way to sum up how Saber is summoned.
If KyoAni doesn't want to make my Harry Potter anime, maybe Ufotable will. Like an anime about government agency mages chasing down death eaters and PEW PEW PEW magical fights, also you could have a side story about like the lead's kid in school.

To make it award winning, make the lead an alcoholic womanizing divorced detective with a strained relationship with his kid. HBO presents: An Ufotable production

Literally nothing of important note happened.Characters never truly grew and developed over the course of the series. We still get the establishment that Shirou will still be a blind idiot running to his regret filled future. Rin is going to follow Shirou because she can't resist his dick. And then we find out that Archer still gets fucked in the end.

nothing happened. Fuck this show. Fuck you

Meijin pls

I guess I half-agree but lol. It was an entertaining ride but I kept my expectations low enough to enjoy it.

Give me onii-sama but with adult leads, without the incest, and like onii-sama is a drunk because he's so powerful he has to drink his grief away.

Sounds like Darker than BLACK S2


Epilogue was alright. Seeing Luvia and Waver was cool

Plastic Memories 13
Was holding back the tears but the ferris wheel...and then that line..... /dead
Watch last 10 minutes of episodes 0,1. + eps 3, 15, 17, 24.


zzzzzzzz Shirou solo'd the strongest Heroic Spirit yet he gets treated like peasant in the school. At least they finally brought back best girl.

Curse you F/Z for making me want resolution to the whole Angra Mainyu and Sakura business. I will be back for HF, suffering yet again.

Question for VN readers. Is it safe to assume that the question of who put the summoning circle for Shirou in episode 1 will be answered in HF ? Or is it something I missed explanation for or they just completely glossed over.

Also, you got old and ugly Waiver.

It's sentences like this that make me wonder if you guys are even paying attention to the story.

First shirou did indeed save the day , but that was because of conditions ( several ones ) and with help.
Second , he did it because it was natural to him , not to get some change in his life.
Third , all humans ( normal humans ) were sent to the hospital by cater mana stealing scheme, they don't even know about what happenned
Fourth , if you're talking about clocktower , shirou is one guy out of many and incidents like this are not exceptionnal , quite the contrary...and he did get the attention of some people...to the point that he even got a way to join the mage association.

Saying to watch a show only for the fights is silly ..this franchise got popular because of the characters and the story first ..i really have to wonder if you guys even want to understand things before watching a show.

sorry , rant off
UtaPri S3 13 END

Where is Season 4, hurry please!!!
HEAVENS reappearing was so good, but Heavens Gate - Beginning of Legend was already done before, I want even more music especially a Nagi solo and a Hyuga Yamato solo, please

Maji Love Revolutions concert version was so exciting, I loved the crowd singing all the fun parts of the song too. I would have been like some of the people there incredibly hyped for them and screaming and everything.

The crowd reactions was the funniest parts, people fainting from Quartet Night, judges passing out and falling on the floor even or slumped over in their chairs like they were slain from the epic music they were experienced, such a visceral experience of quality. Need even more.

UtaPri reconfirmed for best idol and otome anime ever.


Tragic victim of fan death
Meijin pls

I guess I half-agree but lol. It was an entertaining ride but I kept my expectations low enough to enjoy it.

Sounds like Darker than BLACK S2

There are literally only 5 things I enjoyed about the show. These are not in any order

1.) Shirou vs Gilgamesh is unbelievably hype. Unbelievably hype.

2.) Archer vs. Lancer (Rho Aias)

3.) Background whoring like a boss from yours truly at ufotable

4.) Assassin's awesome Tsubame Gaeshi animated to perfection

5.) When Rin and Shirou are casual with each other

Everything else fucking sucks. How can I have a high of SNAFU and then a low of shitty UBW on the same day. Fuck anime.


Hax is a pretty good way to sum up how Saber is summoned.

Rewatching it and the position of the circle checks out. -_- The way they framed the first appearance of Saber mislead me is it seemed she just appeared in front of Shirou but rewatching that scene, it's clear she came from the part where the old circle was located. And here I spend 24 episodes thinking for sure it was Sakura who put it there for some reason. -_-

How could you forget the worst?

I still enjoy most of Part 5's character designs, they're ridiculous but fun.

You reminded me of the worst and most disturbing Stand design ever, thanks

Also the user is wearing some weird shit too, her shirt looks like human skin

I assume we get Asuka's story at some point in the novels because the show has been teasing the "mystery" behind her pretty hard.

Tragic villain backstory for Asuka? plz gib in OVA

Shokugeki No Soma 13

I do not like the casting choice for Alice, her voice is just off and I can't put my finger on why. At least the far superior partner Ryo has a great voice and a bad ass theme song that matches his character perfectly. Other then that another fantastic episode with a perfect cliff hanger stopping spot.

It fits for me. I don't know who the voice actor is but she reminds me of Megumi Han's character in Show by Rock, ending sentences with arisu~
I dunno what that means but I like it

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Watch last 10 minutes of episodes 0,1. + eps 3, 15, 17, 24.


zzzzzzzz Shirou solo'd the strongest Heroic Spirit yet he gets treated like peasant in the school. At least they finally brought back best girl.

Curse you F/Z for making me want resolution to the whole Angra Mainyu and Sakura business. I will be back for HF, suffering yet again.

Question for VN readers. Is it safe to assume that the question of who put the summoning circle for Shirou in episode 1 will be answered in HF ? Or is it something I missed explanation for or they just completely glossed over.

Also, you got old and ugly Waiver.

It wasn't explained, but his Reality Marble is absolutely forbidden by the Clock Tower. He would be treated as a lab experiment if they knew he had it.

I watched the first 4 episodes before I dropped it. Just checking in to see Rin. What I got from this episode was a fight scene where girls wrestle using shiny magic, a nod to Fate/Zero and beautiful backdrops of London. I forgot how ugly the foreground character art is. Thankfully the backgrounds are gorgeous. From what I can judge from this episode I missed nothing dropping this series.
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